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RPG RPG Maker Vore Loli Shota [Toro Toro Resistance] もんむす・くえすと! ぱらどっくすRPG中章 / Monster Girl Quest: Paradox (RJ201109)

Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

Updated Basic Class and Advanced Class.
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

So what hasn't been translated in Dargoth's recent patch?

I still see some untranslated battle text, but I guess those are not important. I'm just wondering if I have it all right.

Edit: Oh I guess I didn't read that there is a large chunk untranslated and we'll have to wait. Oh well. Wait it is.
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Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

If I'm reading Dargoth's blog correctly it's been nearly 5 months and only the demo material is translated? :(
Well, if I understand well it can be considered as an interface translation for now. The problem is the main game update rythm, and the fact that it's not that easy to follow updates with the translation because of the structure of RPG Maker games...
Now, 1.21 is out, but I don't doubt that the game will be updated a lot until being considered really final regarding content and stable.
That's why I'm waiting BTW, I consider the game the same as an Early Access in Steam, so I wait for a real completed one before playing it...
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Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

How much of the game is completeable atm? also what is max level for classes and races? I couldnt find that out anywhere.
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

Well, if I understand well it can be considered as an interface translation for now. The problem is the main game update rythm, and the fact that it's not that easy to follow updates with the translation because of the structure of RPG Maker games...
Now, 1.21 is out, but I don't doubt that the game will be updated a lot until being considered really final regarding content and stable.
That's why I'm waiting BTW, I consider the game the same as an Early Access in Steam, so I wait for a real completed one before playing it...

To be honest i don't quite understand looking at the patches for translation progress. Sometimes i wanted to know how much in words it has translated, for example:
this game contains around 50m letters and by estimate the translation has gone through 20%
or, i've finished the plot up to the treasure cave but haven't done any of the sidequests or NPC messages

well i know people wanted to play eng ver. ASAP, but sometimes i'm hoping to leave this to the last and wanna hear about some translation progression
i mean, the game is still on constant updates
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

Basic Races has been updated.
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

I can understand the lack of updates ..I mean, think about it. If he had to transfer a whole game's worth of translated content, complications could arise from this, and then end up taking longer than if he had just translated the fully updated version.

I'm just excited the translation has no "hindering troubles" such as a looming update, and can go full steam ahead. Been holding off for story myself.
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

Are there any specific places that are best for XP Grinding or Job/Race Grinding? My guys are all under 10 atm, is it better to just grind XP and worry about job/race later or grind it all early on?
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

Are there any specific places that are best for XP Grinding or Job/Race Grinding? My guys are all under 10 atm, is it better to just grind XP and worry about job/race later or grind it all early on?

Cheat engine the exp seed ---> awful grind avoided.

If you dont want to cheat and farm Hrs of repitive crap, just end the history at the end theres will be a tower with a lot of "Honey pots" and "Mimics" to farm.
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

Are there any specific places that are best for XP Grinding or Job/Race Grinding? My guys are all under 10 atm, is it better to just grind XP and worry about job/race later or grind it all early on?

Try to get to the 2nd continent asap. There will be a boss fight though, I roughly passed that at Lvl 16 Luka while others were 12-14.
Up to you if you wanna turn to very easy just for that specific fight.

Grinding spots I use were
1. Poseidon's Bell Cave. The worst of all, but its the first best place I believe
2. Sylph's Forest.
3. Gnome's Ruins
4. Manager's Tower (What Dasmir is talking about)

Those aren't the official names of course, anywho, Sylph and Gnome's are a pretty good grinding spots because there are healing stations available.
You can also use the forest surrounding Enrika if they are allowing you to rest there.
I wouldn't really worry much about Job and Race Lvl because once you hit Lvl 30, that'll be the only thing you'll be grinding...if you are hardcore.
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

Ah, are levels capped at 30/10/10?

I thought about cheating, but decided against it.
This is the first game in along time that i actually enjoy grinding / playing, although i did cheat for money, but that was it.

Ill keep an eye out for those grind spots, thanks alot.
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

Ah, are levels capped at 30/10/10?

I thought about cheating, but decided against it.
This is the first game in along time that i actually enjoy grinding / playing, although i did cheat for money, but that was it.

Ill keep an eye out for those grind spots, thanks alot.

Yep, 30/10/10 are caps.
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

Ah cool, that puts alot of things in place for me then in planning :p
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

Cheat engine
how to use Cheat Engine to Cheat this Game?
every time i try game Crash even i try *2+1 in Cheat Engine

and i face many battle outside of town
i can walk 6-7 step and i got a Battle it to frequent it bug or something?

