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RPG RPG Maker [さーくる亀 / CircleKAME] F4 -Fatal Fate, and a Final Fist (RJ165444)

Re: (CircleKAME) F4 -Fatal Fate,and a Final Fist

is the hidden jail bugged i got the pickaxe and managed to get out of the tunel but now i cant open the jail door any one knows why ?
Re: (CircleKAME) F4 -Fatal Fate,and a Final Fist

What to do when u get transported into the undergourd prison get chained and stuff i cant escape and the guy with the dragons kills me instantly then i get an game over

For the Egnima prison (Where you end up chained etc) there's supposedly 2 ways to leave.

1. Find 20 stacks of 30 gold dust from the dungeon (according to them, I think) although I don't know if that's actually true.

2. Escape by finding the hidden tunnel.

The tunnel is on the very top of the map, somewhere in the middle. Keep searching the walls on the very top boundary of the prison, and you'll have Tifa comment she found a breeze near one of the holes.

To open it, you'll need to talk to one of the convicts (He's just to the left of the starting area with the beds) after finding 5 gold dust, and he'll offer to trade a pickaxe for a single day.

To find gold dust, you need to search the pebbles on the ground by standing on top of them then hitting search. If you are unsure what to look for, in one of the poison pools on the right side, there's one rubble set to search.

Chances are random, since you can find other stuff too.

If you don't know where the hole is find it first. Subsequent trips (for whatever reason) can be done by finding 5 gold dust, grabbing the pick axe and hightailing it out.

Once through the cave system (remember that you're wearing the prison gear which debuffs you a lot) and avoiding (or if you're powerful enough, killing) the random monsters, you'll come up the other end.

If you come out in the daytime, the door's locked. Just pace back and forth until night comes.

At night, the door will open, you can go to the wardrobe and get your stuff back and take off the prison gear, and if you REALLY want to, try to kill the guard anyway.

Once outside, you get a title, and you can jump off (which will give you serious injury) to the world map, then you can take a boat out to a few destinations.

Note: If you do this in chapter 1 (You just need to get a REALLY high bounty on your head, then go to the second town and get caught there) you can access towns that you wouldn't normally be able to get to.

So if you're particularly rushing, you can buy some of the bases before you get access to the places storyline wise, (Bring 50k+) and after you buy the base in question, just take the base link back home.
Re: (CircleKAME) F4 -Fatal Fate,and a Final Fist

Mountain area. I assume you're at the point in the main quest where you are commissioned to take out the bandit hideout in the volcano area. The Knight should join your party temporarily for this commission.

Yeah she did the first time, but according to the walkthrough we should be given a second one after the 1000 meat quest. This time, she did not join my party.
Re: (CircleKAME) F4 -Fatal Fate,and a Final Fist

Yeah she did the first time, but according to the walkthrough we should be given a second one after the 1000 meat quest. This time, she did not join my party.

My memory must be failing me, but I'm quite certain she should join since the boulders in the mountain area don't hurt the party because she smashes them up.

Attach a screenshot showing what your main quest window has to say. Not enough information to help you further.
Re: (CircleKAME) F4 -Fatal Fate,and a Final Fist

For the Egnima prison (Where you end up chained etc) there's supposedly 2 ways to leave.

1. Find 20 stacks of 30 gold dust from the dungeon (according to them, I think) although I don't know if that's actually true.

2. Escape by finding the hidden tunnel.

The tunnel is on the very top of the map, somewhere in the middle. Keep searching the walls on the very top boundary of the prison, and you'll have Tifa comment she found a breeze near one of the holes.

To open it, you'll need to talk to one of the convicts (He's just to the left of the starting area with the beds) after finding 5 gold dust, and he'll offer to trade a pickaxe for a single day.

To find gold dust, you need to search the pebbles on the ground by standing on top of them then hitting search. If you are unsure what to look for, in one of the poison pools on the right side, there's one rubble set to search.

Chances are random, since you can find other stuff too.

If you don't know where the hole is find it first. Subsequent trips (for whatever reason) can be done by finding 5 gold dust, grabbing the pick axe and hightailing it out.

Once through the cave system (remember that you're wearing the prison gear which debuffs you a lot) and avoiding (or if you're powerful enough, killing) the random monsters, you'll come up the other end.

If you come out in the daytime, the door's locked. Just pace back and forth until night comes.

At night, the door will open, you can go to the wardrobe and get your stuff back and take off the prison gear, and if you REALLY want to, try to kill the guard anyway.

Once outside, you get a title, and you can jump off (which will give you serious injury) to the world map, then you can take a boat out to a few destinations.

Note: If you do this in chapter 1 (You just need to get a REALLY high bounty on your head, then go to the second town and get caught there) you can access towns that you wouldn't normally be able to get to.

