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Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri: HP=41/41, PP=50/50, EP=83/83 ; Enthralled(By Stupidsexyhorseman), In Heat

"Very good. You are already making me proud to have found you instead of regretful." he complimented Iri. He accepted her over him, one large hand of his able to grab the entirety of one of her ass cheeks and slip a human cock sized finger into her asshole while he was at it. "You have a fine, healthy body as well." He said while feeling the size of her ass. "Child bearing hips, yes~" the horse monstrosity managed a grin. Though to Iri's enthralled eyes, he was her beloved master it seemed. His pleasure towards her would come with it's own sensation of happiness and pride to be considered so highly.

Using his hand, he helped support Iri as she let herself be penetrated by his massive girth and length, letting Iri take in however much she wanted. Either until she was full, or until he was to the hilt inside of her. "That reminds me, you seemed to sneak in without a single person knowing you got in. How? Are you skilled, or magical?" he inquired out of curiosity.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri moaned lewdly as she continued to lower herself, feeling the huge cock spread her insides. In the sex-charged atmosphere of the place the compliments went unheeded, though the finger slipping into her ass jostled the girl out of the brief reverie she found herself falling into. Enough to notice the question she was asked. "Black stone..." She grunted out as she continued to take more of the horseman's dick inside of her. "Touched it... Gave me shadow powers... Moving through them, wielding them..." The anudorian let out a loud groan as she finally reached her goal, the massive cock filling her pussy completely as she went all the way down to the hilt. "Heard a voice... Been looking for answers ever since..."

Iri trailed off. Still in heat and with such a huge dick filling her, she found it too difficult to hold back anymore. Especially since it was her master's dick, who commanded her to surrender herself to him and take it. Impaled on it completely, she didn't want to wait any longer. Supporting herself against the beastman with both of her hands, she raised her hips and then brought them down, moaning as she felt her pussy being spread by his cock again. She began to repeat her motions, slowly at first as she was getting used to the great shaft inside of her, then starting to move faster as her desire to breed began to take over. Moaning like a whore as she fucked her master.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri: HP=41/41, PP=50/50, EP=83/83 ; In Heat

The horse man cocked an eye brow as she spoke, while Iri took the entirety of his dick inside, able to see her stomach expand outwards as her body stretched out to fill the thick arm-sized dick inside of her. "I see, you play with shadows." he noted, while using the single finger in her ass to lift her up and let her back down to watch her belly inflate with his cock over and over while the loud and thick noise of his girth squishing into her pussy filled the room midst the other sounds of sex and moaning. "I can help you find the answers you seek..." he announced to her. And as if the timing wasn't perfect enough...

Iri felt the enthrall break on her. For just this moment, she was free of his control. Though he was also plunging deep inside of her pussy while also looming a promise to deliver the answers she seeks. "In return, I ask for nothing more than you already agreed to give to me. It might as well be a gift. Another woman I know also uses powers like yours. Continue to serve me, and you will find the answers you seek." he promised.

(As your status says, enthrall=gone)
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri let out a moan as she felt the cock fill her up all the way once more... Then paused for just a second as she felt the enchantment placed upon her break, clarity returning to her once more - as much as it could in her current condition and situation. Her first instinct was to summon her armor, to lash out and strike, tear the horse-man apart with shadows and flee as fast as she could. Yet at the same time, a part of her - the same that kept making her go into this damnable heat - craved what he offered. Not to mention he offered her exactly what she wanted, the knowledge that made her go all the way from the desert to Acheron. If she struck him down, or even simply fled from him, he would not be inclined to share that knowledge. And she doubted she'd be able to take this place on by herself.

Iri bit her lip slightly. The beastman offered her exactly what she wanted and was so damn determined to get without making any demands beyond what he already told her to do. Agreeing to serve him would mean she'd become his whore, and he certainly wasn't shy about using magic to force his will upon her... But the control wasn't perfect, she knew this now, and could be broken. And between her episodes of uncontrollable lust and Acheron's inhabitants and their nature, she was likely to end up as a public fucktoy at some point anyway - probably sooner rather than later. This was marginally less humiliating and at least served some purpose. Plus, who knew what else she could gain by appearing useful, and his demands didn't seem to extend beyond just fucking some people. With a groan, the anudorian raised her hips and brought them down again. Just why did he have to be so goddamn big?
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri: HP=41/41, PP=50/50, EP=83/83 ; In Heat, Enthralled

