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A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Lena heard a small sound as Lena replied, a slight giggle as it seemed she'd been given permission to go ahead. Perhaps she'd have listened if Lena asked her to stop, but it appeared she wouldn't know. Jamie's grip was gently, squeezing gently near the tip with each stroke, searching out Lena's sensitive area's with a skillful hand. She was no expert by any means, but between her modest talent and the sudden desire that Lena found herself gripped by it was soon all she could do to keep her voice down.

As it poked beyond the edge of her skirt Jame shifted, mouth pressing every so slightly against the tip, teasing and taunting as if it was up to Lena to press the tip further into her mouth.

"I-I've never seen anything like this," Jamie whispered, flushed bright, surprised by the size as it swelled and swelled, but she continued to work gently along the length, tip of her tongue poking out to dance along the tip, tasting some of the pre-cum that leaked out from the sudden excitement before clamping her mouth over the end, taking a little bit of it into her mouth even without Lena's guiding. A hand moved down gently, cradling Lena's balls with a delicate touch sending explosive sensations riveting along her spine. It wouldn't be much longer now, Lena's cock was twitching with each touch. Not for long, it seemed that Jamie wasn't quick to end her fun and leaned her mouth away, content to stroke slowly and keep Lena from release even as she came maddeningly close

Jamie shifted, moving to grin at her, before her expression blanked. She began to say something but Lena found herself gripped powerfully from behind Two strong arms wrapped tight around her neck and upper body, momentarily cutting off her ability to speak as she was lifted off the ground, her weapons at her feet. Lena moved swiftly and went to cry out but a small figure, seeming like a wolf but much bigger tackled into her and drove her to the ground. Lena quickly recognized it as a Worg, the Ork's companions, a larger aggressive wolf like creature.

Lena 2 vs 9 Ork, grappled and silenced.

Lena 5/5 FP, 7/8 AP
Jamie ?/? FP, ?/? AP

Ork ?/? FP
Worg ?/? FP

Lena is free to attack her assailant, or attempt to break free. Successful attacks may result in her being freed, but focusing on just breaking free will be easier. If she becomes freed she can call out and warn the others.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Jaime found Lena's more sensitive areas quite easily, and Lena stifled her voice with her shield hand. Feeling her engorged shaft poking out from under her skirt, Lena gasped as she felt it touching Jaime's lips. Her hips gave a little thrust, which would make the crown of her shaft enter Jaime's mouth ever so slightly. A small spurt of Lena's pre escaped the tip and she bit her bottom lip as she felt Jaime's tongue running up her length. When she felt Jaime's hand cupping her balls, Lena sighed and felt her pleasure boiling up inside of her, the electric shock of pleasure nearly making her squeal aloud, but she held it just barely.

Just as Lena felt her seed about to let loose, she was grabbed from behind, and her immediate thought was Idryll had caught them. But when she was lifted up and silenced, Lena knew that she'd been caught literally with her pants down. Before she could react, Lena got tackled down, but this didn't deter her, and Lena immediately made to struggle free from the orc that had a hold of her, motioning to Jaime to raise the alarm as Lena made to shove the orc off of her.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Lena was held by a strong grip, feminine too if what she felt pressed against her back by the tight hold was any indication. She tried to free herself from the iron grip but was unable to make any headway before she found her cock, which had become full exposed from the sudden assault gripped. Regardless of how she personally felt about the experience, Lena was far too close to offer any significant resistance as the coarse hand worked along her shaft brushing against her balls gently as it went along the length.

It didn't take long, in quick moments Lena was brought to a powerful orgasm, something about the Ork's presence seemed to somehow heighten the eroticism for reasons Lena couldn't understand. It overwhelmed her, her muscles spasming in delight as she found the Ork pressing that advantage pulling her into a more secure hold as she began to drag Lena away from the camp.

She could hear Jamie struggling with her opponent, in once quick movement she delivered a kick to the center of the furry beast, coughing as she tried to get some measure of wind back into her lungs. The girls robes were jostled, revealing her bare middriffed, covering by wrappings around her chest. Lena was quick to notch an arrow, sending it sailing into the Worg with a solid thud. The creature let out a quiet yelp. It seemed the camp was stirring, but nobody had yet sounded the alarm. Lena would have to do something quick to keep herself from getting dragged out of range of camp.

