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Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

A, tora! tora! tora!

Also, could you add characters' statblocks to the bottom of their posts for quick reference when we're voting? It's not much of an issue with 5 pages, but it might be more of a hassle once the story gets a bit longer.
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Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

A. If she can't handle a bunch of surprised and unprepared goblins she might as well give up now.
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

Welp. It's been long enough, I think.

The crowd has spoken! A has been chosen.

Surprise round.

Olivia knew what she had to do. Kill the goblins, now! She rushed them quickly, a scream of fury coming from her that might actually sound kind of cute if you heard it, and didn't see the mace firmly in her hand. Her first target was the closest goblin, looking fairly scrawny, even compared to his kin.

Dice roll... 5

And of course she missed entirely, the goblin jumping out of the way. There went her surprise.

"Damn you, vile spawn of evil, I'll stop you from your terrible acts!" The goblins growled in response, and grabbed their weapons.

Initiative... 1 vs 4. Goblins win.

The goblins, however, while unprepared, took the time to grab their weapons fairly quickly. They were military goblins, after all. And they charged the girl, roaring right back as they attempted to take her down with their own wooden clubs.

Dice roll... 9, 3, 18... HIT! 5 damage!

Three against one simply wasn't fair. The first two were easily deflected by Olivia's shield, but the third struck her from behind, hitting her in the back of the head! She was dizzied, weakened, but not defeated quite yet. She cursed once more, and struck back!

Dice roll... 6! (for the love of... all she needs is an 11!)

But in her daze, the goblins avoided her strike, and backed up, just in time.

Round 2

Initiative... 3 vs 2. Olivia wins!

But before they could attack again, Olivia knew that she had only one more chance. So she charged the goblins once more, knowing just how doomed her endeavor was!

Dice roll... 13! HIT! damage... 5!

And so one of the tougher looking goblins fell, finally taken down by her deadly mace. She was strong, she was fast, but she had simply been clumsy. This was her first time in battle, and it showed. But now she had the upper hand. She laughed, and looked down upon the other two goblins, a grin of victory on her face.

"Fools... you should never face a cleric of the gods of Law and Order. You should surrender while you still can... and I may let you live."

Morale roll... 8! The goblins look at each other, fearful, but hold stalwart. They still think they can win this. Maybe they're right. And so they strike, hoping that they have the power to win!

Dice roll... 10, 12!

But it's useless, really. Olivia practically dances as she avoids their strikes. She's laughing now, feeling the power of her gods within her. She is winning. She'll definitely be victorious now!

Round 3

Initiative, 2 vs 1. Olivia wins!

She attacks again, targeting the scrawny goblin because she knows that no matter what, if she connects, it'll die. She won't allow these fools to defeat her.

Dice roll... 9!

It isn't to be, the damn thing may be weak, but it's fast!

Dice roll... 1, 8! But their attacks fail to penetrate her armor all the same.

Round 4

Initiative, 3 vs 2, Olivia wins!

Dice roll... 16! HIT! damage 4

Finally, finally she takes down the second goblin, her breath heavy, fatigue starting to set in. But the same is true of the remaining goblin. All it takes is one more strike, and it's down. One on one are odds that favor her much better than what had been there before.

Morale roll... 5!

"Boo." With that, the remaining goblin dropped his mace and ran from the room! Luckily, he ran the way Olivia first came. She crept up to the door and peeked. Yep, he opened the door into the trap room... and was immediately grabbed by the tentacle vines. The door slammed behind him, and Olivia couldn't help but stifle a laugh!

It was time for her to mend her wounds and check to see what was here. Their camp was small, and she found only 20 gold pieces in various sacks, some food that didn't look at all palatable to the girl, a strange, clear potion and of course their campfire. She sipped the potion ever so slightly, and it felt refreshing, which was a good sign, but taking it would be a risk.

Either way, soon the poor girl got woozy. She was down to a single hit point, and as she slumped to the ground, she knew she had no choice but to make camp. Perhaps in the morning she'd feel better.

