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[Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

So Five game , 2 matched with the same prick . None of them less than 1300 rp while I am at 1145 . I am done with those tournament , done being a point machine for those with deck I can't compete with .
This is a joke .
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

So Five game , 2 matched with the same prick . None of them less than 1300 rp while I am at 1145 . I am done with those tournament , done being a point machine for those with deck I can't compete with .
This is a joke .

Matching isn't based on RP, as far as I know it's RP x Competition Points, and since today was the day tournament just started up again, that means everyone's starting at 0 including the top players.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Would depend on the situation, would need to see an example of the opponents deck and your deck.
something like that?
and even not all SSR - all max level is always. my cards in thier 40-50 lvls mostly - can't do a thing against 70 lvl cards
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Matching isn't based on RP, as far as I know it's RP x Competition Points, and since today was the day tournament just started up again, that means everyone's starting at 0 including the top players.

So I must wait 2 day to be matched with people I am not outgunned ? Fun TIME !!!
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

How's your deck level wise? Are you keeping them pretty closely leveled to each other, or have you been focusing some cards?

Also, may I get an ss of your trap cards you're not using?

i told you already most of the cards in their 40-50. couple of cards are maxed out - but thats it. couple of cards is lvl 1 - use them as mana fodder
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

i told you already most of the cards in their 40-50. couple of cards are maxed out - but thats it. couple of cards is lvl 1 - use them as mana fodder

What about your traps not in your deck? Also most of your cards don't look to be in the 40-50s is all.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

200 points?! Damn. No chance for that. One match takes too long to make that number. I have 10 now. Five wins three loses.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

What about your traps not in your deck? Also most of your cards don't look to be in the 40-50s is all.

out of those cards 17 are spells 20 in their 40-50(and couple of 70s lvl) and 3 messengers who do not need levels + about ten cards in 1-30 range - is that more clear?

Also i dont have any better traps - all commons are fed for levels
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Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

The feeling when you press "end phase" in summon phase before summons... :(
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Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

out of those cards 17 are spells 20 in their 40-50(and couple of 70s lvl) and 3 messengers who do not need levels + about ten cards in 1-30 range - is that more clear?

Also i dont have any better traps - all commons are fed for levels

I was hoping for something more like this.

Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

I was hoping for something more like this.


Nothing special here Orbs are not really useful in mixed decks. As for card drows - with 3 messengers i dont need a full set of those, fizzle is joke, discards are for specialized deck orders are good when you need to stall the game a bit, but thats not for me - since opponents usually have more high leveled cards. maybe will throw some atk or def modifiers - but those are mostly to weak for their cost, and it still do not fix a problem of lvl 80 UR on 4th-5th turn
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga


Once again you need specialized deck to use fizzle effectively - if opponent counts your mana - he will never will be scared by it. thats all.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Nothing special here Orbs are not really useful in mixed decks. As for card drows - with 3 messengers i dont need a full set of those, fizzle is joke, discards are for specialized deck orders are good when you need to stall the game a bit, but thats not for me - since opponents usually have more high leveled cards. maybe will throw some atk or def modifiers - but those are mostly to weak for their cost, and it still do not fix a problem of lvl 80 UR on 4th-5th turn

Okay so first thing's first, green orbs, get rid of them. The cost is too high for the utility they provide.

Chances are, if you're vs someone stronger than you, the fountain card is too expensive to be of use unless you somehow get to later game, so consider getting rid of that too.

Get rid of Angie, you don't need anything that low beyond your Emilys.

If everyone's playing 2k+ cards like you're saying, you probably don't need 3 invitations of hell, 2 should be fine. You can combo invitation with a weaken for 9 cost in case the enemy has a spell breaker.

Monocle is useless unless you're looking to see if you can attack, but you make it sound like you can't attack even if they had no traps, so it's just a waste of a slot in that case. Plus, if you unveil their card and can't attack, you just spent 2 mana and did nothing other than take up a spot for another card.

Take out 2 Marshas when you can replace her. She can be a major hindrance once you start having more than 5 left over mana, plus even if you suicide her into a 2k+ card for the skill, you're gonna hurt yourself so badly it won't be worth it most of the time.

Prepare for Battle can stay, but you can also replace it with dodge. Prepare for battle is good for boosting your card a bit, but dodge is better for when you have mid-high tier cards. So if you have your only 2k card out, and the enemy has 2 1.5ks, the 1.5ks win vs Prepare for battle, but lose to dodge.

Never Give up is also something to consider because of it's cheap cost, and like dodge, it can turn 2v1's into favorable situations without the 2k or less restriction, or waste an enemy's trap breakers.

Probably one of the most underrated cards, is the 2 cost Weaken card. It's a permanent attack debuff, so it lasts forever, unless you send a card back to their hand, has no atk restrictions like dodge, and since it's such low cost it can also be used as bait like fizzle, except it actually does something.

As for characters, I'd suggest getting a couple max or near maxed 4-5 cards, because they usually end up being the cards that determine the flow of the game early on.

Of course, equally if not more important, is maxing your 9+ cost cards if you can, since that's the source of your late game.

Everything between can be left around mid level, and max when you have extra resources.

I'm guessing you're probably already doing something similar to this though.

P.S. I got revenge for you.


Praise 3k atk Sakura. :D
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Once again you need specialized deck to use fizzle effectively - if opponent counts your mana - he will never will be scared by it. thats all.

Mana counting loses effectiveness when it's turn 7+ and everyone's throwing facedowns.