Bouncing her hips up and down, the horse man let out a satisfied groan. "I like your answer. Honest, and greedy. You will make a fine assistant." he complimented Iri's qualities, before standing up, gripping her hips, and lifting her up with him before holding her horizontally above the ground while standing. Like that, he began to make powerful back and forth motions, sliding deep inside Iri even more than a mortal body should allow, and doing it easily despite Iri being overwhelmed by his massive dick. "I'm already worked up from the other two, so I'll finish inside of you." he announced, before making rapid thrusts, loud claps of his flesh meeting her own followed by the wet sound of loud squishing from Iri's flesh taking in the thick rod into her folds.

Before he was even rising up his speed to finish, Iri already felt herself cumming on his cock and falling back under his spell. Only now, with each successive orgasm, she felt as if she was falling deeper and deeper into the depths of his enthralling power. She felt her will and desire start to take shape and resemble him, while her heart broke down and accepted him as if he were the one whose word she'd always trust and listen to.

By the time he came, his cock slamming deep as it could go inside her and filling Iri's ears with the thick and powerful sound of his pumping balls gushing copious amounts of seed into her belly, Iri would feel herself completely enthralled by her new master. Her belly was round like she was many months along, until he drew his cock out, and his thick demonic cum gushed out of her pussy like a broken dam. The sight of which, brought an amused clap from the other deprived patrons in the room, while Iri could only feel a corrupted sense of enthrall-infused joy from being celebrated with the single being that occupied her heart and mind the most.

Unfortunately for Iri, she soon passed out. She awoke later, finding herself in a shoddy bed within a run-down looking building with no doors or shutters for the windows. The hot noon air poured in, causing Iri to awake in a sweat that left her feeling filthy, yet ironically more clean than she was with her new master who completely soiled her with his seed. There was a woman working on an alchemy table across the room, grinding what seemed to be herbs in a mortar and pestle. The woman seemed unaware that Iri was awake, while wearing completely thin and dark robes that were see-through enough to reveal the pale white figure of the woman over the table to be a very attractive and full figure. She struck a balance between thin and well-fed, causing her proportions to be filled out and round, but not too much so. The moment Iri would move or speak, the other woman would , awaiting to see the Anudorian's reaction.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

(No corruption?)

Iri let out a yelp as she was lifted up, caught off-guard by such manhandling. Now horizontal, the only thing she could do was hold on as much as she could. The rough pounding that followed was something she wasn't prepared either. The horseman's declaration was met only with moans and shouts as the girl struggled to adjust to being thrust into with such speed despite the massive size of his dick. Holding onto the massive hands that grabbed her, she struggled to maintain her sanity despite the huge cock stretching her as she was fucked. As usual her body was quickly getting into it more, leaving her with little choice but to hang on while she inevitably started to enjoy the ride, a climax rapidly building up.

Soon enough, Iri found herself crying out as an orgasm hit, a now familiar sensation of her mind falling under the demon's control following shortly. Now letting herself be fucked more eagerly, the anudorian was quick to reach her peak again, moaning in pleasure. And again she felt that magic touch her, worming itself deeper and deeper into her soul. Every time she came, she felt it warp her more and more. Her willpower was being chipped away, the beastman slowly but inevitably becoming her master in every respect. She felt herself surrendering her body, feelings and mind to him completely, accepting her place as an obedient little slut. By the time he finally slammed his cock in for the last time, finishing, Iri was enslaved completely.

Feeling massive amounts of hot cum fill her up, the girl moaned in extasy. She loved now how Master used her pussy, relishing in the sensation of being cummed inside and of how everyone applauded her for taking his cock. That feeling didn't last long as she passed out quickly afterwards, exhausted from the ordeal. Waking up, she was startled to find herself in a completely unfamiliar setting, rapidly rising from the bed to take in her surroundings. Run down building, way past morning, and she was staring at a woman whom she did not recognize. Said woman - an alchemist, perhaps? - was staring back. "Um, hello?" Iri ventured. "Who are you? Where am I? How did I get here and why am I here?"
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri: HP=41/41, PP=50/50, EP=83/83 ; Enthralled

