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A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Jaime would do little to insist it, too tired to bother with such trivialities, and sleeping through her show the next morning. Many of the group seemed amused, those most dour said nothing to her, and it was hard to tell if they cared of if they were simply distant. Nobody gave her much grief about it, though the Barbarian pair made some jokes, moreso encouraging than they were derogatory, implying how lucky she was to satisfy such a wide range of partners. Daniel the lazy one would tell her to go do something rather lewd if she didn't leave him in peace.

Ceridyne gave her a wide grin. "I haven't met such a vibrant specimen like yourself." Jaime rolled her eyes and added quietly "She calls everyone specimens...well most of them anyone, don't mind it," to which Ceridyne gave her a conspiratorial wink. "Ceri is fine, it is what most of my friends call me, and I do hope we can be friends. If you're interested in participating in scientific endeavors, seek me out some night." Jaime appeared to have kept her word, but whether from her show, or perhaps the efforts of their bold captain, most of the camp seemed to know.


Jaime shrugged. "A good point, but if we go before we'd save ourselves a half a day of walking by ourselves, might be safer to spend as little time as possible or gather more information. I'll trust your judgement on it, of course, Lena." She gave her a bright smile and, inspite of her young age secured herself a mug as well. While people under 18 drinking was frowned upon in the Capital people at the further reaches of the kingdom relaxed such laws and didn't mind much. Jaime matched Lena, only a single mug, which was wise because it appeared she wasn't great at holding her alcohol. "H-hey, um, so, was last night like...your first time ever?...doing anything? Or just...like that...with a girl." As bold as Jamie was in the act it appeared she was incredibly shy trying to talk about it.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Thankfully Jaime didn't see her display the next morning, nor did anyone really say anything mean about it to tease her, else she might have burst into tears from embarrassment. After getting her answer from Ceridyne, Lena glanced over at Jaime before back to Ceridyne, blushing slightly when she mentioned some scientific endeavors. Lena also tried to not blush too much when the barbarian fighter pair teased her, though when she figured out that they were more trying to encourage her than tease her, she brightened up and chatted with the two some more on their way to the village.


"Y-Yeah it was my first time... e-ever. With a girl. I've never been with a man, though with this extra bit down here, I don't think too many would want to get in bed with me like that. Seeing as how mine dwarfs most men's... y-you know. I've masturbated before of course, been doing that every so often for years now," Lena replied to Jaime, blushing and taking a bigger gulp of her mead before looking over at her again. "And after the orcs attack last night, I think it's best to stay with the group, at least until we get back to Farnshold, though... if we camp out for the night on the way back, then we could go on ahead the next morning to see if we can get back by noon to start looking for those girls. What do you say?" Lena then said, feeling it best to be cautious on the way back, since the orc woman seemed to have marked her, whatever that meant.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"Oh...oh! I hope, I hope it was alright...y-you were surprisingly good for your first time. Very um...bold. Girls like that." She patted her arm reassuringly and gave her a cheesy grin, drinking a large swallow of hers mead.

"Fair enough, a good plan from my brave hero," she giggled brightly and leaned back in her stool, sighing happily. "This is turning out to be a great start, don't you think? Imagine all the stories we'll be able to tell," she looked up at Lena and smiled, eyes practically twinkling.

Did Lena have any further plans until they arrived back?
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"W-Well, my papa, she told me... s-several things and stuff. And of course you were alright, y-you were greater than alright Jaime, you were amazing," Lena replied, blushing further, and unable to help but grin when Jaime did. "Aye, hopefully when we do return home to our families, it'll be richer than ever, and we can both make our parents proud of us," she added, clanking her mug of mead against Jaime's before gulping down the rest of it.

I didn't have anything in particular no, though random things could interfere with their journey of course. :p
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Jaime paused, unsure if Lena had said that her father was a girl, or if it was from the small amount of alcohol that she had imbibed. It certainly made sense, but before she could finish puzzling it out Lena's words caught her off guard, forcing her to blush bright. "You flatterer you, haha, it comes to knowing what I want, and going for it." She leaned over and gave Lena's thigh a gentle squeeze, up higher than any morally upstanding individual had any right to squeeze. Jaime pressed her mug against Lena's cheerily and nodded. "I'll drink to that," she giggled and down the rest of her mead.

