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RPG WolfRPG [ Studioニュクス] Goddess of Memorier (RJ171667)

Re: Goddess of Memorier

As everyone has said, this game does seem more complex and higher budget than most hRPGs. Anyways, since VNR has no issues voicing every line in the game, if you watch anime fairly regularly you shouldn't have any issues perfectly understanding 90%+ of what's going on. A partial would help to fully understand the skills and growth system though.

The H-content don't seem all that spectacular though, but I still don't know if there's gonna be any real combat rape beyond just the usual groping.
Re: Goddess of Memorier

I'm having a problem getting through the second section of Ice mountain ヴァント山脈. I always end up running out of heat while trying to skate across to the stairs on the other side of the frozen pond.

Any hints for this section (the cave after the first house)?

Re: Goddess of Memorier

I'm having a problem getting through the second section of Ice mountain ヴァント山脈. I always end up running out of heat while trying to skate across to the stairs on the other side of the frozen pond.

Any hints for this section (the cave after the first house)?


1.jpg >>> 2.jpg
Re: Goddess of Memorier

quest 04 (new quest in 1st town venturer guild) : ルセル街道 fast defeat 2 horse, then back to 1st town east, report to man near right entrance
I defeated 2 horses in 2 different attacks, but I can't finish the quest.
Anyone has a clue on what exactly is there to do?
Re: Goddess of Memorier

I defeated 2 horses in 2 different attacks, but I can't finish the quest.
Anyone has a clue on what exactly is there to do?

You need to kill them fast. Don't know what's the time limit but if you kill them in like 2-3 shots they will drop quest item.
Re: Goddess of Memorier

Uh, I checked sadpanda for the amount and quality of H-content and it was rather terrible. Can anyone tell if sadpanda has all the CG from the game?

Because if it does it's very disappointing.
Re: Goddess of Memorier

You need to kill them fast. Don't know what's the time limit but if you kill them in like 2-3 shots they will drop quest item.
Oh OK, I'll try that :)
Re: Goddess of Memorier

Uh, I checked sadpanda for the amount and quality of H-content and it was rather terrible. Can anyone tell if sadpanda has all the CG from the game?

Because if it does it's very disappointing.

Well, sadly this game focuses more on story/fights/gameplay rather than on hentai/sex stuff. Could've been more than a good game if they put more hentai stuff in there. They still can but doubt they'll do it.

Mapping is great and fight system is pretty nice too.
The only thing it really lacks is hentai stuff.
Re: Goddess of Memorier

Well, sadly this game focuses more on story/fights/gameplay rather than on hentai/sex stuff.

Pretty much this. It's a fairly orthodox game overall, but that makes it all a bit frustrating. The game is well made, but the h content is barely more than a giant tease, enough to land the game squarely as one that is adult only, but with no real satisfaction from that content. If they weren't going to put much H-content in it, and especially such a tepid approach as far as actual game mechanics, I'd almost they rather didn't do it at all and that they'd just made a fairly standard game with appealing, if ever so slightly ecchi, character designs.

But that's just my personal ramblings. The base game is still good, and the H-content, however little or random it is, doesn't ruin that. But focus on it only as an H game, and it's fairly lacking.
Re: Goddess of Memorier

ugh.. sorry for the necro.. but, how is it going with the partial?

still waiting for good news :)
Re: Goddess of Memorier

I kinda got pissed when the author updated the game so I gave up.

Translating this game was a nightmare mainly because once you translate for example item name, you have to find inside the code on maps where that item is used and translate it also there or else you keep getting green errors. Once I edited all maps and searched through every event to fix those errors, he released a new version...

Here is a partial for ver 1.02. If you're using any other version don't bother asking for a fix. If you get green errors on version 1.02 please make a screenshot and tell me on what map you got the error. They're easily fixed but it's a nightmare to go through every single event to find em. I probably missed a couple of them so if you get them, post it here and I'll fix it.

Also, I gave up before I translated item descriptions so they're still in Japanese but item names are translated.


