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RPG [Ahriman] 風紀剣士アサギ/ Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (RJ149951)

Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

Which button hides the dialogue box? If the function is available.
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

that whip girl are cool :D
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

I just noticed that when you try to rescue the others in act 2 without changing clothes, something happens with the collar and you join them :D What happens?

On second thought, probably don't spoil it before translating. Man I love this game :D
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

that whip girl are cool :D

Incidentally, her name is Whip. A lot of folks here like her :)
In fact, she stole the show from Asagi :p

Yeah. With battles like that one, who needs the win/loss scene :D

(^ Still can't wait for new stuff though ;))

And yep, each girl has their own themes. For example, Whip is all about being whipped in the butt (as well as other butt and other SM-related themes) :eek: So her arts features a lot of spanking, in-battle and out. There is also a sprite sex of her being spanked on a wooden horse :eek:

I'm doing some parts in Act 3 since Sporadicus translated those defeat scenes already. I haven't finished the boss win or loss scenes yet for Act 2. Though that boss is stellar, a very ... enjoyable battle.

That`s my favorite boss fight :p
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Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ


There are extra scene variants? Oh my, I'll need to go over that again and check. Which brings me to my main point.

Some News:
Good News: I think I've finally hit my saturation point on MGSV.
Bad News: That was replaced by getting absorbed into the First law series by Joe Abercrombie. What a ride of a book.
Worse News: And we have a new massive set of experiments going on at work. Fucking hate mice.
Worster News: ...And I have two exams on the 21st and 25th that I should really starting studying for.

So yeah, don't expect much soon. Haven't even played the new Noxian Nights demo yet.
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ


There are extra scene variants? Oh my, I'll need to go over that again and check. Which brings me to my main point.

Some News:
Good News: I think I've finally hit my saturation point on MGSV.
Bad News: That was replaced by getting absorbed into the First law series by Joe Abercrombie. What a ride of a book.
Worse News: And we have a new massive set of experiments going on at work. Fucking hate mice.
Worster News: ...And I have two exams on the 21st and 25th that I should really starting studying for.

So yeah, don't expect much soon. Haven't even played the new Noxian Nights demo yet.

So Ahriman has seen our thread and our work on the translation. He's really excited and supports us, so yay! He showed it to me like it was a new thing and I was like "Yeah that's the project I was telling you about like a few weeks ago, and I'm actually helping work on it too. Remember the rgss2 file questions?" And he like had an "Oh!" moment when it all came together lol.

So as for Act two, are you talking about the stuff dealing with rescuing Whip? Here's the intro to the Sadist's boss fight again. I'll go ahead do the defeat scene today if you're not already past translating it.

I've got full dominion on the boss fight scenes, my favorite parts! Rest assured they'll be the highest quality I can muster, with assistance from multiple translation tools and help from Master Ahriman himself. (Basically, dibs again :D)

Also, in reference to your job TNT, Bill Nye voice: "Science RULES!"

Sadist boss fight intro dialogue
(including in battle opening dialogue)
*asterisks indicate the enclosed text was colored, most often than not, pink*

Asagi: これは・・・

Blade: まさか・・・ウィップがあの程度の輩に敗北してまんぐり陵辱されるなんて・・・っ
No way... I never thought Whip would be defeated by *pile-driver rape*!

Asagi: とにかく助けねば
Anyway, we have to help!

Sadist: ほう、子鼠どもがまだウロウロしておったか
Ha! You vermin still around?

Blade: ウィップをお放しなさい!
Let Whip go!

*Sadist: 放す・・・これは人聞きの悪い
Let her go... that wouldn't do any good.
She's already resigned to her role as a bitch, as you soon will.

Whip: ふぅん!・・・むむぅぅん!!

Ura: どっからどう見てもそうじゃねぇか!
No matter what you say, it is purely appearances!

Heheheh... it is unwise to be so superficial, so ignorant; take a good look: her skin, dyed pink with ecstasy... her light sighs of passion...

Asagi: 戯言を申すな・・・っ
Don't talk nonsense! Whip doesn't enjoy such a lewd appearance!

Sadist: それを浅いと言っておるのだ
(As I said, don't be superficial)<- (actual translation, but I think this alteration fits a bit better, due to Asagi's reaction)
You just don't get it

Asagi: ...?!