It would be two nights until they arrived back at Farnshold and Lena apparently had a standing invitation from 3 of her travelling companions. If she found herself unpressed by any of them, would she seek any of them out? Jaime apparently had enough couth not to worry if Lena had any other partners, the girl had no delusions about what a single night meant even if she appeared quite fond of Lena.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Lena smiled as they clanged their mugs together and drank, enjoying the feel of Jaime's hand on her thigh where it was, and after they had finished with their drinks, Lena made her way back to their makeshift camp. After they arrived, Lena decided to seek out Ceridyne, curious as to what she meant with her scientific endeavors before bed. "Hey Ceri, what uh... what's up? You mentioned earlier today something about scientific endeavors. I'm kinda curious I have to admit," Lena asked Ceri when she got to her tent, assuming the girl was there of course.

Ceridyne was one said invitation, and Idryll another. Who was the third? Or was the third supposed to be Jaime?
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Jaime waved Lena off and made camp with the others, joking around with the group and chatting. It appeared she'd shaken off her newbie status with her last minute rescue of the cargo during the battle, thanks to Lena's direction.

Ceri grinned openly as Lena appeared in her tent. "Ah! Lena you've come, wonderful. I need a sample, won't take more than a moment of your time. Undress for me would you?" Ceri's tent was more spacious than others, and a collection of strange things were laid about in relative organization. Plenty of tomes, mysterious boxes, bubbling vials, the works. She seemed very prompt about the whole thing expectantly waiting for her to undress while she fussed about with her a few things, mixing something together. Ceri gave her a coy smile, "I promise I'll make it worth your time."

Yes, third was Jaime! Sorry for not being clear :) Though I guess we could include the Ork too.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"Um... a s-sample? Of my... s-stuff?" Lena asked, gulping very audibly.

Lena couldn't help but feel blood rushing to her shaft out of sheer instinct more than anything, the thing already rising under her skirt. "And... m-make it worth my while how? And, w-why do you want a sample?" Lena asked curiously, blushing shyly as she lifted her skirt for Ceri, though for some reason feeling a bit of a thrill.

It's alright. And lol, dunno how she'd get involved that night, unless she sneaks into their camp while everyone else was sleeping and tried to tie Lena up and make off with her, or just rapes her in her tent. XD
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"Yes, and a few notes, a few simple observations, nothing in depth, at least, not tonight" Ceri licked hers lips, teasing Lena briefly before giving her a wink, shutting a book and putting it aside, fetching another specific one. "Keep that skirt lifted up, I can see you like a bit of voyeurism or perhaps it's simply a lust for scientific endeavors?" Ceri gave her another coy smile and laughed. "Family history, I assume its entirely genetic? Mother, father, siblings too?" she noted casually jotting a few things in a book as she visually inspected. She slipped a glove over her right hand, shifting her balls aside, inspecting her more feminine sex for a moment, taking a moment to fondle her scrotum gently, inspecting them.

"Both operate naturally, but I assume you haven't impregnated anyone? Just yet anyway?" She noted down regardless of answer, apparently assuming that Lena had already agreed to her little experiment.

Leaned away from Lena for a moment she lifted up a vial, jostled it slightly and inspected it. Popping off its stopper she sniffed and poured a small amount on the palm of her hand, licking it and nodding once.

"Do you find yourself taken with lust often?" She asked further questions, masturbation habits, sexual partners, frequency of sexual activity, marking down her answers while her hand explored the shaft in a scientific and cold manner, unless the prospect of the scientific act excited her, or being bare, it was unlikely her mere touch would be enough to arouse much out of her.

In the middle of answering one of her inquarries Lena would feel a sharp pinch on her inner thight and a sudden incredible warmth spreading from the location. Ceri leaned back, observing her quietly and seeming to countdown quietly in her head.