To her horror she sees shapes moving in the distance, a half dozen and surely more around her, Orks creeping into position. It seems this might be the leader, chosen to take out the sentries.

With desperation as she is pulled away from the camp she summons all her might, shrugging off the feelings of pleasure inflicted on her and manages to break free of the hold. She is free to call out, and her weapons lay not too far away if she wanted to make an attempt. It seemed Jamie's success was short lived, as she is pinned again, giving Lena the choice of freeing her friend or focusing on the Ork sure to come after her.

Round Two
Lena attempts to break out of the hold
Lena 0 vs 8 Ork (bad rolls! what a shame :D)
But is unsuccessful allowing the Ork to press the advantage, inflicting 1 AP

Jamie escapes her grapple with the Worg by dealing 1 FP.

Round Three
Lena is stunned by her incredible orgasm for 1 round.
The Ork presses the advantage by putting her in a submission hold with no opposition.

Jamie fires an arrow into her opponent dealing 2 FP.

Round Four (Assuming since in submission Lena can either try to break free or do nothing)
Lena struggles to break free
Lena 12 vs 12 Ork
Lena manages to break free of the hold! She acts first next round

Jamie moves to call out, but the Worg attempts to silence her by lunging once more. Jamie is pinned and the wind driven out of her again.

Lena 5/5 FP, 0/8 AP*
Jamie ?/? FP, ?/? AP

Ork ?/? FP
Worg -3/? FP
Last edited:
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Lena struggled mightily against the orc, whom she believed was a woman if those were actually breasts she felt. Lena shook her head, trying to deny the pleasure, as the orc woman's hand brushed across her shaft. She couldn't do so though, and she quickly felt the hand bringing her to climax, her seed spurting out and all over the place, on the orc's hand, her own taught tummy, the ground, her thighs, and probably some on Jaime too.

Her muscled refused to respond now, as the orc began to drag her away. Lena looked from side to side frantically, hoping against hope someone was overhearing this, and or seeing it. She could barely make out the fight Jaime was having, but she knew that her friend was struggling to get free from the worg. Lena managed to pull free from the orc dragging her, and with a quick burst of adrenaline, Lena quickly tried to get back to camp, stumbling a bit as she dove for her spear and shield.

"ATTACK, ATTACK, ORCS ATTACKING... EVERYBODY GET UP!" Lena cried as soon as she was able to.

If Lena was able to get her spear and shield, she'd quickly fix her panties under her skirt, and would kneel, with her shield held up as she thrust her spear out at the worg to chase it away from Jaime.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Lena's seed sprayed a good impressive distance, possibly a new record, along Jamie's thigh, coating the Ork's hand and even a bit on her own waist as well. Perhaps that's what gave her the edge in the end as she managed to rip free of the Ork's grasp and just out of range and she drove and grabbed her discarded weapons. Her sound resounded through the camp signalling a flurry of action as everyone in the camp began to move at once. The Ork's pulled weapons free, some moving to the wagon to grab a few supplies.

Jamie, it appeared, was not faring well against her opponent. The Worg had her pinned, fangs at her throat and its own member had poked between its legs, long red and swollen, forcing its way past her tangled robes and penetrating her. She let out a muffled cry, scrambling to push the creature off her. As Lena neared her friend the scent of the creatures sex hit her. She'd heard stories, many creatures pheromones had adapted to their chosen prey, the scent sent tingles of excitement, causing her flagging member to throb with distracting thoughts. It was a powerful sensation, but the novice warrior was set in her action, the creature managed to maneuver past the spear thrust, but a quick bash of her shield sent the creature sprawling off of her.

Lena seemed dazed, but quickly rallied herself. Not bothering to fix her clothes, leaving her groin and breasts exposed she rolled to a crotch and notched an arrow, letting it loose for the female Ork which barreled down on Lena.

The arrow flew past Lena with a loud whistling noise, only to be brought to a halt against the Ork's blade, shattering as it fell to the dirt, but stopping her from pressing her attack on her.

With the camp beginning to stir and the battle beginning in earnest, it wouldn't be long until cavalry arrived, could Lena and Jamie hold out until then? Could they turn the tide?

The Ork woman shot Lena a grin as she readied her large twisted steel blade. "You should surrender your weapon and come with me, girl, I'll make a proper mate out of you, you and your friend would make excellent mates." The woman's eyes glanced towards Lena's member and gleamed, if hidden then to the bulge exposed by her skirt.

