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A Journey of Despair (TentanariX)

Re: A Journey of Despair (TentanariX)

Cattelya: HP = 54/65, PP = 0/75, EP = 35, Status = About to Orgasm, Weakened

The orc watched Cattelya advance on shaky legs, seemingly unconcerned, while the two men she'd essentially momentarily crippled gaped at the two in exhausted confusion. "I would prefer it that way," the orc replied stoically, "you will have your bath, and your rest. Then we will duel, and if you should win you will be given your things and allowed to progress deeper. When I win, you will surrender to me, and I will... Instruct you. I would even permit the earlier offer, to let you attempt escape again once a week had passed in my service, though I am confident that you will not want to after I am finished with you."

With that said, the orc would lead Cattelya out of the chamber, through a few short tunnels that had been primitively carved out to be more walkable that were lit by fading lightstones, and into another larger chamber. She spotted a group of men milling about in apparent boredom, doing various things to occupy their time, down a tunnel she had passed, but here there was only one other person, a girl that Cattelya would remember being the one her husband had come in to try and find. She looked distracted, and nudged slightly away against the wall when the orc walked in, but otherwise seemed fine. Besides her, there was a large pool of bubbling water in the floor, clearly a natural occurrence, that became a stream leading down a narrow tunnel that was too small for one as large as her to even belly crawl down.

"This is where you will be bathing, and where you will be staying from now on," the orc said, gesturing towards a simple bedroll sitting over by the corner. "If you need to go to the bathroom, you may do so at the mouth of that tunnel. It goes to a stream leading out of the cave," he continued, before moving to stand by the doorway and dropping into a seated position.
Re: A Journey of Despair (TentanariX)

Cattleya shot an icy sideways glance at the other two men in the men in the room before replying in a somewhat cool and determined voice, "We shall see..." She then began slowly falling in behind the orc as she made her way the primitive tunnels, eyeing the other men they passed along the way. She would stall, just slightly, to eye the woman Owen had went to save before continuing on with the orc towards the bubbling pool, looking on in wonder of such a clean, pure hot spring existing in such a dank, dirilect, foreboding dungeon. As she finally reached the bedroll she was meant to be staying in for this duration she would turn to the orc, "...Thank you. Can I have your word none of these other men will try anything until after our contest? And, if it is acceptable to you, your name?" If the orc gave his word and name to her or not, she would wait for him to depart before walking up to the women Owen had come to save before speaking to her. "Excuse miss, I was wondering if, as unlikely as it may be, if you have seen my husband? Has he made it here? Also are you well? These brutes haven't abused or hurt you have they? I'm sorry, your just the first familiar thing I have seen here so far. If you wouldn't be opposed, I would very much like to share a bath with you, if you wish." She said before making her way to the pool before slowly sliding into the clear, bubbling waters.
Re: A Journey of Despair (TentanariX)

Cattelya: HP = 54/65, PP = 0/75, EP = 35, Status = About to Orgasm, Weakened

"I don't even let them in here, they bathe in a chamber hitting a stream this spring connects to," the orc responded flatly from his position on the floor, "my old name no longer matters, I have not yet regained it. For now, those louts have taken to calling me Boss, so you may call me such as well." That said, he looked as if he had no intention of leaving any time soon, but she could still try and talk to the girl why he was around if she wished. If she did, however, the girl would shrink away from her, glance at the orc, then at Cattelya's exhausted, cum coated frame, and stutter; "He... Yes... He... Was sent on... Up ahead."

