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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

And everyone forgot about this rarity. :D

I didn't, and I want her. However, we aren't likely to get her due to the thing needed to acquire her. While the maid and Kaguya were from the Aigis book that could be translated. Tamamo was from a serial code from some magazine in japan. We will have to wait and hope we get Inari, but she is a loli so..

They may look at it as opening the door to 2k gatcha spam as a bad thing, but the rates, as is, are horrid enough to make it a non issue IMO. The other side is they are actually likely to increase spontaneous sales during the start of events as people would actually consider buying stamina, where as now if you spend for events you'd have to buy both Cha and Sta, which many are simply unwilling to do.

All in all, there are more pro's for the game and company than negativities to have some type of system in place. If anyone is interested in playing the devil this round, be my guest, as I'd be genuinely curious as to what arguments there could be against such a system.

but... you normally play the devil D:
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)


is it even possible to win War of Magic challenge (the one that comes after dwarf battle and costs 4 stamina) at all?

If yes, then could you explain how (or post a link to corresponding vid) and tell what prizes does that crazy challenge offer?

Side note:

strictly no-pay player I am, prince level 78 now.

Three starred all missions, except immortal beast of course.

Three starred all challenges up to war of magic (which i currently feel is simply impossible).

I feel smart and clever! :)
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

They may look at it as opening the door to 2k gatcha spam as a bad thing, but the rates, as is, are horrid enough to make it a non issue IMO.

Well look at it this way. People like us are basically no longer spending to begin with, but with this type of system you'd have people who are no longer spending and those who already spend on premium summons who would potentially be providing a monthly income or w/e.

War of Magic is basically impossible right now due to a lot of factors including the fact that we skipped Cloris's event and they just gave her to us at max cost which I will forever be bitter about :rolleyes: . If Nutaku wants me to spend money to support them they can start by reducing Cloris to minimum cost by default or providing some other means to reduce her that doesn't involve Rainbow Fairies
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)


is it even possible to win War of Magic challenge (the one that comes after dwarf battle and costs 4 stamina) at all?

If yes, then could you explain how (or post a link to corresponding vid) and tell what prizes does that crazy challenge offer?

It is possible to pass, but not easily as the requirements are quite high, only a handful of people have currently passed it in Nutaku's version. You might want to do a search on this forum for that specific map, the requirements have been given a number of times to pass it. It's both unit ATK, and unit CR restricted.

but... you normally play the devil D:
True, but in this case I simply can't come up with a reason why they shouldn't.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

They may look at it as opening the door to 2k gatcha spam as a bad thing, but the rates, as is, are horrid enough to make it a non issue IMO. The other side is they are actually likely to increase spontaneous sales during the start of events as people would actually consider buying stamina, where as now if you spend for events you'd have to buy both Cha and Sta, which many are simply unwilling to do.

All in all, there are more pro's for the game and company than negativities to have some type of system in place. If anyone is interested in playing the devil this round, be my guest, as I'd be genuinely curious as to what arguments there could be against such a system.

Infinite gold is an issue, no matter how much of a chore spamming the 2k is, you're going to get everything eventually without spending a penny, with the current regeneration that'd still be possible but would take years. Add in something like AW Betty and your Shrine profits will crash down pretty fast.

One important thing about Event maps is that they cost a lot more Stamina than Charisma for the higher-end maps (e.g. 50:7, 90:12, etc.), you'd have time to regenerate a decent amount of Charisma by the time your Stamina goes back up. If you look at something like you'll see that you'd spend very little Crystals on Charisma even for a collection Event (granted, the drop-hunts can go badly if your luck is poor).

Also, most of the Extreme-tier dailies are Charisma-heavy, so instead of being a trade-off (farming high-end dailies vs grinding story maps for XP) it becomes a non-issue. And then there's the Awakening maps, 90 Charisma and 0 Stamina.

I think we're all aware that Charisma and Stamina are just there to slow progression and tempt people into spending Crystals and I do feel like they do their job quite well.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

It is possible to pass, but not easily as the requirements are quite high, only a handful of people have currently passed it in Nutaku's version.

Is it even worth it? I mean what are the drops, and are there any maps after war of magic?

or is it like with the Immortal BEast which is now the final one?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Oh... and regarding the contributions, supporting Nutaku, stam and cha system...

Their main issue is that the payment option is blocked for some regions of the world.

Like where I am playing from (Eastern Russia), even if I wanted to pay (which i don't atm) I wouldn't be able, as they don't accept any of the bank cards we have here.

Kinda weird they limit themselves so much.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Also after lvl 200, which u Xov will reach in like a month or two at this rate, every lvl up refills both charisma and stamina, so infinite charisma would pretty much mean infinite stamina as well. Even tho it will probably take a fair amount of time to gain a level then.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Infinite gold is an issue, no matter how much of a chore spamming the 2k is, you're going to get everything eventually without spending a penny, with the current regeneration that'd still be possible but would take years. Add in something like AW Betty and your Shrine profits will crash down pretty fast.

One important thing about Event maps is that they cost a lot more Stamina than Charisma for the higher-end maps (e.g. 50:7, 90:12, etc.), you'd have time to regenerate a decent amount of Charisma by the time your Stamina goes back up. If you look at something like you'll see that you'd spend very little Crystals on Charisma even for a collection Event (granted, the drop-hunts can go badly if your luck is poor).

Also, most of the Extreme-tier dailies are Charisma-heavy, so instead of being a trade-off (farming high-end dailies vs grinding story maps for XP) it becomes a non-issue. And then there's the Awakening maps, 90 Charisma and 0 Stamina.

I think we're all aware that Charisma and Stamina are just there to slow progression and tempt people into spending Crystals and I do feel like they do their job quite well.

