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A Lost Home (TentanariX) GMed by plmnko


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
HP = 52, PP = 45, EP = 43, Status = Fine

(This is TentanariX's thread. plmnko is GMing it, so I'm not going to step on his toes and put a lot of backstory here. Hisien-ko is starting at the Hidden Village, which is a town filled with passive demons, naga, dragon-kin, ect. Basically, a lot of social outcasts with a great deal of magical power. It's going to get attacked real quick, so after an opening post or two the tentacle-monsters should show up for fun time.)
Re: Hisien-ko (TentanariX) GMed by plmnko

Hisien-ko Wwas living peacefully in the Hidden Village a place were a great variety of different weird races of humanoid lives, dragons demons and even Nagas like Hisien-ko. It was harvest time and she was in her house it outside the town close a river, she was in her habitual domestic work, just when she went outside to check if was a day free of clouds to wash her clothes when she saw it.

Appeared, hanging above the village. It was a titanic tentacle creature, Hisien-ko haven't saw something than could compare to the giant size of the creature, as it blotted out the sun just above their village. Its surface was gray and flesh-like, with thousands of tendrils swishing about over its surface. It floated above their village, and had it chosen to lower itself, the massive gray abomination could easily have crushed the entire village, and all of its oddball inhabitants. From the great distance, Hisien-ko could see small shapes dropping from it. this being was over the most fertile ground near their home, and as she watched the alien titan hover over her home town for a moment in a mix of confusion, fear and horror.

She now have to make a decision of live stay and wait until help come or these creatures reach her place and attack her or go to help her loved friends than she had made in these few years.
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Re: Hisien-ko (TentanariX) GMed by plmnko

"What in the nine hells is that thing!? It's big enough to block out all the sunshine from the entire village! Whatever it might be, I'm afraid it's intentions can't be anything near good. And it's heading towards my home and our most fertile ground! I have to do something, anything I CAN do to protect our home!" She said as slithered as fast as she could over to her home where the giant snakelike creature was slowly hovering towards and dropping out smaller objects.
Re: Hisien-ko (TentanariX) GMed by plmnko

Hisien-ko went in the full speed than a naga can reach, breaking small plants, moving little rocks and scare little animals giving them the fright of their lives.A time later she reach her house, it was made for persons of her race, so she enter easily and went where she guard her battle things. It was a wooden chest, it had been a loong time of the last time than open it, inside was her leather armor and her reliable weapon named ninjato, she dress herself as always was nearly naked or using a confortable cloth, unless she needed to go to the town or when she had visits.

Just when she nearly end she heard noises outside her house close the door, some growls or something like that, she dont know really what was, maybe a creature of the forest, a friend or one of the weirds creatures of the sky. She was ready unless she look for something more.
Re: Hisien-ko (TentanariX) GMed by plmnko

Hsienk-ko stops short of her house as she hears the growls near the door. She stops and slows down to the regular speed of a Naga. Before she moves up to the house, she readies her Ninjato; preparing to strike. She hesitantly took ahold of her the door handle and slowly opened it before springing in to attack whatever might be invading her home.
Re: Hisien-ko (TentanariX) GMed by plmnko

As stealthy as a Naga can be Hisienko go to the door, prepared to hit the creature without look at her just then someone knot the door "HELP, OPEN THE DOOR, PLEASE!!!""

Hisien-ko open quick the door prepared with her ninjato and saw a Alruane in the floor close the door graped by a weird tentacle creature, the moment was fast but she can remember the young woman who look at her Hisien-ko, help me please
Re: Hisien-ko (TentanariX) GMed by plmnko

"Lily!" Hsein-ko shouted as she saw her plant girl friend she had known nearly her whole life being dragged away by the tentacle creature. "Hold on! I'm coming to help you!" Hsien-ko slithered as quickly as she could and attempted to grab a hold of the tentacle at least enough to hopefully cut if off of her Lily without harming her friend. "Get off of my friend you disgusting little turd!" She cried out as she struggled to get a grasp on it and cut it off the Allurane.
Re: Hisien-ko (TentanariX) GMed by plmnko

HP = 52, PP = 45, EP = 43, Status = Fine

Grapple: 6 + 34 vs 35 succeeded
grapple action 8 + 40+ 12 vs 40 +14 monster fail
Escape attempt 20 + 28 vs 7 + 40 succeeded (she nearly loss even with a 20

The naga started to wrap the aggressor as this tried to grapple her too, but the firm grip of the female avoid it making him lost the chance. Lily use this chance, using all her strength get out with difficult of the tentacles, she try to recover her breath as her body feel the cold breeze touching her drenched body.

So,Hisien-ko continue the grapple of the creature who certainly want to had a time with her, trying to grapple her.
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Re: Hisien-ko (TentanariX) GMed by plmnko

"Alright, you slimey little fucker! It's time for you to die and pay for attacking one of my friends!" Hsienko cried as she attempted to pin the slime creature in a submission hold before raking her now exposed razor sharp claws across its tender flesh. "Die you disgusting little puss bucket!" She screamed as she dug her claws into the tentacle. She would then prepare her ninjato in case the first tactic failed.
Re: Hisien-ko (TentanariX) GMed by plmnko

HP = 52, PP = 45, EP = 43, Status = Fine

Submission hold 12+19+40 vs 18+40 hisienko wins
escape attemp 12 + 2 + 40 vs 12 + 40 cant escape
Attack atemp: fail weird, isnt?

