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A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"If you fight, you'll excite her, if you show weakness, she'll dominate you. I don't envy your position rookie, but with any luck you'll evade her entirely." Idryll said finally, perhaps to ease her worries thought it likely would do no such thing.


"If it's her, we'd be wise to steer clear, though I think if we work together, and don't get caught again we can take her." Jaime said confidently. Taking off for the woods from the northern side of town meant that they missed their crew entirely, but Jaime made sure to leave word as to their exploit. Idryll had no problem with people going about their business, so long as it wasn't in the midst of an actual job, that was the one thing that would truly earn her anger.

It took them close to an hour to arrive at the edge of the woods, there was a clearly defined though not very wide trail that the girls apparently used. They saw plenty of patches of herbs, berries, mushrooms and other bits that might have fascinated someone with any sort of herbological knowledge. Perhaps Ceri or Celledin would have had a good idea what to pick. One of the most notable things as they began to entered the woods was how wonderful it smelled. The nature in the distant reaches truly was wonderful, everything just felt alive. Lena found her mood noticeably elevated just for walking through the woods. Everything seemed to flourish, growing more and more as they moved further into the woods.

Jaime wrapped her arms around Lena's left arm as they went. Her bow was strung up and around her otherside, ready to be drawn at a moments notice, but Lena had trouble imagining they'd have much cause to use it. Jaime gave her a bright smile. "You know, if you want to take a moment and pause here, I wouldn't mind," she winked mischievously.

The trail continued on ahead, but Jaime quickly pointed out there was a part that the path diverged, a few footsteps having somewhat marked the path. Thankfully Lena had sharp eyes or they might have missed it. "Look, I think they cut through here, might be nothing, but perhaps the ones missing had gone through there...? Of course my offer still stands,"

Lena felt no unusual pull in her desire, nor did it seem Jaime had either, but the woods around them seemed rather safe for the moment, a soft tumble in the grass might have been just what the doctored ordered...

The job could wait right? Surely those missing girls could hold on for...a few minutes right?
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Lena gulped at Idryll's words about the orc woman, looking more than a little tense as she imagined herself getting dominated suddenly. Shaking her head clear of the image after a couple of seconds, Lena sighed and nodded before they left. "I hope you're right, that I can evade her entirely," Lena said as they went on.


"Aye, together I'd say we could manage her," Lena said as Jaime left word to be passed on to Idryll as to where they'd gone, just in case.

After they made their way to the area in question, Lena felt... quite at peace. It was almost like being back home in the capital, in the gardens of the noble family's home she'd lived at. As she felt more relaxed, Lena glanced to her left at Jaime when the other girl grabbed her arm, and smiled. "Hmhm, maybe, but we should keep ourselves focused I think. Those girls might need our help, and I don't want to let the people down," Lena said, hugging Jaime though and kissing her on the cheek. "Maybe after we find them. It'll be our little reward for each other," she added, smirking back at Jaime when her friend winked at her.

"Hmm, look here at these foot prints Jaime. Let's check over that way some, we might find something," Lena suggested, taking Jaime's hand and leading the way. "And... I'd really like to Jaime, but... we should at least try and focus... a-at least a little bit. R-Right? Don't want those orcs to sneak up again or anything," Lena went on to say, though it was easy to see that her body had been awakened to sex, and desired it more and more now, though she was trying to resist the urge to strip down naked and take Jaime right here and now.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Jaime nodded, assured by her companion sharing in her confidence. Although the memory of the force behind the woman's blow left a wisp of doubt in the back of Lena's mind no matter how she tried.

"Ahh, spoil sport," she teased but didn't press. It appeared Jaime had no interest in forcing the issue at all. "Ah, make me feel bad for offering why don't you," she stuck out her tongue briefly. "It's a promise then, let's keep our wits about us."

