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Nurses Station


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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nurses Station

Kyle's reply to the back and forth was to pull his hand out of his pocket, holding four small glass containers. Two contained slivers of a silvery metal, and bore the letters "Mg". The other two were marked "NH4" and had some kind of liquid in them.

He began juggling them in one hand, for apparently not particular reason.


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Nurses Station

((She doesn't know how old she herself is though, but she generally considers herself senior to most people. Which "may" be true, since after she "died" the first time, it took her countless millenia to reform herself, and she's been journeying for an unknown period of time ever since))

"I was originally going to drop in on the little patient there, but your conversation earlier intrigues me..."

Dropping out of the shadows, Mia landed upright on her feet, her movements more "human" in comparison to that of last night.

"Tell me, as a fellow drifter of worlds, have you ever come into contact with an "enemy of the gods", "traitor to the heavens", or the like? Even in your short existence, you must had heard something right?"

In actuality, the demon didn't expect anything from Siphon, many drifters of "destroyed worlds" were oblivious to those around them except for themselves. Still, it was worth a shot.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nurses Station

Siphon seems to pause for a moment, then slowly shakes his head. "The terms don't sound familiar, however we did encounter an enemy that controlled massive hordes of undead four hundred years ago on my home planet. In fact, that is why I came here. Such a term I have never heard before myself, though I may have heard it by another."

A moment passes then he adds, "the Ventakans left behind writings suggesting a "destroyer of worlds", but it was quite vague. Why do you ask?"


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Nurses Station

"Tell me, what would you call a man who rebelled against his own god for the sake of love? One whose actions would bring destruction and demise to his world? Would you call him foolish?"

Mia had an amused look on her face as she played with an invisible dagger ((not literally)), "tossing it into the air" multiple times as she continued.

"Or would you sympathize with him, one who threw away everything for his other half? Well?"


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nurses Station

Siphon was silent for several long moments, trying to gauge what she was really asking him.

"I'd have to know what his reasons were, and why such an action of love would destroy his world to truthfully answer that, but most likely I would at the least question his sanity, his integrity."

A pause as he admits, "I am curious as to why you would ask ME such a question, though I suppose you have an answer to that, be it a legitimate something from your past you've seen, or a possible threat."

((Ok honestly, ya stumped me on this one, so not the BEST of answers for me to give back lol.))


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Nurses Station

(Lol, sorry about that :p)

"Let me put it in simpler terms, if someone were to lock up that little birdie you smell of... Sho was it? In an attempt to save the world in one way or another, would you choose the world over her? Or would you cast away the world for her?"

Mia smiled, enjoying her "toying" with Siphon's mind. It had been a long time since she retold the tale of her world, him, and the history behind it. It was always amusing for her to see the reactions it would generate from others, one form of amusement for her in a monotonous eternal existence.

"As for why that would destroy his world?... Simple, he slew his god who imprisoned his lover. And with that, "it" came. The devourer of worlds... "

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nurses Station

At the sight of Mia Grace had quickly got off her chair and stood back against the bed. Ellisia, suddenly seemed wide awake, if not exactly very mobile yet. She watched Mia intensely, hints of both anger and pain in her face.

"So your both a murderer and deluded philosopher." She spoke slowly at half breath, and certainly not any friendliness in her tone. Grace remained quite silent. Though in her mind she was searching deep for long unused arcana.

((Sure thing Bartnum. I'll also just note that Mia yet has nothing to suspect Graces magical nature yet. Thus far Mia hasn't been around at any of the few times she's released any magic.))


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Nurses Station

(Naturally, seeing as unlike Alazais, she hasn't been bitten by Mia/Ima. For now any "sweet scent" in the room is assumed to originate from Elissia or Siphon. Speaking of Siphon, I'll wait till he replies before responding to Elissia)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nurses Station

Siphon stares blankly at her for a moment, then rears back and ROARS with laughter. "You delude yourself into believing you are a god? You are no more a god than the Ori were. I don't care what you are or what you aren't, you my dear would NEVER have lasted against the Ori, and they are now dead. Delude yourself all you wish, though I give you one bit of free advice. When it all explodes in your face, don't say I didn't tell you so, though, you probably won't be in much of a position to speak of it."