In mere seconds Lena would become fully erect, both of her sexes showing signs of extreme arousal. It was unlikely that Lena had ever so turned on in her life, in moments her member was thick and twitching, she wanted release desperately, but any attempt to grab at it with her own hands would be met by Ceriden reaching over and swatting them away. It was maddening, almost every thought turned to lust, thoughts of take Ceriden, surely the woman knew what would happen, surely she intended for it right? It would take effort to keep herself contained, but each second that passed that seemed harder and harder. "A moment, please," she add, leaving Lena in that state for about a full minute, though it'd probably feel like much longer.

Ceriden would do her best to seem respectful but there was a coy grin on her face. She worked away on things quietly, keeping her eyes mostly glued to Lena as if curious how she might react.

Could always seek her out, probably wouldn't be too hard to find! :p
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Lena blushed profusely at Ceri's observations, holding her skirt up with one hand and shyly covering her face partially with the other. "Aye, m-my papa's a herm like me. And two of my three sisters are herms too. My younger sister, and the eldest sister. My next sister up is just a regular girl though like my mother," Lena replied when asked about her family. "Y-Yeah, they work, and... n-no I haven't. I only just lost my virginity... l-last night," Lena went on to say soon after, catching herself too late to keep that a secret as her blush deepened.

Lena watched as Ceri popped the top on a bottle of... something, which she poured into her gloved hand. Lena was about to ask what it was when Ceri's hand began roaming up and down her shaft. Considering how Ceri was doing it, it didn't arouse her too much at first thankfully. "Before last night, I hadn't... y-you know, blown my load, since I left home in the capital, about a month or so ago. And before that I generally masturbated two to four times a week, usually after a stressful workout, or day at the tavern I worked at as a serving girl. And Jaime... last night, w-was the first time I've ever had an actual lover, i-in bed at least. Before that, I kissed a girl once before, but that was a couple of years ago," Lena replied when asked about her habits and whatnot.

When she felt the sharp pinch against her inner thigh, Lena gasped and reached down to touch the spot in question, before looking back up curiously to Ceri. Instinctively, Lena began reaching for her shaft as she watched it spring to full mast within seconds, the ache in it and her balls almost too much to bear. When Ceri swatted her hands away though, Lena whined pitifully, but after a couple of tries, she stopped as instructed. After a few moments, when Ceri turned to jot something down on her notes, Lena tried to make another attempt to grasp her shaft and masturbate some, to relieve the ache in her member, but if she was stopped again, she'd meekly let her hands fall to her sides as she sat down, desperately trying to keep from going crazy and doing something she might regret, like grabbing Ceri and doing something to her.

"C-Ceri... please can I... you know?" Lena asked timidly after a minute or so, the need too great to hold out any longer, a pleading look in her eyes.

Heh, I'm sure she's stalking her even now, watching from out in the woods and wondering how she could catch her. :3
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"Yep I thought as much," Ceri said nonchalantly, jotting down something like her answers thought it didn't take long. "Last night huhn? The other rookie right? I'll have to meet with her too, don't worry, nothing invasive," she shot Lena a smile that suggested the truth of that statement was up for debate. "Don't worry, everyone knows, you guys weren't really quiet, and you stepped out of that tent in full view," she chuckled quietly resuming her work. "Nobody cares, well, some might, Lily's a staunch conservative when it comes to those matters, most Elves are, most, I will note." It seems Idryll was a bit of an outsider among her people, considering her forward approach.

"A month? Incredible, I'll bet it was quite the show, was it a lot? I suppose it'd be too much to ask for a proper measurement huhn? Ah, what conditions I put up with. What I wouldn't give for a proper sterilized laboratory." Though Lena had trouble imagining just how sterile Ceri might be able to keep it. "Two to four times a week, pretty average then, though it depends on where and who you ask I've found." Ceri nodded and noted down her history. "Thank you for your frankness, I appreciate a cooperate subject," she seemed sincere reacting little to her difficult confession.

"No, you wait," she noted the first time. "I said wait," a little firmer the second. The third and fourth were met with firmer chastisements. The last one, she looked firmly into Lena's eyes. "Do I need to tie you up Lena?" The glint in her eyes suggested she was searching for something, whatever she saw she would jot something down.