(She feels a sense of fulfillment having her limbs tied)
(and having her asshole gaped by a big cock)



She feels the satisfaction of being a woman; *she feels the pleasure of obediently surrendering to a man*, and is delighted to be bound and fucked in the ass by a big cock. She feels the joy of submission to a powerful man; deep down, she craved this.

Whip: ふぅぅん!!

*Blade: そんな・・・そんな・・・
No way... to think Whip would be defeated so thoroughly by *restrained anal piledriver training*, and that she would completely surrender like this!

Sadist: うはははっ!!
Uhahahaha!! Such an arrogant woman's weakness is her asshole!

Ura: ・・・ケッ
...Tch, she can't offer a rebuttal while her mouth is sealed!

Sadist: 愚か者が・・・
Fool... I'll let you see for yourself... the lewd cries of a bitch that has fallen as an *anal cum dump*! (meat toilet was used, but cum dump is basically the English equivalent)

Whip: あぁぁん!!
Cum inside me! Please fill Anal masochist Whip with Master's special sperm! Whip's insolent body has been dominated by the greatness of your cock! Oh damn-- I surrender to you... damn it-- I surrender... *I want to swear undying loyalty to you Master*...

Sadist: そうだ!
That's right! You bitch! Swear eternal loyalty as a cum hole!

Whip: ふぁい・・・ウィップは
Fuaah... Whip is your submissive property, and as your cock slave...

Asagi: ダメだウィップ殿!
Don't do it Whip! Don't let those words leave your mouth! Your master...(White) Mask is right in front of you!

Whip: ま・・すく・・・
Bl...a...de... Princess is safe... Hyi~a~ahn!

Sadist: 叫いておる!
Stay focused! You're in the middle of the sacred ritual to swear loyalty to me!

Asagi: ウィップ殿!
Lady Whip!

Whip: あひぃ・・・お尻・・・だめぇ・・・負けちゃう・・・おチンポに負けちゃうぅ・・・
*(She says dame~e which means "I'm (trying to look as if I am) too innocent to accept this kind of shameful situation!" I just put "so good" as a placeholder since there's no English equivalent I can think of)

Ahn...my ass...(so good!)... which is defeated...defeated by your cock... w...where... where is the Princess?

Asagi: む?マスク殿・・・?一体どこに!?
Huh? Where is Mask...? Where the hell--!?

Sadist: ほれぃほれぃ!はよ堕ちよ!とく堕ちよ!いま堕ちよ!! (He says fall but surrender reads better in english)
Come on, come on! Surrender! Give in;


Whip: ひぃん!あひぃ!!ひゃぅぅ!どくどく注がれてるのぉ・・・おチンポ汁様にマゾアナルが制圧されちゃうぅ・・・お、お、おぉぉっ・・・お嬢様ぁぁぁ!!
Ahhn! Ahyii!! Hya~u~u! I'm being filled up with so much... *My masochist asshole is conquered by your dick's love juice*!... Princess--Fuwa~a~a~a~ah!

Blade: ホッホッホ!!オーホッホッホ!!

Sadist: む?・・・何奴?
Huh?...Who's that?

Blade: ・・・天より気高き忠誠がある
...There is nothing more noble than the loyalty when one pledges their life, who risked their lives to enter heaven through good karma... There is no fate deeper than the night of destiny

Sadist: 外か・・・っ!

Blade: 命をかけた誓いであろうと

逃れられぬカルマ・・・清廉の忠誠を曇らせ、どれほど訓練を繰り返そうと逃れられぬカルマ・・・清廉 の忠誠を曇ら

To swear one's life... It is not easy to overcome the ordeal of pledging one's life, to enter heaven you must have a strong heart and those that resign themselves, those with weaker hearts, must repeat training. To cloud up one's integrity, by undermining a person's body and clouding their karma, what is the result of such repeated training... People... I call it *anal masochism*!

Sadist: 曲者が・・・名を・・・名を名乗れ!
Suspicious person... your name... state your name!

Blade: 即堕ちアナルを責めた程度で
Such arrogance, to think Whip's heart would surrender so quickly because of her ass! Even if you beg for forgiveness, just for the anal gaping, the divine blade of White Mask would not allow it!