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Re: Goddess of Memorier

im stuck at the werehouse..
how do i open the three colorfull doors?
im just going around aimlessly..

the guide says : move out to Firm's store フェチット商会・倉庫. VS ET get 3 door key then vs space ship

but i dont see any ET, there's only the usual monster mob.
Re: Goddess of Memorier

im stuck at the werehouse..
how do i open the three colorfull doors?
im just going around aimlessly..

the guide says : move out to Firm's store フェチット商会・倉庫. VS ET get 3 door key then vs space ship

but i dont see any ET, there's only the usual monster mob.

try defeat all usual monster mob in store
Re: Goddess of Memorier

Any chance someone's working on a more updated partial? The game makes things annoying to hook, what with the time in the menu constantly updating.
Re: Goddess of Memorier

Does anyone have 1.20 version that came out this month?
Goddess of Memorier walkthrough v1.1 + 1.2

v1.2 can find in eyny, and u need go get v1.2 patch (pass :702)

  • if dont write please get 1st choice
  • has old version save need go 1st town inn, click new version.jpg

1st town (宿場町ヨハネ) :
town east, upper inn has black doll, use princess's knife to break it
ゲストリム山 :
  • New religion hideout, talking with the miko, find people into her new religion, if over 15 joined new religion, talk to man near miko can get item カミノビール, to workshop (夢★工場) talk to girl (2nd choice) can make new item
  • v1.2, after ゲストリム山, back to 1st town west area, upper house has H
  • v1.2, joined three bad guys, to the new religious basement has H
Who can enter new religion :
  • 1st town east area, girl who running from right to left, man in upper right, 1st twon west area, man in upper (bad guy)
  • Farm village (農村グラスロー), body near big tree
  • Dulum (商業都市ダラム), man near Lucky Lots, aged in weapon shop lower, lady in weapon shop, man in upper right house (near upper right)
  • Dulum 2nd area (居住區), girl in park, hunter guild the man wearing full armor
  • Firm (フェチット商會), man outside
  • Fort (ウォルダム砦), inside fort, soldier in upper right
  • Humpool (首都ハンプール), man near teleport circle (bad guy), aged sitting on lower left chair, man in restaurant (upper left), man in pub (upper right), bunny girl in hunter guild, woman in castle garden (sitting on right chair)
  • Prayer's womb way (祈りの胎道), woman near camp
  • Dessuen (ドレスデン), man in inn&pub upper (need after H [bad guy]), poet outside back of inn&pub, man in hunter guild lower, woman in graveyard
  • Ice mountain (ヴァント山脈), man near entrance
  • east town (ヴァランシー), woman in lower left, aged in lower right house
New event in street (ルセル街道) :
  • street east side talk to girl, then can find her sister (with her total 7 girl)
  • Lake (ジナ湖), in container room left can find 1 of sister
  • get quest 21, to ニナウ盆 can find 1 in lower right
  • 2nd world, forest's camp area, upper left has 1 7sister.jpg
  • Bellrits (王都ベルリッツ), after prince escape, north room has 1
  • トルガスト神殿 has 1 7sister2.jpg
  • 舊チェルトン邸, from entrance go NW, then go SW room has 1
  • v1.2, after find all sister, tp Humpool (首都ハンプール), left house newH1.jpg talk to sisters's father has H and get skill
2 new dungeon for v1.2 :
  • after true ending, タイム・オブ・アズーレ north door can open, inside dungeon 1 : cant use item, 2 : cant use skill and magic, 3 : dmg x 2, SP and PE double use amount, this dungeon has 3 mini boss, defent 1 can delete 1 effect
  • after true ending, Dulum (商業都市ダラム) 2nd area, upper right adventurer guild talk to counter (2nd choice) can go バスキ砂漠
Firm (フェチット商會) :
  1. firm outside left, talk to merchant (3nd choice メダルチェックお願いします) can get item
  2. 50 medal can get item (消費)マジックガールメガホン, use it maid can get new skill
  3. 60 medal can get item 生理的に嫌な物, for workshop (夢★工場) talk to girl (2nd choice) can make new item
  4. 70 medal can get item (貴重)クロースマッパー, use it all menber can nude
Lake (ジナ湖) :
has place lady venturer can jump, there has black doll, use princess's knife to break it
Humpool (首都ハンプール) :
  • v1.2, dress shop talk to manager can get clothes new clohtes.jpg