"Yeah, I was wondering about that, might just be through there were a particular herb grows, but it's not like we have a better lead," she shrugged and took Lena's hand as they began to work their way through the thicker brush. It was more difficult to go this way, they had to push their way through thicker foliage and it was harder to see where they were going. "Like last time right? Ahh, you're right you're right I know better, I blame you," she teased. "I just can't help myself around you."

The pair proceeded through the woods quietly, pushing past vines, flowers and plants alike. The rich wonderful smell seemed to get stronger as they went, perhaps signifying their proximity to the heart of the woods itself.

"They were probably led this way, the way it smells I bet there's lots of plants or whatever to harvest this way," Jaime said dreamily.

Lena could feel its pull, a sudden deep curiosity filling her, wondering about what lay ahead. Nothing urgent or pulling, but whatever was drawing her no doubt drew the others, making it the most likely place to find out what happened.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Lena didn't mind the teasing, reaching over and groping Jaime's ass as she did so to show that she too wanted to do something, and didn't mind the teasing herself. "Aye, I'll pound you into our bed back at the inn, that there will be an indention in the mattress for everyone to see when they take our room next, hmhm," Lena said, pinching Jaime's butt before they continued on their way.

"Aye, let's check it out, might as well," Lena said, leading the way down the divergence in the path. "And... thanks, hearing that makes me feel like I did a good job the other night, m-making you feel so good I mean," Lena said shyly, as they made their way through the foliage.

The scent in the air was powerful, incredibly so, and she found herself drawn towards a specific direction that she knew instinctively had to have drawn the missing girls. "I wonder what's making that sweet smell? It's... so powerful, and good," Lena asked curiously, leading the way and holding Jaime's hand as they kept pressing forward.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Jamie let out a surprised gasp as her butt was groped, blushing bright at her companions words. It appeared that that was the very last thing she expected out of Lena's mouth, she blushed bright and didn't reply for some time.

"Y-you did, a wonderful job, can only imagine how much better you'll get with experience."

As the two pressed forward it seemed that Jamie was almost pushing forward. Lena only faintly realized they had left any recognizable path and soon the foliage had grown so thick they were push past almost what felt like a wall of plants.

One firm step and Lena found hard resistance, she found herself tangled up in a mess of vines.

"Ack!" Jaime called out, seeming to be in the same predicament. "They're so thick here," she complained, trying to free herself. It was strange, almost as if their limbs were wrapped up in the vines, it was hard to imagine how it could have happened naturally.

The scent had reached its apex, a relaxing warmth had begun to spread through Lena's body,her sexual organs beginning to react without any sort of stimulation as well.

"Two?" a bright voice appeared seemingly in front of them as part of the foliage parted revealing a very feminine if strange face. Bright green...hair? spilled from its face and it look at them with gleaming emerald eyes. "Well, I've never had the fortune to run into two of you at once," the voice said happily. The foliage had parted to reveal part of its upper body, which appeared entirely feminine. Nothing aside from its strange colored skin suggested it wasn't human.

"My name is Clara, it's a pleasure to meet you both."

Jaime looked over towards Lena, struggling to free herself from the bonds, as if waiting for some cue on how to react.

The bonds held them tight, but Lena was sure if she made a desperate attempt she could free herself, but that peaceful feeling lingered, and the strange figure in front of them seemed anything but hostile.

Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Smirking at Jaime's reaction to the pinch on her butt, Lena smirked and winked back at her. "Thanks, hmhm," Lena giggled at Jaime, smiling softly.

After they had pressed forward far enough, Lena found herself having to try very hard to get through the foliage. When she felt the vines coiling around her limbs, Lena gasped as her shaft began growing underneath her skirt. "J-Jaime are you... okay?" Lena asked, grunting softly as she pulled against the vines.

When she saw the plant before them open up, Lena gasped again. "W-What do you want with us?" Lena asked, a little frantically as she struggled around a little bit, though her struggles were a little feeble, mostly thanks to the scent in the air, which was keeping Lena more than a little relaxed, everywhere save between her legs. "Did you... kidnap the other three women from the town?" Lena then asked softly, stopping her struggles for now.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"N-no, I feel it too, I think we might be in trouble, agh, I forgot my blasted knife in the wagon," she struggled against the vines trying to free herself, face growing bright red.