Interesting, didn't know about some of the other maps since we don't have em. However, the argument is a bit flawed. It is not removing purchases, it's simply redirecting where it is spent or what it is "spent on".

So your primary argument is it would remove premium purchases if I'm understanding you. You can correct me here if I'm in error. If the money is being put somewhere else but is still being spent, does it really matter to the company what it was spent for? If it increases sales, especially among typically "non-spenders" as they will not "gamble", is the negative out weighing the positive?

While I get the argument you are making, I do not see spontaneous sales taking the bigger majority of sales in this type of environment. Right now it obviously is, as its the only income source.

Something to think on at least, as far as the potential negatives, but I do not see in any way that it would cause a sales "loss". Granted the numerical price point would have to be calculated correctly and be low enough people would buy it, and that people wouldn't ignore it completely, but also high enough to remain profitable.

Also after lvl 200, which u Xov will reach in like a month or two at this rate, every lvl up refills both charisma and stamina, so infinite charisma would pretty much mean infinite stamina as well. Even tho it will probably take a fair amount of time to gain a level then.
Given it how long it takes to level as is, even if playing straight at my current level it would still take days even with unrestricted play to level. Not quite sure how large of an impact that would have, so I'd grant that this may be enough of a negative, however it is worth pointing out that if we got a system like this, there would likely be other changes as well to our version. I doubt the Devs would just implement a single change and call it "good". The economists wouldn't allow such a thing with in the company. Also worthy of note is I did also mention an increase to CHA regeneration as a viable alternative double to quadruple the rate. So it could still be considered a limited resource, just not as limited.

Is it even worth it? I mean what are the drops, and are there any maps after war of magic? or is it like with the Immortal Beast which is now the final one?
There are 19 maps after War of Magic, I've not unlocked the final personally.
The higher end maps allow you to get higher tiered affection items like diamonds and rubies more easily, as well as accesses to Black (gold and above as well) fairies. There is a higher Sta cost for the higher tiered maps.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

The other thing is with the current release of content there is basically no need to spend money on Stamina (let alone Charisma) refills. Even if people are impatient I doubt they are so impatient as to spend an entire dollar refilling their charisma so they can spend an empty week leveling up units.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Interesting, didn't know about some of the other maps since we don't have em. However, the argument is a bit flawed. It is not removing purchases, it's simply redirecting where it is spent or what it is "spent on".

So your primary argument is it would remove premium purchases if I'm understanding you. You can correct me here if I'm in error. If the money is being put somewhere else but is still being spent, does it really matter to the company what it was spent for? If it increases sales, especially among typically "non-spenders" as they will not "gamble", is the negative out weighing the positive?

While I get the argument you are making, I do not see spontaneous sales taking the bigger majority of sales in this type of environment. Right now it obviously is, as its the only income source.

Something to think on at least, as far as the potential negatives, but I do not see in any way that it would cause a sales "loss". Granted the numerical price point would have to be calculated correctly and be low enough people would buy it, but high enough that people wouldn't ignore it completely.

adding onto this as I mentioned before(and Xovian before that). It wouldn't have to be unlimited charisma. It could simply be double, triple, quadruple gained charisma. Which they could set at different price points.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Hmm faster Charisma recovery would be nice. Would be nice if they could make that an option for Stamina as well. Only other thing I can think off the top of my head is a buff to increase drop rates (though that might open another can of worms).
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Drop rate buffs just make every drop chance where you aren't using them feel terrible. Drop rate bonuses are a terrible thing.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I agree that drop rate bonuses are bad. The only way it can be good is if it's implemented as a safety net. For instance everytime you roll a silver in Premium get X% towards not rolling a silver again until you roll something above a silver. Then reset to default value. So for example

50% Silver by default
Roll a silver, lowered to X%
Roll a gold, back to 50%
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I'm aware that my argument is flawed, can't really help it when we have little to no information in regards to how people spend their Crystals, I'm merely taking a guess at how things could go.

I'm quite certain that their main source of revenue is from Shrine rolls by whales though (at least a few of the Japanese players have spent in the 1k area for the new Black) and that group won't be affected much by changes to Charisma, they have the money and will roll.

Now for the low/moderate buyers, easy gold is quite appealing, they could spend 3 Crystals for the 1.5x Gold buff and farm Pastoral Gate constantly to roll 2k, I'm part of that group and I'd definitely forget about buying Sacred Crystals and just farm away, even if we're just talking about faster Charisma regeneration and not infinite.

Honestly, there's a lot of things that should/need to be changed with this game, it's rather doubtful they expected it to last this long, DMM browser games are usually a cash-grab and don't last long before shutting down.

Sadly, I really don't see the devs making mechanical changes specifically for our version, they'll still prioritize the Japanese version and we'll get hand-me-downs. The current system works well for generating revenue from the Japanese and it's rather unlikely that it'll change.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I'm aware that my argument is flawed, can't really help it when we have little to no information in regards to how people spend their Crystals, I'm merely taking a guess at how things could go.
Very true. With out the knowledge, we are all just shooting from the hip here.

Sadly, I really don't see the devs making mechanical changes specifically for our version, they'll still prioritize the Japanese version and we'll get hand-me-downs. The current system works well for generating revenue from the Japanese and it's rather unlikely that it'll change.

I stated so as well in the initial post about it. However, we can always ask, what's the worse the Devs can say? "No"? Doesn't hurt to try especially if over the course of the game it nets them more profit, which is their bottom line. Most companies are happy to at least entertain increasing that bottom line, so who knows.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

So changing our avatars to aigis characters is a thing now? Can I be involved?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

So changing our avatars to aigis characters is a thing now? Can I be involved?

It isn't even a question you either join or die.

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