"Your name is Iri. My name is Cresent." she answered. "You're here because you wanted to see me. You wanted to learn about your powers. Yes?" she inquired. "You are also carrying a child. It's not too late though. If you do not want it." she stated, before going to fetch Iri a glass of water, coming over to give her a slightly cool glass of clear liquid.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri groaned at the mention of a child. Goddamn heat... It was probably because of what she did in the morning to relieve it before leaving. Lovely. "Uh, yes. I'd rather not go through pregnancy yet." She said, accepting the water she was offered. After last night, she could really use that, especially in those conditions. The way she was going, she'd likely end up carrying one sooner or later anyway, but she was hardly in a rush. "And yes, I wanted to learn about them." The anudorian nodded, sipping the water. "I was told there's a person here who has similiar powers to mine, though I didn't expect to encounter you so soon. It's nice to meet you, Crescent." The girl continued. "Should I explain my story from the beginning?" If given an affirmative, she'd relate the story of how she obtained her powers to the slightly odd woman, hoping that she'd be given some insight at the end of it.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri: HP=41/41, PP=50/50, EP=83/83 ; Enthralled

Iri would be given a potion of sickly green fluid that smelled awful and would taste worse. "This will take care of the unwanted child." Cresent stated.

After Iri's explanation, Cresent hummed. "It sounds like you were possessed by a foul spirit. Though I don't know the details anymore than you do. If these powers weren't yours to begin with, and your resulting mutation is as a result of it, then perhaps you were just heavily influenced and not possessed." she theorized. "However, if you haven't been noticing anything strange, I don't think you need to worry about any drawbacks that you aren't already suffering."

With that said though, Cresent turned to Iri fully. "So, my question for you is... What do you want from me? Spirit powers can't exactly be taught. I can help you hone the techniques of what you already know, but the magic from your spirit just flows out, it's not something you can train anyone to summon." she explained. "By the way, if you ever go into heat again, as the den master informed me that you do, then you'll have to go across the street to his brothel and satisfy yourself there. The whores are paid their own cut so at least you'll make money while taking care of your issue. Plus, there's apparently been a fat merchant checking in two days straight looking for you. So he'll be an easy mark for you even if it'll feel like fucking a pig."
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri grimaced as she sniffed the green potion, then grimaced even harder as she drank the foul liquid. What the Hell was that thing, poison? Well, considering the effects, it was not unlikely. Swallowing the mixture fast and trying to push the taste out of her mind, she listened closely to what Crescent told her, sighing at the mention of the fat fuck from a couple days ago. Sure, he was easy, but she'd prefer to sleep with someone else. Anyone, really. "Well, thanks for the advice. I'll keep it in mind." Better than running around town in that state, at least. And she could earn some money from it, too. Always a bonus of some kind.

"As for what I want..." Iri paused, thinking. "Honestly, I'm not entirely sure. I don't know if it's a possession, I mean it took a while for those powers to manifest, and that voice I heard when I've touched the stone spoke of drawing my power out rather than granting me one." She frowned, glancing at the floor briefly before looking up. "Said it'd be watching me, too. I guess what I want to learn most is who left that for me and why. I figured that if I found someone with similiar powers, he or she would be able to shed some light on their origin, or what that black stone was. I thought this'd help me narrow down the area where I should search since hey, that thing had to come from somewhere. And if I knew the location, then maybe I'd be able to find the one responsible, or get some answers at least."
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri: HP=41/41, PP=50/50, EP=83/83 ; Enthralled

"Right. Well, we can conclude that it was a spirit of some kind that decided to choose you to observe. Or perhaps it was the object of a living demon that wanted to see you grow for some unknown purpose. Either way, the powers that touched you, I doubt are weak." Cresent explained. "Your mutations, the one especially that makes you go into a sex craze... If that is as a result of the stone as well, then you definitely have been touched by a supernatural being." she stated. "Unfortunately, there's not much I can do to identify the source of what did this to you, but I can gather a hint by meditating for a while. While I do that," she began, reaching over to her desk next to her bed, and pulling out a piece of paper with a drawing on it. She walked over to Iri and handed Iri the .

"I have a task for you. Find this girl. She was another helper looking into a situation for me. I pay for my lab materials with some help from the horseman to a group who is allowed free access to the highest quality whores in his little illegal establishment. Only problem is that they suddenly stopped giving me materials so I had her check it out. She hasn't returned. I want you only to find her and bring her back, she is a friend of mine. If you also find out what was happening to my suppliers, I'll find some way to reward you extra. However, prioritize bringing her back safely." she declared.