Jaime's gasp mirrored Lena's. The mysterious plant-like woman gave Lena a smile. "Oh look at this, what a fun surprise. A hand reached over, brushing away the cloth covering her shaft, she giggled and observed it, finger lifting it up and letting it drop back down once. "Oh, please, don't worry, w-wait what?" She looked like Lena has physical struck her when she asked if she'd kidnapped those woman from town.

"I-is that what they said?" She pouted, her eyes looked like she was on the verge of tears. "I gave each of them a wonderful time before I sent them on their way, and they accused me of kidnapping?!"

Jaime was busy trying to free herself, but the scent in the air hung, increasing the effects. It was a subtle one but steadily growing.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"N-No please, it's so sensitive," Lena gasped softly, biting her bottom lip.

When Lena saw Clara's reaction to her words, she stopped struggling altogether and looked over at Jaime. "Wait... you mean you did see them? I... I wasn't expecting you to have actually met them. They never returned back to the town," Lena asked Clara, relaxing more in the vines. "Do you know where they went?" Lena then asked the plant woman.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"Isn't that the point? It feels much better when it's like that," she noted, before the revelation occurred.

Jaime blinked, stopping her struggle and giving Lena a look of confusion. They weren't with her still? Then where did she go?

Clara paused, her expression lightening, but only a bit. "They didn't return home...? At all? No, that doesn't make sense. Ahhh oh no, that's very sad. We had a wonderful time together...no matter. I suppose that's the risk they take when they leave their safe little homes..."

She closed her eyes as if shrugging the whole matter off altogether. "I'll tell you where they set off to,"

"I think I know where they might have gone as well, so, I'll make this easy for the two of you." The plant woman smiled warmly. "Spend the afternoon with me, allow me to use you as I see fit, and I will help you on your way to finding my lost little lovers. It'll probably take that long for me to ask around anyway."

Jaime let out a gasp, squirming vigorously as vines began to slither around her legs, one had slipped beneath the bottom part of her outfit and by the looks of the bulge's writing was giving her quite a bit of trouble. The woman had reached out once more to gently begin to rub her hand over the end of her shaft. "Though by the looks of things even if I didn't offer to help you wouldn't turn me down. Your choice of course~!"
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Lena bit her lip again and merely nodded at Clara's statement, that it felt better when it was like that. "No they didn't return home, that's why we're out looking for them," Lena said, perking up when Clara told them that she would say where they'd set off to. "Really? You will? That's great, just... let us down and we can get a move on," Lena replied looking relieved to hear Clara's words.

When she told Lena and Jaime that she'd tell them, only if they stayed the afternoon with her, Lena felt her hopes a little dashed. Lena looked over at Jaime squirming around in the vines grasp, before she sighed and nodded her head. "Jaime, it's... worth it to find the girls. But... be gentle please, I've only actually had sex once before, a-and it was with this bad girl here. M-My womanly parts are still pure," Lena said, glancing at Jaime at first before looking back to Clara and blushing deeply. "Are we going to lie on a bed of roses?" Lena asked curiously, letting her limbs go slack in Clara's grasp.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Jaime flushed bright. "I-if you say so Lena...I say we make her tell us," she said, sneering defiantly at Clara. Clara seemed to be endlessly amused by this as a vine suddenly wrapped around upper body, worming its way into the upper part of her outfit. Lena could see it coiling around her breast. "H-he-!" She began to call out as a tentacle, gleaming with something found its way into her mouth. Jaime scrambled for a moment against her bonds, but the act seemed to pacify the girl, with a bright blush forming on her face she settled down, eyes sliding closed.

"Only once? With that nice girl there? Aren't you two a sweet little couple," Clara waved her hand and the foliage receded. They were in the middle of a clearing, the ground was a wide array of beautiful flowers, a dazzling selection of color and fragrance. The sight itself was breath taking, and the woman's control of the plant life nearby caused left Lena wondering how much of the surrounding area comprised of her 'body'.

