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RPG [ 6COLORS] トランス・フィメール・ファンタジー 完全版 RJ144042

Re: [RJ144042] トランス・フィメール・ファンタジー 完全版

what full version (完全版), after clear has words : to be cotinuous...... WTF

do u have an walkthroug ?:))))) i lost my direction ,i forgot some stuff :))
Re: [RJ144042] トランス・フィメール・ファンタジー 完全版

what full version (完全版), after clear has words : to be cotinuous...... WTF

Every other game?

This circle is pretty much a bitch and as far as I've seen adds this to every game they made.
Re: [RJ144042] トランス・フィメール・ファンタジー 完全版

I'm glad people were able to find my walkthrough since I was meaning to link it here and forgot.

When I have a little time I'm planning to clean it up, and fix the spelling errors and all that, but one thing I only discovered after I wrote it was that the treasure chests in the dungeons which are behind a fancy looking door are there for the sequel, so I don't believe it's possible to grab those items in this game.

Assuming I'm understanding the blog on the circle's website correctly, the next thing they'll be releasing will be an updated version of the sequel to this game (Trance Female Fantasy Dual) and then before the end of the year they plan to release the third and final game in the series (Trance Female Fantasy Final).
Re: [RJ144042] トランス・フィメール・ファンタジー 完全版

I'm glad people were able to find my walkthrough since I was meaning to link it here and forgot.

When I have a little time I'm planning to clean it up, and fix the spelling errors and all that, but one thing I only discovered after I wrote it was that the treasure chests in the dungeons which are behind a fancy looking door are there for the sequel, so I don't believe it's possible to grab those items in this game.

Assuming I'm understanding the blog on the circle's website correctly, the next thing they'll be releasing will be an updated version of the sequel to this game (Trance Female Fantasy Dual) and then before the end of the year they plan to release the third and final game in the series (Trance Female Fantasy Final).

:))) oomgg im a idjiot ,sorry dnt saw it ,thanks for u walktrough :D
Re: [RJ144042] トランス・フィメール・ファンタジー 完全版

The remake of the 2nd one is out today ' 3'
Re: [RJ144042] トランス・フィメール・ファンタジー 完全版

I had the time to beat this finally, so since I was saying before that I wanted to clean up the guide I had posted in the thread for the original, I figured I would do that while mentioning the differences I could find between this version and the original.

The remake is, first and foremost, a lot more polished. The maps look nicer, the menus look nicer, the art looks nicer. There's new convenience elements added as well including a dash button, easier-to-find CG room and a way to track transformation progress. The main plot for the game is the same but I believe there's been a number of new scenes added, at least one with the maid in the main character's house and a couple new ones with the party members. The underwear shop in the first town that opens after Mina joins the party is also new. All in all I felt like it was a major step up in terms of quality. I enjoyed the original because it's one of my fetishes but this I think made it more accessible and enjoyable if you're not playing it for that specific reason.

With that out of the way I'm gonna update my guide so that going forward people don't have to get linked back to another thread for assistance and all that... I think it'll make things more organized.

Getting started:
At the party, make sure to talk to every one and then return to the seat you started at. You'll know you're on the right track when the prince asks you to dance. After this, talk to your girlfriend Mina on the second floor of the house with a red roof and Thomas (and possibly Thomas' mother) in the lower portion of the town. Then go talk to your father in the chapel in the protagonist's home, and this should give you a scene where you learn the goal of the game and become able to leave the town.

Fixing the bridge:
Directly to the south of the first town is a smaller village. West of this village is a bridge that's currently broken. If you go too far south you'll find a port, the only thing to do here is find a recovery item in one of the barrels. We'll need to go over the western bridge eventually but for now, head into the hills around the village, which will be where random battles start so you can begin levelling.