"Absolutely not, this may be the edge of civilization but I am a proper scientist, and I won't have you wasting a drop of my sample or making a mess in my lab. As makeshift as it is, I have a bit of self respect you know," she said haughtily. Ceri quietly leaned back, one hand fishing for something in a black box, the other undid the front of her brown robes, revealing the deep plunge of her neckline and sizable perky breasts, and the upper part of her bra. She retrieved something from the box, held behind her back. "Sit cross legged," she ordered and moved to straddle her waist. Lena's member pressed along Ceri's underwear, and by the faint amount of moisture there it seemed that Ceri was enjoying this particular scientific endeavor.

One hand placed against Lena's chest to steady her. "Just remain calm, I promise you will have release soon." Something was set behind Ceri, out of the side, while her other hand moved to cradle her balls gently, massaging them tactically with the gloved hand. "There, that feels nice doesn't it?" Ceri continued the movements for a long time, the pressure in her waist began to build but she felt little pleasure from the gesture. It was building almost to the point of becoming entirely unbearable and Lena felt sure she would be faced with either the decision to take Ceri right there, or push the woman off and pleasure herself by any means necessary. At the moment she felt like she was about to break something warm and moist behind to envelop her shaft, the hand that worked her balls so deftly had stopped and was doing something entirely out of sight. It felt incredible, she was reminded of the way it felt when she entered Jaime but somehow more powerful. The fit was tight, and whatever it was seemed to contact and squeeze around every inch of her long member. Ceri pushed Lena back, laying her against the ground as she pivoted, shifting back such that her waist was over Lena's chest, sex not terribly far from her mouth. Having turned, and giving her full focus to Lena, whatever Ceri was doing only increased in intensity, whatever her shaft had found itself in had begun to stroking up and down along her member, gliding easily and swallowing up the length again and again.

This would proceed if uninterrupted until Lena was brought to orgasm, another incredible one in as many days and lasting longer than any other before it would have. Ceri giggled in delight the moment it occurred, whatever she was doing slowed but not stopping. The moment her climax ended the intense feelings would subside leaving her a little drained but tingling throughout her entire body.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"Y-Yeah, Jaime. I... I pulled out though," Lena said softly, quickly adding that she'd pulled out.

Lena blushed when Ceri mentioned that everyone seemed to know, because the two of them weren't overly quiet. "I... didn't think we were quiet enough, but I was hoping we had been," Lena said, looking embarrassed.

Lena blushed more and more until her cheeks were so red they looked near to bursting into flame. "I... guess it was a lot. It's been a while, so it's hard to remember," Lena told Ceri, panting softly as the aphrodisiac or whatever she'd been injected with began to work.

"N-No please, don't tie me up," Lena moaned, her cheeks flushing again, though Ceri would see that she didn't look entirely opposed to the idea.

Lena would keep trying to masturbate until Ceri was forced to tie her up, her shaft twitching with need, but after she was tied up and told to sit cross legged, Lena would do so. By the time Ceri was straddling her, Lena was whining pitifully, her balls aching as she began begging Ceri for release again. "Y-Yes Ceri.... It... really feels good. M-More... please," Lena panted, feeling the pleasure coursing through her as her balls were played with. "O-Oh Ceri, what is that?" Lena asked, moaning aloud as she watched Ceri spin around atop her and she felt something enveloping her shaft that reminded her much of Jaime the night before.

Ceri wouldn't go without though after she spun around, as Lena pressed her head forward and buried her face in Ceri's pussy, her tongue instinctively darting out and tasting Ceri's nectar as she lie there under the other woman. Lena's moans were all that could be heard at that point, until she came, and when she did cum, Ceri would see Lena's seed spurting out everywhere unless she did something to prevent it from being wasted.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"A shame," she noted, but didn't appear to care too much. "But good for the girl, it's no life for a mother, even as interesting as studying it would have been," she grinned mischievously. "Well you can muffle the sounds from your mouth all you want, but the sounds of your sex slapping together is somewhat unmistakable, you poor girl." She seemed amused at Lena's embarrassment but didn't press. "You can be vigorous or quiet, miss, not both," she added sagely.