It also allowed Lena to see the woman's full profile. She had a long shapely body which disappeared somewhere around her waist into what was a large twisting plant that slipped into the ground below it. Lena wasn't sure if the woman lacked legs or if they were simply obscured by the pool of what appeared like sweet nectar in the center of the plant structure. The flowering was simple beautiful.

"Well, I suppose I will leave this decision to you, shall in this wonderful organ," her hand slid gently along the length, something warm and sticky that felt wonderful was left along by the touch. It appeared to be something the woman could control at will. "Or shall I give you a wonderful first time down below?" With that a finger slid along the entrance, and regardless of her intentions her lower entrance responded at the moment the finger made contact she could feel herself contract as if welcoming whatever was about to come, and the finger slid in without resistance sending starbursts of pleasure bursting throughout her body.

"Or perhaps both?" she grinned mischievously towards Lena and awaited her answer.

Any glance over to her companion showed that Jaime seemed lost to the world, a vine was clearly working away at something around her waist, and the one in her mouth was continuing to glide gently inside her mouth.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"M-Maybe, we... we aren't sure yet. But we're friends," Lena told Clara, reaching over if allowed and holding Jaime's hand. "It's okay Jaime, just... relax. She's not going to hurt us I don't think, or she already would have," Lena told Jaime softly, hoping her hand would calm her friend.

Smelling the sweet scent in the air, Lena relaxed more and more as she looked around at the scenery around her, and she felt the sudden urge to kiss Clara, and tried to do so. "C-Clara, how far do your roots go? I'm assuming that this whole grove is... a p-part of you, I admit I'm not sure how that works, as you're the first of your kind I've ever met," Lena asked Clara, looking over at the plant woman and swallowing her spit. "And... I... I'm a little scared of losing my virginity down there. W-Will it be... painful? I've heard it is for a girl's first time. If you can do it so it doesn't hurt, then... I think I could handle it there. Or... y-you could do both at the same time. S-So long as it feels good at least," Lena went on to say, panting softly as Clara toyed with her shaft again.

Lena was gently thrusting her hips against whatever wet sticky appendage that was grinding against her cock, her body instinctively seeking pleasure after getting so aroused and everything. "Both... please, I can't stand it any longer," Lena moaned aloud after a few more moments, whether Clara spoke up or not.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Jaime didn't seem to register her friends words, not that she was in much of a position to respond. Quiet moans began to escape from her from her throat, stifled by the thick vine that continued to slide in and out of her mouth. She didn't seem to make any sort of complaint about it though, a bit wrapped up.

"Oh, a long ways, I've never measured, but you've been along alone my roots since you felt my lure," she said with a smile. "But that is not typical of most of my kind, I am...well in your language, I'd be called a mother. It means something important to my people, this is my forest, most of it. I am responsible for every plant in the area, they are each, in some way, my children."

"Ask me any questions, don't push yourself right now, I'd be impressed if you could manage it, there will be time later..." She smiled at Lena, the vines around her moved her closer, feet dangling into the edge of the nectar pooled around Clara's lower body. It felt warm, immediately pleasant along her skin. The thought of being submerged in it was tantalizing.

"The first time only hurts if you're with a brute, in truth so long as your lover is gentle nothing should tear, it should be as wonderful as any other time," she leaned forward and kissed Lena, welcoming that desire. Lena noticed how sweet the kiss was, especially as Clara's tongue poked forward, dancing along hers. It was delightful, Clara was the picture of the gentle lover, with the vines holding Lena aloft both of her hands were free to explore Lena's body, hands sliding along her breasts, everywhere leaving a small clear trail of some kind of clear sticky liquid. Clara leaned down, suckling against her breast, rolling her nipples gently along her tongue. They immediately responding, becoming hard and standing immediately on end.