The teapot began to whistle. Cresent turned, and took it off of the burner she had that seemed to be doubling as a lab tool and a stove before turning the fire off. She poured Iri a cup of tea. "This was for me, but this should get that awful taste out of your mouth." she said. She almost spilled it when there came a knock at her door. "I'll be right back." she said, giving Iri the tea and hurrying to go answer the door. She left the room and turned left, a wall between Iri and the girl as Iri heard a wooden door open. "You're here...?" she asked in question. A male's voice replied. "Hey, sorry about being so late with the shipment. Some things came up that we don't wanna talk about." he said. Cresent was quick to retort. "I sent someone to go inquire as to what happened. Where are they?" she asked insistently. "Who? No idea what you're talkin' about." the man replied after some delay. Then he continued. "Sorry about your friend, but the stuff's in the wagon outside. Come take a look, make sure it's all there." he said. "Got anyone in the house to help carry it in?" he asked. After a moment, she replied. "No, you already know I'm the only one who lives here besides her." she lied about Iri being in the bedroom just on the other side of the wall. Then she heard footsteps leaving the house, leaving Iri alone in the building.
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Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri listened to Cresent, nodding. A spirit or a demon had indeed been high on her list of suspects even before coming here. Still, it was nice to hear that her suspicions were being validated. The fact that she wouldn't learn who or what was responsible anytime soon was a little disappointing, but she wasn't too worried about that. She trusted the alchemist to come up with some kind of trail to follow. The fact that the power behind her mutations was a potent one was a bit of a concern, though. If the mysterious being decided to meddle in her life more directly, she could be in trouble. Still, that couldn't be helped. Rather than drive herself crazy over that, the girl decided to focus on the task that Cresent apparently had for her.

Mulling over the picture of an animal-eared girl, Iri absorbed what she was told. A friend of the alchemist went missing after checking out her supplier, likely a less than legal business. Or one that had illegal connections, at least. Either way, she likely wouldn't have trouble learning where to look for them, at least. Knowing what went wrong with them could be useful, but Cresent cared more about the girl's safety. The anudorian didn't blame her for that. Hell, she was grateful she had the option of ignoring the info gathering part - rescuing a person alone could get complicated and difficult enough by itself, something she was rather aware of.

Iri gratefully accepted the cup of tea her host gave her. She was about to inquire more about the assignment before she was interrupted by knocking. Falling silent, she quietly sipped her tea as she listened to the conversation, frowning. So, the suppliers were showing up now, and had no idea where the girl was? Suspicious. Very suspicious. As she heard the footsteps, Iri set the cup down and got off of the bed. Perhaps she was being paranoid, but this sounded a lot like a trap to her. Maybe Cresent suspected that too, that's why she said nothing about Iri. Either way, the anudorian wasn't going to sit idly. She'd check the situation out herself.

(Dark Armor X=4, Wings, Phasing: total cost 4+3+3=10, total upkeep 4-2+1-3=0)

Reaching within herself, Iri summoned her powers, once more creating an armor of shadow around her. Wings spread from her back as she felt herself ready to pass through obstacles in her path. Her plan was to fly up, phase through the ceiling and covertly observe the situation from the roof, mostly listening in on any conversation to try and learn what she could. She could probably also help Cresent out in case of trouble by performing a suprise attack from above, though hopefully that wouldn't be necessary. Regardless of whether the unknown man was honest or no, the situation was too suspicious for her to not do anything.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri: HP=41/41, PP=50/50, EP=73/83 ; Enthralled, Dark Armor

Rising up to the roof, Iri would get an overhead view of the situation as she'd arise from the shadow cast by another building onto Cresent's small home. The alchemist would be walking over to the wagon, the other two men staying a fair distance behind before she flung open the cloth that hung over the back of the horse driven wagon. Given that the wagon was facing to the side, Iri wouldn't see Cresent past the cloth except for her feet. After a moment, the cloth fell back down as it seemed like Cresent's feet picked up and got inside the back. After she got in, the two men came in close and opened the curtains to check inside. "Everything alright?" the man inquired casually, while various passerbys were glancing at the scene of the wagon in the streets, some curious to see what was in the back, before looking away once they got their thrill. There was an inaudible response from within the wagon that Iri couldn't make it, but it did sound like Cresent. The two men just stood for a moment, before reaching inside and pulling out a big box. "We'll put this in the house and head back then." they said, carrying the box back inside.

