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Re: Erotical Night 1.5


Use Google Translate.

(Hope I linked that right.) After following that link, browse it in broken English :p. To enter the site, find the line "Immigration to (in) / return to (out)." Click on Immigration to enter.

Unless you were just making a funny, which, in that case, carry on. :p

Unrelated: I found these pants off the lottery or something fairly early on. Does anyone know what they do?

Bigger pants: Rhea item.

When is equipped, the reaction of the enemy...
and The defense power is up when wearing it.

They have about half the defense of my unicorn horn, which makes me not wanna wear 'em, but it seems to have a special property, plus they sell for over 1000 coins, which is more than I even paid for my current pants. When I use them in battle, nothing special seems to happen, though.
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Re: Erotical Night 1.5

I think the big pants make the succubi run away sooner if they can't wear you down enough.
Re: Erotical Night 1.5

Ok now what? I'm browsing the page and there's like 50 links. 0_e
Re: Erotical Night 1.5

I think the big pants make the succubi run away sooner if they can't wear you down enough.

Ah, that makes sense. Thank you, good sir.

Ok now what? I'm browsing the page and there's like 50 links. 0_e

Honestly, I had trouble figuring it out myself, sorry :(. I haven't found another game like Erotical Nights yet, but I did find one short demo from clicking around. Don't click the links to the left - they seem to be ads to other sites or something. Stay in the center and click on the pictures.

I managed to get Final Ecstasy, Brain - Rangiku Shock (? the one with some char from Bleach) loaded and some other game I can't remember. Stay in the area with pics, descriptions, and a border as far as I know. Just a warning, I may be wrong but I think most everything is just a demo. Lemme know if I'm wrong on that. I dunno how to actually buy anything. Psh, like anyone pays for porn anyway.

Btw, what's with Google Translate's "cute" error messages? Is Chrome like this too? Just gimme the damn pr0n, you fools!
Re: Erotical Night 1.5

Hey guys, sorry for the relatively large bump but I've been experimenting with the .Sol Editor attempting to find out what controls certain clothing on the girls. I've been trying to find a way to remove everything but their underwear or just have them be barefoot whenever I fight them but so far .sol editor is kind of confusing and I haven't been finding any results when I edit the files. Anyone have any idea which variables control clothing (if there is one) or have a way to find it without editing every single data entry? It'd be very much appreciated! :D
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Re: Erotical Night 1.5

I want to know why the game wount save. I go to the save tower and when I play again I have to play at the beging again. WTF?
Re: Erotical Night 1.5

I want to know why the game wount save. I go to the save tower and when I play again I have to play at the beging again. WTF?

Sure about that? Is your inventory clean again, and the single battle screen empty as well? Also, if it really is so, try switching from the .exe to the .swf file or vice versa, see if that helps.
Re: Erotical Night 1.5

Sure about that? Is your inventory clean again, and the single battle screen empty as well? Also, if it really is so, try switching from the .exe to the .swf file or vice versa, see if that helps.

Yes the game does that to me, so how do I switch the files?
Re: Erotical Night 1.5

Yes the game does that to me, so how do I switch the files?

Well "switching" probably wasn't the best choice of words I could've gone for. I just meant "use ... instead of". Both files should be in the game folder.
Re: Erotical Night 1.5

The game kicks asses, finished it a week ago or so. Does anyone know a game similar to this?
Re: Erotical Night 1.5

Sweet! An English translated game. Downloading it now.

The strategy guide link in the OP is dead, can anyone repost it?

EDIT: The "English" translation is Engrish. ("we guys have sex with guys to defeat succubuses"; and so on... succubuses are referred to as "guys" repeatedly. Ton of other errors)
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Re: Erotical Night 1.5

EDIT: The "English" translation is Engrish. ("we guys have sex with guys to defeat succubuses"; and so on... succubuses are referred to as "guys" repeatedly. Ton of other errors)

This game has been out for over four years. I think most people interested in it would've already known this.
Re: Erotical Night 1.5

Sweet! An English translated game. Downloading it now.

The strategy guide link in the OP is dead, can anyone repost it?

EDIT: The "English" translation is Engrish. ("we guys have sex with guys to defeat succubuses"; and so on... succubuses are referred to as "guys" repeatedly. Ton of other errors)

I am sure if you surfed the net, you would find a walkthrough or a wikki or something that has the information you need. I know I have seen them around. Don't ask me where, but...

I just surfed and found:

I am sure there are others. I didn't read this one carefully, just glanced, so I dunno how effective it is, I just... found it.

As to the translation, if only I was a computer programmer. I would edit the language on the game and make it far more English than Engrish. But, hey....

Edit: I can't just leave things alone... :cool:... At the following sight is a downloadable walkthrough with pictures. The code to open the zip is ero_nights.

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Re: Erotical Night 1.5

I thought this was cool until I got tired of the exact same pattern for all the enemies. they could at least change it up a little.
Re: Erotical Night 1.5

What's the source of this game? (website of original game and translation).
Also, is it actually freeware?

From the original post it sounds like the original poster is just reposing this, and is not the one who did the translation.
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Re: Erotical Night 1.5

I thought this was cool until I got tired of the exact same pattern for all the enemies. they could at least change it up a little.

Then you didn't get very far. A lot of the later enemies have weaknesses that require you to change your strategy.
Re: Erotical Night 1.5

Then you didn't get very far. A lot of the later enemies have weaknesses that require you to change your strategy.

Slightly. But virtually, the enemy is the same. The truth is, aside from the strategy to beat it, there isn't a lot of difference between enemies. It makes the game get boring after a while playing it.
Re: Erotical Night 1.5

I remember just being able to buy like 100 health potions because they were dirt cheap and spamming them like every other turn until I won against everything.