Between the throbbing of her cock and the aching of her pussy it was all Lena could do to keep from crying out, but without warning she felt something enter her, the vines lowering her along Clara's body. She felt her lower half submerge into the warm nectar, an electric sensation pulsing upward as she did. Something had entered her painlessly, sliding almost all the way in and filling her. "See...?" Clara purred as she pressed Lena into another kiss. If Lena glanced down she would see a green member appearing from the depths of the nectar, pumping slowly and steadily into her, each time she would be raised off, almost pulling it out of her before plunging in deeply again. It appeared she had found a kindred spirit in the plant-like woman.

Her cock wasn't left alone either, soon both her hands gripped the long shaft and with great care began to pleasure it, stroking it fully, resting it along her belly just under the crest of her breasts. It appeared that Clara had no interest in stopping Lena from coming to orgasm, nor would it be the first.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"And the scent is your lure? Also, that's amazing, I didn't think you'd be so... well, amazing for lack of a better word, a-and beautiful too," Lena asked, blushing a bit as she did.

"In that case, I don't mind if you're my first there. It's better than some brutish orc o-or something else that's not very kind," Lena said, glancing down and trying to reach one of her feet downwards and into the pool of nectar below as she and Clara kissed, her tongue swirling around with the plant woman's and savoring her taste.

As soon as the teasing on her breasts came, Lena gasped and let out a deep moan, not caring who heard any longer. Her body was trembling at that point, desire rising within her to slid her shaft inside of someone, or something that would grip it just like a pussy. When Clara lowered her into the nectar, and the appendage enter her folds, parting them without even an ounce of pain, Lena squealed aloud, throwing her head back as she did, and causing her breasts to jiggle deliciously. "Y-Yes... it's... it's amazing. I love it," Lena panted, before letting another moan escape her lips.

By the time Lena felt Clara's hands stroking her, she was already about to pop, and with only a bit of further edging, Lena would explode all over Clara's breasts, squealing lewdly and wrapping her arms around the plant woman as she did, spurting everything she had out. Even after her climax though, Lena's shaft remained hard as iron, and her balls were already filling with another fresh load to give Clara. "Oh my gods... that was... s-so good," Lena moaned, leaning forward and kissing Clara deeply, her lust boiling over and her want to cum more overpowering any other thoughts at the moment as she lost herself in Clara's arms and tentacles.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"Yes, it's to entice those nearby to come seek me out, like a fragrant billboard," she said proudly. "Aw, you're a sweet one too, and humble if you don't think you're just as beautiful too," she said sincerely. "Yes, those Ork's has pushed into my territory more than once," she said making a sour expression. "Not all of us have become so desperate as to take our mates by force, some of us still uphold the art of seduction I'll have you know. Not...all of my people feel the same, so, be on watch with others. Not all are as gentle as I." She giggled. "Comes without desperation, I'm fortunate to have so many wonderful young ladies from Farnshold come visit me..."

Lena's moans seemed to encourage Clara, who continued her work with mounting vigor. Behind her she heard Jaime let out a low shuddering moan, if she turned to look she'd see the girl lowed to the ground, trembling and quiet other than her soft coos, a trail of liquid rolling down her waist. Her clothes were disheveled enough to see some bare flesh.

"We're just beginning, love," she whispered pulling her tight. As she threw her head back Clara would take advantage by kissing firmly along her neck, leaving small red marks at each place she kissed. Clara sped up as Lena began to tense, a hand dropping to cradle her balls gently before she came, encouraging the long spurts of cum that spray free dressing Clara's chest with long strings of Lena's seed. She smiled mischievously, vines thrusting Lena steadily against Clara's rigid green shaft. Lena's orgasm seemed to only heighten the motions deep within her, it wouldn't be long before she was forced to another orgasm, sensitivity spiking from the steady motions.