If you have Kasumi cast a spell, you will likely get an in-battle cutscene which ITH had trouble grabbing for me for translation. Basically what's going on here is, the more magic Kasumi uses, the more she turns into a girl. Progress towards full transformation can be tracked with the item in your inventory that has an icon like a jewel. Each spell needs to be cast a certain number of times for full completion. You'll get new scenes at the inn at stages of transformation, as long as you battle at least once between inn visits.

The first thing you should do in these hills is level up a bit and consider buying some healing herbs. Kasumi starts with low MP and you won't be able to retreat from the first dungeon. When you feel prepared, head for the sign on one of the high points and you'll find a hole to jump into. Your goal in this dungeon is to find a lost child and lead them to the exit. You'll periodically find some healing herbs for hp and mp so keep your eyes peeled for plants. Running has a high success rate in this game and there's no bossfight so if things look bad, you can play cautious. Once you find the child and watch the cutscenes associated with the rescue, the bridge to the west of this village will be repaired.
Locating the shrines:
Now that the bridge is fixed, you can talk to the scholar in the western village. He'll be in the house with all the books, and he'll direct you to a book in a secret library back in the protagonist's house, so you'll have to walk back to the first town.

Back in the first town, head to the protagonist's house and up into the chapel. Examine the left side of the statue and you should find some stairs into the secret library. The particular shelf you want down here is the third row all the way to the right. You'll discover the PC's sister had moved the book so check around her room until you locate it... and her diary. Reading this book will allow you to progress, but if you would like some extra sex you can change back into your boy clothes and visit Mina for a scene. Once you're finished put your pilgrimage clothes back on and head back to the southern village.
The first shrine:
In the hills around the first village, you may have found some children playing by some graves earlier. These kids will now be gone and you'll need to examine one of the graves. Doing so will open the door to the first shrine. Inside you'll have some slightly tougher monsters and a puzzle involving switches. The solution should be middle, right, left. If you notice a fancy looking door with a treasure chest behind, don't worry about that, it's there for the sequel. There's no way for kasumi's party to get in there in any of these dungeons. Once you locate the goal in here you'll get a scene and then get auto-ejected from the dungeon.
The second shrine:
The second dungeon is to the west, but if you explored around the western town earlier you may have noticed that it was impossible to get through the forest surrounding the village. You'll need the help of an NPC to "show you the way." The NPC in question is the man in the small house with the piano in this town, but he's not in a helpful mood.

To progress you'll need to be fully transformed into a girl (you've been having Kasumi cast lots of spells, right?). Head back to the first town and once again change to your boy clothes to pay a visit to Mina. She'll figure out your little secret and convince the Goddess to let her accompany you on your pilgrimage. Return to the unhelpful guy in the western village with Mina in your party and he'll warm up to you and offer to help. Head around the village to the north, go through the trees which block your vision, and you'll come to the second shrine.

This isn't a large shrine but it does have an annoying crystal puzzle. You'll want to make the crystals on the bottom floor red, which opens a teleporter back to town, and you'll want to make the crystals on the second floor dark blue, which opens a teleporter further into the dungeon. The teleporter will appear on the first floor. If you go into the caves by way of stairs, you can find some treasure but you won't be able to find to get to the pilgrimage spot itself. That's what the teleporter is for, so use that to reach the end.
The third shrine:
With two out of three dungeons down, you're almost finished with the pilgrimage. The eastern exit out of the starting town will be opened now, so head there when you're ready. Past the checkpoint there's been a landslide, so you'll have to go around the long way by first going west of the checkpoint and then around the hills to a town by a cave. The monsters around here start getting tougher and tougher you may have noticed, but you're pretty close to the best place to get money so hang in there!

Go through the caves and along the outer paths until you find a guard blocking your progress. He refuses to let you in so you'll need to head back down through the caves to the village at the bottom. It's annoying, but necessary. There is a smaller cave to the west (you may have found it on your way up) which will now have your fourth party member. It's the prince! And as the prince he can get you through the guard into the fort. There's an inn at the fort, it's unmarked but it's the building that's straight down from the western exit of the fort. The areas around the fort are the best place for money because the large dark green dragons fairly frequently drop a crystal that sells for 1500 gold. If you've been struggling to upgrade your gear, or if you want that fancy underwear from the first town, this is how to buy it.

