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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I'd disagree. But to each their own of course.

Well... The best one among my poor silver-claden team at least.

I am strictly no-pay player, and I should consider myself lucky that at 3% chance i at least got her. Black valk, mage destroyer, breezer through any events with troubling mages.

Have no idea what I would do without her for those events...


Preeeetyy pleaaaseee!!!
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

They look so much disgusting that I'd almost prefer an H-scene with Barbastoff

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Another disappointing fact about Clissa:

Her skill improve on CC is a meager plus 3% (from 48% to 51% self-heal)

You kinda expect more taking into account how much res her evolution requires.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Don't double post, edit a previous post.

Don't get me wrong she's a black, her negatives are two fold for me though.
-Her high cost which is standard for blacks, but counterintuitive for a Valkyrie.
-Her AW, just makes me cry.

Personally I still rank Dahlia as the best mage killer. This will only get stronger once buff units like Dancers come out.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Clissa that remind me just got a new picture awakening in JP.
I don't thin she really bad you guys just want atk atk atk atk for skill after all.
you can always put her far away from healer and let her self heal after all most valk unit is used for ganker (due to recovery cost 80-100%)
While i agree most ppl prefer thetis as the best duelist, but well she can be on her own use.
Luckily her awaken skill is atk / def 1.5x and cost recover 2x on kill (2 cost recover instead of 1)
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I don't quite see what's disgusting about Clissa's scenes, granted I've only seen the first one so far. Least if were talking ick factor, i think Leeanne has the top tier for me at the moment from what I've seen (only seeing her first as well). No offense to muscular girls tho :p
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Must maintain unique unit roster....

Must resist urge to level and use second Fedora....
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Must maintain unique unit roster....

Must resist urge to level and use second Fedora....

lvl her to 30 --> CC --> feed to fedora for CR and skill up.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

When was the timeline for desert maps to be introduced in JP version?

How are the droprates for the skilled soldiers? Same as bronzes?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

lvl her to 30 --> CC --> feed to fedora for CR and skill up.

That's the plan. She's the only non-silver healer I've gotten so far so holding onto her is tempting. Finally have the archers for the Thursday daily so I should get Chydis next weekly hopefully.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

That is the first I'm hearing about that. Maybe that is fact, but all I've been hearing since starting to play this game is to never CC or AW before max level. Heck I think I once saw that is required that you had max level CC to awaken in the first place.

Yes they do have a higher max stats.

never CC before max unless you plan to use it for skilling up another unit, or in the case of silvers as AW fodder.

a requirement for AW is the unit be max level.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

What units do we need if the next event will be Warriors of the East?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Hmmm, so another week of Thursday daily:

Hard Mode: 2 drops x 3 = 6 Demon Crystals (8 stam used)

Normal Mode: 5 drops x2 = 10 Demon Crystals (6 stam used)

Don't know if it's just me, but ever since I started the game (I started on day 1, but the account I'm playing now started 2 weeks after launch since I rerolled :D) - Normal Mode Crystal Daily consistently gets better drop rates per Stam spent than Hard Mode every single time.

I can probably count on 1 hand the number of times I get a better return on Stam spent for Demon Crystals doing Hard Mode vs Normal, and that's coming from someone doing Hard Mode almost exclusively.

I know that drop rates for both N & H are supposed to be the same (60% x 6), but based on experience so far (never missed a Thursday daily if you count old account which I don't play anymore):

Normal Mode = consistently gets 4-5 drops, occasionally 3 drops, while 2 or less is very rare

Hard Mode = consistently gets 2-3 drops (3 being average, but 2 is also very common), occasionally 4 drops, while 5+ is very rare

Might be just my luck, but until proven otherwise, I think I'm going to stick with Normal Mode for Thursday daily from now on :rolleyes:

Also awhile back there was discussion about there being no reason to hoard Sacred Crystals and that it's best to use them to roll Premium Gatcha.

Well, if you're a free user and never plan on buying SCs (or don't plan on buying much), then there's merit in hoarding crystals. A LOT of merit, in fact.

The reason: Collection Events.

For example, the latest collection event in JP right now is for a Black Rarity Ninja, Nagi (a similar model was used for Liana's event btw, which was also a collection event).

To get CR and SL for the event unit, you'll have to collect an item that drops from the event maps (for this event, it's some sort of sealed paper - "Seals").

To get a fully maxed Black Ninja in this event requires 1600 Seals. The highest-tier map released atm gives 11 Seals per 50 Char/7 Stam spent. The event lasts 2 weeks.

Based on that drop rate, I calculated that for a Prince with level about 125 this is what you can expect:

Spend only natural Char/Stam regen on event + no SC = -1 CR, SL 3-4

Spend all natural Char/Stam + additional 15-25 SC = -2-3 CR, SL 5-6 (about equivalent of same rarity unit from gatcha)

Spend all natural Char/Stam + additional 55-75 SC = fully maxed out Black Unit

Not sure if we're ever going to get Liana's event over here now that she's in the gatcha. But if we get a collection event, then the average player will never be able to max her (or whatever collection event unit it is) without spending at least 30-70 SCs (depending on event and Prince Level).

