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A Demon's Answer to the Heavens (Prudence;Termite)

Re: The Coming of Heaven's Wrath (Prudence;Termite)

"Famished?" Kat inquired, grinning a bit and looking over at the demonic Pru. "Not quite. I've always a meal on hand on this ship. But with Gluttony as my witness, who am I to say no to more?" Kat inquired, her eyes glowing as she peeked over at the human prudence, while her tail hooked over and under to come up and tickle the human girl's chin.

"Encouraging a demon's appetite will always get you the same result." Seras chuckled. "I'll be on top deck keeping an eye out in case we come under attack. Don't get 'too' comfortable now, remember that a pirate's life is full of danger at all times." she reminded the two women.

"Bugger, Seras. You know I'll happily fight in the nude." Kat declared.

"I was talking to the lady with the unrevealing and elegant dress, my ex-captain." Seras said with a wink.

"Don't use that word around me. Or at all." Kat said, leaning up, and taking steps towards the stairs leading down into the ship.
Re: The Coming of Heaven's Wrath (Prudence;Termite)

Both sides of Prudence gave a little grin at Kat's answer to their little question, but when Seras added her little quip concerning demons the more infernal twin couldn't keep back a chuckle. "I'll have to keep that in mind, won't I?" Following that the former captain and her former XO had a bit of an argument, and once they were done Kat made her way into the ship. The human Prudence wasn't far behind, but if Seras was expecting to be the only officer on deck she would be surprised when Pru strode up and stood behind her. "But a demon's appetite is so much more." At that she leaned forward and nearly whispered into Seras's ear. "It's how we show affection for each other. It may look like we simply want to conquer you, but we want the people we care about beneath us. We want them to writhe and scream our name as we fuck their brains out. We want to feel them quiver and cum and give everything of themselves to us because sex and passion are a powerful thing, and that's where our true power lies."

With that Pru backed away with a knowing look in her eye, and she simply stood and waited. From what she'd seen Kat had every intent on gorging herself on her little human protege, but if she even hinted that she wanted both sisters then Pru wouldn't hesitate in going below decks.
Re: The Coming of Heaven's Wrath (Prudence;Termite)

Before Prudence could sneak away, the first mate grabbed her arm and pulled her back in. Her head turned and she stole a kiss from the demon's lips as if to let Prudence know what happens when she decides to whisper sweet words into her ear. "I know all too well, captain. I'm sure you've seen the funny happy faces 'she' makes when she fills up~" Seras indicated to Kat, who rolled her eyes and looked embarrassed as Pru would know all too well. When demons consume their energy, they do so by preferably having sex with them. The good feelings of sex help make the meal better, as the best way to describe feeding is not only feeding on someone else's raw existence, but also absorbing what that essence was made of. Happy, passionate sex makes for a happy, passionate succubus.

Then, Seras gave the demonic Pru's ass a spank in the direction of where she wanted to go. "The right to be on top of me is earned. Otherwise, I shall be atop you." she cooed.
Re: The Coming of Heaven's Wrath (Prudence;Termite)

Oh, that face was definitely well known, and Pru offered the lady a conspiratorial smile tainted with a bit of amusement at Seras' embarrassment. But that didn't stop the human from giving the demon a rather playful spank, and with that Pru was free to wander off in search of pirate booty, even if a rather fine treasure lay oh so near.

But if Seras thought that would be the end of it she would be mistaken. Pru did start walking, that much was obvious, but her tail lingered. It rose to the human's waist, the spade reaching around her back and nearly hooking Seras as if the demon was going to drag the woman off with her, but after only a partial tug the grab became a rather intimate caress as the spade made its way around and up the pirate's side, gliding along the contours of her bust before it finally pulled free and returned to its owner. "And you caution me against taunting demons~"

During that entire time that tail had stretched beyond its normal length, and once it was free it lazily returned to its proper position as Pru finally disappeared to chase after another succubus. She still wasn't quite sure whether Kat wanted the both of the Prudi together, but given that woman's tastes the obvious answer was 'the more the merrier~'. That left the demonic twin striding into their quarters, and whether Kat was waiting or not she would give the demon an apology. "Apologies, milady, but Seras and I had something to discuss." The almost theatrical bow she gave with it would give Kat an almost criminally daring display of decolletage, and once Pru rose she would stand ready for whatever demands her mentor had.
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Re: The Coming of Heaven's Wrath (Prudence;Termite)

Seras wiggles her waist at the light touch of the demonic tail. "I do, as I know full well what they're capable of, and fear them not~" she stated with zeal. Though most would call Seras foolish for her lack of fear for the supernatural entities known as demons. She seemed to hold no fear, but rather a lust for them. A different kind of demon was she, a human demon. Though Seras gave no chase, choosing instead to manage her ship and drive it while her crew did much the same to keep it floating above water.