He pauses a moment, seeming to weigh something else on his mind. "If the best you can do is threaten my friends and loved ones, you should know, it wouldn't be the first time I've lost one to an enemy. Though the enemy in question was more intimidating than you are. If your goal here is to toy with me until I snap, I'm afraid your several thousand years too late. Hell, I've had to KILL people that I once knew to stop what they had become. It's too bad you are what you are though, were you something that could become true flesh and not a simple wisp on the wind, I might consider you a worthy foe. I would have loved to see you stack up against the Ventakas and their hunters. Unfortunately, they made the mistake of attacking my people without cause."

A brief moment then, "you waste our time creature. Why is that? Perhaps you are uncertain of what WE really are, and want more intel? Or perhaps your not all that certain it's a slam dunk. Perhaps my previous death can be sensed by you. If that is true, you know more of it than I do."

((Yes, I brought up past events from HIS past to anyone asking, and not from the previous SBS.))


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Nurses Station

"God? Me? A god?.... Hahaha.... hahahahahahaha!!

It was Mia's turn to laugh, it was the first time she had ever been referred to as a god in a long time. The last time was by a group of "cultists" who had began worshipping her when she appeared out of the midst of their ceremony. In return, she had slaughtered them on the spot for insulting her as such.

"Forgive me a moment, the irony is just too great for me to bear, Me, the one who is even to this very second being hunted by the gods of various worlds, a god? Hahahahahahahahaha!!!

Following a period of lunatical laughter, Mia grew sullen for a bit as she processed the rest of what Siphon had spoken.

"To kill those that one once knew... what of it? Ever since my creation I've walked through a sea of blood, my own kinsmen burning before my eyes, those who promised me eternity "protecting me" and leaving me behind... "

Following a brief pause, Mia returned to her usual self.

" I really could care less about what you really are, so long as you're not one of the "watchers". But even then, I doubt a watcher would be at only your level of power... "

(Ugh, making this at 4 in the morning, might be a bit redundant so... let me know if I need to fix anything.)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nurses Station

Siphon did appear to be confused by her first remarks, and was silent for her second. Her third however did provoke a response.

"Watchers? I'm afraid I honestly have no idea as to what your babbling about there. Describe these... watchers of yours."

He did seem genuinely intriqued at this point.

He seemed to still be absorbing her second remark, wondering what lies she might have been told in her own lifetime, and wondering just how bad it would have had to be to twist her like this.

((It's fine bro.))
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Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Nurses Station

"Watchers, nuisances obsessed with "maintaining the balance of everything", anyone who disrupts the balance is eliminated by them, mortals, demons, gods, it's all the same to them. When worlds disappear, their inhabitants are supposed to vanish along with it. However exceptions exist... and to them, those exceptions are dangerous anomalies that shouldn't exist. I wouldn't be surprised if you were on their list as well... "


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nurses Station

"So basically do good thing's who's MO is to wipe out any who don't stay within a certain line. Lovely, just like the fucking Ori. If I'm on their list, so be it, I'm not really worried about it."

Siphon blinks as his phone starts ringing, and for a moment he's surprised. "Who the hell else has this? One second."

Not taking his eyes off of Mia, he opens the phone and answers, "hello?"

Edit: ((The conversation can be found in the Girl's Dorm thread. Rather than take up half a dozen posts for it it was decided to run the entire thing as one large post.))

After several moments of speaking, he hangs up the phone. "Where were we? My apologies, I seem to be rather popular lately."
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Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nurses Station

All this talk of gods, destroyed worlds and strange watchers was starting to make Grace feel rather small. She remained silent between the bed and Mia, constructing spells in the back of her mind.

Ellisia just stared at the ceiling now. There was little she could do like this. She found it quite infuriating to be stuck motionless beside a foe. "The watchers are hypocrites. Narrow minded and with more power than they deserve. They are beyond the balance they seek to enforce. They would have long ago removed my entire people if they could. I am no friend of theirs, but regarding you, we may have one goal in common."

Grace was starting to wonder if she was the only one in the room who was entirely lost in this conversation.

((Note - Whenever I'm talking about Grace building spells mentally like this, its just her preping for a possible spontaneous/fast cast spell. Any non standard spell that she doesn't use on a regular basis she has to recall, and ideally practice once or twice, before she can do a rapid casting. I might say this a bit, it doesn't imply she actually is about to cast.))


