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[Nutaku] Osawari Island

Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

I am currently sitting at rank 250 with 23k damage, whats a good way to boost my damage a bit? I am using two defence down and 3 attack up skills right now.

This is my team/rank:


Is your misha from gatcha or alchemy? because if I remember correctly the alchemy misha has a different skill, hi-heal i think
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Is your misha from gatcha or alchemy? because if I remember correctly the alchemy misha has a different skill, hi-heal i think

I havnt ever done alchemy, it doesn't make any sense. I just have a few random girls from gacha. Just wondering if there is a way I can bump my damage up a bit so I can make it into the top 100.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Hey, I'd like to know, because i started osawari island something like 3 days ago and finally was seeing that the game was in some sort of event, then i saw that you can get some rare eromon, but i don't know how ? I think that you encounter them by luck for most of them but i was wondering how do you get oda mifuyu, umino takaoka and rump-knecht, because i did all the level for oda mifuyu + the 3 more in the end, and it said cleared on the first area, but i didn't get the chance to capture her in the end ?
Sorry to ask that now, i think that someone already answered that question but i'm too lazy to search for that and i don't know how to do that thing that help to serch in thread... anyway sorry for the long post.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Hey, I'd like to know, because i started osawari island something like 3 days ago and finally was seeing that the game was in some sort of event, then i saw that you can get some rare eromon, but i don't know how ? I think that you encounter them by luck for most of them but i was wondering how do you get oda mifuyu, umino takaoka and rump-knecht, because i did all the level for oda mifuyu + the 3 more in the end, and it said cleared on the first area, but i didn't get the chance to capture her in the end ?
Sorry to ask that now, i think that someone already answered that question but i'm too lazy to search for that and i don't know how to do that thing that help to serch in thread... anyway sorry for the long post.

you catch the bosses in stages 12-15 of their respective areas. They have a really low chance to show up and even when they do they only have like a 10% capture chance.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

you catch the bosses in stages 12-15 of their respective areas. They have a really low chance to show up and even when they do they only have like a 10% capture chance.

oh, ok thanks, but do they have a higher chance to show up in the last one or is it approximately the same ?
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Call me when they fix the eyes.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Call me when they fix the eyes.

Probably still a long long time
That is not really a big deal , I think.....

Finaly I understand what Rare eromon is.....
Took Me long enough , since I play only for a week then absence untill now
It ocure to Me on 4'th Area Last Map
The girl that running on Start , is suddenly become the enemy
Too bad I can't refill gold...... I use Chrome
And when I did , I can't access the gold store
Must use FireFox , but of course I can't log out:(
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Event gonna end soon, I'll take a week-off, so much grinding for rare legends o~o
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Looking forward to the new alchemy recipes. In that case, I'll hold onto all my gems until then.

Already caught the Area 6's legendary from the event map, so I'll probably go back to Area 5 trying to catch Direshia.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Anyone else still trying to catch their first Rump Knecht?
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Good thing I didn't use any of this events alchemy stones yet I guess.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

I am. No luck yet.

I went back to Intermediate, hopefully it won't cost me the place in top 500 (#324 atm). Wondering if the chances of her appearing in the capture scren are the same tho, guess they should be.

Edit: she doesn't appear there at all, don't bother. Tried 6 times and didn't see her once.
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Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Yeah, chat is reporting it as well.

Event Ended, just like that. Well, i hit Top 10 (Rank 3) so yay!?
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

12h left according to my timer. Was gonna try and go for top 100 damage tommorow morning. Still no Rump Knect either...
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

>rank 104
>only one Umino

Shit better be fixed soon.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Oh snap event's over? I hope I didn't suddenly drop 30 ranks since I logged on an hour ago.