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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I got lucky/unlucky with the summoning early on and picked up two Olivie princess units. Would I be better off leveling both of them up, or using one to feed the other?

LOGICALLY probably leveling them both up.

However I have a weird personal rule where I never have copies of the same unit, so....

Personally I'd feed.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

And another question while I'm here. I'm new to the game, just started this month. When I get to the point I can CC units, will I want to start using my duplicate silver units to lower their cost and raise their skills? Some of the guides I've seen mention two CC levels, and I don't want to feed the units only to lose the benefits when they introduce a new CC level.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

And another question while I'm here. I'm new to the game, just started this month. When I get to the point I can CC units, will I want to start using my duplicate silver units to lower their cost and raise their skills? Some of the guides I've seen mention two CC levels, and I don't want to feed the units only to lose the benefits when they introduce a new CC level.

Are You free / pay Player?
If You willing to pay , just feed the same copies to the Main Unit for -1 CR and +1 SU. But save 1 copy for 50CC
If You are free , then don't feed. Just wait for Your awakening feature
Some say it will out on Dec/Jan:rolleyes:
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

How many 10 cost gold+ soldiers do you have? Possibly an 11 cost would work also if you have a 10 cost Aria at least.

Just mincost Aria, yeah. Of all my plats, Jerome was not one I lucked out on.

I do have several Julians lying around that I never got around to CC'ing though. That's one thing I could try... once I get a surplus of silver soldiers to use for 30CC material, at least.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Just mincost Aria, yeah. Of all my plats, Jerome was not one I lucked out on.

I do have several Julians lying around that I never got around to CC'ing though. That's one thing I could try... once I get a surplus of silver soldiers to use for 30CC material, at least.

If you switch your title to the atk one for prince, he can kill the goblins top. Aria mid start like I did, and if you can get Julian cced/max trust with 10-11 uc he can take up bottom spot. If you could get the initial rush done with that, then the rest should be easy for you since you can just use karma to solo the goatman at the end. This would allow you to 3* without spending sc at all.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Finaly 310 DC , by using 23 SC
15 was free from New Event and Log in Bonus
It cost quite much since My Max Stamina only 13


Next target is Cyrus
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

If you switch your title to the atk one for prince, he can kill the goblins top. Aria mid start like I did, and if you can get Julian cced/max trust with 10-11 cc he can take up bottom spot. If you could get the initial rush done with that, then the rest should be easy for you since you can just use karma to solo the goatman at the end. This would allow you to 3* without spending sc at all.

Sounds like a plan. The most painless one, at least.

The last three shouldn't be a problem since I've got three Bernas lying around, anyway.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Cyrus was my very first premium draw. I still don't know whether that makes me happy or not. Esp since I drew that old man gold mage shortly after.
Really, it seems I only draw Gold units of certain classes.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Cyrus was my very first premium draw. I still don't know whether that makes me happy or not. Esp since I drew that old man gold mage shortly after.
Really, it seems I only draw Gold units of certain classes.

They're both good starter mages. Its just a little hard to raise there trust since male items are pretty scarce. (for me)
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)


I Prefer Mehlis
Since Male Unit is suck to up their affection
Only from Daily Mission on Wednesday
And it cost 60 Charisma and 3 Stamina(H) , If You get Millenium Wine it's worth it. But if only got 4-5 beer......
While Female are easier , only need 1 Stamina
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)


I Prefer Mehlis
Since Male Unit is suck to up their affection
Only from Daily Mission on Wednesday
And it cost 60 Charisma and 3 Stamina(H) , If You get Millenium Wine it's worth it. But if only got 4-5 beer......
While Female are easier , only need 1 Stamina

1 stamina :confused:

But Mehhlis is from gatcha, if they dont get them might as well use what you have atm
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

1 stamina :confused:

But Mehhlis is from gatcha, if they dont get them might as well use what you have atm

Low cost battle , 1 Stamina
Often give 2 Bouquet 1 Silver Spirit
With 3 Stamina You can get atleast 4 Bouquet 2 SS / 3 Bouquet 1 SS
It's cheaper then A toast to Men (H) , 60 Charisma 3 Stamina
SS also usefull , can give more exp. I always feed them even to Gold. Coz I have too much of SS

Well , My few attempt of free SC (Premium Summon) gatcha give her and Liana

But yes , might as well use what you have
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

And another question while I'm here. I'm new to the game, just started this month. When I get to the point I can CC units, will I want to start using my duplicate silver units to lower their cost and raise their skills? Some of the guides I've seen mention two CC levels, and I don't want to feed the units only to lose the benefits when they introduce a new CC level.

I recommend you save your silver units that you are not leveling and CC'ing themselves, as you will need to CC a good number of units and having the right silver unit to CC is often a limiting factor.

The ability to CC a unit you need for a map is much more important overall than reducing a units cost.

When most of your team has been class changed and leveled you should have enough information to determine if you have enough spare units to try and reduce their cost.

The "second" class change is known as awakening, and it requires either a class changed silver unit (usually a 30CC fodder you made for the purpose) or a gold unit, either is acceptable so you have more options. Awakening will be some time yet before it is implemented and is a late game mechanic as you will need a fully leveled class changed unit to awaken.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

So does anyone else feel like they're really behind in this event? I'm currently at 93 books, and have just been running Total War X after flying through the earlier missions. Am I doing the wrong mission or am I just unlucky? I know people were saying that Len requires an unreasonable amount of SC to max but at this rate I'm going to have trouble hitting 400.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

So does anyone else feel like they're really behind in this event? I'm currently at 93 books, and have just been running Total War X after flying through the earlier missions. Am I doing the wrong mission or am I just unlucky? I know people were saying that Len requires an unreasonable amount of SC to max but at this rate I'm going to have trouble hitting 400.

I'm at 134 and I've already spent a couple of SC on it. There is only a 2 book difference between min and max drop so I don't think it will make much of a difference in the long run. Its just the 8 stamina cost of total war x is so high I think that is one of the contributing factors towards why it is going to take so many crystals. That and the last map of Vampire Bride could drop up to 16 items.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Sitting at 92 books right now. I'm in no hurry to get more. I've obtained the unit and that's my prime concern. I'm not going to bother burning my SCs on this event since the return on investment is really low. Now that I've got Len secured honestly my highest priority is getting more silver Archers from X to infuse into Spica for 5/5 skill. Then more archers for Bashira's CC.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Hmm, dunno. I plan on using her so might as well get her maxed skill + CR.

Currently at 212 scrolls.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

hi where do you guys farm for training materials?
currently unlocked all story but can't get pass the last one, dragon hunting is pretty good for lvling exp but has a lower chance of getting the units
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

lol , I don't really care on using Len
But I do WANT Lauren , and for God knows how many time I do Total War X
I only get 1 Lauren so far...... So CRUEL:(
Now I already have 3 Lauren (2 from Shrine 2K gatcha)
Enough for CC'ed either Spica/Bashira
I can only pray , I got another 3 Lauren. So both can CC'ed
And another Lauren , If can. To SU Spica
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

OK sounds like I'm doing toward the back of the pack, though not too far off from other "don't really care about Len" people.

hi where do you guys farm for training materials?
currently unlocked all story but can't get pass the last one, dragon hunting is pretty good for lvling exp but has a lower chance of getting the units

I usually run Return to Ruins as it generally gives the most unit experience for charisma. That said, I'll occasionally end up running out of gold if I do Return to Ruins too long so I'll switch to Dragon Hunting for a while to build up cash reserves again.