Round Five
Worg unleashes pheromones. 2AP on first round to all nearby.

Worg successfully penetrates Jamie. 1 AP.

Lena attempts to free Jamie
Lena 16 vs 8 Worg
Lena frees Jamie, 1 FP dealt to Worg

Jamie attempts to fire at the Ork but the arrow is blocked!

Lena 5/5 FP, 2/8 AP*
Jamie ?/? FP, 3/? AP

Ork ?/? FP
Worg -4/? FP
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

It seemed that Lena's seed had made the orc's hand slippery enough momentarily to allow her to slip free. Lena, spotting the ones heading for the caravan of supplies, called out to the others to protect the supplies as she moved to help Jaime. Seeing the worg thrust its large knotted doggie dick into her friend, Lena rushed at the creature, trying to ignore the near overpowering scent of its cock. She slammed her shield into its side and freed Jaime from it, though her spear missed the thrust she'd made.

Lena spun as Jaime knocked an arrow and fired at the orc rushing up behind her, raising her shield and preparing just in case she decided to keep pressing towards her, even as her legs shuddered a bit from her orgasm moments ago. "N-No thanks, you should leave now, and leave the supplies. They aren't yours," Lena said, her voice a little shaky as she got to her feet and prepared to fight. "Jaime, fire at the ones taking the supplies, I'll handle her," Lena whispered to her friend, keeping an eye on the worg and the orc and placing herself between Jaime and both of them if she could and taking a defensive stance.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

The Ork let out a loud laugh as she advanced, giving a low whistle to the Worg which moved behind her, seeming to be on its last legs from the duo's combined efforts she quickly pulled it out of the fight. However its scent continued to carry over the battle, and part of her wondered how it would taste...or how wonderful it might feel plowing away inside of her.

"These supplies are not ours!?" she scoffed, seeming angry all of a sudden. "They were created on our lands, taken by your people! I think we'll take whatever we desire!" She formed a wicked grin, "And I'll extract what I desire from you as well, show much how well you hold that toy in your hand, girlie!"

Jamie nodded, a little shaky herself. "I-if you're sure, I'll be near, call if you need help!" She turned and moved a distance away to stall those taking supplies, and seemed that it would do well in keeping most of the supplies there.

The Ork launched forward suddenly, blade slamming forth with tremendous force. Lena managed to catch it on her shield, forcing the attack back, but a crack formed along the surface and the recoil made her arm tingle, numbing her finger tips from the effort. She wouldn't stand many more attacks like that.

She managed to launch her own counter, an admirable attempt but the Ork catches the tip of the spear and diverts it. She laughed again. "You fight well, for a child! But why waste your beautiful body fighting when you could simply lay back and let me use it for what it was meant for." The scent was not overpowering, yet, but the longer she fought on the more it would be a problem, but it appeared she was the only one keeping the dangerous Ork busy.

Round Six
The Ork attacks Lena.
Ork 21 vs 7 Lena
2 FP damage taken.

Lena counters attacking the Ork back.
Lena 12 vs 22 Ork

1 AP from Pheromones.

Lena 3/5 FP, 3/8 AP*
Jamie ?/? FP, ?/? AP -OUT OF FIGHT?-

Ork ?/? FP
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Lena couldn't shake the scent of the worg's musk emanating from its cock, and the mere smell of it was making her constantly aroused, and it was obviously having the same effect on Jaime too. Shaking her head clear momentarily, Lena heard the orc speaking, and frowned at her. "No... they aren't yours. And taking them is wrong, and your actions may cause people to starve, women, children. Don't you even care that taking these supplies might cause others to suffer?" Lena retorted at the orc, gripping her spear and preparing to fight.

Lena nodded to Jaime, and told her to do the same, before looking back to the orc and her worg. Just in time too it seemed, as she had to hurriedly block a sword strike from her foe, the sound ringing on her shield. Shoving her shield arm forward, she pushed the blade back, though her fingers were a little numb after such a powerful attack. Had she managed to piss off an orc chieftainess or something? Lena didn't know, but she knew that she had to end this fight quickly.

"Take this!" Lena cried, lunging her spear forward, only to have it caught and parried by the orc's sword. "W-What it was meant for? I-It's meant for what I desire," Lena replied, unsure of what the orc woman meant as she shook her head clear again of the worg's musky scent.

