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Battle & Breeding

Re: Battle & Breeding

Maram purred as the she savored the dwarf's boozy lips, expertly caressing the diminutive woman's well-used cunt as she slithered over the the lizardwoman. The dusky skinned elf writhed her way over to Arkeia, seeking to pull her into her lap.

[Reminder that you can take control of Maram for sexy stuff during this scene (like Mamono did), so we can get more smut done.]
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Re: Battle & Breeding

Faeyna blinked as the dwarf made her way over to her now. "Huh? I'm all natural. Ah, er... I'm Faeyna. Most call me Halfscale though. Nice to meet you, Karaz.," blushes Faeyna, squirming under the attention as her tail swishes a bit.

She bites her lip a bit at the attention, but clearly the humans and dwarf didn't know about lizardfolk customs. Maybe it'd be okay then...

Faeyna relaxes her control and erects forth, a good 7 inches each of spined reptilian phallus, two in all. Beneath it, her female parts were now exposed as well. "It's really hot in here, the water and erm, other things. So... Ever been with a lizardfolk before?" She gave a grin with more confidence than she felt inside.
Re: Battle & Breeding

"Nah, never been. It doesn't bite does it?" She inquires, though Faeyna would find one of her two cocks gripped anyway and lightly stroked by the dwarf's thumb. "By the beard 'o me father these things are a handful!" she declared, taking one cock in each hand and inspecting the twin cocks by moving her hands over them in exploratory motions.
Re: Battle & Breeding

"No, they don't bite, heh. Though they might drag on your sensitives, and might leave some scaled kids in you. Lizardfolk are as, if not more notorious fro crossbreeding than humans.," chuckles Faeyna, before giving a hiss of pleasure as her cocks were stimulated.

Her hips rocked a bit, humping into the dwarf's hands as she hisses and reaches over and pulls the dwarf closer and up against her. "I bet there's more ways you can make em feel good though. Good thing I'm not in heat right now though so I've the mind to make sure you're not walking round with my spawn. Assuming that's what you want..."
Re: Battle & Breeding

"Don't poke the froghemoth, dear,"

To that, Arkeia simply giggled and said; "I'll poke what I damn well please!" She offered no further molestations on their way up the stairs though, and upon entering simply shrugged at the eagerness towards nudity. Might as well assume proper dress code, no?
"Quiet the budding party we have, don't we?"

"Eheh, so it seems," she said, sliding her clothes aside with her foot so they left a pool on the side of the room and then slipping into the water after Faeyna. Letting the elf, Maram, slip into her lap, Arkeia casually caressed her, exploring her without going towards anything particularly sensitive. She, too, was mystified by the sight of their reptilian companion's twin cocks, watching them twitch under the drunk dwarf's attention.
Re: Battle & Breeding

While handling the lizard cocks, Karaz looked back to see the pirate girl was watching the scene. "I hope my rump is up to your standards, as it is directed at ye." she said with a grin. Indeed, it wasn't a big butt, but it wasn't small either, possessing a heart shape. she turned back around before refocusing on the lizard. "Ya sure those aren't the motions of a lizard in heat?" she asked, before carelessly climbing on top of the lizard girl, wrapping her arms and legs around her. "Don't cum inside, gor." she requested, one cock sliding along her tight petals and the other getting sandwiched between the dwarf girl's asscheeks.
Re: Battle & Breeding

Faeyna hisses in surprise as Karaz clambers atop of her, shivering as she's ground against. "Only way that's not happening is if I'm not inside you. Those spines flare when I go off, they'll root you to me for the full injection. Better just use that rump you've been showing off.," smirks Faeyna, hissing in pleasure as she starts to caress the breasts of the dwarf.