Going down into the ship, Prudence and Pru would navigate a little ways in the large ship to find a small room on it's lonesome seemingly for guests while the rest of the crew seemed to sleep in hammocks in much the same area. Coming in to see Kat, she'd see that the demoness was relaxing on her bed while completely nude. Her clothes nowhere to be seen. Her lips twitched when Prudence made her apology. "I'm sure you had much to discuss. She still a first mate and second in command while you are the one who supplanted me. I know of the business you will have to handle. What I don't know is if you're getting a little too cocky or not." she said, still sounding a bit bitter about the whole captain thing and Seras' respect shifting more in favor of the other party. "Speaking of you, when do you think you're going to reform? That human side of you is so inferior compared to your true evolution. I don't know why you cling to that form so closely, and wear the clothes favored by the church. I kept my peace on the matter thinking you'd grow out of it, but you have no intent on changing, do you?" she inquired.

"Take that outfit off before I destroy it. And close the door." she instructed, her own spaded tail curling around to perfectly flap over her pussy, slowly stroking back and forth to pleasure herself while waiting for Prudence to get ready for a most ancient past time of devils: sex.
Re: The Coming of Heaven's Wrath (Prudence;Termite)

Some of the mirth was lost as Kat displayed her soreness at having been thrown from her throne in Pru's unintentional coup, but it was exchanged for curiosity as the demon asked about the twins' reforming and their need to wear such outlandish outfits, at least when it came to demonic standards.

The second question was easily answered. "Because we love them!" And that was plain to see, even on the infernal twin's face. "It's one of the few things we enjoyed from my human life. And it was incredibly strong, enough so that it stayed intact even when I was born. And it has nothing to do with the Church! I just love the feel of fabric flowing over my body, the touch of silk and satin caressing every one of my curves, they way it enhances my features while keeping them hidden... And leaves something for people to wonder about." The girls started undressing then, each motion a near mirror of the other save for the slight differences each outfit held. "What lies beneath those layers? What kind of creature lies hidden from us all? Is it the pure girl waiting to be revealed, waiting for someone to uncover the treasures within and bring them out into the light?" At this the human finished first, her undergarments a somewhat modest but quite sheer bra and panty set that concealed and left nothing to the imagination. "Or is it the temptress, the hunter lying in wait for a willing prey to step forward and beg to pounced?" The demon would follow up by showing she wear a tight black leather corset and nothing else, the tight bodice forcing her features to stand all all the tighter while her bust and crotch were completely on display.

"As for us reforming..." The two actually had to give it thought. "We're not quite sure how to do it. Even if you say I'm inferior this is as close to our true form as we could get. And didn't you say she was the stronger one a little bit ago? We've only been like this for such a short time, but it feels like the most natural thing even if we're still tethered to each other." At that they advanced on the bed, the both of them suddenly discarding each of their undergarments, and once they approached they each sidled up beside Kat, one on each side. "Besides, I thought you liked me? We caught a glimpse of what you wanted back when you first entered our soul, and you have quite the rebellious streak, Love~." They both giggled at the memory even as they snuggled closer and let their hands run over the demon's body. "And I know you want to screw the ever living daylights out of me~." If she were allowed the human Prudence would take the initiative and join Katerina in an intimate kiss, and if she had the chance she would actually roll her demon mentor on top of her to give the succubus the freedom to do whatever the hell she wanted to the pathetic human beneath her.
Re: The Coming of Heaven's Wrath (Prudence;Termite)

If Prudence wished to get a positive reaction out of Kat, she did get one, though perhaps not in the way she expected. At the mention of being a pure girl, Kat burst out laughing, holding her stomach and laying back. "A pure girl? Neither half of you is pure. I know because I've already defiled every last inch of you there was left to be defiled. I've even been inside your soul while hilting you." she stated.

Her position remained unchanged while Prudence and Pru crawled into the bed. She did little more than spread her legs. Not in submission, but rather letting it be clear what her intentions were. "I do like you, Prudence. But sometimes you seem to favor your lesser human side far more often than your true demon side." she stated, inviting the human Pru to lay atop her while her hands went to Pru's ass to hold the round bouncy cheeks. "I don't know what being human is like. At all. What I do know is what's kept me alive as a demon. I know that the human attitude you have would have gotten me killed if I shared it in my world. Since you're a demon too, I just know... I know you're just exposing your neck to the chopping block. I don't want to be friends with someone who's going to die, you know? The pain of leaving you behind, I know will be far less severe than watching you die." she said.