"I understand," she scribbled something down and resumed her waiting. "That's up to you, Lena, if you can control yourself I won't have to. Ceri wasn't sure that Lena could have seemed any more transparent. With something of a dramatic sigh she fetched some ropes and when straddling her moving to bind up her hands with a simple naught, Lena found it would take hours to work out of it herself. It appeared that Ceri was no slouch when it came to knots.

"Good, good, but all In due time," she said, breathily. "Science can't be rushed," her eyes gleamed with delight.

Ceri glanced back briefly when Lena decided to repay the favor. "H-hey now, t-this isn't..." Ceri's complaints died out quickly, hips wiggling gently against the girls efforts, directing them slightly. It appeared that Ceri was already worked up, or Lena's efforts were more admirable than she might of thought. She didn't quite manage to get her off before she came, but found surprisingly that whatever Ceri was doing managed to contain her seed, she felt not a drop of it spill anywhere. Ceri after a moment, making sure to collect every drop, or simply delaying to allow Lena's efforts to continued, wiggled off the girl preventing further efforts. Whatever was wrapped tightly around her shaft wriggled free, the incredibly slimy sensation of it being removed almost brought the girl to a sudden second orgasm. Ceri was quick to replace it into the small black box, but Lena caught sight of what appeared to be something akin to a slimy looking tentacle placed away.

"There, that wasn't too bad, was it?" Ceri gave her a coy smile, leaning over Lena to pull her into a sitting position to undo the ropes around her hands. She sat back finally and made some cursory examinations, counting down certain things, checking Lena's pulse and other measurements as well.

"In the future I expect I'll have more use for you, come see me in a few days if you're interested," she winked. "Oh, of course, I almost forgot." She palmed a coin into whatever Lena had that constituted a pocket, purse or bag. It appeared that Ceri was perhaps literal as well when it came to paying her subjects. She then quickly went back to note taking, entertaining any further questions from Lena, but apparently wrapped up in her work once more.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

At Ceri's words about being vigorous or quiet, but not both, Lena covered her face with both hands to hide her embarrassment, though it was easy to see she was getting a bit of a thrill out of the situation at hand. After she was tied down though, Lena struggled feebly against the knot, quickly finding it would take her quite some time to break free. "C-Ceri please I... n-need to cum," Lena whined before burying her face in Ceri's pussy and eating her out.

It was her first taste of another girl's pussy, and Lena had to admit... that she quite liked it to say the least. Delving her tongue in deeper, Lena licked at her slit, and her clit as well, catching the other girl's clit in between her lips and suckling gently on it. Lena didn't know, nor care what was happening down between her legs anymore, for her orgasm was washing over her and she couldn't contain her voice any longer, save by burying her face into Ceri's crotch, which she did as she squealed out.

Lena was so sensitive, that she nearly came again when whatever was wrapped around her pulled off. Panting as Ceri put whatever it was away and climbed off, Lena lie there, her limbs feeling like limp noodles. She didn't really care too much what it was that had made her cum so hard, but Lena couldn't help but smile back at Ceri when she pulled her back up. "T-Thanks... Ceri. And no... it wasn't so bad. W-What was that... that you used on me though?" Lena panted, listening to Ceri talk and taking the coin she'd been given, before she asked her question.

Once Ceri had answered her, Lena nodded and got up and stumbled her way back to her tent, where she collapsed into her bedroll and quickly fell asleep, unless Jaime was waiting for her, or someone else that is.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"I said you will, you poor little thing," she sighed wearily, not devoid of sympathy for the poor girl, it was her fault after all, but she couldn't allow her experiment to be ruined by...base desires.

Lena's incredible focus drew more than a few sounds from the scientist, even as wrapped up in her experiment as she was she couldn't help but find herself distracted, there were moments where the movements stopped, but they were brief, and didn't stop her from completing her duty. It appeared that Ceri had an admirable control over herself.