She leans back a bit to help deal with the weight a bit, chuckling a bit at the thought. "And trust me, if I was in heat I'd be locking myself in a shed somewhere til it passed. Full moon, lizardfolk go all isolation cus if we don't we'll rut everything in arms reach, half crazed. Blame the god/dess we descend from."
Re: Battle & Breeding

Alia shivered as she disrobed, Maram's words echoing through her. Oh yes, the heat was from more than just the temperature. Putting her clothing away as she got nude, the blonde mage slowly entered the water, sighing as it warmed her skin. Sitting down nearby Arkeia, she curiously watched the lizardgirl and her twin cocks. She had never heard of a lizardfolk woman like that. Was it because she was a hybrid? Or was it something else? Maybe she could try asking her later.

In the meantime, the mage decided to enjoy the show for the time being. Glancing at Arkeia and Maram to check what they were up to, she noted that neither seemed shy about getting started. Perhaps they weren't as eager as the dwarf, but they certainly haven't wasted time. As Alia heard Faeyna mention lizardfolk heat, however, she raised an eyebrow and couldn't help but comment. "Locking yourself like that? Sounds a bit extreme. That heat must be quite the annoyance to deal with."
Re: Battle & Breeding

Maram flipped herself in Arkeia's lap, straddling her leg and pressing her small, firm breasts into the pirate's ample tits. The elven illusionist began humping, her hairless quim searing with need even through the hot water, her motions sending up small frothy waves with every long stroke.

"Don't tease me, girl," she whispered into the Arkeia's ear between blissfully panting breaths. The chocolate elf increase the fervor of her motions as she caressed the pirate's inner thighs. "What shall I do for you, I wonder?"
Re: Battle & Breeding

(As a heads up, I'll be posting the dungeon sometime tonight, so please try to get to a decent stopping point, or at least a 'and then they fucked' point, in your next post)
Re: Battle & Breeding

The dwarf grunted a bit. "I never liked customers with unusual genitals." she said, before gyrating her hips back and forth, sliding one cock between her ass cheeks, and the other along her petals. The dwarf moaned at the indirect sex, the lizard's cock grinding against her sex and clit especially. She would be at it for however long it'd take for Faeyna to get close to her edge, then the dwarf would start thrusting faster, and faster, eventually cumming on the lizard's cocks as she in turn made the lizard cum.

Then, she snuggled up to Faeyna affectionately. "That'll be one gold~" she cooed.
Re: Battle & Breeding

While handling the lizard cocks, Karaz looked back to see the pirate girl was watching the scene. "I hope my rump is up to your standards, as it is directed at ye." she said with a grin. Indeed, it wasn't a big butt, but it wasn't small either, possessing a heart shape. she turned back around before refocusing on the lizard. "Ya sure those aren't the motions of a lizard in heat?" she asked, before carelessly climbing on top of the lizard girl, wrapping her arms and legs around her. "Don't cum inside, gor." she requested, one cock sliding along her tight petals and the other getting sandwiched between the dwarf girl's asscheeks.

"Ehhh... I've certainly seen worse!"

Maram flipped herself in Arkeia's lap, straddling her leg and pressing her small, firm breasts into the pirate's ample tits. The elven illusionist began humping, her hairless quim searing with need even through the hot water, her motions sending up small frothy waves with every long stroke.

"Don't tease me, girl," she whispered into the Arkeia's ear between blissfully panting breaths. The chocolate elf increase the fervor of her motions as she caressed the pirate's inner thighs. "What shall I do for you, I wonder?"

"Ahhh, and why not?" Arkeia prompted, raising her knee to grind into the elf's sex. "Well, we've only just met," she responded casually, her knee rising a little farther to add more pressure between the elf's legs, "maybe I don't want anything from you, hrm? Maybe you haven't got anything for me~"

Her teasing aside, she suddenly lowered her hand into the water and brushed her fingers against the elf's sex. "Or... Maybe you do, hrm?" she purred, sliding her digits first against and then into the elf...