Then, being rolled over, Kat simply let out sad sigh and folded her arms over Prudence's chest, and rested her chin between her breasts. "Sorry for being a downer. I know, I'm the problem here, the minority vote. It sucks." she sighed, letting out a puff of air that blew a lock of her hair up and away from her face.
Re: The Coming of Heaven's Wrath (Prudence;Termite)

At the mention of Prudence's 'purity' the human simply let out a small chuckle as she climbed into bed. "I know that, you know that, and deep down my prey has known it, but it's all part of the illusion. Besides, those men that think they want a pure-hearted maiden? You'd be surprised how many just let me roll them over and take control."

And then it was time for cuddles. Or at least it was until Kat started convincing herself that she was being a downer. The fact that her mood was dropping was enough to cause the twins to do the same, but if anyone was expecting them to stop then they would be wrong. "It's okay. And you're probably right. I never really was all that comfortable in Hell. I always wanted to keep to myself, and I enjoyed my time in Gaia far more than any of the other demons. Maybe some part of me realized the kind of trouble I was in the more I exposed myself to our sisters." At that point Prudence was stroking her mentor's hair as the demon rested on the human's bust. But that stroking turned into a more thorough massage, each finger working to ease some of the tension out of Katerina's temples and scalp while the demonic twin settled in and started doing the same to her lover's lower back. "But we have a bit of a unique perspective on the demon condition. And we've come to a bit of a realization." The massage continued, Pru working her way up to Kat's neck and shoulders before working back down to take a little more care toward the muscles controlling Kat's wings. "Despite how ravenous the curse is, despite how thoroughly and totally it may consume the last of our humanity and leave us as nothing more than monsters, a part of that humanity will always remain.

"And it's stronger than any of us truly realize."
Pru's attention descended once more, her fingers now a little more relaxed and playful as they slid down Kat's back and settled themselves over the demon's shapely rear. "And believe it or not you helped us realize this." Time was taken to thoroughly enjoy the feel of Katerina's ass, and as she continued she made sure she rhythmically spread those cheeks so Kat could feel her pussy and her ass being exposed for the demon's viewing pleasure. "When you found us baking in that desert and let us feed on you we caught some of the memories and emotions rolling around in that head of yours." Each pass ran further down the cleft created by the demon's glutes, and soon enough Pru was liberally running her thumbs up and down Kat's exposed labia. "You weren't concerned about Jezebel or her mission or whatever reward she promised you. You simply wanted us back. You thought we abandoned you, and when you finally had us back everything simply felt right, like a mother welcoming home her wayward child."

But even if Pru was being rather forward with it this was still a massage, and though she had the opportunity to simply slide her fingers into Kat and watch the demon devour them inch by inch she simply kept running them back and forth, each pass coaxing Katerina to relax and open herself more and more. "You made our little hearts flutter. And you did it again just now when you said you couldn't stand watching us die. Those are powerful emotions, Kat, something a sex-crazed demon could never manage on its own." Despite whatever objections Kat may raise the human Prudence would simply raise the demon's head and deliver a rather intimate and affectionate kiss to those perfect ruby lips. "I know you think it was lost, destroyed just like your original self was when you were remade into a purebred, but I've seen those emotions and desires that lay buried in your core. Even if your rebirth only lets you express yourself through sex I still believe that the essence that was the human used to create you still exists. And besides, just because you're a total slut now doesn't mean you weren't one back then. There are a couple women running around who can give any succubus a run for her money."
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Re: The Coming of Heaven's Wrath (Prudence;Termite)

Katerina let out a sigh as she was massaged, half due to how nice it felt and half due to the words being said to her. When Prudence came in to interrupt her with a kiss, Kat let the kiss last until she could speak once more. "Your first mistake is using people like Seras as an example. She is the exception, not the rule." Katerina retorted, before reaching over to take Prudence's nude form into her hands. "But, I get it. I do. I get that I don't get it, and that I never will. I'm not going to sit here and pretend I know what it's like to have my soul split in half and to have this connection to the human world. I can't. I don't know why you're sticking your neck out for these meaningless people. I might be able to accept it, since it's you, but I will never understand it. Self-sacrifice was never a thing in my book. Even as I help you, it's because if I didn't, then you wouldn't be mine."

Katerina cast magic over her own crotch, growing an erect cock. "Compared to you, I'm empty inside, just as every demon is. Our existence is fueled by the emotions of those we drain. You are the exception... Living off of your own essence, feeling your own feelings, while demons like me only experience happiness because we're extracting another person's soul and pretending their good feelings are ours." she said, before letting out a sigh, her tail coming around and petting Prudence's folds, stealing a little bit of her soul, and her 'good feelings'. "Give me some of what you are. I'm a bit hungry. I want to feel what you're feeling right now."
Re: The Coming of Heaven's Wrath (Prudence;Termite)

If Seras was an exception that didn't seem to bother Prudence in the slightest. "Then that just means you were an exceptional soul!~♥" And at that the human would give Kat a more insistent kiss, one that fell in line with the wants and desires that the demon let known.