"I have to get rid of that worg," Lena thought to herself, taking a couple of steps forward and rolling to the orc's side and smashing her shield into the worg's face to knock it out and hopefully get rid of the scent to keep her head clearer.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"And what of our children, you ignorant girl!" the ork shot back as the blow was delivered. They traded blows and parted another moment passing, it appeared like the tide of battle was turning for the mercenaries thanks to the cry of their sentry. The ork woman looked rather annoyed. "Bah, I don't have time to play these games!"

She launched forward again as Lena moved to flank the worg. This time Lena managed to feel a rush of strength enter her, managing to bat aside the powerful slash just narrowly. The Ork woman managed to keep covering the Worg from her assault and took the blow meant for it, sending her sliding back.

"Lena! I'm here!" A familiar stern voice filled the air as Idryll moved to her side. The Ork woman let out a curse in a language Lena did not know and whistled loudly. "I'll come back for you soon, Lena. You are marked!" she roared as she began a fighting retreat. With the Orks pulling to her side the mercenaries had pulled a stale mate, more forming to cover as both sides held the tense stand off, Ork's slowly retreating through the treeline.

Ildryll ordered the halt, ordering a few of the number to hold position and make sure the Ork's didn't try to pull around. She knew it was too dangerous to pursue, the Orks weren't above their own traps and tricks and there would be more of them in the woods. No sign of Jamie, but it was likely she might be over by the wagons?

Idryll barked orders to various people, telling Lena to keep close. It appeared the battle had gone well, considering the way it had begun. Lena's quick dismissal of Jamie off to the wagons helped secure most of the goods, so losses were minimal and it was likely the company would still get paid well for the job.

"Good work, rookie," Idryll's praise seemed a little bit strange but sincere enough. "You handled yourself well, quick thinking, and handy keeping the leader of that attack busy." They weren't quite alone but with all the hectic clean up of battle seemed no eyes were on them. Idryll moved towards her and with sudden surprise, Lena found her shaft in the hands of Idryll's firm grip, and like that the rush of the creatures pheromones burned inside her. "Word of warning though, when on guard duty, it pays to stay more vigilant." The woman worked Lena's twitching member with a machine like vigilance, cold, but rather efficient. It didn't help that she was brought so close before.

"And when battling beasts, always make sure to clear your mind, before or after, it helps to keep yourself..." her voice faltered for a moment, was she getting excited by the act of pleasuring Lena? Idryll shifted close, placing the end of the length between her warm welcoming thighs, away from her sex for now. "Free of desire," she spoke the last part a bit quieter as another hand trailed down to Lena's sex obscured by the long shaft, finger sliding along her slit before wriggling inside, beginning a gentle pumping motion which continued until Lena was brought to climax.

"Keep your wits about you in fight like that, you won't always have people at your side to keep you reminded of that." She grinned mischievously, breasts brushing gently against her shoulder, nipples faintly erect. "Come see me if you forget that lesson." She politely cleaned up the remaining mess on Lena using the inside part of her skirt to gentle wipe up the end of her twitching, hopefully soon calming member before moving on to see about managing the group. She whistled, arranging another watch and told the rest to get to rest.

A few must have seen the display, but other than some possible side long glances and chuckles nobody called attention to it, aside from Jamie who appeared at her side. "A-ah! Lena! Are you okay? You were incredible there, you saved me!" She threw her arms around Lena, embracing her in a warm hug. "S-sorry about earlier, it's my fault we got caught off guard...d-did Idryll give you a hard time? I'll go tell her it was my fault...!" The girl seemed rather concerned about her potential role in Lena's embarrassment, but it was possible she missed the scene.

1 XP earned! 1 Corruption earned!
I'll go into them in more detail later.
1 Potential Stalker Ork Lady Earned!
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"Then talk things over, open up trade with the town. That way both sides benefit from it," Lena said, trying to reason even though she knew it likely wouldn't work.

Slamming her shield forward, Lena hit the orc instead, as she jumped in front to protect the worg. When she heard Idryll call out to her, Lena glanced over her shoulder to the elven captain before back to the orc. "Marked eh. Well don't know what that means, but you're running away, so I'm not scared," Lena replied to the orc with a grin.