She looked at the orc, her eyes wide, and then refused to speak further either in response to Cattelya's question about her treatment or in response to her request that she bathe with her. The water in the bath was warm, though not quite scaldingly so, and bubbled up around her. There was a pit in the center of the round, sloped bottom from which the water was bubbling, the gunk clinging to her skin easily sloughing off and flowing down the channel leading into the narrow tunnel. It was relaxing, enough such that she could easily fall asleep with how exhausted she was, though she could simply clean herself and take to the bedroll instead.
Re: A Journey of Despair (TentanariX)

Cattleya eyed Boss and the other women warily, she questioned internally the treatment of the women, whether or not she was truly broken or if she was just too afraid or smart to say anything within ear shot of Boss... Either way, she would slide neck deep into the warm pool before undoing her trade mark ponytail and setting her glasses to the side of the pool. She would then quickly submerge her self completely for a few moments before bursting back up from the water letting out a long contented sigh. She would run her fingers briskly and energetically through her hair before letting her long raven locks flow freely down her back. She would be exceptionally thorough. She would pour water down over her curly bush, scrubbing it deeply, occasionally playing with her clit to please her self. She would bend over pouring water down her ass crack, and sliding as many fingers as she could into her asshole to clean that out thoroughly as well. She would massage her impressive tits with the water, occasionally fiddling with stiff puffy nipples, a few drops of lactae leaking out into the water. She would spend several minutes massaging her tired aching muscles from the earlier confrontation. Every now and then, she would glance back over at the other woman.

"Are you sure, I can't persuade you join me, miss? If not then would it be terribly much to ask your name?" She inquired, regardless of her answer or lack thereof, she would continue to bathe herself u til she was satisfied and had managed to work an orgasm out of her, so she would not go into her challenge mad with lust.
Re: A Journey of Despair (TentanariX)

Cattelya: HP = 65, PP = 75, EP = 35, Status = Weakened

The girl kneeling in the corner mostly didn't look her way as she bathed, but only looked repulsed as Cattelya pleased herself in their midst. While the captive girl might have been making no effort to hide her revulsion, Boss simply watched completely impassively, ultimately closing his eyes after a few minutes, though it was hard to say if he had nodded off or not. The repeated invitation, delivered a few moments after she had begun to clean herself, earned a sour look from the girl. "No... Thank you," she replied simply, leaving Cattelya to work herself to orgasm in the process of cleaning off the leftovers of her encounter with the tentacle trap left by the bandits. "I'm... Sarah."

The girl's disposition at her lewd behavior hadn't seemingly improved since she had relieved herself, but whether or not that mattered to her was up to Cattelya. She was satisfied, to an extent anyway, and was now also clean, but still exhausted.
Re: A Journey of Despair (TentanariX)

Upon sensing the young woman's distaste, Cattleya would prop up on the edge of the pool before speaking to her once again, "Pleased to meet you Sarah. And please, excuse my previous display. I'm not some cheap harlot. But I was worn down and had to resort to... 'Erotic measures', to deal with the Boss,)'s cronies, and it left me... over stimulated, so to speak. Sadly he himself was not so easily swayed. And so its come down to a battle of 'sexual endurance', for my freedom. I simply had to wash, and relieve myself; other wise I would have been most easy prey, and likely have gone mad with desire. I have a feeling we may be having to spend some time together. Either I will fail and we will be permanent bunk mates, for the least a week; or I will be triumphant and..." she would becon Sarah over to her to whisper conspicuously in her ear "When I am, I will make every attempt to free you as well, and well end up being travel companions" before letting her back up before dunking herself back into the water and reemerging, in order to mask any suspicion and finishing, "So I have a feeling we will be around each other quite a bit. So it would be best for both us to get on friendly or at least less likely terms..." She said idly playing in the water a bit before splashing some softly in her face. "Either way, my offer to join still stands, if you would wish or not..."
Re: A Journey of Despair (TentanariX)

Cattelya: HP = 65, PP = 75, EP = 35, Status = Weakened

Cattelya's explanation did not seem to lessen Sarah's distaste. Indeed, it actually seemed to enhance it, despite her obvious efforts to conceal her revulsion in both her expression and her voice. She wouldn't approach the subject of Cattelya's tactics herself, however, and when Cattelya beckoned to her she looked somewhat dubious but still ultimately came to allow the whispering that Boss didn't seem to notice in his passive state. "If I am freed," she declared calmly, "or if I manage to escape, the very last thing that I would do is go further in... I only know what lies beyond these bandits by what they say, but even that fills me with dread!"