There are some items / skills that increase random battles, other that lessen the amount you get. Maybe you have some skills/items equipped that up it?

as for cheat engine ...

from Dark Byte

But if you wish to use this custom type (so you don't have to do that *2 stuff) then do the following:
Start ce
open any process
rightclick the "value type" combobox
click "define new custom type (autoassemble)"
replace the existing script with the script posted here (starts at alloc & ends at /32-bit
and click OK


alloc(PreferedAlignment, 4)

db 'RPG VX type',0

dd 4

dd 1

//The convert routine should hold a routine that converts the data to an nteger (in eax)
//function declared as: stdcall int ConvertRoutine(unsigned char *input);

//Note: Keep in mind that this routine can be called by multiple threads at the same time.

push ebp
mov ebp,esp
push ecx
mov ecx,[ebp+8]

//at this point ecx contains the address where the bytes are stored

//put the bytes into the eax register
mov eax,[ecx] //second fun fact, addressing with 32-bit registers doesn't work in 64-bit, it becomes a 64-bit automatically (most of the time)
shr eax,1 //shift right by 1 bit (divide by 2)

//and now exit the routine
pop ecx
pop ebp
ret 4

//The convert back routine should hold a routine that converts the given integer back to a row of bytes (e.g when the user wats to write a new value)
//function declared as: stdcall void ConvertBackRoutine(int i, unsigned char *output);
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
push edx //save the registers
push ecx
mov edx,[ebp+0c]
mov ecx,[ebp+08]

//at this point edx contains the address to write the value to
//and ecx contains the value

push eax
push edx

mov edx,[edx] //edx now contains the original value
and edx,1 //only save the first bit

mov eax,ecx //eax gets the user input value
shl eax,1 //shift left by 1 bit (multiply by 2)
or eax,edx //add the bits of the original value

pop edx
mov [edx],eax //write the new value into the old value
pop eax

//everything is back to what it was, so exit

//cleanup first
pop ecx
pop edx
pop ebp
ret 8
Thanks For Tip About Cheat Engine

And Yes i Equip Encounter Double Ability i think this is why i got too many Battle (-_-)
i think it my bad i misread it to "Counter Double" lol

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Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

There are some items / skills that increase random battles, other that lessen the amount you get. Maybe you have some skills/items equipped that up it?

as for cheat engine ...

from Dark Byte

But if you wish to use this custom type (so you don't have to do that *2 stuff) then do the following:
Start ce
open any process
rightclick the "value type" combobox
click "define new custom type (autoassemble)"
replace the existing script with the script posted here (starts at alloc & ends at /32-bit
and click OK


alloc(PreferedAlignment, 4)

db 'RPG VX type',0

dd 4

dd 1

//The convert routine should hold a routine that converts the data to an nteger (in eax)
//function declared as: stdcall int ConvertRoutine(unsigned char *input);

//Note: Keep in mind that this routine can be called by multiple threads at the same time.

push ebp
mov ebp,esp
push ecx
mov ecx,[ebp+8]

//at this point ecx contains the address where the bytes are stored

//put the bytes into the eax register
mov eax,[ecx] //second fun fact, addressing with 32-bit registers doesn't work in 64-bit, it becomes a 64-bit automatically (most of the time)
shr eax,1 //shift right by 1 bit (divide by 2)

//and now exit the routine
pop ecx
pop ebp
ret 4

//The convert back routine should hold a routine that converts the given integer back to a row of bytes (e.g when the user wats to write a new value)
//function declared as: stdcall void ConvertBackRoutine(int i, unsigned char *output);
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
push edx //save the registers
push ecx
mov edx,[ebp+0c]
mov ecx,[ebp+08]

//at this point edx contains the address to write the value to
//and ecx contains the value

push eax
push edx

mov edx,[edx] //edx now contains the original value
and edx,1 //only save the first bit

mov eax,ecx //eax gets the user input value
shl eax,1 //shift left by 1 bit (multiply by 2)
or eax,edx //add the bits of the original value

pop edx
mov [edx],eax //write the new value into the old value
pop eax

//everything is back to what it was, so exit

//cleanup first
pop ecx
pop edx
pop ebp
ret 8
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

Theres a machine translation Patch for 1.20

i thought i was badass till i met look-through and she reflected a 6000 damage crit into Luka. yeah gonna need to train mages.

How good is the machine translation?
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

How good is the machine translation?

The machine translation has certain things Dargoth didn't even get to. I was surprised to see all of Morrigan's Talk dialogue has been translated. Also even though it is a machine translation it has been tinkered with.Not by pros just by amateurs with no japanese knowledge. Soon enough the EX patch will contain all of what Dargoth did so far and from what I've seen it's not that much. I didn't check the dialogues and such, I was in the items and skills department and from what I saw most of what Dargoth did was already tinkered with so that it would have a decent description save for the Power which Dargoth expresses in % while the original expresses it in ranks like S A B C D and E. As for the items weapons, armors and accessories those as well were made sense of by yours truly long before Dargoth released his 1.21 patch with a few exceptions. They haven't touched the accessories at all and what's in EX again I saw to it that the descriptions were understandable save for the panties. The machine translation is more than just a machine translation
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

Well, the first part where I felt like I needed translation was when meeting with Marie in the tent.

Feels like Dargoth's translation doesn't reach too far after that point. Would suck if machine translations aren't good for the hentai moments.