A.) Make Camp - This would allow her to rest and regain 1d3 hit points through the night, giving her up to 4, out of her six maximum. However, it would also allow another wandering monster check...

B.) Take the Potion - Who knows what it might do. If you're lucky, it might just be a healing potion, and in that case, she'd be ready and raring to go again...

C.) Forge Ahead - Even with her weakness, she must keep going. If she rests now, who knows what will happen?!

D.) Time to Retreat - This first foray into the dungeon has so far been utterly unsuccessful. Maybe it'd be best to brave the tentacle room while it's still occupied with the goblin, and rush back out the front entrance. 20 gold isn't a lot, but it'd make a tithe, and at least she'd be able to give people heart by being the first to escape the place!

Acolyte (Cleric 1)
HP: 1/6
Armor Class: 2
THAC0: 17
Alignment: Lawful
XP: 165/1500
GP: 20

Strength: 16 (+2)
Intelligence: 7 (-1)
Wisdom: 16 (+2)
Dexterity: 9 (+0)
Constitution: 13 (+1)
Charisma: 13 (+1)

Turning Undead (and more!)

Sister Olivia has the supernatural power to channel the radiant might of her gods against the forces of the undead. If she is successful, the undead forces will flee from her, and will not touch her even if cornered.

To do this, one must roll 2d6, and reach a number higher than the undead creature's required number. For example, a skeleton requires a 7, a zombie an 8 at this level.

Thankfully, due to the gods' grace, this power is even greater within the dungeon. Creatures of lust will react just as undead, and be turned too!

Mace: 1d6+2
Full Plate
Holy Symbol
Wicker Golem Adventurer's Pack (backpack, small retractable tent, flint and steel, 50 ft rope, climbing hooks, 8 torches, 3 days iron rations)
Strange Refreshing Potion

Age: 21
Hair: White (dyed, for purity!)
Breasts: C cups
Height: 5'4
Body type: curvy
Virgin: no (she was a bad girl)
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Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

B. based on last time, at our current strength we stand to lose more by being conservative with our items and powers than we do by using them too quickly.

Also, did we get XP from that encounter, and when we eventually keep a character long enough to level up will that happen at the end of the encounter or after some sort of extended rest?
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

B Lust Potion
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

I don't know why one would test an unknown potion by sipping it, but since we aren't already dead, and dying for altogether other reasons, we may as well finish it off. Bottoms up!
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

Well, somehow I'm not surprised, for sturm gave a solid argument. 5 votes it is!

The crowd has spoken! B has been chosen

Olivia was weak, and she knew that she had to do something. And she didn't have time, either. Certainly not time to sleep it off and wake up with aches and pains. No, the only real choice was the potion. So she unstoppered it again, and downed it in one long gulp. Oh, she was very good at downing drinks. She used to binge-drink, and people were always impressed by how much a girl like her could drink in one go. It was really easy, and this, especially, went down smooth, like some sort of fruit juice.

And then she felt the buzz. Magic, clearly. She felt better already, and smiled, seeing how this had absolutely worked. Olivia regains 5 hit points, gains 4 temporary hit points! It was amazing, she felt incredible! In fact, she giggled, feeling a true rush come over her. Uh oh, the rush was growing stronger by the minute, and she ultimately had to set herself down before she fell. It wasn't a drunken stupor, no... she was simply that horny.

"I should have known there'd be a side effect..." she whined, before curling into the fetal position, still too protected by all her armor to effectively get her hand to her already throbbing clit. As she rubbed, however, she found another solution. Her armor protected all of her, and there was a metal cup guarding her crotch, though differently designed from the sort a man would have. And... if she rubbed just right, here on her hands and knees, the tip of her mace handle against it... there! Her clit could rub against the soft leather between her crotch and the hard metal of the full plate... and so she began to grind, fidgeting there for all the world to see.

