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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

F uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu no drops. =( =( =(

Saving my stamina for plats and gold tomorrow.

F uuuuuuuuuuuuuu Belinda you tease. =P
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Is there anything I can do with extra princess copies aside from CR/Skill up?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

F uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu no drops. =( =( =(

Saving my stamina for plats and gold tomorrow.

F uuuuuuuuuuuuuu Belinda you tease. =P

Same... but I really want to use the stamina on Bellinda... come on monday!
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Level them, wait 3X EXP, prepare fiaries, use them as EXP food

Hmm. exp is pretty plentiful as long as you're patient. I might just go for the CR/Skill Up I think.

I know I'm getting ahead of myself, but I hope that we get the Pirate Betrayal event sometime in the future once they start adding more unit types, that's the one event unit I really want :p
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Hmm. exp is pretty plentiful as long as you're patient. I might just go for the CR/Skill Up I think.

I know I'm getting ahead of myself, but I hope that we get the Pirate Betrayal event sometime in the future once they start adding more unit types, that's the one event unit I really want :p

Pirate Betrayal?

*stops and does research*

Mischa(Valkyrie), Alissa(Healer), Vu erotte(Pirate), Rosalie(Soldier), Nenya(Witch), Palace(Mage), Platinum Armor, Rainbow Fairies....

Ya that would be great, but I kind of hope they don't skip the event that is/was suppose to come after this one. Which is gold rush. Assuming the drops don't change you get

Bella (Gold Archer), Iris (Gold Healer), Kerry (Gold Valkyrie), Claire (Gold Archer), Bernice (Gold Heavy Armor), Cuterie (Gold Rogue), Fedora (Gold Healer), Betty (Gold Rogue).

There is Garrett, Conrad, and Barbastroff. Heavy Armor, Bandit, and Mage repsectively.

Getting these -3 would be great. Also you get 11 SC from this event.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

come on...
only two Priests and two HA and guaranteed Bell so far
Alrdy wasted about 20 crystals, bad luck!
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

come on...
only two Priests and two HA and guaranteed Bell so far
Alrdy wasted about 20 crystals, bad luck!

More then me :p

EDIT: Uh... anyone have monday daily?
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

hope gold rush coming next, but i don't know what to do with this bunch of healers >_< (already have cc'ed alissa, dorca and chydis. liana and camilla still lvl1 and I really want atleast gold Iris T_T) and ofcourse how i could forget about cristopher D:
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

hope gold rush coming next, but i don't know what to do with this bunch of healers >_< (already have cc'ed alissa, dorca and chydis. liana and camilla still lvl1 and I really want atleast gold Iris T_T) and ofcourse how i could forget about cristopher D:

He will be absorbed soon enough.

The server didn't adjust to daylight savings time. The new day starts at 6 am EST/3 am PST.

That is odd seeing as LoV is still 5 am EST/2 am PST
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Lol gold rush is 1 of the event i think unlikely to pop....
I mean we still new they not gonna just trow us 11 gold unit :(
My next guess is still the same introduction of ninja / samurai cuz thats an important event where they intro new class
PS: i don't need Saki just gime Hien >.< he is my important strategic unit

Edit: Aegis is making fun of me.... Sooo all these time ever since event started i never got soma when i really need silver archer to CC belinda / Chydis.... and already spend 200k for base summon.
Then on today free gacha base summon --> silver --> Soma pop.....
Im happy i finaly got her but at same time.... i felt the system is messing with me
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Lol gold rush is 1 of the event i think unlikely to pop....
I mean we still new they not gonna just trow us 11 gold unit :(
My next guess is still the same introduction of ninja / samurai cuz thats an important event where they intro new class
PS: i don't need Saki just gime Hien >.< he is my important strategic unit

I'm actually very tempted to just make a list of all the events for those who are to lazy to research. Simply cause I kind of want an excuse to look into the possible future.

EDIT: Does so anyway.. but it is personal.
EDIT2: Hmm if we do skip over Gold Rush the Samurai and Ninja intro event is next.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Ended up getting a second Belinda from Stage 3, so just confirming it further. On a (I hope good note) got Treasure Handler Liana in Premium :D
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Ended up getting a second Belinda from Stage 3, so just confirming it further. On a (I hope good note) got Treasure Handler Liana in Premium :D

It is not a good note now... but in the future it will become a good note... like a fine wine.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Really? On the healing side she is quite good (at lv 1 compared to my lv 25 Dorca or 17 Iris) and the range bonus she gives to units. Guess future use is good to note though
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Gotta say - drop rates do indeed seem to have decreased.

Went through runs of golden armor dailies and now only getting 1 stinking golden armor per run.

Maybe it's just the RNG gods hating me today, but if they did adjust the drop rates, I wish Nutaku would just be transparent about that.

**On another note -

I wonder if the mods could make the first post an open - wiki (Or perhaps creating a wiki/public post after each first posting?)

Would help w/ updates since it's tough to put all the responsibility of updating information re: events to the OP, since life must go on for everyone...
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Really? On the healing side she is quite good (at lv 1 compared to my lv 25 Dorca or 17 Iris) and the range bonus she gives to units. Guess future use is good to note though

She doesn't give a range bonus to units. She gives herself a range bonus to heal paralysis. A mechanic that isn't in game yet. I'm honestly not sure if it even extends her healing range the way the translation was worded. Iris would be able to out do her at this current point in time. This is do to her skill increasing her own attack past what Liana is at her best. 642(Iris) vs 582(Liana). You could argue that without her skill going Iris is worse, but most of the time currently you won't need that much healing. When you do however Iris is better. Then you can get Fairy Queen Chydis who is better without the need for explanation.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Drops seem OK today. 2 runs oh daily H. Got 1 plat armor.