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Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri: HP=1/41, PP=50/50, EP=1/83 ; Status=Sealed(sort of), Exhausted

Thankfully, most of the goblins seemed to be sleeping. And the few that were awake were stereotypically stupid such that Iri didn't even have to worry about being caught. There was a clear path out of the camp, allowing her to escape naked into the woods.

Iri is now naked, and in the woods outside of the goblin camp. Things could be better.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri knew she couldn't waste time. At best, she had merely a few hours before the goblin boss woke up and noticed that she was gone. She could expect at least a patrol sent out to recapture her by then. Sighing, the girl set out, hoping to put some distance between herself and the greenskins. The Anudorian moved roughly in the direction that she came from, looking for some place she could hide in that wouldn't be immediately obvious to a searching party. She had to rest and recover at least some of her strenght badly.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri: HP=1/41, PP=50/50, EP=1/83 ; Status=Sealed(sort of), Exhausted

Moving away from camp in the middle of night, Iri made her escape through the thick forest, using the path she had cleared on her way in, and was far more familiar with it, able to avoid much of the thorns that caught her by surprise before. She couldn't find a location that was one-hundred percent hospitable and safe. There was a clearing that she could lay in without fear of anything uncomfortably pointy jabbing into her. It was also shrouded by the shadow of the trees, offering some invisibility from sight. Down the way, she also saw a cave. Upon further inspection, that cave also had a foul odor. Such were the most appealing options, unless Iri wished to walk even further on shaky legs.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri sighed. She wasn't in the shape to keep on walking for much further. While the cave was a bit easier to hide in, it was also easier for her to end up being boxed inside and the foul stench didn't help. Tired and gloomy, she opted to stop and rest in the clearing. Maybe with a little luck she'd avoid getting ambushed by something while recovering.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri: HP=41/41, PP=50/50, EP=83/83 ; Status=Sealed(sort of)

Iri decides it's best to sleep in the clearing. She lays down, and decides to rest a little. But before too long, her eye lids grow heavy, and Iri passes out on the soft grass. Before she knows it, her consciousness slowly returns, and she finds herself opening her eyes to the early morning sky and a green silhouette sitting cross legged near her. No doubt startled by this, Iri soon sees that it's an alraune. The vegetation around them has grown to thick levels, as if creating a wall around them to ward off intruders. The alraune in question had green skin and long blue hair with a red rose coming out of the side of her head as if a decoration. She was as nude as Iri, and wore a small smile. "You slept for a long time. You must have been exhausted." said the alraune.

Meanwhile, Iri awoke with her cheeks blushed and her body hot. Her pussy was burning up with need as she felt a desire in the back of her mind to go back to the goblin camp and get their seed, now that she was ready for it.

(Iri is in Heat)
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri awoke slowly. Somehow, deep down she felt an urge - no, a need - to return to the camp and give herself in, to let the goblins take her and fuck her until she was knocked up... The girl shook her head, trying to banish that thought. She didn't escape that place only to return. Looking around, the Anudorian finally noticed the alraune as well as the plant barrier erected around the two of them. "Uh, yeah." She finally spoke after a moment of processing what she saw. It seemed that the woman didn't intend to hurt her, at the very least. "Um, may I ask who are you?"
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri: HP=41/41, PP=50/50, EP=83/83 ; Status=Sealed(sort of), Heat

"Just call me Friend. That's what I am to you right now, and I don't have much in the way of a name." she declared. "So, are you lost? I can help you back to wherever you came from if it's nearby. I guess you were kidnapped by the goblins, right?"
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

"Eeeeh... It's a bit more complicated than that." Iri grumbled, looking sheepish. She really wasn't sure whether telling the alraune the truth was for the best, but on the other hand... What did she have to lose? "Well, basically I was minding my own business, wandering the land and avoiding goblins when two demon jackasses stuck me with a poison dart and put this thing on me." The girl pointed to the collar on her neck. "Then they've sent me out to do their damned job for them, which involved getting something back from the goblins. Except that when I found their camp I saw that there was another demon bitch that leads the greenskins and let's say that things did not go well from that point." The tanned girl explained. "Right now I'm interested mostly in getting this damned collar off and finding some clothes. I can probably find my way from here if I just get back to the road, it's the bloody thing around my neck that happens to be the biggest issue. It's blocking my powers for the most part and I can't use them against anyone but the goblins while it's on."
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri: HP=41/41, PP=50/50, EP=83/83 ; Status=Heat