After the orcs retreated, Lena heaved a sigh of relief as Idryll spoke to her. "T-Thanks, I appreciate it captain," Lena replied, looking around for Jaime to see if she was alright.

When she felt Idryll's hand on her cock, Lena shuddered and felt her knees weaken a bit and she used her spear to hold herself up. "Y-Yes ma'am, I... I'm sorry. Just... m-more than a bit pent up since I left the capital," Lena panted softly. "O-Of c-course ma'am," she then panted, moaning softly as Idryll stroked her to completion where she came, hard, her seed spurting out all over the place again as she bit her bottom lip to try and muffle her moans.

Falling to her knees after Idryll had finished her off, Lena nodded, panting softly as she sat there, trying to recover quickly so she wasn't missed. When she did spot Jaime, Lena returned the hug and held her close. "J-Jaime, you're okay. I was worried about you, a-and it's no problem. I know you would have done the same for me," Lena told Jaime, breaking the hug and trying to press her now dirtied skirt down to hide her member. "And no, s-she didn't give me a hard time. But... s-she does know now, if she didn't already. A-About that," she added, glancing down between her legs before she retreated towards her tent to get some sleep, feeling incredibly weary now.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

The Ork did little to return Lena's threats, but she did give her a glare that promised some terrible things if she caught up with the cocky human.

Most of the spent seed found itself between Idryll's leg. She didn't seem to mind, strode away from Lena clear view, inner thighs glistening from the seed.

Jamie helped her up carefully, blushing bright as she looked her over. "O-oh! She knows...she knows!?" She exclaimed but did her best o keep her voice hushed. "S-sorry, ah, that's good at least, she doesn't seem to mind right? I think you're in the clear, most people here are pretty open minded, or intent enough on getting paid they won't cause a fuss..."

Jamie helped her over to her tent, and unless explicitly invited inside by Lena would unroll her bedroll not far from Lena and curl up to sleep. She'd hear some quiet sounds, from her new found friend but they wouldn't last terribly long, without intervention of course.

Did Lena have any plans over the next day if nothing out of the ordinary happened? Would she try to strike up a conversation with anyone or get to know any of the other mercs? Would there be anything she'd want to do in the small village once they arrived? Or even further on the way back? Things may get in the way of these intentions of course but I like to know how far to skip past.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Lena narrowed her eyes and gave the orc a look that told her she'd be ready for her if they ever met again. Then after Idryll had brought her to climax, Lena couldn't help but feel a bit of a thrill, especially when she saw where her cum had mostly landed.


"Y-Yeah, she does. She didn't mind either... in fact I think she... k-kinda likes it," Lena replied, moving to her tent and undressing before climbing into her bedroll. "A-And Jaime, if you like, you can sleep in here with me tonight," Lena said, blushing a bit before pulling her covers up, whether Jaime joined her or not, and going to sleep, unless Jaime did join her and insisted on something further.

OOC: Hmm... Lena probably would try and get to know the rest of the crew the next morning during breakfast. And after they got to the village, she'd mainly be helping to unload the supplies, and then have a look around the village. So you could skip up until they reach the village and skim over the rest up until then, unless something interesting happens of course.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

It seemed to be done for Lena's benefit, Idryll seemed to know exactly what she was doing.

"W-wow, oh, well, not that I'm terribly surprised. I-I hope it's not weird, it's just...exotic you know? Ah no maybe that's the wrong thing to say, ack," poor Jaime didn't seem to know how to act around Lena's unique bodily feature, just the thought of it seemed to fluster her. Jaime accepted, seemed it was something of a chilly night, or whatever excuse seemed to make sense.

She undressed down to her underwear, curling in a bedroll next to her. "You know I've..." she rolled over to face Lena, not far from her, there was faint blush on her face, eyes seemed somewhat unfocused, there was some movement under the bedrolls. "Fought monsters before, b-but nothing like that. T-the Worg, if you hadn't stepped in...it was almost inside of me, a-all the way when you saved me..."

She looked away from Lena flushed bright. "Y-you probably just want to sleep, I-I can handle this myself..." Unlike Lena it appeared the Jaime had no luck finding relief from any others. In such close proximity it appeared she was more than a little fixated on finishing what she was in the process of trying to start before the ambush. "My body has been going crazy s-since it tried..." She closed her eyes, working on something quietly underneath the covers. Seemed like she seemed pretty comfortable in Lena's presence, or she didn't handle her first monstrous encounter terrible well.