So if you're particularly rushing, you can buy some of the bases before you get access to the places storyline wise, (Bring 50k+) and after you buy the base in question, just take the base link back home.

thx a lot rep+
Re: (CircleKAME) F4 -Fatal Fate,and a Final Fist

My memory must be failing me, but I'm quite certain she should join since the boulders in the mountain area don't hurt the party because she smashes them up.

Attach a screenshot showing what your main quest window has to say. Not enough information to help you further.

Nevermind when I went back to the castle, I was finally able to enter her room and she joined my party after after a scene.
Re: (CircleKAME) F4 -Fatal Fate,and a Final Fist

I bought the game on the english dlsite so here's 1.7 so no updates required (sorry I use google docs for this stuff)

Let me know if it doesn't work.

thanks for the food!
Re: (CircleKAME) F4 -Fatal Fate,and a Final Fist

After killing the demon in the forest which is the next mission? I arrive to an area with boulders and a military camp I can´t cross

PS: Also Yuna sucks or what? i can´t do skills with her, even buying new weapon
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Re: (CircleKAME) F4 -Fatal Fate,and a Final Fist

After killing the demon in the forest which is the next mission? I arrive to an area with boulders and a military camp I can´t cross

Go to the cave and kill the boss
Re: (CircleKAME) F4 -Fatal Fate,and a Final Fist

trying to help with main quests.
(bad english)
Quest1:collect 30 food
Quest2:make a food with veggies (should be 2nd one in cooking menu)
Quest3:head north,go the abandoned house and battle yuna
Quest4:go to forest,kill the boss(imp look) that block the road
Quest5:head north to the cave,kill the boss inside
Quest6:head east to travel place(tower like) and kill the boss
Quest7:head to 2nd town,talk with lightning
Quest8:head to haunted mansion,kill mobs until tifa learn skill,then find the boss and kill him
Quest9:wait til night, walk around til 300 steps+ and beat the person
Quest10:go to top right house ,talk to the person infront of the house . . . . . beat the boss
Quest11:head north ,go to the mountain and beat the thieves
Quest12:collect 1000 food
Quest13:back to the mountain that u beaten thieves, go further deeper and kill the boss
Quest14:go to the north camp . . . . . . back to the town and go to underground in castle
Quest15:go to the north camp again , punch the boss
Quest16:go to the future town,find the person in the main mansion
Quest17:go to police station ,talk with the person in bottom right twice,go in the sewer and find the key in

water and go to 4th door
Quest18:head south to the station,beat the boss inside
Quest19:go to 3rd place via travel , go inside the dungeon and kill him
Quest20:find lightning at night in inn 2/F (after this quest you cant get/hand in any side quest in this town)
Quest21:wait til night ,go to bottom right. beat lightning

Chapter 1 end
could make mistakes but it should be close even i am wrong in i don't know where

thanks man! +rep
Re: (CircleKAME) F4 -Fatal Fate,and a Final Fist

After killing the demon in the forest which is the next mission? I arrive to an area with boulders and a military camp I can´t cross

PS: Also Yuna sucks or what? i can´t do skills with her, even buying new weapon

Need blammo, she uses a gun.
Re: (CircleKAME) F4 -Fatal Fate,and a Final Fist

So i blew through the missions until this one..

Quest7:head to 2nd town,talk with lightning

I get some moon about v1.2, confirm, and nothing happens..im using v1.4..anyone know what this is? :confused:
Re: (CircleKAME) F4 -Fatal Fate,and a Final Fist

how do you use the prostitution ring??
Re: (CircleKAME) F4 -Fatal Fate,and a Final Fist

How to shut that Auto save thing? it screw up my game.
Re: (CircleKAME) F4 -Fatal Fate,and a Final Fist

What do you mean by how do you use it? Just equip it?

i am already equiping it and talking to almost everyone day or night but no prostitution happens
Re: (CircleKAME) F4 -Fatal Fate,and a Final Fist

Does any one knows how to get rid of the bounty? its kinda anoying fighting guards over and over again
Re: (CircleKAME) F4 -Fatal Fate,and a Final Fist

Harleyquin13\ said:
1. You can only get the reward if you're still in chapter 1 and haven't reached the finale of the main quest in that chapter.
2. The write-up is wrong regarding the location. Go after the superior fallen angels in the area just outside the camp that links Midgar (futuristic city) to the capital.
3. Even if you're in the right place, they don't spawn very frequently. You also need to be of a decent level to survive the fight.

Wait, do you mean the northern base? Wouldn't I have to finish the 1,000 meat quest to pass by there though? :confused:

@albieroh: Thanks for the link hun! :D

EDIT: I forgot to ask where I could get a second marriage ring. Got the one at the orc fortress but no fucking clue on where or when I can get a second one.
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Re: (CircleKAME) F4 -Fatal Fate,and a Final Fist

Which town is "future town" and where is it? I am not sure that the ships land there.