(I'm fine with "And then sex" and moving on at this point really.)
Re: Battle & Breeding

Certainly, the dwarf should be insulted by such a comment, but instead she grinned, knowing her booty was of much covet based on her past. "Ya sassy bitch." she replied casually, taking to leaning back and drifting off of the lizard and just easily floating in the tub, thanks to her small size not taking up much space.
Re: Battle & Breeding

[...and then sex]

A thousand gold pieces. One thousand gold pieces. And maybe more! Maram had told them about it, as her sort of payment to the adventurers who had so interested her: the temple of Saale within the next few days going to offer a small fortune for the return of a sacred statuette, lost when one of its border convents was sacked by a sudden monster attack. Five hundred if it could be confirmed as missing, even. Plus an extra six hundred if they can find evidence as to how the monsters pierced the holy barrier surrounding the convent, and additional rewards for other relics, artworks, and nuns rescued. Maram had coaxed the job from a local abbess she had 'befriended' previously, and was planning on taking her own crew to retrieve it, but after their behavior in the bar, she decided to let them cool off on a long trudge through one of the nearby swamps instead.

By the time the women woke up the next morning feeling deliciously drained and refreshed, the bitter rain had finally stopped. Three days hard travel along the thin, muddy, rarely-travelled road brought them before the ruined convent, nestled into a hollow in the dark forest they had been skirting these past few days. A wooden palisade bordered the structure, the sharpened trunks standing some ten feet high, with small domed towers rising above the wooden wall at each corner. Along the road a large gate, carved with sacred seals, lay broken and charred, blasted from it's hinges by some mighty force, leaving the way open to the courtyard beyond. Whatever beasts had attacked this place, they seem to have gone some time ago. Scavengers had devoured most of the corpses left behind by fallen attackers, but the the markings on the scraps of cloth and build of the gnawed bones suggested feral orcs and their goblin slaves. Almost escaping your notice is a small, round stone hut just off in the woods, seemingly undamaged, it's white stone glistening through the line of trees separating it from the convent proper. Perhaps the orcs missed it? Or maybe there just wasn't anything of value there.

Room Actions (each of you may do one of the following; you should roll in your post, and narrate the action. You get +1 if you make it particularly interesting and/or sexy; it's up to you to decide if you feel like you've made enough effort to deserve a bonus):
---MND+Survival DC 10 to learn something interesting about the invaders. DC 15 to learn something more specific.
---MND+Knowledge DC 15 to find some hidden magic.
---MND+Communication DC 15 to commune with and learn something useful about the fallen holy barrier.
---STR+Athletics DC 13 to climb the palisade, and peer inside without the risk of being seen.
---DEX+Subterfuge DC 10 to scout ahead through the gate. DC 15 to set up an ambush of anything beyond. Under 10, and you risk being spotted if there's anything there!
---Something else (If you have something you want to do that's not noted here, describe it and make whatever roll you feel appropriate, and I'll narrate it in the next post. I'm pretty permissive on this, but be aware that you might not accomplish anything, even if you roll well, so generally only use this if you have a clever idea.)

(For all 'scouting' options, if you succeed and there are enemies in the next room, you can choose to either engage them or avoid them once you're in the room; you can choose to move to the next room in the same turn with no penalty.)

The convent is ahead of you. What do you do?

Party Actions (vote on this):
---Make your way through the gate, into the courtyard.
---Go examine the stone hut in the forest.
---Scout the perimeter of the convent thoroughly. (All 'thorough search' options like this will allow you to automatically succeed at all room actions you wish to perform)
---Rest for some reason? (Heals 1d4 per level+4 HP; unlike magical healing, this does restore HP lost to spellcasting)

(Thorough Search and Rest actions will always take a substantial amount of extra time, which will usually have consequences attached later in the dungeon. The consequences will tend to start negligible, but can grow if you use them too often.)

---I'm only going to require you to expend rations when faced with unexpected travel delays or other similar problems. Otherwise, assume your characters were smart enough to pack enough food along the way.
---You're starting off with three out-of-combat heroism/metamagic uses each in this dungeon. Metamagic uses can always be used to modify a spell to do something somewhat outside of it's normal effect, so long as it's logical.
---If I don't hear from you for a day and you don't let me know what's up (I know about cross_grave disappearing every other weekend), I'll move on without you, and you just won't do anything that 'turn'.