With the tail rising to gather a taste of Prudence's soul the human curled one of her legs around the demon's to give Kat unfettered access. Whatever she wanted she would get, whether it was the simple petting of the tail on the human's folds or some more daring exploration between them Prudence would prove herself ready. And why not? Even if this soul was essentially human it still bore the connection to the succubus that even then continued to fondle and grope whatever piece of Katerina she so desire, and it never took much to get a succubus excited.

But then what would the other demon do? Pru had simply been petting and fondling Kat this entire time, a relaxed massage to ease her hunger into the open. If she got herself a little more involved that would probably interfere with Kat's desire to savor the human's 'good feelings'. It would probably be best to simply let those two enjoy each other, but she didn't want to let go. She loved the feel of Katerina's perfect rump sliding beneath her fingers, they way she jiggled ever so slightly as Pru's thumbs kneaded her flesh, the way her excitement seemed to flow and spread each time those lips were parted to reveal the wonderful treasure that just begged to plundered. Hells be damned, Pru really wanted to plunge herself into Kat, but even more so she didn't want to steal what Kat wanted to enjoy. So she simply held back, frustrated as she forced herself to give Kat the lead and ready to simply back away and let those two have their fun if Kat so much as hinted at wanting the human all to herself. That may end up being even more frustrating, but if that happened then so be it. Pru would have to do with taking that frustration out on her own body.
Re: The Coming of Heaven's Wrath (Prudence;Termite)

Following the more insistent kiss, Katerina took to sharing it with the human prudence just as passionately, the demon's nipples pressing and grinding up against her companion's own. All the while, Katerina's member was grinding up against Prudence's pussy as her tail whipped back, the flat ends of the spade opening up and revealing a tongue that flicked at the demon's nipple, stealing just a wink of energy before letting her be. Just as the human Prudence would need a breath of air, Kat would withdraw her lips, and adjust herself. Prudence knew what was coming next. The demoness was skilled, and without needing to see anything at all she found the woman's pussy hole and moaned as she slid right in. Sheathing herself inside in one swoop, Kat's crotch collided with Pru's pussy with a soft wet slap. Her breasts bounced slightly together with Pru's as she leaned back to deliver her cock into the human's tight clenching cunt with just good enough of an angle to extract the most pleasure and energy. The demonic Pru would get something to enjoy as well, as from behind, her voluptuous rump would jiggle and bounce with her initial movement. As it would for all movements to follow.

With a sigh of relief as she took her first 'bite' of Prudence's soul, Kat stretched her wings out as her eyes lit up with both emotion and actual light. "By Gluttony's tail, the pure human you is indescribable." Kat moaned, grinding her cock around inside of Prudence's pussy, as if taking nibbles of her soul to enjoy the taste instead of finishing her meal immediately. Despite her slow pace, Kat was a demon, and thusly her genitals were not small. Prudence could feel her long meat stick mixing around her insides as Katerina grinded herself around, letting Prudence feel herself get slowly sucked away in a most pleasurable way. Kat's demonic tail whipped down, the spades opening up again to reveal the insides of a red flesh mouth and long thin tongue. The tail mouth lunged like a snake, attaching to Prudence's anus and sliding the tongue right in to toy with Prudence's other hole. All the while Prudence would notice Kat's disposition quickly becoming happy and joyful. She was gazing down at Prudence with a wide, loving grin full of endearment and lust. Certainly a mood swing from before, when she was moody and upset. Now she was happy and content, and full of love. It wouldn't be an incorrect assumption to say that Kat was just grumpy because she was hungry.

With Prudence's assistance, Kat sought to rectify her foul mood, by devouring her meal. Kat's hands reached out, grabbing Pru's own hands and forcing them down to the bed while her fingers locked between Pru's own. Pinning her down, Kat began to draw her long cock out, letting Pru's demonic half see inch after inch draw out of her other half's pussy until just the tip was left inside and Kat's ass was up in the air. With passion, she dropped her waist back down, inserting herself back inside. With long back and forth strides like that, Kat fucked her little pet. A minute of this evenly paced rutting went on, while Kat gradually worked Pru up even further. Then, she lowered herself down and put her lips to Pru's neck. Razor sharp fangs glanced gently along her flesh, before Kat kissed her neck teasingly. In this new position, Kat inserted her long cock in deep and began short, rapid thrusts. The whole bed was shaking and both their rumps jiggling and bouncing from the repeat impacts, all while Pru was made to enjoy feeling the leeching futanari cock digging deep into both her pussy and her soul. The tip was repeatedly kissing her cervix, while Pru felt the spirit of Kat kissing at her soul, sucking it out with gusto while the demonic Pru would notice Kat becoming increasingly powerful as her human half was being passionately eaten. Both by Kat, and by the little tail mouth attached to her cute little anus.