"No worries, and that's a trade secret, something I've whipped up myself, but you might encounter it out in the wild. Just be careful, they won't give you a coin and a nice pat on the bum when they take your seed. Get stuck there and you might never escape," she paused for dramatic flare, "because you won't want to." She winked. "Be mindful of those desires of yours."

Jaime waved at her, but seeing that she was exhausted just wished her a good night and made sure she was alright. Lena woke up the next morning with Jaime asleep beside her, curled up on her own, dozing contentedly.

Idryll set out early that day, wasting no time and getting everyone up, fed and on the road.

Any plans while on the road if nothing happens? Also what are her sleeping arrangements? Share a tent with Jaime?
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"A-Alright then Ceri," Lena said to Ceri, looking a little disappointed at not finding out what the thing was she'd used, but not complaining any about it. When she heard what Cerin said about getting caught by one of the things she'd used in the wild though, Lena's face flushed and her body trembled a bit. "I'll be careful then... very careful," Lena added before she left.

When she saw Jaime, Lena smiled and waved to her friend, gesturing to her to come on into the tent with her if she wished. "I'm tired, but we could sleep together hon," Lena told Jaime, smiling shyly.

After they got in bed, Lena slept quite soundly, and when she woke the next morning with Jaime curled up next to her, she couldn't help but smile as she hugged Jaime close and kissed her on the neck. "Hey hon, wake up, it'll be time to go soon," Lena told Jaime.

After they had eaten, and gotten ready to leave, Lena would ride on the wagon back most of the way that day, until they made camp, where Lena would help Jaime set their tent up and prepare for bed, taking whichever watch was given to them, and when they woke the morning after that, Lena would get up early, and she and Jaime would eat early and head out ahead of everyone else.

I figured the two shared a tent that night in the village, and whatnot. Other than that though they'd head back ahead of the others on the morning after they all left as Lena suggested, getting back to Farnshold around noon or so a few hours ahead of the rest.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

Ceri nodded, nose deep in a book, scribbling notes with another hand without looking at the paper she was working on. "Good, you're a good specimen, I'd hate to see you marred, have a good night," she set warmly as the girl retreated out of her tent.

Jaime smiled, "I'll be sure to join you then," she said happily. It wasn't too long after that that she heard the sound of Jaime slipping into her tent, slipping in beside her as to not disturb her.

The next morning she wiggled for a moment as Lena kissed her neck, cooing softly. "Ah...okay, but just...one minute okay? Just one minute," sleepily she reached over and snatched her arm, pulling Lena over to make her cuddle her for about a minute, sighing contentedly. After a bout a minute, Idryll called out for everyone to get up and she sighed. "Let's go..." she giggled and stole a quick kiss from her before moving out to pack up, get ready and enjoy their meal.

The journey went without incident, perhaps the Ork women was merely blustering? Or perhaps in the camp Lena was rather protected, she wasn't certain. Either way without the goods they appeared to proceed unmolested through the wilderness. Jamie and Lena gained no watch duty on the way back, likely because they had taken the very first watch and the group was large enough to make due, more than any other specific or personal reason.

Idryll didn't seem particularly pleased with the idea, but gave the pair her blessing, telling them to keep careful watch. About an hour into their journey Lena began to feel like eyes were upon her, a sentiment that if she shared with Jaime she would say that she felt it too. Thankfully they were almost clear of the woods from when they set out and a little before noon they had begun to emerge into the clearing, Farnshold not far from them now.

They managed to make it within the gates unmolested, if pressing the town for information they'd find that the bounty remained unchanged. Was there any specific information they were looking for?

Lena has some extra coin at the moment, was there any purchases that she'd like to make? It was unlikely she'd be able to find, or even afford, better equipment, but the town was a decent sized one, anything specific on her shopping list?
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"You too Ceri," Lena told the woman, heading out back to her tent.

Once Lena got back to her tent and Jaime joined her, she snoozed the night away with Jaime in her arms, the two keeping each other warm under the covers.


