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RPG Shota [62studio] 不思議の国のサキュバス / Succubus in Wonderland (RJ278424)

So it seems the norma decreases once on the pussy and once on the breasts, I think the game might actually not be recognizing right and left breast as different areas, so it will never get to 0.
Just downloaded ver 1.03 to test it out and it seems to be with the same issue.

Found out whats up, had to get an earlier save and just spam the glasses thing (lol), apparently there is an extra area on the forehead that was hard to see.
So both boobs have a circle so it gives the illusion that they are a sepparate area when they are not.
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What's everyone's impression on the game so far? I gave my thoughts earlier, but i'm curious to see everyone elses.

I used every conceivable attack on Seas succubus and she still didn't show up.

Use the Scan ability (Lewis shoud automatically get it during the lower levels anyway) and Scan Sea Succubus for her weakness. Use her weakness to defeat her.

Alice can be unlocked as a companion. Collect all 40 medals, and then she'll meet you at Papillio Hirono Observatory (least that's what my MT calls it). You have to fight her, but once you defeat her, she'll join you. She starts at level 40, and seems to be one of the strongest people who can join you.
That was the first thing I tried and it still didn't work. Now I have another problem. After I completed the game I was sent back to the beginning but I cant do anything else there.
That was the first thing I tried and it still didn't work. Now I have another problem. After I completed the game I was sent back to the beginning but I cant do anything else there.

Beginning as in the village in the human world? If you go south, you'll come across a rabbit. After a scene, you can return to Wonderland by returning to the village and examining the well.
Beginning as in the village in the human world? If you go south, you'll come across a rabbit. After a scene, you can return to Wonderland by returning to the village and examining the well.

Ah I see. How do I find that rabbit then?
Ah I see. How do I find that rabbit then?

I'm assuming you actually beat the game by defeating the Queen, watched the credits, and then are back in the human world yes? If so, keep going south until you get to a forest and there should be a hole in the ground. If my memory serves you either have to examine the hole for the rabbit to show up, or the rabbit will already be there when you get the forest. When the event plays out, return to the village, and examine the well.
Forgot to do this earlier, but I've now updated the thread OP.

Incidentally, a couple of the game's artists have released promotional artwork for it: and .

I used every conceivable attack on Seas succubus and she still didn't show up.
In the demo, she was weak to mouth attacks.

Hey, any thoughts on a translation to English? I love these games, but this one feels like it's best to play as long as you can read it.
If you have a DLsite account, you could try requesting a translation on the DLsite page for this game (the option underneath "Try Free Demo"). Of course, this doesn't guarantee that the game will be translated, or that it'll actually be a good translation, but it's worth trying and only takes a few seconds. I agree that a translation (even if it's a poor one) would improve the experience.
hello guys i beat the rabbit in the caslte and then what should i do there ?
What's everyone's impression on the game so far? I gave my thoughts earlier, but i'm curious to see everyone elses.
the graphic is the same (sprite, terrain, and battle effect) and never changes since Friend, except our protagonist sprite. but the graphic for the CG looks good, it always improve every new game 62Studio release and this time it have more CG than Puttel have (i haven't count it one by one properly....). my only disappointment is that there's lactation by several girl in this game but none of them is cow's...

the battle, well it feels great to have another unit in party, now we won't have to worried when enemy Hold you and start draining you like crazy. on the other hand though the way to level up each and every one of the girls is ridiculous. the only one got exp from battle is only you while everyone need to suck it from you to gain some level, it become annoying to grinding like that.

the plot, i need someone to tell me the plot in detail... i can read JP but not perfect (at least good enough to progress in game), i only grasp a little of the story this game have to told. something about our partner louise run from home, heart queen desperate to catch her before heart day, and in forest front of beginning village there's a secret area where succubus talk some paradox stuff about alice and screen goes red (scared the shit out of me). what and why? anyone have full grasp on the story?
So it seems the norma decreases once on the pussy and once on the breasts, I think the game might actually not be recognizing right and left breast as different areas, so it will never get to 0.
Mind telling which succubus you're talking about?
What's everyone's impression on the game so far? I gave my thoughts earlier, but i'm curious to see everyone elses.

Game is cool, art is good, shota succubus harem is awesome, I only wish there were actual animations in.
So it seems like there's a Super Dungeon in post game, but it's not finished yet. It's south of the Succubus House. I'm not sure if having Alice unlocked is required, but she has dialogue with a cat at the entrance to the dungeon. You go through multiple floors until you reach a boss. The boss was a Legendary version of the Imp Girl. When I beat her I got a boat load of xp and sp. Then in the next room the Cat granted me a 10,000 xp egg, and kicked me back to the entrance. But the cat was also blocking an entrance. There's a horse in place that can teleport you to floors. So I'm assuming as more versions release, we'll get the full version of this super dungeon.
So whats the benefit of getting these new companions?
Playing a bit and Louise, the very first one, still kicks everyones ass, I don't see any extra scenes with these companions either, so I guess it is just a collectionist thing to get them?
So whats the benefit of getting these new companions?
Playing a bit and Louise, the very first one, still kicks everyones ass, I don't see any extra scenes with these companions either, so I guess it is just a collectionist thing to get them?
I'm fairly certain it's meant to be read as "Lewis" (as in "Lewis Carroll"). But yeah, from my experience in the demo, she's all you need to get through the game.
So whats the benefit of getting these new companions?
Playing a bit and Louise, the very first one, still kicks everyones ass, I don't see any extra scenes with these companions either, so I guess it is just a collectionist thing to get them?
besides lewis, some companion have similiar trait with her, other have it's unique skill which i'm not sure the effect of it honestly like how cow girls have 3 level of special breast skill, nurse have 3 different heal skill, goddess have both special offensive skill and all healing skill.

and for those who actually got to the ending: is collecting EVERY companion affect the ending?