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A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Nilliens Status: HP = 31, P = 31, EP = 60

Perception Check: Failure.

Nillien opens the door, allowing a large amount of steam to pour out of the small building. She takes a quick peek inside, and sees an unmoving humanoid figure inside, standing still in the middle of the room, but otherwise detects nothing.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Wha... who? Nillien wonders, curious as to if that is some sort of person or if it is a human shaped machine. Deciding that, if it is a human, she needs to check to see if the person needs help, she moves forward to the person. All the while she will keep an eye out for whatever did this to the person.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Nilliens Status: HP = 15/31, P = 31, EP = 60

Perception Check: Failure

Nillien enters the room, and approaches the figure. What she finds is both surprising and disturbing. Someone has tied a small rodent-like creature to a pole, and placed a coat around the pole. The coat itself is covered in blood, all black, and looks like a riding cloak she had seen on an imperial courier. The creature lets of the strange call once more, and suddenly goes into a frenzy, screeching again and again. Nillien doesn't know what to do for a moment, and suddenly....

Damage: 2 + 6 -1 = 7 x 2 = 14 damage.

She is bashed in the back of the head, forcing her to her knees. Looking behind her, she sees a grinning, humanoid creature, about six feet tall and all lean muscle. It's gray-green skin seems to shift colors slightly in the room. She had been lured into a trap.
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Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Ahhh! Nillien cries out in pain, as she looks behind her. Then, shutting her eyes, she launches a bolt of spirit energy from her hand.

(Holy fire 5)
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Nilliens Status: HP = 17/31, P = 31, EP = 55/60

(Forgot about your armor. Fixed.)

To-hit: 6 + 44 = 50 vs 25 = hit.
Damage: 5 x 5 = 25 damage.

Nilliens burst of fire catches the suprised creature in the chest, and it screams in pain. It says something in a language she is unable to understand.

Casting: 8 + 11 + 8 = 27 vs 10 = Success.
Mind vs Mind: 12 + 22 = 34 vs 6 + 6 = 12 == Enemy wins.

And suddenly Nillien finds herself staring directly into a blinding light. She is unable to see anything but white, and realizes that the creature has just blinded her.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Crying out in surprise, Nillien's fears and nerves get the best of her. Terrified of the enemy she now can't see, her eyes shut as she draws energy from her core. Not even bothering to aim or control it, Nillien desperately flings out a massive wave of her energy without remembering to limit the quantity. As such, as the massive wave of energy blasts out in all directions from her body, Nillien crashes to her knees in sudden spiritual exhaustion.

(Holy Fire 30 in a 20ft radius)
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Nilliens Status: HP = 17/31, P = 31, EP = 25/60

(Not rolling the damage, he's fried.)

A sudden flash of flame lights the building as Nillien fills it with holy fire, the demon having no hope of avoiding the flame. The flames do not harm her or the building, and when she regains her sight she sees the charred corpse of the demon lying on the ground in front of her.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Shivering where she rests on the floor, Nillien hugs herself with her arms, trying to fight off tears of fear. Eventually, she gives herself a shake and moves over to the corpse to check to see if it left any remnants like the thing from the road. If that proves fruitless, she will then move over to check to see if the coat survived and, if it did, whether any held anything of value.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Nilliens Status: HP = 17/31, P = 31, EP = 25/60

(Holy fire doesn't damage inanimate objects.)

Unless she wants to take some of the bones or start digging through the corpse, the demon has nothing of value. Turning to the coat, Nillien finds the coat undamaged, but only a grease stain where the strange creature used to be. The pockets don't seem to contain anything, but the cloak itself looks comfortable and warm.

(Nillien gains 2 experience.)
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Deciding that the cloak might be nice given that her clothes are meant for the desert and not here, Nillien takes it carefully before putting it on. After doing so, she gradually moves out of the building before moving towards another one and trying to peak inside.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Nilliens Status: HP = 17/31, P = 31, EP = 25/60

The cloak is warm, if a bit big for her. There don't seem to be any tears or holes in it, suggesting that the demon hadn't killed anyone wearing it. As she puts it on, the blood suddenly disappears, and Nillien realizes that it must have been an illusion.

Moving through the small office, she moves past a wall covering half the building, and finds several small charred bodies in a group together, in a little room that seems to have been for storage. Apparently, when she had destroyed the demon, her fire had also hit something else.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Curious now, Nillien decides to check the bodies. With her embarrasing loss of control earlier, she is pretty sure whatever was in here is dead now. First she will look through the room before trying to find something long she could poke the bodies with to see if any of them had darkhearts like the tree.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Nilliens Status: HP = 17/31, P = 31, EP = 25/60

Ashley finds a walking stick leaned against the wall, which she uses to sift through the ashes and bones. She doesn't find any darkhearts, but the little bodies do seem to have long sharp fangs. If she tried, she could probably pull them out of the dead creatures skulls.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Grimacing, Nillien tries to pull the fangs out, using the stick to push against the body instead of her hand itself. Before she does this, however, she uses the same precautions as when handling the darkheart and closes her eyes in order to use some spirit energy to try and insulate her hands from any energies in the teeth. She then opens her eyes and attempts the deed.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Nilliens Status: HP = 17/31, P = 31, EP = 25/60

The demons skulls crumble at her touch, leaving only the fangs. She manages to pick six from the creatures remains, but she gets their ashes all over herself despite her precautions. Like the darkheart, they do not react when she touches them, just emanate a field of vague coldness.

(Nillien gains 6 Goblin Fangs.)
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Nillien whines slightly in disgust at the ashes before leaving the building to look around the area. Coming to a decision, she decided that, after clearing out the nearby area, she would head into the mind. She really didn't want to go into that town. Not with the way it felt and the darkness and corruption that seems to permeate it.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Nilliens Status: HP = 17/31, P = 31, EP = 25/60

Perception Check: Success

Reaching out once more with her senses, Nillien finds the area devoid of anything with great spiritual energy, except for another plantlike creature off in the woods to the South. It was much smaller than the last one, and only seemed to have one tendril coming off of it.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Nillien lets out a relieved grin. There was nothing out there truly dangerous for now, so all she needed to do was defeat the tree creature before it could grow any stronger. Moving south, she focuses on the creature and stops just as it comes into the range of her spiritual powers. At that point she closes her eyes and shoots off a small amount of spiritual fire at the beast in an attempt to kill it.

(Holy fire 2)
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Nilliens Status: HP = 17/31, P = 31, EP = 23/60

To-hit: 11 + 44 = 55 vs 0 = hit.
Damage: 7 + 1 = 8 x 2 = 16 + 10 = 26 damage.

Nillien finds her target and lets off her flame, sending a bolt of fire at the plant. She feels it strike home, but she doesn't feel it die.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Slightly concerned at the fact that the plant seemed much stronger than it should be. Nillien closes her eyes and extends her senses, trying to feel for spiritual signatures nearby that might be the cause. If she doesn't notice any immediate threat, however, she will siphon off another small portion of her energy to send at the creature hopefully killing it this time.

(Holy fire 2)