It might have seemed like the perfect chance to react, but Cresent was soon seen coming out of the wagon with a hop filled with energy and mirth. The two men also quickly came back out after carrying the box. "I'll want an update of the situation, and soon." Cresent said in a commanding tone. "Sure thing, we'll be back when we extract some information." the men said with sudden respect. Then, the men would set about departing with the cart while Cresent seemed to head back inside.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri frowned as she processed what she just saw. She regretted the fact she couldn't see the wagon's interior, it made her miss most of the picture. Still, it looked like the situation got resolved peacefully and Cresent was back. Or so it seemed. A few things didn't quite add up here. Why did Cresent enter the wagon if the box was within reach? Sure, maybe she was pushing it towards them, the fact that no passerby reacted strongly suggested that, but then again, maybe they couldn't see well or didn't want or care to react. In this city, especially the more lawless sections, people probably did not care much if something bad happened to someone. One thing the anudorian felt she could be sure of is that just because a scene seemed innocent from her vantage point, it didn't mean it was.

Watching Cresent - assuming it was her, and not some freak demon double, gods only knew what demons were capable of - leave the wagon, Iri felt her doubts grow. She seemed oddly cheerful, the dark-skinned girl was certain she wasn't this peppy before. The short exchange with the two men was the most damning thing, though. She spoke to them like a superior, not a client, and the men reacted like subordinates. Furthermore, earlier the man was reluctant to reveal anything, and now was promising to keep her informed. And extract information from... Who, exactly? No, something was definitely amiss here. Iri wasn't sure what, but something was definitely wrong.

Granted, there was always the possibility that she was misunderstanding things. However, she would not know until she confirmed that, and going by her limited knowledge of the situation she judged that the possibility was unlikely. There were two ways of finding out the truth: go back down and check up on the alchemist or follow the wagon and try to get a look inside. Iri frowned. She had to make a decision now and stick to it. If she chose the former, it'd be easy enough to find out if the Cresent she saw was real - the real one would likely start looking around for her once she noticed her absence. At the very least, she'd know that Iri was the one having that tea. A little observation would let her know what she needed.

However, while easier to accomplish and potentially allowing her to capture someone, that method was flawed. The wagon would get away from this place while Iri was stalking the house, carrying off the real Cresent (assuming she was replaced). She needed the alchemist alive and well. Furthermore, confronting the fake - if she was one - would end with the conspirators knowing of her, which meant trouble. And tracking down the wagon would be nigh impossible later. No, she'd have to tail them and try to sneak a peek, maybe even get on board. Her winged armor and phasing ability would allow her to potentially approach unnoticed from above and aid in a quick getaway. And if she was wrong, then all she'd have to do was go back to Cresent's house and apologize, explaining herself.

Her mind made up, Iri prepared herself to follow the wagon from rooftops - no point flying high in the middle of the day - waiting for her chance to silently swoop in and check out the contents. Hopefully she wouldn't encounter an enemy inside, but she'd have to be on guard for potential threats.
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Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri: HP=41/41, PP=50/50, EP=73/83 ; Enthralled, Dark Armor

Choosing to ignore Cresent as she left the wagon, Iri would follow the wagon as it left her home. The crowd mostly got out of the way of the wagon, but it still moved slowly through the town. A couple stalls set up by demons running shady businesses were set up that the wagon had to go around, which brought the wagon closer to the line of buildings Iri was moving across, allowing the Anudorian to gently land right on top of the wagon without much fuss, though the crowd did react to seeing her jump down. Like that she would be able to get into the back and check it.

Inside, she'd find what would unmistakably be the real Cresent, knocked unconscious, arms and legs tied, and a rune inscribed collar around her neck. All of her clothes were missing, as if someone disrobed her. Though her clothes were nowhere in sight inside the wagon. Before Iri could do much though, the two men in front seemed to be getting a hint. "Is someone in the back?" one asked. Unconditionally, the other turned around and tried going into the back to look to see if there was an intruder.

There were various boxes around, designed seemingly to hide the fact that there's a prisoner aboard the wagon. It looked organized much like a normal wagon, with plenty of human sized boxes and supplies.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Following the wagon, Iri was grateful for the crowds around the place. Pain in the ass they might be, at the very least they've ensured the vehicle moved slowly. So slowly, in fact, that she had no trouble managing a soft landing when it got a little closer to the building she was currently on. Unfortunately, this was when the crowd proved itself a double-edged sword: she had hoped her landing would draw no attention at all, but apparently this was a sight uncommon enough even by the standards of demons to draw attention. She'd have to work quickly and carefully.

