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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

So I've got 40 crystals left. That's enough for Karma if we get her, right?

Yes, you should be just fine. Even if you had the worst possible drops farming the last map, you'll have a few left over if you decide to max her. Unless they alter the drops, the last map has a guaranteed x10 vial drop and two x3 vial drops that have a ~50% drop rate.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Spoke with the twitter representative a bit to talk about the events that we just passed over (Odette + Yurina, since Shiho is probably a lost cause) and what we can do if we're concerned about those events not being next.

Basically the response was "If you want those events you (the playerbase) need to let us know on twitter, facebook or via an email to [email protected] .

Basically the JP devs are going to select events for us from now on, with license to skip over whatever events they deem as not necessary. With that in mind, if there are events they skip that we actually want - we need to tell nutaku so they can formally request them like with Maribel's.

Thank you for being our (the player base) representative on twitter! I'm actually okay with skipping Odette and Yurina. I mean, Odette was on my wishlist, but she's not one that I badly want (I'm actually fine with just keeping ol' man Whitebeard, if that's the case). And Yurina really does nothing for me, honestly.
I like the concept of dark knights, but I really don't like that they Awaken into Paladins. I mean, c'mon, just let em stay dark and brooding. Same deal with some of the fallen angels. They fell from grace and joined a prince's harem; how does that qualify as atonement? It's mostly just the drastic artistic shift, honestly; aesthetics is really important to me, and I don't like that art direction.

Now, as for the other two... [chant]"Ba-shi-ra! Ba-shi-ra! Ba-shi-ra!"[/I'm done]
*ahem* Both of those events interest me. *calmly adjusts glasses*

On a slightly(read: not even close) related note to things DMM-related (<-Aha, DMM not Aigis! Sorry, guys, I can't help myself): OMG hav you guys watched the Kancolle anime its more like "Fleet of yuri, ahoy!" \..| <3<3<3 |../ I just watched it; can't wait for S2... <.<; ... [whispers]"NagatoxMutsu4laifu"[/ok I'm done 4 realz this time] :D
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

The spotlights for both monk and vampire are meh for me (since I already have Bashira and two Camillas, I don't expect us to get Dina in the next patch, and I don't care for the samurais), so I tried rolling again for Sherry...

You surprised me there when you said vampire, i though Eden is out.....
But now that i think about it the vampire u mean probably karma *sigh......*
Eden class = Vampire Lord

Eden + Sandra..... These 2 unit if you passed them you will regret it on aigis career
all the low lvl strat in JP event used these 2 unit 80% of the time.... *kinda funny its low lvl with only silver / gold unit, but these 2 unit always come into play*
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

To Prototype909 or anyone else who can answer,

I didn't know about the events thing. Where did they say that? What events have we missed? I would like to be able to message them. The more messages from people the merrier. If the player base needs to message them about missed events, I want to be a part of that.

If anyone else decides to message them, don't forget to do one from your alt account, too.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Where can I find the spotlight information for the JP events? I'm looking at events on the Seesaa wiki but I can't seem to find spotlight info.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Twitter confirmed that the next event has something to do either either Monks or Vampires. If the event is the Monk one followed by the Karma one or the Karma one followed by the Monk one it would mean four events (One of which is loli and would get skipped anyways) were skipped.

The events skipped would be Dark Knight Yurina, Avenger Roana, and Mage Odette (And Miko Shiho, loli)

Where can I find the spotlight information for the JP events? I'm looking at events on the Seesaa wiki but I can't seem to find spotlight info.

Spotlight info is pictured on the images for the events
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I can't find the event image for anything but the current event. :(

If there's a specific time range of events you're curious about I could just list the bonus windows for you
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

If there's a specific time range of events you're curious about I could just list the bonus windows for you

Pretty much everything we're likely to see or skip soon.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Pretty much everything we're likely to see or skip soon.

that kind of list was made a few pages back already wasn't it?

the events most likely with the event unit and spotlight.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Pretty much everything we're likely to see or skip soon.

In order of their original release, bolded events are the ones that are being considered next

Odette - Samurai Princess Sakura (Plat) & Samurai Koujurou (Gold)

Karma - Bounty Hunter Elisabeth (Plat) & Vampire Hunter Vincent (Gold)

Shiho - Pegasus Knight Liddy (Plat) & Healer Roberto (Gold)

Yurina - Half Elf Witch Yuyu (Plat), Legendary Pirate Minerva (Black) also something about Archer Victoria (Plat), and Witch Figuneria (Plat, loli) which might be unrelated to the bonus window

Roana - Princess Olivier (Black), Fairy Bishop Marius (Plat)

Monk Rin - Archer Bashira (Plat), Healer Camilla (Plat), Super Human Girl Dina (Black)
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Where did they say that?