Sadist: くくく・・・「マスク・オブ・ホワイト」イト」この儂の調教にケチを付けるとはのぅ・・・その放言は高くつくぞ!
Heheheh... White Mask, I'm going to subject you to strict sexual training... your boasting has cost you dearly!

Blade: こちらのセリフですわ・・・私のウィップへの狼藉はただのお仕置きでは済ませませんことよ
My speech isn't finished... You will suffer violent punishment for messing with my Whip

Whip: お嬢様・・・に、逃げ・・・て
P-princess... run away... Ahn

Sadist: 者共であえい!くくくっ・・・飛んで火にいるメス豚め・・・っもう一度捕まえて今度こそ儂自らメス豚調

Gentlemen, now!
Keheheh... You foolish woman... I will capture you again, and I'll make sure you undergo thorough *female pig training*, personally.

Blade: ふふっ・・・ヒロインに二度の敗北はなくってよ
Heheh... the heroine never loses twice

Sadist: その強がりがいつまで続くかな?貴様の買い手は既に決まっておるのだ!
How long will you continue to bluff? Your buyer has already been decided! I'll train you as a special order for a *fat middle aged pedophile*! (lolicon was used but pedophile has the same meaning)

(Begining of fight)

Sadist: 小娘どもが・・・思い知れ!
You little girls... are nothing!

(Makes the party masochists)

Asagi: くぅ・・・な、なんのつもりだ!
Ahn... W-what are you planning!

Sadist: 貴様ら生意気な雌豚の本性を暴いてやろうと言うのだいい声で喘(な)けよ・・・
I'll make you insolent female pigs obey by exposing your true nature...

Blade: く・・・こ、これはマゾ化の呪縛・・・痛みが快感に変えられる呪いですわ!この状態でダメージを受ける

Damn, this is the cursed spell of masochism... pain is changed to pleasure! We will be stunned by pleasure when attacked in this state!

Ura: へ、変な芸当使いやがって・・・
Tch, what a strange trick...

Blade: この私ですらマゾ豚にされて一度は敗北させられた技・・・っ油断なさらないでくださいまし!
This technique changed even me into a masochist pig once... Don't let your guard down!

Sadist: くっくっく・・・自力では抜け出せぬ「拘束調教地獄」を見せてくれよう!
Keheheh... I will show you bondage sexual training hell, you won't be able to get away on your own!

(Start fight)
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

Glad to hear Ahriman approves of the efforts. I've been meaning to mention this but I have absolutely no problem with it being used in an official manner. If it helps him get sales (what little there is to get on English DLSite), then I'm all for it.

I already have that section you reposted in the game. As well as parts of the victory and defeat scenes. Neither are complete and second (better) opinions on the stuff I did do would be greatly welcome.

Looking forward to the new translations.
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

Well that works great! If you wouldn't mind sharing the script of what you already have for the victory and defeat scenes, I'll just continue where you left off and do it in the same format as the other scene. I've got a new laptop so I'm pretty much starting from scratch.

If Ahriman were to use our collaborated translation, how would that play out? Would we all get some sort of payment, or just like a listing in the credits (or both). Honestly if he did use our translation and sold it commercially I wouldn't really care about any compensation for myself, not only because I have a small role, but because I just love the game and like working on stuff pertaining to it. Being listed in the credits would be great, just so I could be like "That's me!" :D

It's an interesting idea though. I asked Ahriman if he had uncensored versions of the artwork around a while back and while he said yes, he said he couldn't distribute it due to some sort of contract with either Dlsite or some other company. Perhaps that contract would prevent the commercial distribution of a fan translation even if Ahriman himself approves.

It'd be great for our work on the translation to reach an even wider audience (lol English dlsite has a pretty small customer base compared to regular dlsite but still) and maybe reach some folks who don't have the interest in using translators and whatnot themselves.

Of course we'd need to start with a consensus of everybody that's contributed to the translation before looking into further legalities and technical things. Either way is fine with me, I'm just enjoying working on the the project.

(BTW science is pretty prevalent in my cooking class, red cabbage boiling with an acid, bright red color, in an alkalai, blue. :D)
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

Attached is the transcript for the Defeat scene (Common Event 234), the troop text file (ctrl+f for troops/22), Map027 (text for the dojo room), and Map020 (text for the outside area of the studio). I'll also upload the most recent translation version to Mega which might be easier to view everything.