As she surveyed the inside of the cart, her mutated eyes easily adapting to the dark inside, the Anudorian quickly noticed Cresent. Looks like her assessment of the situation was accurate. The girl was tied up to prevent escape, but not gagged, which was a bit odd. Most likely her captors expected whatever they've used to knock her out to last for a good while. Annoying. The collar around her neck was likely the same kind that was used on Iri before, blocking any powers the alchemist might have had. Her clothes were most likely taken by the imposter. Apparently they didn't want any allies of hers to find out too early, or at all.

Unfortunately, Iri didn't have time to act before the men driving the wagon noticed the commotion around them and came to the obvious conclusion. Iri quickly considered her options. She could try to raise Hell and hope someone notices the captive and helps, but that wasn't bloody likely in this neighbourhood. She could try to grab Cresent and run - with her powers, she could easily blind or kill the man and escape in the confusion. Maybe even both. Still, she'd prefer to do this as silently as possible, to avoid alarming them too early. It'd buy her some time to get the woman someplace safer.

Acting quickly, Iri silently attempted to phase into one of the man-sized boxes to hide. If that didn't work, she'd have to phase through the bottom of the wagon and hope no one looks down, then get back inside once the bastard's done inspecting the interior.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri: HP=41/41, PP=50/50, EP=73/83 ; Enthralled, Dark Armor

With Iri phased into the dark, the man checked around, looking to and fro. "See anything?" the driver asked. "No." the searcher replied, checking around for hiding spots to see where the intruder might be while Iri became one with the shadows. "Looks like we're clear." the second man said, going to sit down with his companion up front. "Can't believe it was this easy." he said. The driver nodded. "She's in the perfect spot to get close to the horseman now. It's only a matter of time." the driver said. That's when Iri felt a pang of emotion surge that didn't exactly belong to her. The fake Cresent was going to put her beloved in danger. Meanwhile, Cresent was being taken away to be interrogated. All the while, Cresent's friend was in an unknown location.

The shock, Iri would realize, had made her collapse out of the darkness. Being forced to feel such worry for the man who took over her mind left her stunned. such that she might as well been laying down next to Cresent. Observing the situation, Iri would find that they were driving into a large block that was walled off as gates closed behind them, pushed by a pair of men in basic clothes. There were at least half a dozen men outside the wagon after Iri snapped out of it. The two she could see by the gate visibly armed with long rifles. The wagon soon came to a halt. "Take the bitch to the interrogation room. Captain will wanna have a word or two with her." the driver said, as the other man turned around and came back again. Jumping out would mean Iri would doubtlessly be seen. The sun was directly beaming down on the wagon, preventing pathways of darkness outside. Iri could act now, and try to prevent Cresent being taken to the interrogation room here and now.

Or, if she went back to hiding in the box's shadow, the guards would take Cresent's naked body, all grinning and oogling it, before going inside of the large two story building with easily about twenty rooms on each floor, through a large set of double doors leading inside a building of nothing but concrete and basic furniture. Once Cresent was inside, a couple guards would begin removing the goods from within the wagon, eventually taking the one Iri was in, trapping her inside until they took her somewhere else. That is, unless she got out early to try something.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri calmed down as she heard the man declare the back clear. Heh, an intruder so close and he had no hope of noticing. Her powers were truly formidable when used right. If only she could avoid making stupid mistakes like some of those she'd done before. Before she could move on to the next step of her plan, however, she overheard the man talking about the fake Cresent and a plan aimed against her Master. This shocked her into inaction as she felt an overwhelming surge of emotion rush through her enslaved mind. It felt... Off, as if something was wrong, but the feeling was too strong for her to resist or control. Falling out of her phased state, the Anudorian could only helplessly lie in the box she hid inside of as she recovered.

By the time she snapped out of her stupor, Iri realized the wagon wasn't moving anymore. Phasing out of her box, she realized it was in a courtyard surrounded by walls, the gate leading outside closed and guarded by riflemen. None of them had any sort of uniform, so they probably weren't the city guard or something, assuming there was one. Though the mention of a captain made her wonder... Still, the girl banished those thoughts quickly. They were going to take Cresent into the nearby building to interrogate her. If the Anudorian hid and remained quiet, she could potentially scope the place out, learn more and rescue the alchemist after the interrogation, without causing alarm. A decent plan, on paper.

