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[2/6] [Abandoned] The Comprehensive Patreon List

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Re: [8/23] Comprehensive patreon list

I could be mistaken here, but wasn't there some debate over whether the MC in that one is loli/underage? (and if so, what are the rules on linking to such a Patreon?)

Or does Patreon not allow loli? (never bothered to check as it's not my thing)

Well I think yummy said he was adding sh*ta sooo, also that heaven studio game is gana have some too.

I just do what I did with bestiality game list, i listed all games with bestiality.
Some had l0li and sh0ta, but I was told as long as it wasn't explicit or w.e I was fine. Like the main focus was bestiality, not the other stuff

I think its sorta like "Don't ask, don't tell".

...people brought the goddamn popo in the thread with your loli talks. Just chiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillllll
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Re: [8/23] Comprehensive patreon list

site has a fuck ton of lurkers
Re: [8/23] Comprehensive patreon list

I think I found another one. I THINK... He goes by Alx or Fuckit
Some might recognize his work.

It seems he has been working some projects on his patreon. Here are a few.


"You play Bronx, you’re gonna gave your way with Fox. That’s as basic as it is!
Reason being that I needed a smaller project to learn the basics of Ren’py before working on Hogwarts. But I’m not doing is half ass. I’m going all in! And doing my best to give you guys a great game!"


"Based on a very popular series of picture I did for Hentai United;

Because of the events of the last book, Hermione Granger has been invited to complete her studies in an exceptional 8th year in Hogwarts. But the House elves might have a darker purpose for her."

He has other projects in minds, but these seem to be the ones he is working on now.I don't know heads or tails of this but just to keep an open eye out for things.
Re: [8/23] Comprehensive patreon list

I think I found another one. I THINK... He goes by Alx or Fuckit
Some might recognize his work.

It seems he has been working some projects on his patreon. Here are a few.


"You play Bronx, you’re gonna gave your way with Fox. That’s as basic as it is!
Reason being that I needed a smaller project to learn the basics of Ren’py before working on Hogwarts. But I’m not doing is half ass. I’m going all in! And doing my best to give you guys a great game!"


"Based on a very popular series of picture I did for Hentai United;

Because of the events of the last book, Hermione Granger has been invited to complete her studies in an exceptional 8th year in Hogwarts. But the House elves might have a darker purpose for her."

He has other projects in minds, but these seem to be the ones he is working on now.I don't know heads or tails of this but just to keep an open eye out for things.

So I can't help but notice your title cards for your projects look identical to akaburs...
Re: [8/23] Comprehensive patreon list

So I can't help but notice your title cards for your projects look identical to akaburs...

People in the creative field will sometimes do freelance work for other creators; I did videos for Eromancer and Nonoplayer's stuff (plus Nutaku), for example, so I'd say Akabur might have done some banners for a few other creators :p
Re: [8/23] Comprehensive patreon list

Its a space sex sim that is on steady development. definitely worth a look!
Re: [8/23] Comprehensive patreon list

Its a space sex sim that is on steady development. definitely worth a look!

Hot girls makin hot thing, hot.
Re: [8/23] Comprehensive patreon list

I want that sunstrider game to come out..wonder if there is an ETA for any of these patreon games?

Now that I think about it that is totally scary, no estimated completion time at least for the base game is scary. I mean I don't recall any patreon saying.

"Ya so I think this will be done in about a year"
Its just like.
"Hey, I like drawing, and or programming, I am making a game, please give me money while I make it"

*guy off in the distance*
How long will it take to finish?

"Haha, so about those donation tiers"

Most times when people have total control over that aspect I notice it can be...ridiculous. I mean look at breeding season, my god, that game.

It has been what a year and a half? After a major redesign and other slight redesigns taking up almost 70% of its development. Say what you will about publishers and 3rd parties who meddle in the creation of content but damn, there is a reason they exist.

