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Question regarding translations

Re: Question regarding translations

Yeah, when i originally got it, i thought it would let me mass translate things that are repeated over and over with a mass find/replace, only to find out i couldnt :p

But i realize its more for just moving what you have translated into a newer version and then editing that in RPG Maker.
Re: Question regarding translations

Well, it does let you mass translate the same string repeated over-and-over, because it packs all instances of that string into a single translation. Of course, you are free to translate the string a different way each time as well, but realistically there's only so many ways you can translate stuff like "Yes", "No", "You got a potion" etc. and normally you will want to translate it the same way each time.

I'd also argue RPGMaker Trans does a fair bit more than just let you migrate stuff to the next version of a game (even if this is it's sort of the primary purpose); for me, some of the bigger benefits come from simple things, like not having to put up with RPGMaker's ridiculously long save time or Windows requirement, as well as versioning. Enabling collaboration is also something that it's good at.

I'm just going to drop the link to the . They do a pretty good job of explaining what it can do.
Re: Question regarding translations

Yeah, Habisain's tool is quite convenience for translate. Replace, replace all, find functions in a text editor are must have for translation work, and you can't do it directly in RPG maker. But I have to say, the tool is quite buggy with some games. With 2 games I've tried to use RPG translators, both failed. The first one overwrite all my translated before (my bad), but when I've tried to re-create batch with it again, failed. The 2nd one didn't let me create batch at all, stop at 98% and reported some lines errors. :confused:
Re: Question regarding translations

That's what the bug tracker is for. If you think you've got a bug, please report it. That said, I think that the current version is pretty widely compatible. The freezing issue should have been fixed (this was most likely due to issues with the Ruby parser, which has gotten a lot better recently).

EDIT: As an aside, when I said 98% compatibility before, I mean that out of the 50 games I've tested at present, I'd say that only 1 has significant issues, and that's due to heavy use of Docstrings which render large parts of the scripts untranslateable. I'm not aware of any games that cause RPGMaker Trans to crash or hang at this point, so I'd certainly be interested to know if you've got one. Heck, RPGMaker Trans even manages to run over insanely complex games (e.g. Maidensnow Eve - which I have no intention of translating, just curious if RPGMaker Trans would crash on it)
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Re: Question regarding translations

Replace, replace all, find functions in a text editor are must have for translation work, and you can't do it directly in RPG maker.

I translate all my games manually but I've had to take a lot of breaks because literally my arms and wrists die out on me from all the typing and editing. It's probably about time I try Trans just to see if it can make my life easier...
Re: Question regarding translations

That's what the bug tracker is for. If you think you've got a bug, please report it. That said, I think that the current version is pretty widely compatible. The freezing issue should have been fixed (this was most likely due to issues with the Ruby parser, which has gotten a lot better recently).

Ok then, the 2 games I've problem are : Miley and the succubus Dream and Bounty Hunter

Both game reported something like:

Error parsing Script 変数を表示(LV): String out of bounds: RubyParserState(string=..'d'.., index=2506, ruleStack=['Base', 'SingleQuote']) # 88:2426; leaving untranslated

and the tool stop at 97 or 98% forever

I translate all my games manually but I've had to take a lot of breaks because literally my arms and wrists die out on me from all the typing and editing. It's probably about time I try Trans just to see if it can make my life easier...

I know that feel, bro ;). It's damn boring when you have Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V over and over for just 1 character's name or some repeated phases
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Re: Question regarding translations

Just throwing out my two cents as someone who just started doing translations a week or two ago. I actually plan to use Rpgmaker Trans for patching things on my end, but it just seems easier to throw out the data folder for everyone else.

Also, it was super useful for isolating scripts I had no idea where to find since I could just search the text string and find what I was looking for. The only issue I saw, which I may well have imagined(again, new at this still) was some formatting discrepancies I saw in some of the item/weapon database stuff. But I'm having some issues there anyway so it may be unrelated.

All that being said, I do the majority of my editing in the actual rpgmaker editors. As someone running off 99% machine translations and context, with a very slight vocab. It's just easier for me to visualize what I'm working on in the moment.
Once I get more established with technique, I'll probably start playing around with different tools more though.
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Re: Question regarding translations

Some things that would be nice is able to with Rpg Maker or a external program.
* Search Common Events , atm i can use a diffrent program, but would be nice if i could just instantly open it.
* Search Switches/Variables - Able to search and find a specific Switch/Variables.
* Search Events - Able to search for a specific event on any map.

Searching Scripts is easy. Ctrl+Shift+F then enter the Japanese word.
You can hook AGTH to have show Japanese words. From there, i open the menu then the words show up on AGTH , from there i can search Script for em.
Re: Question regarding translations

Ok then, the 2 games I've problem are : Miley and the succubus Dream and Bounty Hunter

This is not the bug tracker. I do not do support stuff here.