All the overwhelming pleasure was pushing Pru to the inevitable brink. Kat was now possessed by a golden aura, Pru's aura, while her eyes glowed deep red to signify who was in control. Certainly not the fragments of Pru swirling around in the demon's soul. As Pru was pushed to climax, Kat threw herself back, and conjured magic, lifting Pru off of the bed with magical influence while she stood up on her knees. Holding Pru suspended in mid air, her arms trapped above her, and her legs stretched out wide, Kat began to move in rapid, full motions. Fucking Pru with every inch of her cock. Pru felt her soul relenting, Kat's willpower dominating her own. When Pru hit the precipice, the climax bolting through her body and turning her into a twitching mess, she felt Kat enjoy her final bites. Each pulse, each wave of pleasure that came with that orgasm, she felt Kat take another piece. Her thoughts were emptied, and her body left powerless.

Pru felt a pressure in her womb. She'd realize Kat had dumped a sizable load inside of her body. Drawing out, Kat grinded her cock along Pru's pussy, releasing long, thick streams of further potent demon cum all over Pru's abs and breasts, before Kat's cock slowly shrank and vanished. Then, Pru was slowly let down to rest on the bed, her pussy overflowing with Kat's cum and her body decorated in it. From the demonic Pru's perspective, she'd see that Kat sprayed her cum artistically, drawing a tall heart shaped cum trail on Pru's body.
Re: The Coming of Heaven's Wrath (Prudence;Termite)

Hell's tits, Prudence would never get tired of that. With a practiced ease that was entirely inhuman Katerina slid herself into the human. That member seemed to swell as it parted her folds, each inch rubbing and caressing every single sensitive nerve within the woman's depths, and once the demon had settled Prudence felt full and fulfilled and completely content. It was like the two were tailor made to fit each other. Of course any demon could manage that, a creature of sex had instincts that ensured their victim felt the greatest pleasure possible, but with Kat there was something else. Something more. Something that seemed fitting and right as they joined and caused the human's mind, body, and soul to sing even as Kat simply ground herself within the human's sex.

And gods be damned it frustrated the demonic Pru to no end. Even if she was left relatively untouched the sensations from her counterpart poured in from the connection they shared. There was no way they couldn't. The ecstasy and bliss from Prudence was simply too powerful. Neither one could have held them back if they tried, and with the demon's decision to not interfere it only made her want to ravage Kat's sculpted ass. And it jiggled! Fucking hells, that perfectly luscious rear rippled as those two came together with a slap, and even without her hands groping her mentor's behind Pru could see the strength and sexual fury just waiting to be unleashed. It made her want to slam herself home that instant. It made her want to plunder Kat's booty and revel in the sexual hell that only she could inspire, and without even realizing it her cock was out and ready to plunge into whichever hole looked the most inviting. Even if she herself was drained to near nothing the bounty that lay before her was too tempting.

And that's why it hurt to pull herself away. Pru desperately wanted to ease the tension running through her, and if she stayed so near then those succubine instincts would take over and force her to impale herself within her mentor's snatch, and at that point she'd be lost. She wouldn't be able to hold back, and she wouldn't be able to keep herself from feeding on the energy that was even then starting to pour across Katerina's form. And that would be inexcusable. A succubus doesn't just run in and feed off of another as they're enjoying a meal. That was just rude. So Pru scooted back to put as much distance between herself and the other two as the bed would allow, and there she sat and whined as her hips and her cock bounced in time with her partner as Kat was left free enjoy her protege to the fullest.

This left the human free to wallow in the purest of pleasures she had ever known. Kat was done with tasting and teasing, and now that it was time to feast she took full control and showed absolutely no mercy. Those first few long strokes were dragging each inch of Kat's cock in and out of Prudence's fluttering depths, and as she was filled again and again her body simply gave in. She arched her back. She rolled slightly from side to side. She presented herself for her lover's pleasure, every motion designed to enhance the pulses of pure ecstasy they both felt, and once Kat leaned down and claimed Prudence's neck the human let out a blissful scream. The mere glance of those fangs against her flesh sent an electric thrill up and down the girl's spine, and with the tempo changing that scream turned into a staccato pant that left her pussy fluttering wildly even as it clenched and gripped Kat's prick as tightly as it could.