What events have we missed?

ignoring events without any new unit, these 4 events happened before the first events with a vampire and monk showed up.

event 1:

event 1 unit: Odette

event 2:

event 2 unit: Shiho

event 3:

event 3 unit: Yurina

event 4:

event 4 unit: Roana
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Oh fuck no we're not skipping Roana! This whole place will go up in arms if they think they can perma-skip our Dark Elf "princess" (I'm well aware that she's an avenger). I mean, I'm fine with Rin and Karma, but then we are going to need Roana after, for sure! :mad:
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

All of these event skipping make me lazy on playing en aigis -.-
While i do understand this aigis is converted from JP (original) and all event are from JP dev team, which Nutaku don't have much control on it.
But it felt we only got around 50% of what the original has to offer

This is just me, but i started to stop spending all chr and stm nowday just can't focus much on the EN aigis anymore.
Well this also cuz of RL work and JP aigis + FKG... already not bothering on time management in EN aigis mostly just log spend all stm (ignoring chr) once or twice a day

PS: sorry if this sound whining, just need to let out my dissatisfaction about all these event skipping and the fact not letting many unit out.
The reason event skip, this statement "we wish to catch up to JP aigis" / Fact yes event skipped, but always week break after event
Most of the new unit also forcing you from gacha too mean pay pay pay
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Just noticed something while taking a pic. It seems the opacity of the background units has been removed. When looking at units previously you could see your units behind them, this no longer seems to be the case. Least I can't figure out if it's an option of some sort or not.

At any rate, 20 crystals later...what a pain in the ass.
As to crystals, a mere 20 was just for today, and she was 3/5 when I began. Actualy got a fair amount of Rainbow fairy drops, but a lot failed me. Won't be doing that for quite awhile needless to say.

PS: sorry if this sound whining, just need to let out my dissatisfaction about all these event skipping and the fact not letting many unit out.
The reason event skip, this statement "we wish to catch up to JP aigis" / Fact yes event skipped, but always week break after event
Most of the new unit also forcing you from gacha too mean pay pay pay
It's not whining when it's true and the justification is correct.

/rant time (don't have twitter or facebook, and it'd be deleted there)
As to event skipping, I've stated before, and I'll say again, I'm good with skipping whatever (I AM a minority to be sure) but LETS GET ON WITH IT!
These breaks are just pissing me off now.

Skipping shit means we should be seeing more units at a MUCH faster pace than DMM received their units. We are at just over 4 months for our version, with all these skips we should be looking at around month 9-12 of DMM's release schedule. You wanna pick and choose fine, fucking do it already, but stop slowing us down for no god damn reason. (aimed at the JP Devs).

Reason I'm pissed about it? DMM has been getting repeated new unit events & upgraded dailies and we cant even get the dam scraps that have been in the code for over a year. Really?

I stated I'd spend every month, even if it isn't remotely close to what I did in the first two months, and I have done so in support of the game. But I'm tired of our version being treated as an after thought or "when we feel like it" which seems the to be the vibe we have gotten from the JP Dev team. My support stops now, until I see an event back to back, I'm not wasting a single penny on the game. I realize NutkauDev and Nutaku as a company does not control this, but someone needs to have a foot firmly planted in their ass right now. If I did this type of crap at my job, I'd be fired.
/end rant

Sorry about that folks, but speaking my mind as I know Nutaku does lurk these forums for feedback. Someone needs to say something, cause frankly put, none of us here, free or not need to be playing a second rate game that the Dev team doesn't seem to care about or fully support.

Hell I can do better, I can even offer DMM help in translating it by professional freelance translators, two of which worked previously with Media Blasters.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Best way to catch us up? Close the weekly delays and give us some of these skipped units for free. Not even joking. Make them level-up or storyline/challenge progress rewards.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

welcome to the club xovian! though my anya is only lvl 76 >.<
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

welcome to the club xovian! though my anya is only lvl 76 >.<

To b fair, despite all my units, most are only 1/5 or 2/5 in skill. Only other one I know I have at max level, max skill, max CR currently is Betty. I might have one more, but I'd have to go look. (Lilia is max skill and CR but not level). So yea, I've been slacking on the skill department.

Edit* Oh, Maribel is one too, but event unit so kinda a given if you got lucky enough anyways.
Edit2* Got more 4/5 than I thought, but mostly those units that don't get an increase to their skill when they get CC'ed.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Ah the new daily is still pretty new.
The extreme tier started about 3 month ago thats about 1.5 yr ever since official DMM out ?
But once the extreme tier out, i'm pretty sure you will love it as the the drop chance specialy fairy felt pretty big difference (still alot of time no drop cuz no more 100% gold drop)
Also the drop on thursday also pretty high i keep geting 4-5 x3 (max 7) on the crystal well rng always come from luck so there also unlucky time.
Monday.... platinum still felt the same but clearing map give 15,000 gold so no rng come to play here for the gold part

Despite with all the good news as i mention before the difficulty rise pretty steep, the fact that poison tick from 5hp / tick --> 20hp / tick and also silver clear going to be really tough on the map.

DMM event difficulty rising up pretty hard nowday, make you wonder if you can do silver clear anymore (most low level video nowday start to have awaken claire in it and use platinum eden / sandra now)
I guess this is my main reason why i tend to focus alot more on JP ver and starting to less care on EN ver.