She settled back as Cattelya dunked herself to mask their whispering, and let out a shriek as Cattelya splashed at her playfully and recoiled away, wiping the water away from her face and scowling at Cattelya. "If you want to get along," she said coldly but also under her breath, "then refrain from such... Unladylike displays! This place is horrid enough as it is!" She hesitated, seemingly fighting internally with herself, before adding; "But... If you can help me escape... Soon... I would be grateful. I could see you rewarded!"
Re: A Journey of Despair (TentanariX)

Cattleya sighed out slightly before looking bashfully at Sarah, Money... Judging by her speech and choice of words, she's likely a noblewoman or a woman of high breeding. This might prove difficult... "Ah, f-forgive me, M'lady. I am afraid I'm but a commoner and low born. Please excuse my shameful display. I will try to refrain from such acts in the future, though I feel I should warn you to not watch the contest between myself and the boss the next day. You will likely find it most distasteful. And also if I fail, it will be at least another week, before I can attempt to get either of us out. I also don't wish for any money. I'm doing it because I came here seeking my husband and it is the right thing to do... Would you be opposed to me washing your back for you? I promise to not do anything unseemly."
Re: A Journey of Despair (TentanariX)

Cattelya: HP = 65, PP = 75, EP = 35, Status = Weakened

"I... Am not of noble birth," Sarah admitted, "I am just aware of proper etiquette! Of how a woman should behave!" She frowned, and then sighed deeply. "I would... Much prefer it if you won, and we could get out of here," she continued under her breath, and then frowned sourly. "I do not wish to take a bath," she protested aloud, settling back and away from Cattelya and not removing her already somewhat ruined dress.

"I wouldn't bother," Boss said suddenly from off to the side, "she's impossible to get to do anything unless you force her to." Sarah shot a hateful glare at the seated orc, and after a glance at Cattelya huffed and went fully back to her corner and laid back down, away from everyone and curled up hugging her knees.
Re: A Journey of Despair (TentanariX)

Cattleya sighed somewhat wistfully and sadly at Sarah's rejection before dunking herself back down in the water briefly before popping back up to splash some water in her face, and stepping out of the pool looking for a towel to dry off with and some clothes to change into. If she managed to find either of those things if not both, she would look forlornly at Sarah for but a moment before climbing into her bedroll, pulling the cover up over her and drifting off into slumber so she could be properly rested up for her contest the next morn...
Re: A Journey of Despair (TentanariX)

Cattelya: HP = 65, PP = 75, EP = 35, Status = Fine

There were no towels in the immediate vicinity for Cattelya to dry herself off with, but upon her rise Boss' eyes flicked open. He grinned, admiring the sight of water running down her voluptuous frame, and rose to grab a cloth that he quickly tossed her way. He watched her clean herself off, and like before a bulge would appear in his trousers, this time a larger one now that the grime coating her was gone. "Here," he said once she was sufficiently dry, tossing her a few more pieces of cloth. "They should fit you, and you won't need anything more decent anyway. We didn't bother to grab your old clothes out of the pit, if you win I'll have someone retrieve them for you."

The cloth he handed her were little more than rags, but they were sufficient to provide a modicum of decency. One was a suitable skirt, slightly tight around her bosom and only long enough to cover about half of her thighs, and without any panties on she'd be fairly ease access and at risk of showing off her goodies when she stretched too far. The other would work as a bra, one strap going over a shoulder and enough cloth to cover her breasts... Mostly. There was a lot of cleavage on display, however, as well as some of the undersides of her breasts.

Once dressed she was free to lie down, and a thin blanket nearby provided some cover. Exhaustion made the relatively uncomfortable bits of bedding suitable enough, and even though she had lived for many years in relative comfort there was something left of her adventurer's conditioning. Sleep came soon, and easy, and the leftover soreness and fatigue soon faded.