It wouldn't take long for Prudence to come, not when she was being played like a fine-tuned instrument, and as she was lifted into the air it gave Kat the perfect leverage to let loose. The fact that she was being held by little more than magic meant nothing to her. Her body and soul were being torn apart, jolt after jolt of unending bliss ripping her mind to shreds as her body contorted itself and left her soul melting even as bits and pieces of it were being stolen by the second, and as she saw her lover suddenly glowing with the essence that was decidedly the human's and the human's alone she could hold back no longer. Her climax ripped through her, every single effort of her existence dedicated to reveling in the pleasure that was tearing her apart and leaving her breathless, and once she felt her lover spurt into her womb that was it. Everything within suddenly snapped and broke, her world nothing more than unadulterated pleasure and bliss, and with her body collapsing and her soul soon following there was nothing she could do but simply flop back onto the bed once she was released and twitch uncontrollably as the aftershocks of her orgasm threatened to tear her to shreds.

This left Katerina with the perfect canvas, and with a flourish and skill of a true succubus the human was left with cum drooling from her depths while more was artfully displayed in the shape of a heart. But Kat wasn't the only demon on that bed, and all she needed to do was turn to find Pru shaking just like her twin. The power of that climax had hit the both of them like a truck, and without any way to alleviate any of the build up leading to it the demon had taken taken matters into her own hands and fucked herself right along with the other two. Even now that they were done she continued to dribble from her own summoned prick, the initial mess splashing dangerously close to Kat's rear, and even though she had finished Pru looked like she wasn't quite done. Her eyes were somewhat dull and unfocused, but once they rose to meet Kat the desire that lay behind them would be powerful. Pru looked ready to jump anything that stepped into view, and it was only by the most Herculean strength of will that she wasn't right then pouncing on Kat and taking out her sexual frustration on the elder demon.
Re: The Coming of Heaven's Wrath (Prudence;Termite)

With a satisfied looking Kat hovering over the two sexed women, she chuckled at how they both still looked lustful. It wasn't unnatural, a demon's lust was neverending. There weren't horror stories of a single succubus draining an entire population dry for nothing. Still, there was always delicate moderation to take for one's demonic habits. In that regard, while rubbing her belly as she digested Prudence's energy, Kat looked at the two women. "I've already eaten so much of you, Prudence, and you're here acting like I only took nibbles." she giggled. "That little thing you have... That fragment that Jezebel is after... It's truly something isn't it? How do people not realize that they have such a massive piece of a god inside of them?" she pondered, forgetting herself for a moment before observing Prudence. She smiled, and leaned forward to rub her hands along both Prudence twins legs. "Are you sure you want to continue? You might need all the energy you can get when we go to fight the humans." She noted to her companion, her devil tail squirming over to tickle the human's chin.
Re: The Coming of Heaven's Wrath (Prudence;Termite)

While the human was somewhat tired the moment Katerina started rubbing the woman's leg Prudence let out a light moan of content. Her free leg shifted a bit, just enough to get her thighs to rub together in a most pleasant way, and once her entire body started to gently writhe in place she couldn't help but flaunt each of her curves. It let her display Kat's art in the proper fashion, a pleased woman bearing the mark of her lover while she wallowed in post-coital bliss, but aside from that she didn't react much. Not to Kat's ponderings, and definitely not to the succubus's teasing.

No, that was left for the demonic twin. While the human was the one having her chin tickled the demon quickly settled herself behind her mentor and wrapped her arms around Kat's waist. A little pressure was all it took to bridge what little gap remained between them, and with Pru flush against Katerina's back the pure demon would feel the softness of the demon's bust pressing against her while two rather excited points started rolling across her skin in small little circles. That was brought on by Pru's hips grinding against Kat's perfect ass, and that left Kat feeling Pru's prick gliding up and down through the valley formed by Kat's shapely rear.

For a couple of seconds the demon simply wallowed in that small bit of ecstasy, but a moment later the infernal twin finally spoke. "Well, well, isn't this a pleasant surprise? Kat is actually teasing us~!" Following that Pru's tail came to life. It slid its way between both women's thighs, the spade itself acting like the head of a snake as it slithered across across then between Kat's lips before it settled directly atop her clit. "And you used to scold us so much for teasing others! Especially when we teased you!" Every motion of Pru's hips was mirrored by her tail, and with that slight pressure rubbing against Kat from both sides it would give the illusion of being sandwiched between two eager and very willing lovers. "Don't you always say it isn't wise to tease a demon? ♥"

But as forward as she was being she wouldn't take it any further. At least not on her own. This new streak from Kat was quite curious, especially given what she said about feeding on another's 'good feelings'. So maybe she fed on a little more. Maybe she caught a bit of their love for the slow build, for the loving taunt, for the perpetual tease that would drive a soul insane until one side simply couldn't take anymore and truly let loose. So why not put it to the test? Both sides of Prudence wanted to see how patient Kat could be.
Re: The Coming of Heaven's Wrath (Prudence;Termite)

Kat giggled at the infernal Pru's insistence, before twisting herself around to poke the infernal twin on the nose. "I'm being serious this time. We're about to likely get into a fight, and we all need to be at our best. We may be ever lasting, but we're not immortal. Besides..." She grinned, still shifting her ass along Pru's cock despite telling her to calm down. "Maybe we can convince those sweet little mermaids to repay us with their delicious life force in return?" she suggested. A rather evil suggestion considering the mermaids are likely being used for that purpose at this very moment. Though, Pru wouldn't be surprised by this, as Kat was never an entirely good person to begin with, and neither was anyone in Hell for that matter.