The image, if one looked on, was of a girl on her side, mace between her legs, rocking her hips back and forth, hair in her mouth, moaning loudly and often, making a serious go at herself as she slowly, carefully pleasured herself into an orgasm. She quailed as loud as she could, the pleasure so very much. It was amazing. And it made a mess of the inside of her armor. But she didn't care anymore, she was panting and moaning from the feeling. Perhaps this was what the goblins would have used on her if they'd beaten her. If they had, she would have even accepted their cocks without a problem. She would have needed it. Even now, if a male was around, she'd...

The tentacles. She got up, and for a brief moment was walking towards the door. She opened it, looking down the hall and took one step, two steps into that hallway, before she gasped and stopped.

"No... no. If I do that I'll never..." Never escape? Never forgive herself? Never win? Never save anyone else? She didn't know, she didn't care. She felt her mind unclouding, just enough. So she turned right back the way she came.

Wandering monster roll... 4. No monsters.

Olivia took several long, deep breaths. She knew she had to press on. And so she did, clear-headed enough now to feel confident in herself. She was stronger now, healthier than ever, and even if it was temporary -which it most surely was- she was able to handle more than before. She smiled to herself in glee, this was working out well. And was part of that the rush of endorphins from having masturbated so often lately? She'd not had a good orgasm in several years. Well, it was the dungeon of lust, after all... the gods would forgive her just this once.

She swung the door open and looked around, torch in hand. The room was longer than the last one, and strange. There were a number of goblin corpses here, all still laying on makeshift bedrolls. She frowned. There wasn't even a smell, except must. The cadavers didn't look ready to fight or anything, they were in pieces, really, somewhat shredded. In fact, as she gazed upon them, it was clear that something had... feasted from them. She realized now, perhaps these goblins had been connected to the three she met. Maybe they were the survivors? It made sense. It looked like there had been a commotion. And there, closer to the door, was a goblin who had run partway between the makeshift camp and the door she had opened. And there, towards the next door, open into a long hallway, was another body. Next to it was a shield, still shining even from here. Some sort of treasure?

Olivia chuckled to herself in relief. This had once been the goblins' den! But then, and not too long ago either, they had been routed, desperately carrying their affects off.

A.) Take the Shield - Enter the room and get that shining object, maybe see if that body had any other treasure on him. After all, who knew if it was more effective than what she currently possessed? Maybe even magical? The goblin sure seemed to have been carrying it, not using it.

B.) Walk on Through - This place was dead. Time to go, no sense lingering even enough to pick up treasure. Objects weren't the goal here anyway!

C.) Go Back Through Tentacle-ville - This place is seeming more and more dead, with dangers at every turn. Olivia may have faith in the gods... but does Olivia have faith in herself? Or maybe... she has another reason to return to the plant room?

D.) Throw in a Lure - Throw in something to make sound, like a clattering rock or something from her pack, maybe an iron ration? Who knows what's in there!

Acolyte (Cleric 1)
HP: 6+4
Armor Class: 2
THAC0: 17
Alignment: Lawful
XP: 165/1500
GP: 20

Strength: 16 (+2)
Intelligence: 7 (-1)
Wisdom: 16 (+2)
Dexterity: 9 (+0)
Constitution: 13 (+1)
Charisma: 13 (+1)

Turning Undead (and more!)

Sister Olivia has the supernatural power to channel the radiant might of her gods against the forces of the undead. If she is successful, the undead forces will flee from her, and will not touch her even if cornered.

To do this, one must roll 2d6, and reach a number higher than the undead creature's required number. For example, a skeleton requires a 7, a zombie an 8 at this level.

Thankfully, due to the gods' grace, this power is even greater within the dungeon. Creatures of lust will react just as undead, and be turned too!