When the second orgasm hit she would feel Clara's member swell inside her, and a hot warmth shoot deep inside of her. While lacking a frame of reference she would feel a strange stirring inside of her, a tingling sensation that she could feel in her stomach. Clara only slowed for a moment, a few powerful thrusts insuring whatever was coming out poured deep inside of her before continuing. Clara had a look of pure ecstasy on her face. Lena might noted with interest that while one hand idly worked her shaft the other spread her spent seed around her body, the amount steadily disappearing.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"Hmhm, well I'd say it worked," Lena giggled, almost drunkenly as the lust built up in her system more and more. "And I assume they come to see you for the herbs that your grove here has. That was our thought on how to find the others at least," she added before kissing Clara, losing herself in her lust.

The pleasure was simply too great for her to think straight, and when Lena glanced over to see how Jaime was doing, she couldn't help but giggle lustily, her eyes glazing over as she gave in completely. As soon as she felt Clara's hands on her balls while she came, Lena's squeals went higher in pitch and she came even harder. Sitting there, her mind dazed from the pleasure, Lena could only moan and squeal cutely as Clara worked her into another orgasm, her breasts bouncing freely as she started rocking her hips in perfect time with Clara's thrusts.

"Yes... YES!" Lena cried as she felt Clara cumming inside of her, with Lena's cock twitching and throbbing like crazy as she felt the incredible amount of see pouring into her. Lena slumped forward against Clara after she came again, her head on Clara's shoulder. "M-More... I want more... I need more," Lena panted, her eyes filled with lust as she pulled Clara into another deep kiss and ground her cock against the plant woman's waist.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"How long did it take you get here, an hour? And yet they don't return until the sun nearly sets in spite of leaving in the morning, nobody seems to wonder why." She giggled mischievously, obviously proud of her system. "Well I'm glad you've found your way here as well." She added, content to accept Lena's surrender to the lust.

"A-as you wish, Lena" Clara said throatily, vines pulling her body back, gently yet firmly until her back was arched while seemed to form her perfectly to Clara's suddenly firm thrusting. Clara's hands wrapped around her chest, playing gently with herself as she vigorously thrusted into Lena. Her breasts bounced as the wet sounds of their lewd act began to echo around the clearing. It wasn't long before Lena was brought to her third orgasm. Her cock which now flopped freely from the pairs vigorous lovemaking sprayed wildly, coating Clara with her seed. Lena could feel the throbbing of the member inside her signalling that Clara was about to release once more as well and the moment before she did Clara cried out. The plant-like woman seemingly lost to the passion, had her vines tighten around Lena, constricting her movement almost entirely. One closing around her throat for a brief moment, somehow heightening the pleasure as what was presumably Clara's thick seed sprayed deeply inside of her. The vines loosened almost immediately as she was dragged close to Clara's embrace. Lena might have noticed a slight visible amount of swelling on the lower end of her stomach.

"S-sorry," she whispered tenderly, hands moving to massage the marks upon her flesh caused by the vines. They wouldn't last of course, the constriction had been brief yet intense. "You're doing so well," she whispered, kissing her once deeply. "It's time for your reward..."

With that Clara seemingly shifted wards, part of her body sliding out of the depth, leaning back against the petal which supported her weight. The presence of legs now suggested there was more to her body than a mere upper part imitation. Clara's legs parted revealing her inviting folds, glistening with the nectar.

"Take me however you wish," Clara offered with a smile, tongue hanging out with her mouth opening slightly as if to offer another choice.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

When Clara picked the pace back up and began thrusting into her once more, Lena moaned cutely as her own breasts bounced some more. Her surrender to her lust sent a thrill through Lena, and she quickly felt a third climax building, in both her and Clara. Wrapping her arms around Clara when the plant woman began to cum again, Lena buried her face against Clara's neck and came right with her, spurting her seed freely all over the both of them and not caring one bit. After the first squirt however, Lena felt the constriction around her neck, and her oxygen was cut off for a few moments, the asphyxiation making her orgasm heighten and grow even more powerful.