I think consumers would get burnt out real fast on dumping money into something that sounds super duper cool only to have it only kind of finished a year later. Maybe they don't realize it cause it is a slow burn but damn.

It just reminds me of those kickstarters that use buzzwords to draw in money then fail to deliver.I mean fuck, that is not good playing on peoples hopes and shit, its what makes people apathetic cynics which we already have enough of...fuck.
Thankfully, I haven't seen that with patreon, yet...but uh, heh, if i do see that (or anyone else), Heh. Ya.

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Re: [8/23] Comprehensive patreon list

I want that sunstrider game to come out..wonder if there is an ETA for any of these patreon games?

the ETA on my new rpg is 4 months tops...which is kind of embarrassing since it took me that long to get the first big area made (almost done with the final demo)

though technically speaking i could add even more to it...like more in battle sex and more sexy enemy pics for status effects...

i'd be hung out to dry if i only had that game though, so i also have a bone animation based game in the works

also, yes i'm aware some people are gonna neg me for having the audacity to post here
Re: [8/23] Comprehensive patreon list

I think consumers would get burnt out real fast on dumping money into something that sounds super duper cool only to have it only kind of finished a year later. Maybe they don't realize it cause it is a slow burn but damn.

It just reminds me of those kickstarters that use buzzwords to draw in money then fail to deliver.I mean fuck, that is not good playing on peoples hopes and shit, its what makes people apathetic cynics which we already have enough of...fuck.
Thankfully, I haven't seen that with patreon, yet...but uh, heh, if i do see that (or anyone else), Heh. Ya.

The main idea of Patreon is to support someone in the process of creating something, on a regular basis. Supposedly such support is going to allow the project to be completed earlier or with higher quality.

Sure, it does introduce a place for abuse ("hey, so now that people pay me those couple of billions every month, it is beneficial for me to work on this forever") but that is mostly for a single project - while most Patreons revolve around delivering content on a regular basis.
And even for single projects, you need to keep your patron community alive with updates, blog posts, demos... in the end it comes down to a mutual trust between the creator and their patrons - or just supporting someone regardless of how often (if at all) they deliver, just because you like what they do or did in the past.

Breeding Season is one of those games that, once gameplay is pretty much ready, you can develop forever by simply adding more and more content, which I believe is also one of the possible reasons of its Patreon success.
Re: [8/23] Comprehensive patreon list

I want that sunstrider game to come out..wonder if there is an ETA for any of these patreon games?

Now that I think about it that is totally scary, no estimated completion time at least for the base game is scary. I mean I don't recall any patreon saying.

"Ya so I think this will be done in about a year"
Its just like.
"Hey, I like drawing, and or programming, I am making a game, please give me money while I make it"

*guy off in the distance*
How long will it take to finish?

"Haha, so about those donation tiers"

Most times when people have total control over that aspect I notice it can be...ridiculous. I mean look at breeding season, my god, that game.

It has been what a year and a half? After a major redesign and other slight redesigns taking up almost 70% of its development. Say what you will about publishers and 3rd parties who meddle in the creation of content but damn, there is a reason they exist.

I think consumers would get burnt out real fast on dumping money into something that sounds super duper cool only to have it only kind of finished a year later. Maybe they don't realize it cause it is a slow burn but damn.

It just reminds me of those kickstarters that use buzzwords to draw in money then fail to deliver.I mean fuck, that is not good playing on peoples hopes and shit, its what makes people apathetic cynics which we already have enough of...fuck.
Thankfully, I haven't seen that with patreon, yet...but uh, heh, if i do see that (or anyone else), Heh. Ya.


perish the thought that the consumer would actually wait until a game was finished and then put out the money to buy it then and there.

I get it that piracy is a thing. However that does not mean that the unwritten rule still wont be enforced. I dont see any games that are actively developed here being pirated here, so I would think that the people would still buy it?