Using her snake body, Hisien-ko inmovilise the creature who try to struggle in vain, as Hisien-ko tried to kill him using her craws, but the slimy skin of the beast and his tentacles make him avoid any damage.
Re: Hisien-ko (TentanariX) GMed by plmnko

Growling in frustration, Hsienko would attempt to keep the tentacle pinned with one hand while using the other to pick up her ninjato and then attempting to turn the tentacle into calamari. " DIE, YOU DISGUSTING, PERVERTED LITTLE FUCKER!" She cried as went to try to slice the tentacle up into pieces.
Re: Hisien-ko (TentanariX) GMed by plmnko

HP = 52, PP = 45, EP = 43, Status = Fine

escape attempt 12 + 1 + 40 vs 17 + 40 escape
Attack attempt: success
damage 6 + 4 + 11 = 21

The naga attack the creature as this on escape from the grapple making a strange noise when the ninjato of Hisien-ko hurt his slimy skin leaving a blooding wound. Meanwhile Lily get up trying to get away to start to cast her magic.
Re: Hisien-ko (TentanariX) GMed by plmnko

"Take that you damned disgusting slimy little bastard!" Hsien-ko cried triumphantly as her blade cleaved into the creatire's tender slimy flesh. She would continue to try to keep the tentacle down so Lily could finish her spell. "C'mon, Lily! Let's finish this disgusting thing off!" she called out to her Allurane friend.
Re: Hisien-ko (TentanariX) GMed by plmnko

HP = 52, PP = 45, EP = 43, Status = Fine

grapple attempt 19+ 30 vs 1 + 40 grappled
Attack attempt: success
damage 8 + 6 + 11 = 25

The creatured tried to attack the naga, as he jump some tentacle plants sprout from the ground and grapple him in the air, it was an easy target for the ninjato of hisien-ko and instantly the creatured was cut in half, his blood fall in the floor as hisien-ko cleaned her weapon.

Her friend smiled and hug her "Thanks, i cant believe it, you are really are good in this hisien-ko, i cetainly will had not chance against them, i just started to learn magic and im not a good fighter like you. . Now all over she can ask her friend of the creature or just go to the town who start to had some smoke over it.
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Re: Hisien-ko (TentanariX) GMed by plmnko

"Will you be alright on your own, Lily? I would like to stick with you and and I don't want to leave to try to fend those things off by yourself, but the rest of the village needs my help too." Hsien-ko said as looked over to the distance to see th smoke raising from her home, "Or if if you feel up to it I could probably really use the help of a magic user. Either way I need to get to the maim part of the village before those monsters destroy it." She said in an urgent but concerned voice as she helped her friend to her feet.
Re: Hisien-ko (TentanariX) GMed by plmnko

"hm...ok i will go with you, just wait a moment," the plant girl run to the woods and after a pair of minutes returned with an a skimp leather armor on than show her cleavage and not leave to much to the imagination, anyway she was always naked int he wood or just using a underwear of leafs, also she had a wood staff and a shield.

Ready, sorry to make you wait they walked quickly to the town until found a weird substance on the floor
Re: Hisien-ko (TentanariX) GMed by plmnko

"It's no problem Lily, but we must hurry. I'm not sure how long the village will last against that monster and it's spawnlings. Stay close to me Lily, and I'll cover you, I'm the one with experience in combat not you, I need you to provide magic coverage, and I don't want to see those things get ahold of you again okay?" Hsienko said as she took Lily's hand and headed out of her hut and out towards the village.
Re: Hisien-ko (TentanariX) GMed by plmnko

HP = 52, PP = 45, EP = 43, Status = Fine

stealth attack: success
grapple attempt 19+ 30 vs 13 + 27 grappled
aphrodisiac 3*5= -15 resistance = 0
Lily is in horny status
perception: success

The pair walked the more faster than they can to reach the town, suddenly Lily fall in a little deep pool of liquid like water and in the instant she start to fondle her body as she remain inside the pool haahhhnnn...ughhh...it feels so good...hahhhnn Hisien-ko dont know the reason of why her friend stay in the pool caressing her body, maybe a hidden opponent was around, the only thing weird was the substance in the floor, but she haven't saw something than could do this, could be some kind of aphrodisiac trap of someone?
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Re: Hisien-ko (TentanariX) GMed by plmnko

Hsien-ko stopped dead in her tracks, watching her friend with an annoyed ad perplexed look on her face, "Lily1'! What the fuck are you doing!? The village is in grave danger! This is no time at all to be jacking your self off!" she cried as went to try to pry her friend out oftje pool and re equip her gear; but she stopped short as the thought that some one or thing may be controlling her somehow, and withdrew her ninjato and looked cautiously around the area keeping her guard out for any stealthed or invisible assailants.
Re: Hisien-ko (TentanariX) GMed by plmnko

HP = 52, PP = 45, EP = 43, Status = Fine

perception: fail
stealth : success
penetration: success
pleasure damage lily14 + 15= 29
pd slime: 20

When Hisien-ko was looking for anyone the little lily started to feel some objects starting to caress her three holes, the creautre also started to play with her breast filling her body with more slime sustance, her moans were muffed and her toungle started to lick the creature of the floor, like both were the only ones in the world. Then she feel the little apendages went inside her, like pistons than were increasing their speed every time when they go inside her, reaching a place more deepest and making her loss herself completely in her blidness