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B&B Group 1 OOC

Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

That's fine. I'm doing something similar. For the rest of the week?
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

I don't know, but hope not. Ideally I'd be back by Friday afternoon, but I'm not in control of when I get to leave. Given that I'll have literally nothing to do but talk to people that I barely like, watch bad television, and read books of which I will have a finite number I intensely hope that I am not stuck there until Sunday.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

sorry im a bit drunk tonight to counter the influences fo family. ill be beack to this tomorraw.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

(Sorry, I didn't notice that Zilrax also rolled phenomenally. You also spot a nun and can make an action with Heroism if you want before the battle starts.)

Spot check failed. I even said except Zilrax in my roll description, and you still missed his! :p
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

To be fair, it's like a unicorn, you just never expect it to happen so you're bound to miss it.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

I was going to tell Tass to use his per-combat heroism, but that other roll sucked so bad, not even the suicide of the son of god could save it.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

Your level and your strength bonus.

And yes, heroism would be a waste on those rolls.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

Well, one is down and the one fighting Karaz is badly wounded. We MIGHT not be totally screwed.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

We have to make sure all of them are dead at the same time, though. Kill them fast.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

And then we all miss over and over and the downed zombies get back up. Also I forgot that I have holy water. If we splash that shit on the downed zombies, do they stop getting up.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

All three of you have at least one flask of holy water, provided by Alia before battle. Use them if you have to. In fact, Alia would appreciate if Arkeia remembered that.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

Worth trying. They're splash weapons usually, might be able to hit most of em if we can get them to group up.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

Also I forgot that I have holy water. If we splash that shit on the downed zombies, do they stop getting up.

Yup! Or you can kill them all at once, or come up with some form of body destruction/soul banishing. I'm open to ideas.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

Faeyna could try to exorcise them again maybe? Course there's an awkward fourth option. Get pregnant and she can shove their souls into there!
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

Faeyna could try to exorcise them again maybe? Course there's an awkward fourth option. Get pregnant and she can shove their souls into there!

You could certainly spend an action and make a MND+Knowledge test to do either of those things.