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Nurses Station

(As a general note, I have no plans on involving the watchers in SBS as in the other rps... they are ridiculously OP to the degree that for normal people with "exceptional powers" to deal with them is basically impossible. Well, unless someone else can't stir up some trouble to keep the roleplay fun.)

" My goal? I'm merely looking for that person, if I can help it I'd rather not deal with the pack of hunters behind me. Even I can't deal with their higher echelon members after all, those who can crush entire worlds in a mere blink of a eye.

Shadow shifting behind Elissia, Mia draped her arms around the immobilized girl's neck, mainly to "tease her" for being unable to move.

"Besides, I actually like playing with you. Them?... Not so much. They're so obsessed with the "balance", that I can't even toy with them. I much prefer mortals like you... my little pet."

The last words were whispered into Elissia's ear, once again to aggravate her for being unable to move. Mia continued again before the rest were able to take any action against her,

"You don't have to worry about entertaining me again tonight, after all, even playing wears me out under the effect of twenty eight seals..."

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nurses Station

Ellisia gritted her teeth angrily at Mia's touch. She managed to raise an arm to her neck to try to remove her aggravator, but had no strength behind it. "I was referring to the watchers goal, of destroying you."

((What other rp are they in? I can't track them all.))


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nurses Station

((Actually Keylo I got to thinking of the description you used, and for them to actually interfere in this galaxy, they would have to fight the Ancients first. That would be a battle worth seeing elsewhere.))

Siphon would have shot Mia on the spot now, but he was worried the splash from the blast would hit Elissia as well, and given her current condition, he was afraid even a stun blast could kill her. He did take note of her twenty eight seal remark, and was curious enough to prod just a bit.

"Twenty Eight seals? Shouldn't that mean two to three nights out of a month you... Wait a second." A smirk worthy of a Gou'ald system lord crossed his face as another thought registered. "Your bound by the moon cycle. Most excellent."

Surprisingly, instead of attacking Mia, he moved to a chair and sat down in it. "Tell me creature, what do you know of ascension?"


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Nurses Station

((While it would be worth seeing, there's too many cross dimension/universe kinks to work out))

"Bound? Perhaps. I can remove the seals if I really must, however I have no interest in luring them here yet. My search hasn't ended yet after all. As for ascension..."

Mia paused for a second, her head resting on Elissia's shoulder.

"Which definition of ascension are you looking for? Each world has it's own laws regarding "ascension", what I knew of mine may not be the same for here..."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nurses Station

He hadn't expected her to know anything of what he was speaking about, and now felt compelled to at least dig something out of her.

"Well, our "version" if you will, of ascension involves literally casting off the physical body and ascending to a plane of existence beyond space, beyond time, and beyond dimension as well. The Ori were similar before their defeat, transcending the known multi-verse."

A beat as he decides to play with her for a moment. "I myself was a former being such as that, could be again if I wanted to."

By this time his eyes had drifted to narrowly being open, and his breathing had slowed considerably, as if something was happening to him.


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Nurses Station

"So in other words,the watchers, gods, and me as well as most drifters fit your definition of "ascension" at some point... Well, that's not too far off from what I know anyway."

Beginning to look rather unintrested, Mia continued.

"That plane you refer to is most likely what others refer to as the void, the plane from which all existence originated beyond what most know as a "space", "time", "dimensions" and such. This is the plane that hosts the realms of the gods and apparently the watchers as well. Those who gain knowledge of it receive the first paths to "enlightenment", those who reach it "ascend", at least by your definition. However "reaching it" hardly means you're "ascended",as those who have their souls utterly shattered reach it as well... to be assimilated into the plane once more provided they aren't "divine". Or so those crackpot philosophers say anyway

The last remark made the demon laugh to herself for a bit, obviously amused with the recollections of the incorrect interperations of what actually was.

"That however, is a pack of lies. There's only two requirements to exist on that realm, and achieve ascension. Enough power, and the will of an immortal to continue existing. Those without power will disappear regardless of their will to exist, those without the will to exist will lose themselves and become assimilated. That is the true face of the realm, beyond whatever artificial constructs are situated upon it. Provided you traveled the worlds in the way most "ascended" do, via that realm, you should know fully well what type of place that is...

(Is it just me, or did this turn into some philosophical debate?)