Mace: 1d6+2
Full Plate
Holy Symbol
Wicker Golem Adventurer's Pack (backpack, small retractable tent, flint and steel, 50 ft rope, climbing hooks, 8 torches, 3 days iron rations)

Age: 21
Hair: White (dyed, for purity!)
Breasts: C cups
Height: 5'4
Body type: curvy
Virgin: no (she was a bad girl)
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

Ooh, tempting. Let's do it, A: run like the wind for that shield. Run like the smurfin' wind. And hold our holy symbol in the ready position. We might need to turn something.
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

EDIT: swayed to vote for A
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Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust


That's probably a trap, almost certainly a trap. But what's the best way to avoid a trap? Spring it when ready for it, rush for the shield ready for what the dungeon would throw at her, at least hopefully.
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

D. Throw in 2-3 rocks. If nothing happens go in and take the shield while being ready for any sort of danger.
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

A very interesting game so far. Allow me to join in.

Waking up or luring in whatever is strong enough to kill an entire group of goblins may not be the best decision. Let's go grab the shield, then consider moving forward or not.
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

A very interesting game so far. Allow me to join in.

Waking up or luring in whatever is strong enough to kill an entire group of goblins may not be the best decision. Let's go grab the shield, then consider moving forward or not.

Is your avatar supposed to be a nude apex pin-up? Somebody should run a starbound cyoa. Call it starBONED. Anyway, I wholeheartedly agree with you, which is why I already voted like I did. ;P
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

You know, I was about to say that it's still anyone's game, I wasn't comfortable writing it yet when it was merely 3-2, and yet... that isn't the case anymore, as strum has changed his vote! I'm glad I checked again before I posted. With that in mind, I don't think 4-1 is gonna be beaten, it least soon enough for my tastes, so...

The crowd has spoken! A has been chosen

Dash dash dash, Olivia knew that there was every possibility that this was a trap, but she wanted to seize the shield, just in case. She went at a jog down the fairly lengthy room, past the corpses and the ruined camp, before reaching the shield. She picked it up and examined it. It was similar to her own, but lighter, but still metal. She tested it in her hand, and smiled. Unlike her own plain, unadorned shield, this one had a tree embossed on the front, truly well made and artfully done, its slender branches almost expressionistic, as opposed to something photo-realistic. She liked it. It was gorgeous. She was keeping it.

Shield +1 acquired. Olivia's AC improves to 1!

Surprise round!

But in the time it took her to replace her shield, putting the old one in her pack, something caught her eye. She looked up, shocked. She'd had ample time to notice it but it didn't matter. The creatures were camoflauged, almost invisible against the dull gray of the old vaulted ceiling and stone walls. It was two crab spiders, each about six feet long, larger than her! The creatures had eight legs, venom drooled from their chittering maws, and their many eyes stared at her with a terrible hunger. She raised her shield and her mace, but she had no more time before they struck.

Dice roll... 15, 13...miss!

"So... this is what killed the goblins...!" Olivia said breathlessly, as they attacked. But she was incredibly well armored, and the shield seemed to guide her arm, almost magically, to block the bites of the terrible beasts. She growled in response, which admittedly would sound quite cute to anyone listening. Her cheeks still red, her breathing quick, chest heaving, she was quite the sight, even in her element!

Round 1...

Initiative: 3 vs 1. Olivia wins!

The two creatures were mighty, but Olivia knew that she could beat them. She had to. All she had to do was focus on one of them, and perhaps she could even scare the other off. She knew instinctively, thanks to the magic of her gods' grace, that her turn ability wouldn't work. While warped by the place, at least probably, these were neither undead nor creatures of lust.

Dice roll... 16! HIT! 6 damage!

She conked the beast on the head, splattering two of its many eyes, but that served only to enrage it... how many hit points did the foul thing have?!

Dice roll... 3, 7

Another attack from the two of them. Olivia was surrounded. It was of course how they'd attacked from the beginning, one on each side. It was lucky this wasn't 3rd edition or later, where that would give a bonus...

Round 2

Initiative... 3 vs 2. Olivia wins!