---Saale: The goddess of the sun and queen of the eastern gods. Her consort and guardian is Pernas, the god of storms.
Re: Battle & Breeding

"Ah, er, explain... Later...," moans Faeyna to the mage's question, grinding back against the dwarf. Not quite what she had in mind, but not breeding so she couldn't get in trouble! She kept groping the dwarf, her smirking a bit wryly.

"Unusual by dwarf standards maybe. We all have our... ooof... Adaptations to ensure survival..."

With the working and grinding, she soon painted the water white thanks to the dwarf. Faeyna hardly paid any mind to the dwarf's comment as she relaxed back in the water.


Hired to go along with the others on the road, for a vast sum of money, Faeyna could hardly hide her excitement, her forked tail swishing as she traveled, taking the lead to keep her eyes open. She had little familiarity with human gods, but she got the idea of a temple that had been raided.

On arrival she hummed a bit, observing the site. Strange things. Well, there was an obvious course, at least to her.

"Right. We should scout for danger before we proceed. No point in rushing in blind to things.," she said, standing up, stretching a bit. It was all quiet for now at least. Hopefully it'd stay that way for now.

With that in mind, she decided to try and learn anything from the tracks, getting low, tongue flicking at the air. It'd be faint, but she might be able to learn... Something maybe.

(Survival, 13)
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Re: Battle & Breeding

(You should make a skill roll and describe it if you want to do one, Zilrax. You each get a room action, and then you vote on the party action.)
Re: Battle & Breeding

"Agreed." Alia nodded, looking around. When she first heard about the assignment, she considered it too good to be true. So much money just for confirming the statue's gone? Five hundred for such a small piece of information sounded insane, especially with another five promised for delivering it. She guessed the Saalenites really wanted that statue. With various extras promised for saved nuns and recovered relics, not to mention another great lump of cash for information on how the barrier fell, this looked like a very lucrative contract. There was no way she'd have passed this up.

Looking over the fallen gate, Tervin quickly noted the various scorch marks covering it. Was magic employed here? It appeared to be the most logical explanation for how the defenses were breached. Pulling out her spellbook and rapidly going through the pages, the mage managed to locate the incantation she was looking for. Standing before the destroyed portal, she began to quietly chant the words from her book, pointing her free hand in the direction of the gate as she searched for traces of magic.

(Room Action: find hidden magic. Party Action vote: Scout the perimeter.)

Skill Check: 7 + 5 + 2 = 14
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Re: Battle & Breeding

Karaz couldn't say no to that amount of money. Even after it was all divvied up, it was still more money than she'd earn in an entire month of whoring around. Turns out the adventuring business might pay off after all!

"All right, umgi, let's take the lizard's advice and have a look around. Then I'll have a look see about climbing up and looking over that wall and see if I can't spot us some ork." she announced.

(Search the perimeter of the area as a party action first, then Karaz will climb the palisade, assuming by Athletics you mean Physical.)

[Climb over Palisade: ]
Re: Battle & Breeding

(Search the perimeter of the area as a party action first, then Karaz will climb the palisade, assuming by Athletics you mean Physical.)

(I did, go ahead and use to roll it. Remember to not put anything explicit in the roll descriptions.)
Re: Battle & Breeding

"I'll... Be right back," Arkeia said, creeping up ahead and into the ruins of the convent, darting from cover to cover and sweeping her gaze - and carefully paying attention to her other senses - in search of threats, traps, or information as to what might have happened specifically.

Room action of for Subterfuge+Dex to scout ahead. Got above 15, sooo....

Returning a few moments later, Arkeia popped up in the midst of the group, "I might have found something..."

(Depends on what's beyond the gate I guess, but going right through the gate is my current vote. It might change depending on what that scouting roll yields.)