Just throwing out my two cents as someone who just started doing translations a week or two ago. I actually plan to use Rpgmaker Trans for patching things on my end, but it just seems easier to throw out the data folder for everyone else.

I would very strongly disagree here. RPGMaker Trans patches are easy enough to apply, and given that a data folder requires an external program anyway (i.e. the unpacker), I don't see why people say it is somehow harder (especially given that you must manually delete the game archive in this scenario! RPGMaker Trans handles unpacking etc. all of this automatically). Given that distributing binary only patches negates the advantage of being able to patch any version of the game, I can't see any actual advantage to doing this, other than conforming to the old method. In addition, years of past evidence (from my demo patches, the RyonaRPG patch, the VH patch) seems to suggest that (barring my releasing buggy versions of RPGMaker Trans occasionally) people generally don't have a problem applying the patches.

Some things that would be nice is able to with Rpg Maker or a external program.
* Search Common Events , atm i can use a diffrent program, but would be nice if i could just instantly open it.
* Search Switches/Variables - Able to search and find a specific Switch/Variables.
* Search Events - Able to search for a specific event on any map.

#1/#3 Can be accomplished with RPGMaker Trans and search in files facilities (Agent Ransack or things built into OS). #2 is beyond the scope of RPGMaker Trans, because switches/variable names aren't displayed to the user (although you will be able to add this to RPGMaker Trans patches in the next version).
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Re: Question regarding translations

This is not the bug tracker. I do not do support stuff here.

Sorry, but I don't like to register to random sites just to write some stuff then completely forget about that site after the problem solve (imo, it's a waste of resources). So, if you want to look at my problems with your tool, be my guest. Or else, well, I don't really care.
Re: Question regarding translations

Sorry, but I don't like to register to random sites just to write some stuff then completely forget about that site after the problem solve (imo, it's a waste of resources). So, if you want to look at my problems with your tool, be my guest. Or else, well, I don't really care.

You do know Bitbucket let's you login by like, anything (Google/Facebook/Twitter)? I'm pretty certain you have an account that would work already. In any case, reporting things properly is good manners, if nothing else. So my position remains unchanged: if you want me to look at something, report it properly. It gives me a point of contact, keeps mess out of other forums, and minimizes rudeness. Otherwise it might get fixed at some point in the future, but no guarantees.
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Re: Question regarding translations

Yeah, Habisain's tool is quite convenience for translate. Replace, replace all, find functions in a text editor are must have for translation work, and you can't do it directly in RPG maker.

Wait a minute... I'm testing RPGMaker Trans with Ariadne but it's not actually possible to "find and replace all" text with this, right? I get what habisain means now by applying translations to all events that share the same text, but each 'text string' still has to be put in manually, right? What are you guys using that actually finds/replaces text?

Also out of curiosity, since Trans is good for translating games that are still being updated, what happens to the patch files if the original Japanese text is updated in new version? When you run Trans again, do the patch files mark your old translation as outdated and show the new text?
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Re: Question regarding translations

Wait a minute... I'm testing RPGMaker Trans with Ariadne but it's not actually possible to "find and replace all" text with this, right? I get what habisain means now by applying translations to all events that share the same text, but each 'text string' still has to be put in manually, right? What are you guys using that actually finds/replaces text?

Also out of curiosity, since Trans is good for translating games that are still being updated, what happens to the patch files if the original Japanese text is updated in new version? When you run Trans again, do the patch files mark your old translation as outdated and show the new text?

Did you get .txt files from RPGMaker Trans patch yet? If yes then is my favorite ;). And for the 2nd question, normally I translate old (even outdate) games so I can't answer that :p
Re: Question regarding translations

Wait a minute... I'm testing RPGMaker Trans with Ariadne but it's not actually possible to "find and replace all" text with this, right? I get what habisain means now by applying translations to all events that share the same text, but each 'text string' still has to be put in manually, right? What are you guys using that actually finds/replaces text?

Also out of curiosity, since Trans is good for translating games that are still being updated, what happens to the patch files if the original Japanese text is updated in new version? When you run Trans again, do the patch files mark your old translation as outdated and show the new text?

Well, to actually translate stuff I generally use my ability to read Japanese, as well as a text editor - Notepad++ on Windows, gedit on Linux.

As to regards to the 2nd question, if a text string disappears from the game, RPGMaker Trans should just set the context assigned to that string to be "None" and leaves it alone (well, for v3 patches; for v2 I believe it goes in a special Unused file, but I'd have to double check). Any replacement string will be added to the patch untranslated.
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