When you're done exploring the fort and killing dragons, head out of the fort to the west to a tower that's locked. To get into the tower you'll need to go back out of the fort to the south and head to the west to find yet another cave dweller with a key. Yeah, there's not one but two backtracking segments in a row... Anyway, with the key in hand you can get into the tower itself. The monsters in here are the toughest in the game, but there's an inn halfway through, past the first boss. You'll want to be around level 15 or so to beat the game, and I would recommend having some good healing items as well since the final boss battle will begin with one of your party members dead and one at 1 hp. It's a tough battle against multiple strong opponents who heal but they're fairly weak against magic so use Min'as strongest spells and Kasumi's attack spell whenever possible and you should win as long as you can recover from the way the battle starts. After this it'll be mostly cutscenes to the end of the game!
Extra scenes:
If you follow this guide and explore you'll probably notice a lot of missing scenes if you use the CG item (the crystal ball). Some of these require pushing your transformation stage past what can be done with just casting spells. There's a couple of boosts to your femininity to be gotten from reading your sister's diary once you're already far enough along, these will lead into having the option to call your maid Yayoi to comfort you at night, as long as you're sleeping in the inn at the starting town. There's also a femininity boosting event on the second floor of Kasumi's house, in a bookshelf which has a porn book. You can also find a masturbation scene if you examine the mirror in your bedroom at the inn. It's worth noting that a lot of these scenes require the 1.03 patch, as I was unable to trigger them until I found that. There's also a scene beyond the 69 with Thomas which is activated by using the mushroom MP recovery item that warns against over eating them (you should over eat them), and then visiting him again at the inn at night.
What my guide is missing:
There's three scenes, 19-21, that I don't know how to get. If anyone locates these, or if anyone spots anything in here that's inaccurate or vague or flat out wrong, or if I've sped over something that's giving someone a lot of trouble, let me know and I'll update this accordingly.
Re: [RJ144042] トランス・フィメール・ファンタジー 完全版

The remake of the 2nd one is out today ' 3'

Does anyone have a link to the remake of the second game?
Re: [RJ144042] トランス・フィメール・ファンタジー 完全版

Does anyone have a link to the remake of the second game?

https:// mega. co.nz / #!lE9yEQAJ!di4NkJs-u0GkvSMHvD70SgzhtOhwp6jQfW-UpwmDONQ
Re: [RJ144042] トランス・フィメール・ファンタジー 完全版

The remake of the 2nd one is out today ' 3'

I resent completed the game, but but have lost some CG: 21, 22, 24, 25. some one knows how to get them or save file would be grate :)
Re: [RJ144042] トランス・フィメール・ファンタジー 完全版

I resent completed the game, but but have lost some CG: 21, 22, 24, 25. some one knows how to get them or save file would be grate :)

Anyone found a walkthrough for the second game?
Re: [RJ144042] トランス・フィメール・ファンタジー 完全版

There's new convenience elements added as well including a dash button, easier-to-find CG room and a way to track transformation progress.
If you follow this guide and explore you'll probably notice a lot of missing scenes if you use the CG item (the crystal ball). ~snip~
[From the first story remake walkthrough]

:confused: :eek: Exactly where/how when can you access the CGs??? :eek:

Did find one little event and a possible trigger for others:

At some point in story, talk to old man and woman in blue roof house in starting town a second time. He has picture of Kasumi lookalike masturbating hidden in bookshelf. (Probably her granny though could be her sis.)
Late in game talk to brothel bouncer again. He will invite her to try her luck there at night - but embarrassed he says, "Nevermind."

Couldn't follow up on either of these events and seemed to have no effect on feminisation screen.