Just something to keep in mind :p

P.S. Calculations above assume that you skip dailies - yes, even Monday - during the event.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Saw her, that ninja Nagi. Awesome one :D As for hoarding crystals, personally speaking I would prefer more variety units to get, shame won't have fully CR'ed and so on, but oh well... most important to have her. I think I may be a bit of collectionist :p

About thursday map.. I think Lafate's post several pages earlier had the drop rates for all dailies and it was like H map was 55% and N map was 70%
As for me I'm also not sure about H map being better like on monday.
For example, only today main acc got one run H map so far got 9 crystals (3x3) as for alts doing N they got 10 (5x2) in first run and 3 and 1 drops on the second run. Gonna keep track on those drops this week. Need to verify this as crystals are quite important.

Edit: hell yeah! At last silver archer from 2k gatcha! Now... should I use her to CC 2nd archer or to CC 2nd witch Belinda...
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Hmmm, so another week of Thursday daily:

Hard Mode: 2 drops x 3 = 6 Demon Crystals (8 stam used)

Normal Mode: 5 drops x2 = 10 Demon Crystals (6 stam used)

Don't know if it's just me, but ever since I started the game (I started on day 1, but the account I'm playing now started 2 weeks after launch since I rerolled :D) - Normal Mode Crystal Daily consistently gets better drop rates per Stam spent than Hard Mode every single time.

I can probably count on 1 hand the number of times I get a better return on Stam spent for Demon Crystals doing Hard Mode vs Normal, and that's coming from someone doing Hard Mode almost exclusively.

I know that drop rates for both N & H are supposed to be the same (60% x 6), but based on experience so far (never missed a Thursday daily if you count old account which I don't play anymore):

Normal Mode = consistently gets 4-5 drops, occasionally 3 drops, while 2 or less is very rare

Hard Mode = consistently gets 2-3 drops (3 being average, but 2 is also very common), occasionally 4 drops, while 5+ is very rare

Might be just my luck, but until proven otherwise, I think I'm going to stick with Normal Mode for Thursday daily from now on :rolleyes:

Also awhile back there was discussion about there being no reason to hoard Sacred Crystals and that it's best to use them to roll Premium Gatcha.

Well, if you're a free user and never plan on buying SCs (or don't plan on buying much), then there's merit in hoarding crystals. A LOT of merit, in fact.

The reason: Collection Events.

For example, the latest collection event in JP right now is for a Black Rarity Ninja, Nagi (a similar model was used for Liana's event btw, which was also a collection event).

To get CR and SL for the event unit, you'll have to collect an item that drops from the event maps (for this event, it's some sort of sealed paper - "Seals").

To get a fully maxed Black Ninja in this event requires 1600 Seals. The highest-tier map released atm gives 11 Seals per 50 Char/7 Stam spent. The event lasts 2 weeks.

Based on that drop rate, I calculated that for a Prince with level about 125 this is what you can expect:

Spend only natural Char/Stam regen on event + no SC = -1 CR, SL 3-4

Spend all natural Char/Stam + additional 15-25 SC = -2-3 CR, SL 5-6 (about equivalent of same rarity unit from gatcha)

Spend all natural Char/Stam + additional 55-75 SC = fully maxed out Black Unit

Not sure if we're ever going to get Liana's event over here now that she's in the gatcha. But if we get a collection event, then the average player will never be able to max her (or whatever collection event unit it is) without spending at least 30-70 SCs (depending on event and Prince Level).

Just something to keep in mind :p

P.S. Calculations above assume that you skip dailies - yes, even Monday - during the event.

Well first off I get a consistent 4+ on Thursday H. That is equal to a full drop run on Thursday N. So.. proven wrong?

[pointless rant]
Second the first collection event(Lian screw you and your event. Both physically and metaphorically in that order) Karma's can be done by saving crystals from Revival of Ryuhime and 'Magic of Mystic'. This means that wouldn't have had to save from the beginning of the game, and have been missing out on premium summons they could have used, and on top of this you have to look at if the unit is worth the cost in SC if they are in fact going to be 40 SC. I'm going to guess especially if the person was playing since the start of the game that most often they aren't worth that cost. Granted that is everyone's personal choice based on the luck their had int he past. Honestly though going back to Lian I doubt anyone would shell out 40 SC to max her. I'm only spending one SC(Maybe more because I'm probably going to give the dailies a higher priority) to get her to -2 cost and that is only so she is at a proper cost for what her class should be. This is despite the fact that I could constantly save from Revival of Ryuhime and probably have enough to get her perfect for free, but even at her best she seems like a waste. *shrug*
[/pointless rant]

However do note that after each collection event I'm personally going to sit my happy ass down, and do the math for the minimum/maximum amount of SC required at each point of stamina (12-18) and tell free players where they need to start saving if they do want to get a perfect version of said unit. Then offer my thoughts on if it is worth that cost over say... the chance of getting platinum/black unit from gatcha.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)