"We might even need that little helping of life force if we're going to go through with your plan. Since the angels are bearing down on that temple..." Kat sighed, propping one of her arms up to squish her cheek against the palm of her hand. "We're going to need a lot of help... I don't even know how they're going to survive, much less us if we aid them."
Re: The Coming of Heaven's Wrath (Prudence;Termite)

"Oh poo..." was Pru's somewhat melodramatic response when Kat argued against anymore fun time, and even if the two were still teasing the hell out of each other the infernal twin realized they would need to stop. They still didn't know just what they were dealing with, and rushing in half-cocked might just leave them far worse than they would have liked. Maybe next time...

But that didn't mean Pru wouldn't take one last parting shot at her mentor. She pulled herself back, her body coming undone and leaving her cock to sway freely, but as she left she let her tail have all the fun. The flat of the spade slid across Kat's jewel before it glided down her slit, and as it did it pressed to the side to let the demon feel the appendage rub against her labia before it escaped. It kept itself glued to her flesh, its path running between her legs before it started to rise and part the cheeks of that perfect demonic ass, and just before it was forced to part from that exquisite body the tip managed to give a flourish that left it swirling around the ring of Kat's anus. And all that time it was soft and pliant, a mass of muscle that felt suspiciously like a tongue, even going so far as to leave a trail of 'saliva' as Pru finally pulled herself completely free and revealed that her tail was glistening with some type of liquid. It would be hard to tell whether it was Kat's own arousal or some form of natural lubricant that Pru herself was shedding, but either way would leave the demon feeling sufficiently teased before Pru shifted off the bed and started getting dressed.

"Well, if they can be convinced then I don't see why not. We just can't force them. Otherwise we're no different than their captors, and that won't help our plans at all." At that Pru stopped for a second to contemplate the upcoming battle with the forces of Heaven. Despite never actually having dealt with one directly the power of the angels was renowned throughout Hell. Even the famed dullahan could find themselves overpowered, and they were the ones that usually knew the angels' power best. So how could one pirate ship and a bunch of aquatic mamono stand up to them? "We'll just need to find someway to surprise them. I doubt they realize they'll be facing some Chosen, so maybe we can use that to our advantage."
Re: The Coming of Heaven's Wrath (Prudence;Termite)

Pru's enticement drew a look from Kat that was not different from those moments when the demon would jump her and excitedly violate her to her heart's content, but it was quickly contained with Kat's own apparently strong willpower. "We don't have to be 'good' all the time, do we? Being demons, there is no expectation for us to be good people, from anyone. And if we act good, they will just suspect us anyway." she shrugged. "Disregarding that for the moment... A simple raid on their little town should be enough. As pirates we're quite adept at picking unfair fights. So, all we do is attack them during nightfall. Vision will hinder them more than us, especially if there is no moon to aid them. For that, I wish you to help me." she indicated towards one of the windows nearby. The skies were clear.

"We need more favorable conditions. Stack the odds against them as much as possible. With no light, they're doomed. I want your help with creating dense clouds just for them. I'll have my ship steered so that we sail in the direction of the wind, and so will the clouds. Once we strike, the clouds will cover the moon. We don't need any excess, just the moon needs to be blocked out. Then as that patch of black clouds passes through, we crush them!" Kat declared as she made a fist in a powerful motion. "I'm going to capture and fuck any cute boys I see, so if you have a little change of heart and decide to accept that evil half of yours, just be sure not to get in my way if I got eyes on someone~" she giggled. "Even if you're chosen and my pretty little pet, I won't hesitate to scrap with you," she said while blowing Pru a kiss with two fingers.
Re: The Coming of Heaven's Wrath (Prudence;Termite)

Pru had to smirk. Of course they weren't good. They were demons. And now pirates. Nobody expected them to act without at least some bit of greed. It's just that this time they had to be careful. If they were going to run in and save a bunch of mermaids from some Order controlled village then they also needed to expose the false righteousness of the Order and Heaven itself. It's what the pirates needed to build some good will that could be used to contact Atlantis. So if they simply turned around and demanded the same thing from the mermaids that the Order bastards were just taking then they wouldn't be any 'better'. That didn't mean they couldn't temp the women or hold that as a debt needing to be repayed. They simply needed to be more subtle and gracious than the kidnappers.