Seems we found our first interruption, let me know if your plans change, otherwise I'll just assume once whatever is interrupting is taken care of we'll move on.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"It's alright hon," Lena told Jaime, smiling as cheerfully as she could as they both snuggled into bed next to one another, thankful for one each others warmth.

"I know Jaime, I saw only that beast trying to take you from us, and my body reacted before I could even think," Lena said softly, laying next to Jaime, smiling again and winking at her. "It's the thing's scent. It made me kind of horny too. If... y-you want, I could help give you some relief, I... don't mind," Lena then said, blushing again and looking away shyly.

If Jaime didn't stop her, Lena would shift around a bit and pulled her blanket up, and then pulled Jaime's blanket up, where she shifted them around until both of their bedrolls were right next to one another and they were under both blankets together. "I... I've never had sex with another girl before. But... if you don't want to, w-we can use our mouths and hands instead," Lena suggested, if Jaime hadn't stopped her already that is, her shaft still hard.

OOC: Nah this is fine, we can let the two play a little. :)
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"Oh my brave bold hero," she said with a playful grin. "You're too sweet you know that?" She nodded, it seemed that she knew that it was the scent or was pretty sure. Jaime didn't stop her, even more than that she helped Lena's efforts. "M-me either but..." she chewed on her lower lip for a long moment as if making some kind of decision in her mind. She moved from her bedroll, slipping over to Lena before shifting on top of her body, wiggling her way down. It appeared the invitation had been all the girl needed. Far from the inexperienced farm girl she seemed to know exactly what she was doing. Her perk nipples pressed against Lena's bare stomach, brushing gently along them as both her hands worked around her waist. One to move any sort of underwear out of the way, the other gripping Lena's shaft, stroking it gently.

"A-any word and I'll stop," she promised, but her expression read a hungry desire, she pressed the tip of the shaft along her waiting folds, and gently begin to grind the length along her entrance. "O-oh that already feels so much better." She leaned down against Lena, kissing gently along her neck, hand continuing to guide her shaft as it quickly became coated with the girls juices. She lifted her hips upward, hands moving to Lena's chest as she positioned her against the entrance, gliding Lena's shaft slowly inside. "A-ahh!" She stifled a moan against Lena's neck as she slowly wriggled long the length, beginning to work it inside her inch by inch. It was a tight fit, the athletic younger girls body formed tightly around Lena's member. She wouldn't be able to take the whole length but she did an admirable job working along it. One hand began to gently grope Lena's chest, working gently on her nipples, alternating every so often. If Lena didn't take the lead it would continue like this, her free hand moving to cradle her balls.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"I try my best," Lena replied when told she was too sweet, shyly smiling and feeling a flutter in her chest.

Seeing Jaime moving atop her, Lena made no move to stop her, and raised her hips up to let her friend pull her panties down, as that was all she had left on. Lena hadn't expected to get such a response from Jaime, who seemed to know her way around in bed from the looks of it. Lena sighed softly as she felt Jaime's weight on her body, feeling nice as Jaime straddled her. This was it... Lena was about to become an adult in more than just age now, she thought to herself, her heart racing as she lay there under Jaime.

The strokes to her length quickly coaxed Lena back to life down there, and she was feeling amazing right now. Lena returned the kisses, aiming at Jaime's neck, and sucking just hard enough to leave a hickey there, as Jaime guided her towards her folds. Biting her bottom lip in anticipation of her journey into true adulthood, Lena was panting softly and when she felt the tip of her shaft against Jaime's slit, she tensed up and stared down.

"O-Oh gods yes... it... it's so tight Jaime. I... I might pop already," Lena panted in Jaime's ear, trying to keep as quiet as she could so none of the others overheard them, though in reality they likely would no matter how hard they tried to be quiet.

Lena let Jaime remain atop her for a couple of minutes, watching her length disappearing and reappearing down between their legs as Jaime bounced her hips up and down. Lena's nipples, Jaime would find, were as hard as diamonds, and Lena's own hands began roaming at that point, reaching up and groping Jaime's breasts and gliding down across her hips after a few moments of groping. As soon as she felt Jaime's hand cupping around her balls though, Lena felt a primal urge to grab Jaime and roll her over to get on top.