  • v1.2, magic guild 3F library has new alchemia formula new formula.jpg
  • hunter guild talk to man repairstele.jpg can get 復元の銀砂時計, it can repair stele, 1st stele in カナリッジ丘陵's 朽ちた碑文の部屋, inside has boss, defeat it can get 謎のカパカパ, for workshop (夢★工場) talk to girl (2nd choice) can make new item, 2nd stele in 氷精の神殿, use fairy fire magic can jump to other side open switch, then can vs boss
  • hunter guild 2F talk to counter can get quest 16, to street (ルセル街道) defeat 8 new monster (1 group in back of workshop), after this quest can get hunter guild quest
  • quest 17 (Humpool) : inside castle defeat 10 new monster
  • quest 18 (Humpool) : 風鳴き平原, defeat 1 new monster
  • quest 19 (1st town, east area near middle) : to 1st town sewer defeat 12 new monster
  • quest 21 (1st town) : ニナウ盆地, defeat 6 new monster
  • quest 22 (Dulum, 2nd area upper left) : to 街道外れの森, defeat 5 new monster
  • quest 23 (Dulum) : Firm, defeat 7 new monster
Dessuen (ドレスデン) :
  • quest 24 (hunter guild) : 祈りの胎道, defeat 8 new monster
  • quest 25 (hunter guild) : 氷精の神殿, defeat 5 new monster
  • v1.2, quest 15(hunter guild) : Humpool castle, west side use killer invisible to lady knight room has H, then Dessuen church upper right report to man
Killer side :
help man in jail, then go east town (ヴァランシー) can buy jewel
2nd world and fairy town Pilltva delica (ピルヴァ・デルカ) :
v1.2, possible after true ending, Pilltva delica talk to fairy can get item (消費)えなじーどりんく, use it fairy can get skill
After back to 3rd world :
  • quest 20 (1st town) : to sewer vs ant queen, then go Humpool castle, east to jail talk to prisoner can buy equip
  • quest 26 (Dessuen) : to 2nd world アマルテの聖域, defeat 5 new monster, after quest can get reward 機能的な服, for workshop (夢★工場) talk to girl (2nd choice) can make new item
Bellrits (王都ベルリッツ) :
  1. top floor to the left (the right) ministers room can find minister
  2. room next to ministers room can open
  3. NE to throne, vs 2 monster then prince escape
  4. to north room, upper right click magic circle
True ending :
  1. to great wall (グレートウォール) but cant enter
  2. ゲストリム talk to miko, with her to great wall, v1.2 can buy new magic
  3. to east town (ヴァランシー), upper left house talk to aged, upper floor has 復元の銀砂時計 (for repair stele)
  4. to トルガスト神殿, inside can get 投擲秘伝書, can add range of princess's knife
  5. push stone to skull, princess's for another 2 skull
  6. lady adventurer jump to small island, then fairy use fire magic for 3 torch 3torch.jpg
  7. defeat small boss for next magic circle
  8. some place has curse cant enter, defeat ghost for it
  9. has hidden cave need maid as leader
  10. vs final boss to true ending
Hidden quest :
  1. after add range of princess's knife, Firm (フェチット商会) outside upper right use it for black doll
  2. Dulum (商業都市ダラム), 2nd area adventurer guild get quest 10
  3. to 舊チェルトン邸, go NE then click note on ground
  4. back to entrance, go NW then go SW room, then next SW room click note on ground and open box get key
  5. from entrance to NW then NW again, bear doll room get key hidden key.jpg
  6. dining room click big bell get key
  7. back to entrance, open north door vs 3 sister
  8. back to Dulum (商業都市ダラム), upper right report to man
  9. v1.2, after defeat 3 sister, to Dessuen (ドレスデン) inn&pub but cant enter
  10. go hunter guild get quest 14
  11. inn&pub click 2 shining point and click customer note notes.jpg , then 2F upper right to store
  12. move out, to house in inn&pub left, click door has H
  13. report to man who ouside inn&pub
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How to solve this L2<2, L4<9, L6<0, L8<0?


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for those who are having difficulty with the Ice Mountain, there is a statue to move with the dark blue haired girl with yellow eyes. You will find a standing torch. You just have to light the standing torch with the power of the main girl in the game to bring the temperature back to the max. Then you are going to find a sign with 3 directions that you can decide to go but you have to choose to go down. You will find a house that you can then return if the temperature is at 0.