Dice roll... 9

Focusing on the injured crab spider, she struck, swinging out again and again but failing. It was crafty, even if it wasn't very agile. And its carapace was strong. She had to make sure she hit something soft. Like its face.

"Come on, Olivia... go for the face. Go for the face!"

Dice roll... 4, 18... HIT! 5 damage!

Somehow, the one behind her got ahold of her arm, and its fangs sank deep into her! She screamed in pain, but managed to shake it off. But then she realized the true danger of the bite... venom! However, thanks to the magic of her potion, the venom was neutralized. This time. Would her own body be able to survive it next time?

Round 3

Initiative... 1 vs 5, spiders win!

Dice roll... 3, 1

After that, Olivia fought more carefully, measuring out and waiting for their strikes. Then she dodged, each time allowing her to avoid them easily. Just focus on the one and it'll all be over soon... just time it just right and...

Dice roll... 19... HIT! 8 damage!

THERE! She struck it right as it pulled back from its attempt to bite her... and she smashed its face in. It fell to the ground, crumpled even, and she giggled. Victory, again. She was good at this. She could win. She'd kill them all and save people. She knew it. She turned around, towards the second spider, and screamed, before charging it.

"Run! Run away, monster! You wanted a taste?! You've got it!"

Morale roll... 8

It was enough. The spider turned tail and ran back up the ceiling, back into a crevice in the wall, and seemed to keep going, knowing that alone it didn't have a shot at beating the formidable girl. Olivia, in turn, collapsed again, gasping in breath from the exertion. She was growing winded, two fights, three orgasms, multiple injuries that still throbbed, even through the magic... but she was still victorious.

"I knew it... I did. The gods protect me. I just had to have faith..."

After a few minutes, though the crab spider didn't return, she knew she had to push forward. Though she'd found aid along the way, she still had not succeeded in her primary goal. She had to save someone or else no stories of valor and no magical shield would truly matter. Others had come out with bits and bobs of treasure, after all. She needed to do more. She needed to come out with a real victory. It was the only way.

She proceeded through the only other door in the room, that led into a short hallway, only about half as long as the previous room. But at the end of the hallway was a wall. But on the left and the right each there was a door. So, being not a fool, she listened to each, trying to see what she could find out. After all, it wasn't like all the other doors she'd found so far... she had a choice here.

Left door: A faint, muffled sound, almost like voices.

Right door: Nothing at all.

A.) Choose the Right Door - Why not?

B.) Choose the Left Door - No reason not to.

C.) Rest in the Old Camp - Hey, if she spent all night, she could recover her lost hit point!

D.) Lose Heart After All and Leave - Well, maybe a magic shield is reason enough to leave already...

Acolyte (Cleric 1)
HP: 5/6
Armor Class: 1
THAC0: 17
Alignment: Lawful
XP: 215/1500
GP: 20

Strength: 16 (+2)
Intelligence: 7 (-1)
Wisdom: 16 (+2)
Dexterity: 9 (+0)
Constitution: 13 (+1)
Charisma: 13 (+1)

Turning Undead (and more!)

Sister Olivia has the supernatural power to channel the radiant might of her gods against the forces of the undead. If she is successful, the undead forces will flee from her, and will not touch her even if cornered.

To do this, one must roll 2d6, and reach a number higher than the undead creature's required number. For example, a skeleton requires a 7, a zombie an 8 at this level.

Thankfully, due to the gods' grace, this power is even greater within the dungeon. Creatures of lust will react just as undead, and be turned too!

Mace: 1d6+2
Full Plate
Shield +1
Holy Symbol
Wicker Golem Adventurer's Pack (backpack, small retractable tent, flint and steel, 50 ft rope, climbing hooks, 8 torches, 3 days iron rations)

Age: 21
Hair: White (dyed, for purity!)
Breasts: C cups
Height: 5'4
Body type: curvy
Virgin: no (she was a bad girl)
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

B, can we open it slowly and peek in first?