In one fluid motion, Jaime would find herself on her back, with Lena on top, beginning to thrust in and out, moving faster and faster with every moment that passed. She didn't slow down, nor stop, the lewd wet sounds of her balls slapping against Jaime's ass and inner thighs filling their tent and the surrounding area, and Lena now not caring any longer as she pounded into Jaime. Letting her instincts guide her, Lena pounded Jaime until she felt her cock trembling inside of her, and she felt the urge to not stop as she felt her orgasm creeping closer and closer. "J-Jaime... I... I'm g-gonna cum. I can't h-hold it any longer. I-In or out?" Lena panted, managing to ask if Jaime cared if she came inside or out, and pulling out it Jaime didn't want her to cum inside.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Jaime leaned down and planted a soft kiss on Lena's lips, she couldn't help it, the girl just looked so nervous about it.

The suckling along Jaime's neck cause her to let out a quiet throaty sound of satisfaction, and only served to encourage her movements slowly. She pressed her smaller breasts into Lena's hands as she worked away at her firm nipples, hips wiggling as her length disappeared inside her and out again. "G-good, t-try to hold it, just a little longer." she whispered back, the picture of pleasure. "I-I love the way you watch," she whispered, attempting to maneuver to show Lena a more clear picture, hesitating as the length began to slide out almost as if she was about to slid off only to push back down along it again.

"W-woah," she stared up at Lena with glassy eyes as she took control pressed against her back Jaime desperately thrusted back against Lena's movements, finding a rhythm the brought powerful waves of pleasure to the two partners. Lena quickly felt the pressure build, just as strong as her first orgasm of the evening. The moment she began to speak she would feel Lena's insides contract around her, her nails digging in gently into Lena's back as she pressed her close, hips still wiggling. She was still free to move in or out. Jaime's tongue hung out for a moment, caught in what was a clear orgasm, she managed to reply. "O-out if you can...get me pregnant," she managed but it appeared she would make no moves to help Lena escape as she grinded the length into her to ride out her orgasm. Still, it wouldn't take much to get her shaft out if she was so inclined.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Maneuvering around to give Lena a clearer sight of how her shaft was going in and out of Jaime's folds only helped to increase her pleasure and the urge to roll Jaime over. "Y-Yeah I... I'll try," Lena panted, trying her best to hold back her seed for as long as possible.

As her orgasm built, Lena bit her lip as she tried to hold back just a little longer, desperate to keep from cumming before Jaime, and just barely managing it apparently, as she saw Jaime's eyes rolling up in bliss after a short while. Feeling Jaime's fingernails digging into her back, clawing at her smooth skin, Lena pounded in and out as fast and hard as she could, likely hilting a few times as Jaime's cervix and the entrance to her womb gave way for her large shaft. "Y-Yeah I can get you pregnant... as far as I know," Lena grunted as she kept going while Jaime came.

Just before she felt her seed spurting out of her length, Lena pulled out, or tried to, where she emptied her balls all over Jaime's belly and breasts. "O-Oh fuck... Y-YES!" Lena moaned softly, before squealing, throwing a hand over her mouth quickly to stifle herself as she stroked herself off with her other hand to coax every last drop out of her balls, collapsing over next to Jaime after she had finished, her body trembling softly in the aftermath of her climax.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Jaime gasped, manouvering to try to contain the incredible length as Lena pounded away, it wasn't long before Lena would feel the sudden tightening against, just as she began to pulled out, seeming to be successful at her task while it was possible that some may have misfired. Jaime shuddered, laying bac as her hands moved to the shift, gently helping Lena milk out the rest of the seed as it pooled over her stomach and breasts, gently sliding down her body. Jaime giggled quietly, sighing softly as her fingers traced through the semen, playing with it briefly before licking a small amount off her fingers, giving Lena a wink. "S-sorry, about that, a shame, if this becomes a regular thing I'll pick up some stuff so you don't have to stop," leaned on to her side and kissed her neck softly, moving tostroke her shaft of anything that was left, cleaning off the length before moving to wipe herself off so she could move to embrace Lena gently.

She helped them slip back on their clothes and it wasn't long before both of them fell asleep, it had been a rather hectic day, possibly the first of many. If this was what adventuring was like, it couldn't be that bad?

The image of the Orkish woman flash before Lena's eyes before she fell asleep. What did she mean that she was marked, would she run into that Ork again some day? Time would tell.