The alraune blinked, before leaning forward, and placing her hand on the collar. With a bit of fondling, the collar snapped off. "There, free as a bird." she declared. "It looks like one of the slave collars from Acheron, but it wasn't even locked. I guess whoever put this on you didn't care to bind you for long." the alraune declared. "What will you do now?"
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri blinked. When she tried to get the damn thing off, it gave her a massive headache. Yet the alraune did so nearly effortlessly. "I... I don't know." The girl sighed. "Thanks for getting it off, though. I suppose those two were somewhat sincere..." She trailed off, thinking. "I suppose I could try to go get at least some of my stuff back, but with that demoness hitting the camp is a really iffy idea." The Anudorian frowned. "I really need to find some clothes though. To tell the truth, I was hoping to get to Acheron. A long while ago, I've found a weird stone that gave me shadow powers after I touched it, and I heard a voice talking to me when that happened. Figured it's a demon thing, so I've followed the only trail I've had since then. I mean, there's gotta be someone in that city who can at least explain to me what happened. I don't know the place at all, though. Those two from earlier mentioned they'd set me up with a contact and a place to stay, along with some jobs to do, if I at least tried to do what they've asked of me. If that collar really wasn't locked, then maybe they weren't lying. I suppose I could go find them, but honestly... I think clothes should be my priority now."
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri: HP=41/41, PP=50/50, EP=83/83 ; Status=Heat

"Well, if my nudity wasn't any indication, I think you'll have to tolerate a lack of clothes for a while." she chuckled. "Whatever you want to do is up to you. If you won't be needing my help further, I'll let you on your way." the alraune said, opening a path in the vegetation for Iri to leave from. If Iri had nothing more to say to the random alraune, then the green woman would be on her way into the forest.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri chuckled as well, though rather sheepishly. "Yeah, I figured that'd be the case... Thank you for helping me anyway." The girl said her goodbyes before setting out, plotting her next course of action. She really needed to obtain some clothes, but without help her chances of storming the goblin camp were pretty damn slim. She didn't fancy sneaking around the place in her current condition either... Whatever it was that made it feel like she did would likely be a massive problem to her. Whether she liked it or no, her only options were to hope she met someone who could spare her a dress, or try to check up on how the two demons were doing. After some deliberation, she decided to do the latter. Maybe she could trade in her newfound info for some rags, at least? In the meantime, she opted to use her powers to give herself a bit of modesty and protection as well...

(5 EP Dark Armor, no add-ons)
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri: HP=41/41, PP=50/50, EP=83/83 ; Status=Heat

Leaving the alraune to her business, Iri was offered the collar if she wished to keep it. Otherwise the alraune, having no use for it, would leave it on the ground.

Opting to try and find the demons, she'd perhaps have an idea of where they were when she'd see a pillar of smoke in the sky upon walking into a clearing amongst the trees. The smoke came from the goblin camp, and upon closer observation Iri would find the camps she was captured in to be either in flames or already ashes in some areas. Both brother and sister demon torching the place with their magic while beings of shadow highly identical to Iri's own manifestations of darkness charged through the camp, vanishing when struck, and otherwise tearing open the flesh of the goblins in front of them. "The Anudorian made it safely out, given where I sense her collar to be." Qui declared.

Drada nodded, "The demon who was with her is gone, however. I don't have the patience to hunt her further. This was our objective anyway." Drada held out the red amulet.

"She left it behind." Qui noted.

"To bribe us into leaving her alone~" Drada giggled. "Fine then. Let's return to Acheron and claim our reward." she said, before turning and heading back towards the road, either not noticing or ignoring Iri.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri frowned as she noticed the smoke rising in the air. She took the collar with her after some thought - should she totally fail at getting some clothes otherwise, perhaps she could try trading for something with that collar. After all, at least some demons might find it still useful. Which left her in an odd spot - walking around in her armor of shadows, collar in hand, rushing towards the assaulted camp. By the time she found it, the place was already a mess - goblins dying while torn to pieces by darklings similiar to her own, many tents and a lot of flammable equipment turned to ash already. It seemed that Qui and Drada were more powerful that the Anudorian thought.