"Mmm, alright, you are pretty warm and whatnot, so I don't mind staying here with you a minute longer," Lena whispered back, kissing Jaime's neck again.

When Idryll called for everyone to come on out, Lena sighed and returned the kiss as she got up too. This time she didn't forget to get her clothes on first though thankfully. After breakfast, Lena helped pack everything up for the journey back, and they headed out, without any trouble along the way as they made camp for the night.


"Say Idryll... before we go I'd like to ask you something. What did that orc woman mean when she said, I've been marked?" Lena asked Idryll as she and Jaime prepared to leave the morning after, thankfully with Idryll's blessing.

Regardless of her answer, Lena and Jaime headed on out soon after, and were moving at a steady pace. After a while though, Lena got the feeling that they were being watched, and she couldn't help but feel more wary as she tapped Jaime's arm. "Hey... I think someone's following us. Or... maybe I'm just sensing things, it's hard to tell," Lena said to Jaime quietly as they made their way back to Farnshold.

When they reached the town gates, Lena heaved a sigh of relief, as whatever had been stalking them, if it wasn't just her imagination. "Alright, let's look around and see what we can find out about the missing girls okay. And after we find out some stuff, we'll grab some supplies just in case and head out. And we can meet back up at the northern gate here, where we met yesterday," Lena told Jaime before they split up and asked around town.

She'll just get them a bit of food just in case they're out of town for more than a day or so.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"You better not, or we won't have a round two," the sleepy girl turned and winked at her mischievously before leaning into Lena's warm embrace. Jaime actually went to remind her to double check that everything was in order before they got out of the tent but it appeared Lena was on top of it.


"Nothing specific, it's more like a saying I believe, among their people," Idryll began to explain. "If I had to guess it would mean that she either intends to take you as her mate, not something I recommend taking her up on, or that she intends to kill you, though I sincerely doubt it's the second. Stay clear, if you see her, consider trying to run, she seemed like a tough fighter, I would have had a hard time with her." Idryll seemed amused by the notion but gave serious advice. "Move quick on the road, stop for nothing."


"Y-yeah, now that you mention it..." Jaime looked around but neither could find any solid sign of their pursuer as they went, maybe it was just nerves based on the warning that Idryll had given them.

"Understood, we'll meet at Northern Gate, gotcha. See ya soon," Jaime leaned over and stole a kiss from her cheek before heading off about town.

When Lena and Jaime rejoined they pooled their collective information. The total number of missing girls was 3. The oldest was 35, the youngest was 19. Two of them worked at the edge of the woods, considered risky but usually quite safe. They had each disappeared within a week of one another, close to seven days but not exactly. Two had been herbalists, the third had been a shopkeepers daughter, the reason the bounty had been posted to begin with was because of his coin, but the others had chipped in once it had come up. It had been six days since the last disappearance.

Jaime had managed to secure their usual routes, where they tended to go near the woods, which might lead them to some sign of what had happened. Reminding that there was a reward for information, the return of the women and bringing the perpetrator to justice, each separately.

Lena's purchasing of travel supplies hadn't really effected her current surplus at all, leaving her free to buy something if anything caught her fancy later.

"So, what's the plan? Shall we head out for where they were known to be working?" Jaime asked curiously, considering her own thoughts on the matter.
Re: A Journey's First Steps (Mind Flayer)

"I see, well then, that poses a problem. She looked pretty angry after I taunted her like that. I hope if I end up running into her again, that I can get away, or manage to handle her," Lena replied to Idryll, gulping a bit and looking a little worried about that fact.


After they found out everything they needed to begin their search, Lena met back up with Jaime and shared the information that she'd collected. With the extra foodstuffs in her pack, Lena nodded to Jaime who suggested they go to where the girls had been working. "Aye, might be the best place to start. I mean... six days is too long for tracks, but you never know. We may be able to trick whoever, or whatever it was, into coming after us, beating them, and making them tell us where they took the poor girls. If I had to guess though, I would throw out that orc woman from the other night," Lena said, scratching her head before hefting her spear up and leading the way out with Jaime's guidance to the edge of the woods.