She was only lightly sore when she awoke, and when she did Boss was reclining in the pool, watching her with his arms spread wide as he leaned against the back. He seemed to be relaxing, almost napping, as he waited for her to awaken. Sarah was nowhere to be seen. The orc made no effort to make her awaken early, but he did grin as soon as he saw her eyes open. When she began to rouse herself, he said; "Hello. Join me here, we will begin when you are ready."
Re: A Journey of Despair (TentanariX)

Cattleya would slowly and meticulously dry herself off with the towel that Boss had tossed her way, not for his pleasure but to get thoroughly and properly dry as to avoid soaking her bed through and to be as comfortable as she could. Upon his words she would let out a heavy sigh before nodding, "Understood." She would then finally dress herself in the rags, attempting to smooth them out to cover herself as best as possible. Once satisfied she would climb into her bedroll for some much needed rest.

Once sleep came, she would be met with dreams and memories and visages of her family; her husband Owen and where he was and if he was well; her son Rana and how we was doing waiting for his family to return; what she would do if she could not win the contest in the morning; Sarah and how she lived and who she was before arriving in the dungeon; having the power to overwhelm Boss and any who would try to prey on her and deny her freedom again... And somehow in the back dark untouched recesses of her mind... two... alien thoughts... One, that to achieve her goals, that she would need to be more than a woman, than a warrior, a housewife... More than... human. And second, a disturbing, yet startling pleasurable notion; of being with Boss indefinitely... But more than a breeder. More than a lover. A gladiator, a bodyguard, perhaps even an equal... All of these thoughts, cares, ideas, and concerns played a surreal, bizzare Cinema of her subconscious as she slept throughout the night...

As she would slowly awake from her slumber, her bleary eyes would slowly flutter open, letting out a loud primal yawn as she would stretch out wide, not caring about what might be seen, as she would enter alertness in the waking world. As Boss's words would register in her now alert mind, she would walk to the edge of the pool before asking, "Am I to enter clothed, or is this going to be in the nude?" If it was to be nude, she would slowly and carefully disrobe from her rags before setting them at her bedroll and slowly climbing into the pool some distance apart from Boss.
Re: A Journey of Despair (TentanariX)

Cattelya: HP = 65, PP = 75, EP = 35, Status = Fine

"Humans actually bathe clothed?" Boss asked somewhat incredulously, "those rags would likely fall apart. Just come in naked, it's not like you'll get any use out of clothes given the nature of our contest anyway."

The orc didn't seem at all bothered by the distance that Cattelya maintained as she slipped into the water, watching her large breasts bounce with her motion and leaving his gaze on them even once she was submerged. "So... Do you have any questions before we can begin?" he asked casually after letting her sit for a few minutes, eyes shifting back to her face.
Re: A Journey of Despair (TentanariX)

"...N-no. Not 'traditionally' anyway. We swim or 'bathe' in hot pools called spas in trunk or pieces called swimsuits. But not for bathing as you'd normally think of it." She blushing slightly at his attention towards her chest, trying to cover them as best she could with her arms. He allowed to sit and relax for a moment before addressing her again, this time with a question "Y-Yes, actually. Is it just the first to cum or first unable to continue any longer that is the defeated? This not a contest of strength or 'traditional combat' so I assume that any acts of 'real violence' is prohibited; but is there anything sexual that is off limits? Other than that, I understand the nature and terms of this challenge well enough I believe..." she finished, meeting the Boss's gaze
Re: A Journey of Despair (TentanariX)

Cattelya: HP = 65, PP = 75, EP = 35, Status = Fine

"Hrmph, well... The more you know," Boss replied thoughtfully in response to Cattelya's explanation. To her questions, he smiled and explained; "Well, as the one challenged that is technically up to me... Trying to outlast a succubus by pure stamina is not something even I would boast to be within my abilities, human or no. I was going to suggest we decide the winner by whoever brings orgasm to the other three times, but if you prefer something else I am open to suggestion. Violence is prohibited entirely, and I would add that it be a contest of pure endurance and ability to pleasure rather than physical might. Also, if you would accept it, I would ask that you not feed from me until I can no longer move. You may take what you need to restore yourself if you are victorious."
Re: A Journey of Despair (TentanariX)