Lena managed to formally meet the rest of the group over the next eventless day. She already knew Idryll, their leader, and Jaime of course, quite intimately. Glorrizur had been the one who led the wagon, and had done impressively in the battle as well, a kind older Dwarf who claimed to have lived over a century, not unheard of for Dwarves. Lily, one of three elves in the group was fairly aloof, simply introducing herself but not offering much in the way of conversation. Alex, the older man whom Jaime had spoken with spoke little but seemed nice enough. Kyle, a young getlemen apparently apprenticed under Alex and did his best to match the dour gruffness of his mentor. Garren and Kaelae were actually a couple, a pair from southern lands who had found their way up here. They seemed amused by Lena's greetings and were friendly enough, thought their common wasn't great. Ellenfeld was their Gnome medicine woman, her and Ceridyne, a seer rumored to possess some rather powerful magic ability both kept the company in good health. Ceridyne seemed rather taken with Lena and happy to talk at length, while Ellenfeld spoke mostly in riddles. The last of the group was Daniel, who was more intent on continuing to snooze in the wagon than talk but introduced himself once pressed by Jaime to stop being so rude. Nobody was quite sure why Idryll kept him around, until the fighting started anyway.

They arrived in the sleepy village of Barroton around midday. The exchange went off without a hitch, and everyone was given their share of coin. Their protector was heading off for another distant village but requested no guards, though anyone would be welcome to come with them. The Company intended to head back to Farnshold by morning and were thusly camped out in one of the unused fields provided by a grateful villager until then. Idryll gave everyone the day off, although in truth there wasn't much to do in town, little in the way of shopping or entertainment, but a bar was available.

They'd head back, enjoy a bit of rest in Farnshold and set out on their next job when it came in, if all went to plan.

Jaime approached Lena at some point, "You know, we could break off on our way back and go investigating for those missing girls, meet up with the others back in town. I'm sure Idryll wouldn't mind."

Lena's plans? Provided nothing happens until the return back to Farnshold? There might be something worth exploring nearby, but Idryll wouldn't recommend it.

Idryll - elf leader
Jaime - human archer girl
Ceridyne - seer human girl, medicine
Lily - elf spear user
Alex - gruff older dude
Kyle - young serious man, apparent buddy with Alex
Garren - strong ass muscular barbarian
Kaelae - strong ass female muscular barbarian
Ellenfeld - gnome medicine lady
Daniel - lazy human swordsman
Celledin - human ranger
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Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Lena moaned softly, her voice cute and girlish as she felt Jaime's hands moved to keep stroking her length even after she collapsed to her side. Jaime was able to milk out most of the leftover drops from Lena's length as she stroked it. "It's fine Jaime," Lena told her friend, watching as Jaime played with her seed and having to fight the urge to climb back up on top of Jaime again and fucking her a second time.

After they got ready to sleep, with Lena not bothering to get her panties back on unless Jaime simply insisted on it. While she lay there seeking sleep, Lena couldn't help but imagine the orc woman's face, and she shifted around a bit and clung closer to Jaime after she had.


The next morning after she got up, Lena wasn't thinking clearly as she'd just woken from sleep, and she stepped out of her tent completely naked and stretched, yawning as she did, and likely showing most of the group what she was. She'd catch herself after a few seconds, once she felt the breeze blowing a bit, and she'd duck back inside, and get her clothes, blushing furiously as she did. After getting dressed and whatnot, Lena made her formal introductions to the group and chatted as they prepared to get moving that day. After talking to them all, Lena couldn't help but wonder what Ceridyne was so taken with her for, and decided to ask after they'd set out and she'd introduced herself to all the others.

"Say Ceri... it's okay if I call you just Ceri isn't it? Um... so I noticed you staring a bit. S-See anything you like?" Lena asked Ceridyne as the wagons rolled onward, blushing a bit and wondering if the other girl had seen her earlier that morning when she came out of her tent naked.


After they made it to the village, Lena remained with the group mostly, though if any did go to the bar, she would too, and would get herself some mead, sipping and nursing only a single mug that night. "You sure Jaime? Maybe we ought to get back to Farnshold first to ask about where they went missing at. Hmm, if you think everything will be fine though, then I suppose we could, I'm game if you are," Lena asked, wondering if they really should break off before they get to Farnshold or not.