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RPG [73号坑道 ] Lilitales -リリテイルズ- (RJ137150)

Re: Lilitales -リリテイルズ-

If you've tried applocale/emulators as well as setting your system locale to Japanese, then there's not much else I can do to help you from here on out. It'll be in your hands from here on out, I'm afraid.

well luckely i was able to fix it
unluckely my computer cant run japanese locale anymore to run games with 100% accuracy..... somehow it broke when upgrading to windows 10
(srsly is there anything windows 10 hasnt broken in my computer at this point)
so i put back the locale to english left it this way and will have to use locale emulator from now on :(
edit 2: edit 1 was saying its not working but now it is for some reason so alls well that ends well (windows 10 still sux)
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Re: Lilitales -リリテイルズ-

well luckely i was able to fix it
unluckely my computer cant run japanese locale anymore to run games with 100% accuracy..... somehow it broke when upgrading to windows 10
(srsly is there anything windows 10 hasnt broken in my computer at this point)
so i put back the locale to english left it this way and will have to use locale emulator from now on :(
edit 2: edit 1 was saying its not working but now it is for some reason so alls well that ends well (windows 10 still sux)

only thing i dont like on windows 10 is several visual novels not support win 10 so cant even run them, but jap locale works perfect on my pc.... dunno
Re: Lilitales -リリテイルズ-

no the issue is fixed but ill post it here just in case someone else has the same issue
when upgrading to windows 10 it just installs win10 on your computer (which honestly shouldnt be called upgrading) so what happens is that it overwrites everything related to the OS u had previously which causes a ton (and i do mean quite a hefty amount) of bugs and errors which is the cause of windows 10 getting the bad rap cuz honestly if it wasnt for these issues it isnt that bad i prefer it over windows 7 a bit more atm
digression aside the problem here is that ur computer keeps the locale as w/e u had it japanese if japanese english if english but after the initial "upgrade" wave that happened people complained that their computer became the language of the locale it was currently set so to fix this issue they set it so the language will be set according to another rule which in turn caused the issue of having a partial locale (IE u have japanese locale so u can run the games and stuff but u dont have the japanese "language" actually installed causing the issue i was having which is no characters would show up) so all i had to do (but was too impatient for) was either re-install the japanese language manually or change the locale to w/e and then back to japanese and wait for it to install the language automaticly
tho i still dont know why this caused problems with the translation
my guess is the way japanese letters are input uses different values and when we try to fit english in those values those english words are now linked to the japanese values which my computer didnt know anything about because it didnt have the language components

tl;dr To fix this issue, one only has to reset locale or re-install the language components to fix the massive screw up microsoft caused when "upgrading.
Re: Lilitales -リリテイルズ-

I've just stated playing this game and it seems like it got stuck (and closes) whenever I tried to play on new game (somewhere when they showed the world map or soemthing for v1.02, whislt it stuck during the text with the princess for v1.00).
Though I have no problem playing load games from someone else's.

So, if I may, could someone upload a save game at the start of 'The Game', where after all the introduction text finished? I wanna test out if I can play starting there, thanks :D.

Edit: Whelp, there goes my luck. It actually bugs a whole lot... I'm trying on Windows 10 and Windows 7, and they both bugs. WHY?!!!
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Re: Lilitales -リリテイルズ-

Edit: Whelp, there goes my luck. It actually bugs a whole lot... I'm trying on Windows 10 and Windows 7, and they both bugs. WHY?!!!

Running in Japanese system locale? If not, that's most definitely it. :p

If you need help changing system locale, I left a picture in one of the last few posts. Also, google works just as well.

Reading hunters1's post should also help in case you've a bugged upgrade from Windows 10
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Re: Lilitales -リリテイルズ-

How can i deal with 3 bandits in the rune as nun? She auto lose after 7 8 turn :(
Re: Lilitales -リリテイルズ-

Running in Japanese system locale? If not, that's most definitely it. :p

Reading hunters1's post should also help in case you've a bugged upgrade from Windows 10

Thanks for the quick reply, really. But I've already run using Japanese language after reinstalling the japanese language pack as well as the several downloads for the language.
Nevertheless, I will try harder. One can never give up easily when trying to accomplish indecent things in life, like playing H-games :D.

Edit: Ho~ho, sorry everyone. My bad, I forgot one last step of the language part. Thanks SFrame, seriously.
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Re: Lilitales -リリテイルズ-

I still can't get over the ruins. I can't leave them and I went through the whole thing, used every skill, etc and it won't let me proceed :(
Re: Lilitales -リリテイルズ-

How can i deal with 3 bandits in the rune as nun? She auto lose after 7 8 turn :(

Focus attacks on the bandit who used the special attack on you right at the start of the battle. One of the ones on the side if I remember correctly. Once he falls, the two remaining ones can be easily beaten with conventional tactics.