At Boss's explanation, Cattleya would rest her chin on her arms with her eyes closed in thought for a brief moment, "Hmmm... Perhaps a combination of grappling or wrestling combined with sexual combat and endurance to put us at a more even level. The first to pin or make the other submit, as well forcing the other to cum the most out of three attempts shall be named the victor of this contest? A show of true domination and a contest of overall skill? If that does not appeal to you, then your first suggestion will be enough." She said thoughtfully and measured as she met Boss's gaze, trying to size him up.
Re: A Journey of Despair (TentanariX)

Cattelya: HP = 65, PP = 75, EP = 35, Status = Fine

Something seemed to glint in the orc's eye, but he still kept his tone even as he replied; "Well... If you prefer, an element of grappling can be added. Best of three is essentially first to two, which works fine for me. We can continue to best of five if we tie." The orc seemed confident and at ease, and from the look of his muscular frame he had every reason to be.
Re: A Journey of Despair (TentanariX)

Cattleya suppressed a gulp at catching the glint in Boss's before hardening her features into a determined and resolute expression and extending her hand to boss, "Very well. I accept. May the best man, or woman win. So, are we going to hold it here in the bath, or do you have a mat or arena set up in mind for our contest?" she asked as she would scrub her arms and neck, massaging out any knots she might have from the prior day.
Re: A Journey of Despair (TentanariX)

Cattelya: HP = 65, PP = 75, EP = 35, Status = Fine

"Well, I was going to suggest that we simply have it here... But as you wish to wrestle a bit first, why don't we dry off and go over there on the bedroll?" Boss replied, "whenever you're ready of course, there's no hurry. We can come in here and clean up after... And enjoy ourselves a bit more after I win." He seemed utterly confident, and when Cattelya announced that she was ready he would simply rise, climbing to his feet and ultimately heading over to the bedroll after drying off with another nearby cloth.

It was her first view of his physique, and unsurprisingly it was about the most impressive she'd seen, if not period then at least in a long while. He was well muscled, but also well toned, the bulk of one who both worked and fought with his strength and needed the flexibility that both entailed. He sported numerous old battle scars across his torso, including a particularly large white ling across his right side just above his hip and a more recent looking bruise on his left side, right where his floating ribs began. The lurid tales she had heard whispered as a young woman turned out to be true as well, at least in Boss' case... He was hung. Almost fully hard, his cock dripping water as he emerged from it was nearly a foot long, almost as thick as her wrist, and the balls dangling below it were big and swollen. It would be hard not to be intimidated, staring at the foot of green cock and the fat purple tip that capped it, especially knowing that it would soon be buried into her as she struggled to avoid becoming this man's slave.

When she had joined him by the bedroll, Boss grinned and motioned toward it, still standing, "there is little need for formality here... Why don't we simply begin? We have all the space we needed, it wouldn't be the first time I've wrestled a woman across a stone floor."
Re: A Journey of Despair (TentanariX)

Cattleya nodded briskly to Boss, her face a stone mask with her mouth formed into a hard thin line. "If you win..." She said determinedly as she would get out of the bath and drying herself off with a cloth. As Boss would climb out of the pool, she would get her first glimpse at his figure, her eyes widening at seeing the size and girth of his cock and the heavy bulbous semen plants dangling from it. She would swallow hard before shaking her head and setting her face into a hard, stony determined expression. As he motioned towards the bedroll, Cattleya would steel her nerves before stepping away from the boss a small ways and getting into a ready position. After a moment of psyching herself up, she would attempt to go in low for the Boss's waist, before attempting to reposition herself behind and going for a rolling . If she was successful of pinning him, she would begin trying to pleasure him to his first orgasm, slowly stroking his large member. If he managed to break out however, she would attempt to put some distance between herself and wait for Boss to make a grapple attempt on her where she would try to get him into a guillotine, using her generous bosoms to assist in the submission maneuver.