This is why I have a complete anti-patreon stance on things related to a game. For fucks sake just finish the game and then I will evaluate if I want to buy it then. I sure as hell have no plans to ever put forth money on patreon to allow some game developer to subsist on that income. I feel the same way about the bullshit on steam with paying for a game to take part in a early access. Paying to play a demo is also bullshit.
Re: [8/23] Comprehensive patreon list

I want that sunstrider game to come out..wonder if there is an ETA for any of these patreon games?

Now that I think about it that is totally scary, no estimated completion time at least for the base game is scary. I mean I don't recall any patreon saying.

"Ya so I think this will be done in about a year"

We actually stated we'd be done sometime in late 2016 quite a few times :p
Re: [8/23] Comprehensive patreon list

the ETA on my new rpg is 4 months tops...which is kind of embarrassing since it took me that long to get the first big area made (almost done with the final demo)

though technically speaking i could add even more to it...like more in battle sex and more sexy enemy pics for status effects...

i'd be hung out to dry if i only had that game though, so i also have a bone animation based game in the works

also, yes i'm aware some people are gonna neg me for having the audacity to post here

Re: [8/23] Comprehensive patreon list

The main idea of Patreon is to support someone in the process of creating something, on a regular basis. Supposedly such support is going to allow the project to be completed earlier or with higher quality.

Sure, it does introduce a place for abuse ("hey, so now that people pay me those couple of billions every month, it is beneficial for me to work on this forever") but that is mostly for a single project - while most Patreons revolve around delivering content on a regular basis.
And even for single projects, you need to keep your patron community alive with updates, blog posts, demos... in the end it comes down to a mutual trust between the creator and their patrons - or just supporting someone regardless of how often (if at all) they deliver, just because you like what they do or did in the past.

Breeding Season is one of those games that, once gameplay is pretty much ready, you can develop forever by simply adding more and more content, which I believe is also one of the possible reasons of its Patreon success.

I was fine with it, till they became furry instead of beast, but also the CONSTANT minor revamps. It just feels like stalling. Its a flash game...make the base game, then add on more crap. I feel they woulda been done 6 months ago if they didn't get over the top with more npcs and story elements. Like, they coulda just added that later.
Re: [8/23] Comprehensive patreon list

We actually stated we'd be done sometime in late 2016 quite a few times :p

In feed or front page? I don't read through all patreons mind you just out of the 10 or so I frequent I never see a notice on their promo page.
Re: [8/23] Comprehensive patreon list

Patreon databases has been hacked, better change your passwords.
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Re: [8/23] Comprehensive patreon list

Patreon databases has been hacked, better change your passwords.

I have done! Just read about this hack, they pretty much gained passwords to everybody's accounts. Patreon say they have sorted it by changing some kind of code with our accounts that makes them not accessible.

I'd change your passwords just in case... :)
Re: [8/23] Comprehensive patreon list

I want that sunstrider game to come out..wonder if there is an ETA for any of these patreon games?

Right now a soft release expectation would be before Christmas. Now since all game mechanics are in place I just have to make content. Also I think I only have like 2-5 backgrounds left, and there are a lot of portraits already completed. Next dev build will have much more content and I'm hoping to move towards a beta in Nov. Beta should only last a month as I draw the rest of the art.


Well I will make sure I buy some candy dammit!!;)
Re: [8/23] Comprehensive patreon list

If you guys remember Parabolica, the guy who made the game where you fight a girl in the bathtub, he's got a Patreon now:
Re: [8/23] Comprehensive patreon list

Right now a soft release expectation would be before Christmas. Now since all game mechanics are in place I just have to make content. Also I think I only have like 2-5 backgrounds left, and there are a lot of portraits already completed. Next dev build will have much more content and I'm hoping to move towards a beta in Nov. Beta should only last a month as I draw the rest of the art.

Well I will make sure I buy some candy dammit!!;)

I have access to your feed but I only get emailed pics, do you have basic info on game mechanics?

Will it be like strumpets/breeding season management? Or something simpler or more advanced?
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