Iri watched the two siblings from her place with a bemused expression. She wondered whether to show herself, but decided against drawing attention to herself specifically. It seemed that the two of them didn't care much for her anyway. And did they just imply that the demon was related to her somehow? Yeah, no. Shaking her head, the girl decided to let the two demons pass and then simply go through the camp, hoping to find something to wear and maybe a weapon or two to replace some of her lost stuff. Hell, maybe if she managed to find a bag, she could grab a bunch of weapons and look for someone willing to buy the loot from her.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri: HP=41/41, PP=50/50, EP=83/83 ; Status=Heat

The two demons left after scavenging the camp a bit, until leaving to let Iri do the same.

Iri scavenged the camp, finding most valuables gone, likely in the pockets of the demons, and all that remained were shoddy weapons that only a goblin would want. All rusted and rotten. The location of where her weapons should be, was where they were not. They were nowhere to be seen throughout the camp. Instead, she found a note.

"If you're reading this, brown girl, then you must be looking for your things. We kept them, for safety's sake~" read the letter in elegant handwriting. "I'd rather see you appear and be seen rather than attempt to pull any kind of vengeance on us. Hope you understand. With Love and Kisses, Drada~"
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri's eyebrow twitched. Taking a deep breath to calm herself down, she crumpled the note, tore it to pieces, raised her head high and let out a loud, angry cry towards the heavens. With nothing of value left for her, the Anudorian had no other course of action left but to turn around and follow the demons. Hoping that they wouldn't move too quickly, she started to run after them. Maybe she'd be lucky and manage to catch up with the two relatively fast. Though whether she'd be able to stop herself from telling them, particularly Drada, to fuck off was another thing.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri: HP=41/41, PP=50/50, EP=83/83 ; Status=Heat

The demons were walking, so it wasn't that hard to catch up with them since she was moving quickly. Moving loudly as well, the two demons turns to look back at the sprinting Anudorian girl. "Oh, look Qui. She's returned." Drada mentions. "And with my collar as well, excited to return it to me~" she cooed, stopping to greet Iri. "How pleasant it is to see you return, and having done such a good job as the forward scouting party." she congratulated Iri.

"We used your collar to watch your progress," Qui announced. "You fed us all the information we needed. Don't worry about the goblins though, we expected your failure. All we wanted to know was what to expect." he said coldly, while the bulge in his pants had Iri's constant attention.

Drada giggled. "As promised, we'll live up to our end of the bargain. Return the collar to me, and I'll return your little toys." she offered, revealing her buckler and dagger as well as what seemed to be a set of Drada's own clothes. "I'll also allow you to wear some of my attire, since you won't be able to keep up that dark armor forever."

The clothes she gave to Iri was not much unlike her own, very skimpy and sexual in nature, but still modest enough to be better than nudity.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

'Hate you two so much...' Iri's glare conveyed her annoyance with the pair quite damn well, even if the effect was a little spoiled by the fact she had a really hard time trying not to think about Qui's cock. "I can keep it up as long as I want." She replied, returning Drada's collar and taking her stuff back in turn, along with the clothes. "And I would have made it if it weren't for that bloody demon bitch." She grumbled. She was not suprised that the two used her to find intel on the enemy, she had a feeling something like that was happening from the start. The Anudorian stepped back behind some trees to put the clothes on and drop the armor. Some part of her wished she just threw the damn collar in Drada's face, but getting her stuff back was a bit more important than petty revenge.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri: HP=41/41, PP=50/50, EP=83/83 ; Status=Heat, Resistance= 15/20

Heat: Iri takes 5 resistance damage

Iri was then treated to her belongings, and Darda's clothes, able to put them on if she wishes. Meanwhile, Iri had already become moist. Mental images of Qui pounding his dick into her and shooting his cum into her ready and waiting womb attacked her mind, attempting to overtake her reason. It didn't help either that it was almost like she could smell his cock from several feet away. The suggestion was so strong that Iri could harbor a guess that Qui hadn't cum in quite a while. His balls were built up, and ready to explode inside someone. "What's wrong, little one? Under the weather?" Darda inquired with a giggle upon noticing Iri's blushing red face.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri quickly dressed herself, cursing under her breath. Damn those demons and the bloody messes they kept getting her into! She had to get away from them before she lost control of herself. Just what the Hell was going on with her anyway? This was the first time she felt anything like this. "I'm fine." The Anudorian answered quickly. "I'll be fine on my own now." She stated, silently hoping that the demons decide to go away. If they didn't, she'd bolt, even if she had to resort to flying, dammit!