Lena was seeing white even though the vine around her neck released her very quickly, from the sheer overpowering feel of her climax washing over her. When Clara whispered to her, the plant woman would likely notice the lost look in Lena's eyes, even as Lena barely noticed the swelling of her belly. "M-My reward? It... g-gets even better?" Lena moaned softly, her voice telling the amount of bliss she was in.

With Lena's instincts guiding her completely now, she didn't wait more then three seconds before embracing Clara and kissing her deeply, her tongue dancing with the plant woman's as she hefted Clara up with both arms, pulling her in close and thrusting her hips forward to bury her cock inside of Clara's folds. Lena laid Clara down and began pounding in and out of her, her balls slapping heavily against Clara's ass and inner thighs, and filling the grove with the lewd wet slapping sounds of their skin slapping against one another.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Clara nodded, smiling as she looked over Lena's state, the poor girl was close to her limit no doubt, stamina pushed to the max and yet here she was, just as hungry as ever. Something Clara respected in a lover. "Of course you poor girl, you've worked hard and soon you'll need your rest, embrace me and let me bring you to your final reward." Clara leaned back passively, hands rubbing inviting nearly her entrance, waiting for Lena to move.

As she moved to embrace her Clara welcomed her, taking the tip of her cock gently to guide it into her entrance which swallowed her gratefully. If Clara had any problem with Lena's sudden vigorous thrusting she did not make it known, only reply in soft uncontrolled moans that seemed to slip through her normal veneer of self-control. Clara's folds seemed to shudder and squirm around around her shaft, urging it towards release eagerly. Lena found herself practically being pulled inside every-time she thrusted, every attempt to pull out was met with firm pleasurable resistance.

The slapping sound became subdued as Lena found the lower part of her body being pulled inside the plant construct. The sensation was incredible, the nectar both lubricating and exciting each thrust, causing her entire lower body to explode with pleasure. The petals too began to pull together, Clara's eyes sliding shut, tongue slipping free as her body began to tighten up around her cock. "Yes...yes...you're so close...give me...give me everything~" she moaned.

As Lena was brought to orgasm she found herself greeted by explosive pressure and sudden darkness as she passed out.


How much time had passed? Lena had no idea, as the sun was obscured by the canopy of trees above them. She was laying in a bed of soft flowers, but it didn't appear to be the clearing. She quickly began to remember everything leading up to the moment where she passed out...

Jaime was beside her, still asleep it seemed, both of them were fully dressed, both of them had their weapons and gear nearby as well, but there was no sign of Clara nearby.

A sudden pang hit Lena, a sudden rush of faint desire. Her sexes were warm with desire, it wasn't an immediate need but a distant throbbing that suggested any sort of satisfaction would be wonderful. She quickly noticed that both her and Jaime's stomachs had a faint swelling, and her own felt uneasy, not entirely unpleasant but strange.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Lena did as told and embraced Clara, hugging her tightly as she began to knock away with wild abandon. The more Lena thrust, the more she moaned, and the more the urge to thrust again came. Completely lost in the heat of the moment, with sweat glistening on her body, Lena simply let her instincts run wild. At first, Lena barely noticed the plant walls and the petals beginning to close around them, but when she did finally notice it, Lena simply relaxed and let it happen, closing her eyes as she kissed Clara deeply.

"Mmm, Clara... t-that was incredible. I love it... thank you. W-Where should we go to look for the girls we're looking for though? B-Before I... *yawn*... f-fall asleep," Lena said before her vision faded and she let herself fall into slumber, her seed spurting wildly as she conked out.


When she woke back up, Lena opened her eyes slowly and looked around. Groaning a little as the dull but very pleasant ache in her loins was very noticeable, Lena raised up to look around. She was laying in a bed of flowers, with Jaime there too, and Lena smiled at seeing her friend close by and okay. "Mmm, that was nice. But... I wonder where Clara is," Lena said softly, leaning over and shaking Jaime gently. "Hey Jaime, wake up sweetie. We should probably get moving," Lena said, trying to get Jaime up.