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A new enemy was our friend. (More piracy problems)



The takedown of MEGAUPLOAD and MediaFire's problems pale in comparison to this new agreement.

This agreement was settled on by Google itself and besically states that any copyright holder is able to use a function to automatically fine a pirate or ninja fees upon using download programs.

Not only is it as bad as it sounds, the fees are disproportionately innacurate to their wishes. Meaning they could charge you more than you deserve to be charged at any given point in time.

When asked about this decision, Google didn't say a word.


Grim Reaper
Aug 1, 2014
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Re: A new enemy was our friend. (More piracy problems)

The entire torrent system has taken dozens of hits and scares like that over the years. Remember Pirate bay scares and such? or the huge flood of legal junk/extortion mail in europe a while ago?
Yes, if it stays like that it is undoubtedly bad. Really bad. On the other hand, this is the States were talking about, people will likely go nuts over it should this escalate to the point you fear.
What i'm trying to say is, keep cool, switch to filehosters for a while and wait either for the heat to die down, or switch ISP. Remember, uploading = Dangerous, Downloading = who cares.
And why is it surprising that google is the first to cave? They are basically on the frontline. All the shit and grievances any CR holder has he flings at google first. Thats a boatload of work just sifting through all the DMCA fanmail.


Demon Girl
Oct 20, 2011
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Re: A new enemy was our friend. (More piracy problems)

In mother Russia ISP's give zero fucks.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Aug 30, 2011
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Re: A new enemy was our friend. (More piracy problems)

I'm not entirely sure whats going on here. Those companies have no authority to receive the money they say they are entitled to, so even if the email gets forwarded, it can just be ignored, right?

Edit- Besides, most or all the stuff being "pirated" on this site are only copyrighted in Japan.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Jul 26, 2014
Reputation score
Re: A new enemy was our friend. (More piracy problems)

I don't see how one IPS in US pale in comparison with global file sharing problems. Besides, it's Google. If you're using it you're basically subscribing yourself to anti-consumer experiments of all sorts by default.


Demon Girl
Nov 3, 2012
Reputation score
Re: A new enemy was our friend. (More piracy problems)

The rabbit hole goes deep my pervy friends, educate yourself and help others.



Demon Girl Master
Jul 2, 2012
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Re: A new enemy was our friend. (More piracy problems)

Does it only affect google fiber members or all of google?


Tentacle God
Jul 11, 2010
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Re: A new enemy was our friend. (More piracy problems)

I find that there are less reasons to be using anything google related nowadays. Compared to other search engines such as yahoo, google doesn't seem to be yielding as much results as it used to, especially if it's in regards to torrents.


Mystic Girl
Apr 13, 2010
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Re: A new enemy was our friend. (More piracy problems)

I find that there are less reasons to be using anything google related nowadays. Compared to other search engines such as yahoo, google doesn't seem to be yielding as much results as it used to, especially if it's in regards to torrents.
using multiple search engines for years, Its nice when the browser you are using has the ability to just add as many search engines as you want.

Anyway yes its google, nowadays they just live from the convenience of the people who just don't bother with anything else, anyone remember IE havnig 80% of the browser market share, yeah same thing here.


Jungle Girl
Apr 12, 2015
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Re: A new enemy was our friend. (More piracy problems)

Edit- Besides, most or all the stuff being "pirated" on this site are only copyrighted in Japan.
Is this valid/true? Curiosity abounds; does the US not acknowledge JP Copyrights n' stuff?


Feb 27, 2009
Reputation score
Re: A new enemy was our friend. (More piracy problems)

Is this valid/true? Curiosity abounds; does the US not acknowledge JP Copyrights n' stuff?
Well, they can't claim something they don't own.
(Now if they do license it, like Fakku did and the they took down various stuffs from sad panda)
Although the whole copyright is a double edge sword at times. Sometimes the holder don't really care about certain cases, but if they let one case go a real villain will shows up claiming "hey, you let THAT one go, gotta play fair yo (the irony in that statement...)"

And lawsuits across country hardly ever work, see China and their blatant plagiarism spree.

From reading that topic:

Basically, these 'copyright holders' send large amount of letters to 'offenders' threatening to take legal action and then offers an alternative by having them pay settlement fee. i.e. good cop bad cop routine, in a more mob shakedown-y way.

And records have shown they rarely, if ever, take anyone to court for real.

So instead of leaving their customers to be terrified by this terrorist tactic, most ISPs either cut off the settlement part (technically the warning is given, the customer isn't fooled into paying when there's low risk of them getting sued) or doesn't even bother sending the threatening letter to begin with.

That one is about how Google is sending out the full thing.

Which is kinda ironic that many viewed the dark side of internet as the slum of thieves when this sort of thing is probably more damaging to society overall.


Mystic Girl
Apr 13, 2010
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Re: A new enemy was our friend. (More piracy problems)

Often its not even the copyright holders them self, but just some law firm suing in the name of multiple copyright holders and the initiative is going out from the law firm. They just say hey, you pay me nothing you get xx amount of money from each successful case and rest is for me.

Its often done by shady lawyers which you usually don't see doing anything else but exactly that.


Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Re: A new enemy was our friend. (More piracy problems)

They typically don't prosecute because it's a royal pain to actually PROVE that someone has pirated something, short of them confiscating your computer and actually finding the files there. Funny thing about cyberspace, information and thus evidence, is malleable.

Also, while I'm not completely sure on this, I do believe that the person who's name is on the bill IS liable for any and all piracy done on their connection.

My ISP has been doing stuff like this for years (maybe not quite as far) and that hasn't stopped me.


Tentacle God
Jan 31, 2010
Reputation score
Re: A new enemy was our friend. (More piracy problems)

Will be fun to see them do this especially since some countries have legalised piracy if it's for your own use.


Jungle Girl
Apr 23, 2013
Reputation score
Re: A new enemy was our friend. (More piracy problems)

I'm not entirely sure whats going on here. Those companies have no authority to receive the money they say they are entitled to, so even if the email gets forwarded, it can just be ignored, right?

Edit- Besides, most or all the stuff being "pirated" on this site are only copyrighted in Japan.
The people that are getting these messages don't usually know their rights in the matter. My grandparents got one of these sorts of things once before I taught them how to secure their wi-fi. It basically said that if they didn't pay up $300 they were going to get taken to court and have their names dragged through the mud(it was for porn) and then they would have to pay an even larger amount in damages. No mention anywhere of what the law said about any of this, of course. I told them to just ignore it since it was obvious they didn't actually do anything and nothing ever happened, and this was three years ago now. On the other hand, if someone who gets one of these doesn't know their rights and may have actually done it, they're a lot more likely to cave and just hand over money to these scumbags without a fight because they think they have to.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
May 14, 2011
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Re: A new enemy was our friend. (More piracy problems)

Also, while I'm not completely sure on this, I do believe that the person who's name is on the bill IS liable for any and all piracy done on their connection.
Its gone both ways. Usually it comes down to how well a judge/jury is informed on the details. Its fairly easy for a defense to claim that someone else could have done it...and what about public Internet like Starbucks?

Whatever. The whole notion of piracy is just a fabrication of big business (IMO).