As for legality and credits, it will be a long time before this is done. In that time if anyone wants their name in a list of credits they can say as such or mention any other concerns. Personally I'm fine with being wrapped into an overall 'And others' category at the end of any list. I also want no compensation.

I don't see why him adding a translated version of the game to English DLsite would cause problems. He's essentially just be upgrading to 1.4E or whatever. Which theoretically should make more sales there which should make DLsite happy. Greedy bastards are taking roughly half of whatever he makes anyway.

Off the top of my head the main contributors have been Donny, Welken, Sporadicus, HarleyQuin, and myself. Anyone I've forgotten?


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Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

You guys seem to be making great progress. How far along is the translation?
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

You guys seem to be making great progress. How far along is the translation?
I actually came into the thread to post the same thing. They all seem to be charging forwards with translated chunks, but it's so decentralized I can't tell what % done the total translation is. :D
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

Hell I'd say I'm the one most qualified to say the total %, but I have no idea.
I don't quite have the gumption to try and do an analysis of total lines vs total translated lines to have an accurate metric of completion.

What I can say is that the 2nd act of 4 (I think) is almost done. In addition to all the stuff like the merchant dialogue which is used over all the acts. So maybe like halfway. Maybe ... kinda ... sorta ... ish?

It won't be complete for ... a while. I don't understand a lick of japanese and have to use machine translators for whatever I attempt to translate. Which takes a good deal of time to parse into a sensible statements usually. Time which is eaten into by silly things like grad school and this pursuit of Ph.D. and all manners of fancy papers. But this is my last year of classes EVER. So that's exciting. Well, I suppose time to go back to studying for this accursed exam in polymer structure. That or play MGSV. Which to choose....?
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

To add to the complication, the game encourages to revisit old areas for additional events, rescue girls, etc. And considering how comprehensive TNT is working it, it will take some time.

All good things come in due time, I say. And this game is worth replaying!

And oh look, I can give TNT more rep again :p
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

I just noticed that when you try to rescue the others in act 2 without changing clothes, something happens with the collar and you join them :D What happens?

Can you be more specific on what condition you did to find this? I just tried both rescue scenes with Asagi in the slave state and there was no difference. Also tried looking in RPGMaker and found nothing. Perhaps a screenshot of where it is you're getting this untranslated text.
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

Can you be more specific on what condition you did to find this? I just tried both rescue scenes with Asagi in the slave state and there was no difference. Also tried looking in RPGMaker and found nothing. Perhaps a screenshot of where it is you're getting this untranslated text.

After doing act 2 by following the walkthrough, I got to the point where I can go face the boss (Sadist). I got myself captured and after the rope walking scene i exit the cell. Then, I can get two different scenes by walking west from Boris, one if I change clothes first, one if I don't. If this information does not help I can provide a screen, though I believe this time I am being quite accurate. Is there another rescue scene in that chapter?
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

After doing act 2 by following the walkthrough, I got to the point where I can go face the boss (Sadist). I got myself captured and after the rope walking scene i exit the cell. Then, I can get two different scenes by walking west from Boris, one if I change clothes first, one if I don't. If this information does not help I can provide a screen, though I believe this time I am being quite accurate. Is there another rescue scene in that chapter?

Aha! Found it. I'll get working on that ... soon-ish?
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

Okey-dokey, glad to be of at least some help. I was beginning to worry I was causing a false alarm with some outdated version of the translation. :)
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

If you go to fight any boss without a full party, you would get an extra scene. If both party members are captured, then you are automatically captured. If you go with just one party member, you get a different scene. And as you already discovered, wearing clothes or not have an impact.
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

If you go to fight any boss without a full party, you would get an extra scene. If both party members are captured, then you are automatically captured. If you go with just one party member, you get a different scene. And as you already discovered, wearing clothes or not have an impact.

Wait, seriously? For like every boss? Man now I need to test this on the Lick-Lick Brothers...
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

I really need to get around and translate those extra scenes for the pre-sadist battle. Opened it briefly, translated one line, and just couldn't do anymore. Too tired. Then again I did have an exam today and a large experiment, that may explain it. Now just for the one Friday ... which I've barely even started studying for. Ugh.