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The pics thread.

Re: The pics thread.

I was about to say, nice abs, TWO. (and now, all I hear is HISHE - Twilight - "Check out my, like, bazillion ab muscles.") Though Chib's got there first, heheh.

And holy crap, Chibi! That puts my old "dinosaur egg" to shame (which is probably about a quarter of a size of that thing) I'd say "do want" but I'd never get through the damn thing in my lifetime *laughs*

*nudges* And you are not a fatty. Shushup.
Re: The pics thread.

i'm gonna laugh when you guys find out he's actually the one in the wetsuit on the left.
Re: The pics thread.

Well since I'm spamming this thread...



That snorkel can be used for alot of things!

Hah, snorkel gear!? Bleh! Have some of my 250 bar compressed air!


EDIT: And for those wondering I'm the retarded-looking one in the middle...


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Re: The pics thread.

I can't find any good photos of my face..

All of the good ones have people in it that I hate! (My family)

i'm gonna laugh when you guys find out he's actually the one in the wetsuit on the left.

I bet I am that guy too!

EDIT: Here's one that I was sleeping in and someone in my family thought it'd be hilarious to catch me sleeping with my legs like that and with no swimsuit on when we were on a cruise... (Oh yeah and it was pretty hot too(the temperature))

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Re: The pics thread.



Oh my. o////o



*kidnaps both of you* Why don't you live anywhere near meeee D:

@Copper: I am! I need to lose like, 40 pounds. All tummy flab.
Re: The pics thread.

Sweet Jesus, chib's is starting a harem. In the words of Tank Girl "Lock up your sons!"

Eh, you're still not a fatty, leastwise not to me. Though I hear you on the losing weight bit. I dropped about 15ish pounds but I've stopped exercising daily, so I gotta get back on that. I just need a new routine. Got bored with the old one, hence the stopping.
Re: The pics thread.


:'D I'm a state alchemist now.

Yeeeah, I've had both my pocket watch and my State Alchemist uniform for about three years now. So, uh, yeah, new recruits go over there whilst us seniors chill out over here :p
Re: The pics thread.

Yeeeah, I've had both my pocket watch and my State Alchemist uniform for about three years now. So, uh, yeah, new recruits go over there whilst us seniors chill out over here :p

Bite me, I've only just now been able to afford it :p
Re: The pics thread.

Mine came free with my State Alchemist uniform, which if I remember correctly cost about £60. The con I went to had the watches selling for about £20, dunno how much money you make/have but that's not that expensive in my opinion :p
Re: The pics thread.

well considering I haven't had a job or any real sum of money until now... 40$ for the watch and necklace was really expensive. And I'm tempted to buy the costume, but only after I've paid bills and rent and such.

You see, I don't live at home with mommy and daddy anymore. I'm on my own.

And I've been buying more important things with my money until now, you know, food, an education... things like that.
Re: The pics thread.

Goddamn, don't remind me. As soon as I get a job that doesn't screw me over with shit hours just because they'd rather give all the hours to the immigrants I'll be moving out. I've got £2200 saved up but that wont last me for long.
Re: The pics thread.

Bah, you're only a at most, chibi, maaaaybe a level 2. I'm probably around 2-3. :p
( is awesome, btw)
Re: The pics thread.

Since i just finished all of "Avatar: The last Airbender" I thought I'd share some of my funny screenshots xD





Re: The pics thread.

during my foray into the wilds of the internet for Canadian sterotypes i came across this and thought it too funny to NOT share:


*Found in someone's post here: this has funny comics too xD
Re: The pics thread.

during my foray into the wilds of the internet for Canadian sterotypes i came across this and thought it too funny to NOT share:


*Found in someone's post here: this has funny comics too xD

Our nation's federal police force rides a moose rather than horses. It's bigger and scarier.
Re: The pics thread.

Goddamn, don't remind me. As soon as I get a job that doesn't screw me over with shit hours just because they'd rather give all the hours to the immigrants I'll be moving out. I've got £2200 saved up but that wont last me for long.

Good! Moving out was the best thing that ever happened to me. I'm a lot happier now, and I think you will be too, once you get away from those harpies you live with.

And in response to the two identical neg reps I got (which I didn't notice this reply until then Sorry Oni) :
Dear Morons,

I was not saying that "Oni can't afford his own shit because he's living with his folks" I was saying that he could, and I COULDN'T because I'd finally free'd myself from the clutches of my parents and gotten out on my own. Though not completely I'm ashamed to admit.

And it was more a dig at myself because I'd lived with them so long with vague promises of getting a job and not actually getting off of my ass and doing so. Until this job landed in my lap. Now i actually pay my father rent because I'm staying in the trailer he used to live in.

and if that makes me a white trash "fucking bitch" then so be it. *blows kisses*
Re: The pics thread.


Yes people, we were linked to from /d/.
Re: The pics thread.

I love the fact that the person said our site is better even if toonpimp's site gets more traffic.