In practice, Iri knew that if she allowed the men to take Cresent inside, getting her out would become much harder. She needed the alchemist, both for her own goals and as an ally and evidence for her Master proving the existence of a plot against him. Furthermore, with increased difficulty of escape the risk of making a mistake rose greatly and she could not fuck this up. Besides, there was no way of telling what would happen during the interrogation, or what sort of information the enemy could learn and use against the horseman. The thought of those bastards trying to harm him angered Iri and she wished to deny them this opportunity.

Iri knew she had to act quickly. Rising and picking up Cresent's body, she invoked her power again. Darkness descended upon the courtyard as a great patch of darkness appeared, covering the wagon and forming a path towards and up the nearest wall that lead outside. It'd freak the guards out and blow her cover, but they'd be unable to see through no matter what sort of enhanced eyesight they might posses, making it hard as Hell to aim at her. She could use her wings to get over the wall and roofhop to the Master's den. If the enemy lacked flyers, then she'd likely be able to easily outrun pursuit as they'd have to run through the crowded streets. Sure, she lost her chance of subtlety and an opportunity to investigate, but she could always return later, and the sooner she warned her Master the better.

(Patch of Darkness, then run like Hell.)
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri: HP=41/41, PP=50/50, EP=73/83 ; Enthralled, Dark Armor

Twas a simple matter in the end. The patch of darkness came, people screamed, and people fired. None of that was a concern to Iri though, as she grabbed Cresent and fled. The men offered no pursuit, and Iri made it safely back to her master's home. There, she'd presumably find her way inside and deliver Cresent to her master with the story as well.

"You've done well, Iri." he said, taking Cresent from her arms and snapping the collar off. "I'm sure Cresent gave you a mission though. Return to that... And do not worry about my previous rule. You do not need to return to me by tonight. I know in your heart that you are obedient to me, and that you will return to be mounted by me." he stated confidently. "Your loyalty will be handsomely rewarded, Iri. I will take care of the fake. After you see to Cresent's request, return to me again. I will have gifts for you." he said with an evil grin.

Then, Iri was free to handle her original mission. Back at the warehouse, the men were on full alert, and sentries were posted to watch the rooftops. There were also various light crystals about in locations shadowed by the sun to deny Iri routes of access. With both their light sources and the sun, Iri, from a far distance, wouldn't be able to spot a weakpoint.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

In the end, Iri found the escape to be a suprisingly easy affair. The gunners were all but useless against her darkness, unable to locate or aim at her. They must have realized they had no chance of catching up to her, either. Hell, she wasn't even sure if any one of them was able to take a good look at her. Reaching her Master's place and entering through the nearest convenient entrance - an open window, she was roofjumping the entire way back after all - she found it easy to gain an audience and convince the horseman once she related the entire incident to him. He seemed genuinely pleased with her and even promised her a reward for good service. The Anudorian would normally be wary of any prize that was offered with such an evil grin, but the mental control on her turned her feelings into one of eagerness.

Either way, it was likely her Master would have the situation with the fake well in hand and would deal with her shortly. Iri briefly wondered what he was going to do: kill her, or capture and break her in like he did the dark-skinned girl? Either way, that was likely a cakewalk compared to what was before her: an inflitration of a compound on full alert. Unknown number of guards and light crystals to neutralize her ability. She'd have no easy access and summoning more darkness would alert the guards. She could actually summon it away from her and draw the attention there, slip through while they were distracted, but that'd help only in a very short term and definitely raise the alarm. This was going to be a much harder nut to crack.

In the end, Iri decided to wait for a while. She'd try to set up somewhere where she could observe the patrol routes and wait until the sun set. Now that her Master was forewarned and Cresent was no longer in danger, the Anudorian decided she could probably take a little time to study the layout and make a plan. Her main objective was finding Cresent's friend and bringing her out, so she'd need a solid escape route. At the very least, she probably ought to wait until the sun went down and the shadows grew longer, or maybe even till nightfall. The longer they've had to remain alert, the more mentally exhausted or paranoid the guards would get, and they couldn't place light crystals everywhere. In the meantime, she'd also take a good look at the buildings within the block, wondering how much of each floor she could cover with darkness if it became necessary.