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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Monday results: 400k, 2 platinum.
Event results: 3 Belinda total, -1CR, skill lvl 3. 3 Soma, 1 Leeanne.

Done with event. Chance of having another Belinda AND CR with her is too low for my tastes, will rather use this time to level and CC more units, like Camilla. Also, affection items.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

If you want to see an OP status... check this site forum JP thread, someone just posted that gundam woman with buff buff buff buff... (still prety fresh picture somewhere near last thread post) the stat looks scary

ya its pretty funny. mine has around 1.5k atk after prince and skill. she smashes through heavy armor pretty easily but she's useless against hordes because of her attack speed. sorta like an Anti-HA HA.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I'd just like to clarify that I'm, mostly, messing around when I talk about Bandit Princess Conrad. :p

He doesn't get an Anya-style makeover.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I'm sure Conrad looks nothing like this....


While many people underestimated her, she's actually very good unit to have. Unless you have red-hair plat Bandit or Cornad, go for her. Way better compared to the other event Bandit (Cornad's daughter) and green-hair plat Bandit

Her skill make her attack and defense powered up a lot while cutting her HP to 1/2, but it can be healed immediately with healer. Her punch is quite hurt, quite strong tank + Her AW increased Bandit HP a lot.

She attack faster compared to other Bandit too... I think.

The TRAP one is a Silver Angel. If you ever found Silver Angel, threw IT on your other Fallen Angel (Since their skills all 1/10)
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Monday results: 400k, 2 platinum.
Event results: 3 Belinda total, -1CR, skill lvl 3. 3 Soma, 1 Leeanne.

Done with event. Chance of having another Belinda AND CR with her is too low for my tastes, will rather use this time to level and CC more units, like Camilla. Also, affection items.

No plats for me this go around. Back to status quo for me.
Did get my first drop of 6 golds at once. Almost 600k gold atm.
Not sure if I will try again for her, would like to have her reduced at least once more, but the 50% has failed on me twice so far. I guess for me, her downside is a I do not have enough witches to CC her and have some saved for when empowering goes live. Might be a ways off and I know the grind for crystal exchange will take awhile, but still better to plan for em now than to not have em later.

Actually pretty annoyed with the spirit daily. On hard, all I ever seem to get is a single gold fairy every time. For that much stamina I could get way more golds and even plats just running Phalnax 2. So time to give this daily the finger ..|.. and get my phone call to the devs at how stupid this daily is. (Wonder who will get the reference..)
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Monday results: 400k, 2 platinum.
Event results: 3 Belinda total, -1CR, skill lvl 3. 3 Soma, 1 Leeanne.

Done with event. Chance of having another Belinda AND CR with her is too low for my tastes, will rather use this time to level and CC more units, like Camilla. Also, affection items.

Um... just so u know to -2CR it only have 50% chance...
But geting Belinda copy is the painful part
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Actually pretty annoyed with the spirit daily. On hard, all I ever seem to get is a single gold fairy every time. For that much stamina I could get way more golds and even plats just running Phalnax 2. So time to give this daily the finger ..|.. and get my phone call to the devs at how stupid this daily is. (Wonder who will get the reference..)

I stopped doing these daily after I realized they tend to give exactly the opposite of what I need. When I needed Gold they gave me 3 Black in a row. When I needed Platinum - they gave Gold like nobody's business. So I just started farming Challenge on these days. Get exactly what I need and affection items as a bonus.

Um... just so u know to -2CR it only have 50% chance...
But geting Belinda copy is the painful part

That's the thing, yes. 8% just to get her and then 50% to fail CR. Big part of the reason why I quit.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

No plats for me this go around. Back to status quo for me.
Did get my first drop of 6 golds at once. Almost 600k gold atm.
Not sure if I will try again for her, would like to have her reduced at least once more, but the 50% has failed on me twice so far. I guess for me, her downside is a I do not have enough witches to CC her and have some saved for when empowering goes live. Might be a ways off and I know the grind for crystal exchange will take awhile, but still better to plan for em now than to not have em later.

Actually pretty annoyed with the spirit daily. On hard, all I ever seem to get is a single gold fairy every time. For that much stamina I could get way more golds and even plats just running Phalnax 2. So time to give this daily the finger ..|.. and get my phone call to the devs at how stupid this daily is. (Wonder who will get the reference..)

Matrix? Neo is given some choice by Smith, picks the finger instead and asks for his phone call.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Thanks for this even Nutaku, got a free Plat Unit and some chances to upgrade her even if i couldn't max her, still awesome! :)

I'mjust tired of reading all your negative posts :p
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Well personally I'm running it until I get a -2 Bellinda at least.... Also how has peoples luck been for

Hideout 2

I ask cause I wouldn't mind picking up another healer, rogues(3), and mages(4).
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

And this is why i hate my urge for trying to get my first maxed out unit. Im still working on her and i already used up 6 belindas to only get Cr -2 and lvl 3/5 skill.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

And this is why i hate my urge for trying to get my first maxed out unit. Im still working on her and i already used up 6 belindas to only get Cr -2 and lvl 3/5 skill.

Well at least you have gotten a second bellinda
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

any tips for spirit rescue H? i'm sure i have the units, just not the timing and placement.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

any tips for spirit rescue H? i'm sure i have the units, just not the timing and placement.

https: //

I use this strat with cc Katie instead of Phyllis and without the first bronze soldier(Because I use Nanaly instead of the silver archer)
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Is there a downside for cost reducing Belinda before class changing her or should I wait to cost reduce her after I get her CC'd?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Is there a downside for cost reducing Belinda before class changing her or should I wait to cost reduce her after I get her CC'd?

Her skill doesn't change after CC so u can feed the copies anytime safely, but I personally keep them till I get the main one CCd and leveled to like 40 so I can feed them with platinum fairies, that's 5,2k exp each time :) So that's a nice replacement for exp armours, especially if u were as unlucky as me and got none during this monday's daily (I have one from the last week tho, that's why I'm not gonna use the copies before she's CCd).
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Her skill doesn't change after CC so u can feed the copies anytime safely, but I personally keep them till I get the main one CCd and leveled to like 40 so I can feed them with platinum fairies, that's 5,2k exp each time :) So that's a nice replacement for exp armours, especially if u were as unlucky as me and got none during this monday's daily (I have one from the last week tho, that's why I'm not gonna use the copies before she's CCd).

So you're suggesting to hoard Belindas until one gets enough Platinum Fairies to eat them and hope she gets enough CR/SL? That sounds like a good way to get shafted by RNG and end up with a half-assed unit. :confused:
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Just balance it out.....
1st Belinda copy give alot exp, combined with fairies you can get easy tons of exp. and No there no downside to CR / skill up her before CC.
On other hand once ppl get their -3CR Belinda, they usualy quit that map (unless u still to get other necesary unit like soma / black fairy)
For skill, well Belinda skill not that great in 1st place I think so this doesnt matter too much
The daily worth much more than spending char stam on that (9-10%) drop rate, even monday daily plat armor spend 3 stam and drop rate 15% :p

My plan: Well i still gonna use tuesday / wednesday daily for Belinda farm not gonna hurt me, but will save stamina for thursday cuz demon crystal is super important for me geting plat unit (give up on premium roll someone just had to stole my luck)
PS: demon crystal platinum is unique and can't be get from premium
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