They do give you this hint when you lost this battle and watch the scene, but I imagine the machine translated interface hasn't gone that far yet.
Re: Lilitales -リリテイルズ-

SFrame said:
You're supposed to use Thunderbolt ("サンダーボルト") on one of the pillars. :p
I didn't actually see this until it was too late.

Thank you very much dude.

EDIT: Nevermiiiiind... It might not be Step 8 after all. It might be Step 3. I've went to the top room in which there was a dialogue, I am stuck there since I believe that is the "switch" they were talking about? Anyway, the road is still blocked (can't use thunderbolt) and the red dots on the map (the walled off places) can't be destroyed with Thunderbolt either.

I'm not sure which pillars you're talking about, :(
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Re: Lilitales -リリテイルズ-

Can Luna meet the merchant who bought her virginity 2nd time? After she sold her virginity, he told her to visit him again if she want.
Re: Lilitales -リリテイルズ-

Can Luna meet the merchant who bought her virginity 2nd time? After she sold her virginity, he told her to visit him again if she want.

He said that, but in reality it's a 1-off encounter.
Re: Lilitales -リリテイルズ-

I know you can prevent the enemy from raping you after the being grabbed part and into the scene by choosing Skills then Ray Pentagram but is there a way to get out of the enemies' grab to prevent that in the first place?
Re: Lilitales -リリテイルズ-

I know you can prevent the enemy from raping you after the being grabbed part and into the scene by choosing Skills then Ray Pentagram but is there a way to get out of the enemies' grab to prevent that in the first place?

The rape attack is specific to the goblins early on in the game (especially those in groups). It's part of the attack pattern and there is no way to pre-empt it other than killing the goblins quickly.
Re: Lilitales -リリテイルズ-

The rape attack is specific to the goblins early on in the game (especially those in groups). It's part of the attack pattern and there is no way to pre-empt it other than killing the goblins quickly.

If the pentagram spell that hits every turn is active it will automatically brush them off on the turn after they grab you.
Re: Lilitales -リリテイルズ-

If the pentagram spell that hits every turn is active it will automatically brush them off on the turn after they grab you.

Poster already knows this, question specifically asked about stopping the grab+rape sequence completely without needing to use the pentagram spell to free Luna.
Re: Lilitales -リリテイルズ-

Poster already knows this, question specifically asked about stopping the grab+rape sequence completely without needing to use the pentagram spell to free Luna.

Casting the pentagram spell at the beginning of battle does prevent the rape sequence completely, and recasting it whenever it runs out.
Re: Lilitales -リリテイルズ-

Casting the pentagram spell at the beginning of battle does prevent the rape sequence completely, and recasting it whenever it runs out.

No it doesn't.

Just tested it on my save right at the start of the game.

1. Takes on lone goblin. Casts pentagram right at the start and does nothing but defend.
2. After 2-3 turns, the whistle blown by the goblin attracts friends.
3. Ray stays active for at least 5 turns (tested duration by timing it from the 4 goblin fight earlier on) so if your premise was correct I shouldn't have been caught by the grab attempt.
4. As it turns out, I was grabbed despite the pentagram spell still active (I saw no message telling me the spell had ceased its effects). Had to recast the spell again to release the grab and continue fighting.
Re: Lilitales -リリテイルズ-

Poster already knows this, question specifically asked about stopping the grab+rape sequence completely without needing to use the pentagram spell to free Luna.

I didn't actually know that. What I meant was that I knew that you could escape from the about to be raped scene(when the combat UI disappears and you are taken to the CG of the heroine about to be raped unless you cast Ray Pentagram to escape). So does that mean to escape being grabbed during battle you just have to cast Ray Pentagram like for the scene?
Re: Lilitales -リリテイルズ-

I didn't actually know that. What I meant was that I knew that you could escape from the about to be raped scene(when the combat UI disappears and you are taken to the CG of the heroine about to be raped unless you cast Ray Pentagram to escape). So does that mean to escape being grabbed during battle you just have to cast Ray Pentagram like for the scene?

If that's what you were asking about, then yes the answer is the same. When you're being held and can still perform normal actions, cast the pentagram spell and the goblins will let go.

If you were asking about stopping them from grabbing you in the first place, then there's nothing you can do. Only thing to free yourself is to either cast pentagram before they force Luna onto the floor or cast it when they've pinned her and the choice of actions is restricted.