But that wasn't something to worry about right now. Kat wanted to start preparing for the upcoming raid, and she wanted Pru's help to do so. So the demon simply listened for a bit, and once she'd heard the plan she turned toward her sister. "That doesn't sound too hard. You up for it?" At that the human still laying in the bed stirred. "Sure..." At that she stretched for a bit before using a bit of focus to clean herself before snuggling deeper into the bed. "...but I'm gonna rest a bit. Need to recover as much as I can in case we run into some sort of surprise."

With that out of the way Kat went on to boast about how she was going to steal any of the pretty boys that caught her fancy. And as she did she threw in a little threat for the twins should they get in her way. That cause the both of them to grin even as Prudence continued to settle in. "Perish the thought... but if you really want to scrap we can do it later." The demon's tail rose after that, the spade inviting Kat to bring it as Pru continued to grin. "And we could make it fun~"
Re: The Coming of Heaven's Wrath (Prudence;Termite)

Kat grinned back. "Oh, it would be quite fun for the victor~ and it'll be fun for the loser too, since it'll be you~" she said suggestively, before looking down at her bed. Then, she realized she'd be sharing, as the human Pru had already made herself at home right in the demon's bed. It'd be a tight fit, since the two people are now three, but everyone would be able to rest. The demons would go into a state of inactivity, and the human would actually experience sleep.


A couple days of sea travel later...

Prudence would rise from slumber on a morning like the others. Just the couple days of travel at sea were starting to make each day seem the same, mind the slight difference in the clouds every morning, but always a sunny sky mind the occasional passing cloud overhead. It didn't seem like it was going to get cloudy for them at all, as Kat often stated she wished it would. This meant that they'd have to stick to her plan and create the clouds themselves. The two of them would have to use a lot of energy for this, which is why Kat hoped Nature would be kind.

Stepping from from below deck, Prudence found Kat holding a spyglass. She didn't need it, but it was easier to use a human device than use magic to enhance her vision. The crew was going about their daily activities. Mostly bored around the ship, checking ropes, swabbing the poop deck, and tossing their waste into the ocean. The last fact most likely why sea mamono held a certain hatred for humans.

When Pru made her presence known, Kat would glance at her. "City in sight, good timing. TURN THE SHIP AROUND!" she shouted at her crew. The ship was turned in such a way that it would turn against the direction they were headed to keep out of sight to avoid alerting the human port in the far, far distance. "We cannot ruin our element of surprise, we must also plan how to attack." she said, putting the spyglass away and tucking it between her breasts. "Prudence, since you're the 'captain' and the one who's been doing all this planning, what do you think? Should we attack by sea, which nets us the ability to ride in mostly undetected, or let them hear the sound of our boots?" she said with obvious distaste for the latter plan. That was when Seras stepped in, grinning.

"We should go in by land, park the ship away, captain." Seras declared. "We can't risk our vessel taking damage. Easier to just setup near land and haul ass to raid the town." she declared, and Kat scoffed. "You did not even consider how hard it will be to haul those mermaids all the way across land. We have to park very far away, you know? Plus, the direction of the wind is from the sea." she lectured.

Seras shrugged. "So? Our main boat rests out at sea. While the crew comes in on rowboats, you two stay on the ship to cast your magic, then just fly in. Did you forget you could do that?" she chuckled, and Kat just glared. The two of them were at an impasse.
Re: The Coming of Heaven's Wrath (Prudence;Termite)

With the village coming up it was time to get serious. Of course that didn't mean a thing for Pru's demonic half, and with Kat putting the spyglass between her breasts Pru watched it before smiling impishly and reaching in to retrieve it. If there was a little extra palming that went with it, well, that was a lot of bosom to dig through. You couldn't blame her for making sure she had a grip. On the spyglass. Definitely the spyglass.

Once she did have it she handed it to the human who opened it and took her turn to get a look at their target. "The main problem with an approach by sea is possible damage to the ship. The main problem with an approach by land is ease and timing, for both launching the raid and our escape." At that she turned her gaze toward the sky since they were probably too far out to get a good look whatever defenses they were facing. She noted the wisps of clouds and the direction they were running, and she turned to see what the sky looked from where they approached.

"So why not do both?" With that in the air Prudence handed the spyglass back to her counterpart, and the demon closed it before making sure it was safely tucked right back where she had found it. "We send a raiding party by land, both to create a diversion and to scope and possibly disable whatever defenses would damage the ship. Then we sail in, collect our booty, then sail out before those fools can get organized and fight back."