Regarding collection events. All that is true, but u also gotta ask urself if u actually prefer and need the unit maxed out over a lot of premium rolls, especially as a freemium user, who rarely gets new units. And if the unit is really worth it. The answer may differ for different units, but as a freemium user I don't think I'll ever go for more than 2-3 CR and 5-6/10 SL or so, unless it's a unit I really want/ really strong one that's worth the effort. So imo it's a good idea to keep like 10 crystals at a time, u can always get some more for event maps so u have enough to get a decent unit if a collection event appears. That kind of event is very rare anyway, so keep that in mind too :) And luckily (?) we know what events we can expect to come soon so we can plan ahead and start saving crystals when there's a need.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Second the first collection event(Lian screw you and your event. Both physically and metaphorically in that order) Karma's can be done by saving crystals from Revival of Ryuhime and 'Magic of Mystic'.

This only applies to Karma's renewal event I believe, where you can trade 150 Revival Crystals for Plat Karma, or 300 Revival Crystals for Black Karma. And yes, you can save these crystals by farming other events.

However, for Karma's event the first time it was introduced requires that you farm "Serums", which drop from her event maps. I think you need something like 1200 Serums or something to get her at Black rarity and fully maxed out.

Karma will join after the event is over at CR & SL based on how many serums you managed to collect during the event.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

This only applies to Karma's renewal event I believe, where you can trade 150 Revival Crystals for Plat Karma, or 300 Revival Crystals for Black Karma. And yes, you can save these crystals by farming other events.

However, for Karma's event the first time it was introduced requires that you farm "Serums", which drop from her event maps. I think you need something like 1200 Serums or something to get her at Black rarity and fully maxed out.

Karma will join after the event is over at CR & SL based on how many serums you managed to collect during the event.

Oh I know that BlueMoon and my calculation were based on the original not revival event and getting that 1200 Serum. Minimum = on average, Maximum = if you got nothing but the 100% drops

Level 100
Minimum: 18 SC
Maximum: 36 SC

Level 101
Minimum: 17 SC
Maximum: 33 SC

Level 120
Minimum: 16 SC
Maximum: 30 SC

Level 140
Minimum: 15 SC
Maximum: 28 SC

Level 160
Minimum: 14 SC
Maximum: 26 SC

Level 180
Minimum: 13 SC
Maximum: 24 SC

Level 200
Minimum: 12 SC
Maximum: 23 SC

Honestly most who are playing right now should be somehwere in the 160-180 range when that event comes along. Meaning if the were to only use the SC they get from that event they would only need to buy 6USD of crystals instead of a ludicrous 35+ USD in crystals.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

It's not just the improvements to the unit itself that should be the factor into the value of the cost. A few things you need to take into consideration would be drops you can obtain as well as bonuses from reaching milestones. By the time the Liana event was over, I had enough platinum armors and black fairy drops to help get her to CC70 from level 50 immediately (only because I fed a few plats to another unit, otherwise it should've been CC80)*. Was it worth it for me? Definitely because she would be around CC40 just like every other unit I have if I didn't not use everything on her. For other people? I can't speak for them, but they should be informed about other aspects of this farm event.

*Well, that is if they choose to use everything they farmed on the event unit.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Yes, I have the same idea as you overall.

I also think it's a good idea to keep 10-20 crystals (with 20 being on the safe side since 10~20 crystals are generally needed to get a collection unit to 2-3 CR and 5-6/10 SL).

30-70 crystals for perfect collection unit is for perfectionists or if you really like the unit/think you really need it maxed out :p

I just thought that the discussion awhile back of people recommending others to spend SC on gatcha without advising them to also keep spare crystals on hand for events is dangerous. Because come certain events, there will be some people who can't even get a 2-3 CR 5-6/10 SL unit if they spent all their SCs on gatcha without keeping crystals for event.

Also don't forget events like Gold Rush. To get full completion bonus for all maps for those types of events is usually not possible without spending some crystals.

If you read the JP thread for Aegis, there are people who have missed out on Gold units from the event due to running out of SCs before managing to get the comp bonus for all maps. (For the latest Gold Rush on JP, I think I was actually lucky with above-average drop rates during the event - but even so I had to spend all free crystals received during event + some spare to get full comp bonus for every single map.)


Regarding collection events. All that is true, but u also gotta ask urself if u actually prefer and need the unit maxed out over a lot of premium rolls, especially as a freemium user, who rarely gets new units. And if the unit is really worth it. The answer may differ for different units, but as a freemium user I don't think I'll ever go for more than 2-3 CR and 5-6/10 SL or so, unless it's a unit I really want/ really strong one that's worth the effort. So imo it's a good idea to keep like 10 crystals at a time, u can always get some more for event maps so u have enough to get a decent unit if a collection event appears. That kind of event is very rare anyway, so keep that in mind too :) And luckily (?) we know what events we can expect to come soon so we can plan ahead and start saving crystals when there's a need.