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A Place to Rest (lurker) GMed by ranger

Re: Mithral (lurker)

HP = 15/41, PP = 50, EP = 41, Status = Injured, Grappled, Submission Hold

Stealth: Success!
Attack: Automatic Hit.
Damage: 1 + 6 + 1 + 14 = 22 * 2 = 44 - 4 = 40 damage.
The feral stalker grappling Mithral has been killed.

Attack (Water Elemental) : Hit.
Damage: 9 + 17 - 4 = 22 damage.

Gain 2 experience and 1 darkheart.

Mithral's struggles proved fruitless, but her call seemed to have been heard. Out of nowhere, Shrakur charged into the fray, his head lowered and his sword held out in front of him like a lance. The satyr jabbed into the plant monster's side, and the copper blade went straight through its body. Leaking thin, runny green blood, the monster collapsed to the side, and her conjured water elemental immediately turned and slammed itself into the remaining monster, which had already been damaged by her ice bolt.

The bestial plant, already badly damaged, immediately turned and started fleeing into the woods, zigzagging between the trees in an attempt to spoil any attempts to follow or finish it. Shrakur ignored the fleeing monster, instead helping Mithral up off of the ground. Her water elemental was far too slow to catch up with the creature, but if she wanted to, Mithral might try to strike at it with another spell before it disappeared into the woods completely.
Re: Mithral (lurker)

Panting out a quick word of thanks to her Satyr companion, Mithral focused once again, releasing a blast of ice magic after the creature again as it tried to flee. She wouldn't leave it to allow itself another captive if she had her way, she thought.

Ice Bolt at the fleeing creature
Re: Mithral (lurker)

HP = 15/41, PP = 50, EP = 41, Status = Injured

Casting: Success.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: Enough to kill it.

Taking aim, Mithral sends another bolt of ice at the fleeing creature as it darts through the trees. At first, she thought that she might have missed, but then, in mid leap as it jumps over a rotting log, the plant creature practically freezes solid, and drops to the ground only to shatter into a dozen or so pieces. "Are you alright, Mithral?" Shrakur said, turning to her.
Re: Mithral (lurker)

Mithral panted a bit, hands gripping her arms as she felt some of the scratches the beast had wound up making on her, not even counting the severe damage to her traveling robe she used for ages. "J-just a few cuts and bruises," she admitted, her ears drooping a bit. "I-I take it those were the demons you were concerned about?" she asked, glancing over to the satyr, though any clothing damage she had suffered didn't preterb her as much as worry over Shrakur's concern for her.
Re: Mithral (lurker)

HP = 15/41, PP = 50, EP = 41, Status = Injured

"Them? Nah... They're just plants. Stupid blighters. You ought to have woken me up, if you were gonna go off. And besides, the daemon that's locked here is sealed. Not sure what the was last night, but there's no way he could have gotten loose." Shrakur said, shaking his head. The satyr then took a moment to cut more into the side of the plant creature that he had slain, and after a moment extracted a glowing red stone the size of a grape and promptly handed it to Mithral. "It's a darkheart, if you didn't know." He explained; "You can sell it when you get to town. Alchemists and apothecaries value them."

The two were alone, and although Shrakur was most certainly eying Mithral's nude form, the satyr at least didn't seem like he was about to pounce on her. Her clothing was shredded and she had some nasty scratches, but all in all she most certainly could have been in worse shape. If Shrakur hadn't come in when he had....

(Daemon and demon are different in Dark Gate verse.)
Re: Mithral (lurker)

Mithral examined the stone, marveling at it. "They grow these naturally?" she asked, a look of confusion coming from her. It didn't seem plantlike, but for that regard, they didn't act it either.

Putting it into her bag (One of the few things not savaged), Mithral glanced down and gave a groan, trying to tidy her traveling clothes up a bit, though doubhting too much success thanks to all the many rends and tears. "I figured I could have handled them, but it seems I was outmatched," she responded, a slight blush to her cheeks. 'Perhaps I should tend my wounds and reach town before anything else too, er, exciting happens," she reasons, looking to the satyr again.
Re: Mithral (lurker)

HP = 41, PP = 50, EP = 41, Status = Fine

"Nothing natural about it, but yeah, they grow darkhearts on their own. So do many corrupted creatures, actually." Shrakur replied, and watched as she tried and failed to return to a state of decency. Her clothing was shredded to the point of uselessness, and she didn't have the tools necessary to repair them. "Before you go, you ought to get something to eat. Come on back to camp." He continued with a sigh, and started back the way they had come, making sure that Mithral followed.

Assuming Mithral followed him, he quickly served up the leftovers of last night in a stew, along with some wild rice, and a small loaf of bread that had been dipped in honey. After eating, and perhaps a little minor magic to heal her wounds on her part, Mithral felt much better, the pain quickly fading and her energy returning. She was still basically naked, but she only had to think of what the thing had been about to do to her before Shrakur had showed up to know that she could be much worse off right now. "Are you feeling any better? I can escort you to the border of the lands that I patrol, and point you toward the place that you seek if you feel up to moving."
Re: Mithral (lurker)

Mithral nodded a little as she followed the satyr's advice, soon recovering from her injuries. As Shraktur gave his suggestion to escort her, Mithral nodded. "Considering the circumstances, it may be best if I had some accompaniment partway there at least," she admitted, flushed a little subconsciously as she tried to figure out her plan upon reaching the hidden village.
Re: Mithral (lurker)

HP = 47, PP = 49, EP = 52, Status = Fine

Shrakur nodded as Mithral accepted his aid, and quickly packed up his tent and assorted gear, stowing them all in a small pack that he then slung over his shoulder. That done, the two of them set off through the woods. The rain had finally stopped completely, but the ground was still muddy and wet, and the trees weren't close enough together to prevent the undergrowth from growing thick. Shrakur didn't seem to have any problems with it, but Mithral's going wasn't nearly so easy, and the satyr had to lead them around several particularly dense sections of thorny vegetation, costing them a little bit of time. The fact that the dragoness was completely naked didn't help her comfort much either, as Shrakur was constantly throwing glances that seemed to be well below her neck, and wandering through the woods was hardly pleasant without clothing to protect her skin from her surroundings.

Eventually, they reached a wide, shallow stream and Shrakur called them to a halt. Turning to her, the satyr said; "This is the border of the lands under my charge. I can escort you no further, and the Hidden Village is about twenty miles Northeast of here. Some of my kind patrol the woods, but they are still highly dangerous." He paused, glancing slightly downwards for a moment before looking back at Mithral's face, clearly waiting for something.
Re: A Place to Rest (lurker)

A slight blush would cross Mithral's cheeks as she realized that Shrakur couldn't stop staring. She never really thought much of her natural appearance, perhaps a fragment of her father's side, but it always unnerved her when others took prolonged interest, though she figured it was to be expected considering her wrecked state of attire.

As they reached the edge of his boundries, Mithral stooped a little to catch her breath. Even the hike through the woods was much, especially as she only had roughly the hide of her scales to defend her from ivy and thorns, her pack slung haphazardly onto her back. "T-thank you, Shrakur, for your kindness and assistance," Mithral said, giving a short bow after she recovered a bit. "I very much doubt that I would have stayed safe for long without your accompaniment to this point."
Re: Mithral (lurker)

HP = 47, PP = 49, EP = 52, Status = Fine

The satyr shrugged and rolled his eyes slightly at her thanks, grunting; "Think nothing of it." He glanced around briefly, and then turned to meet her gaze once more as she continued in a normal voice; " Perhaps you'll come back and visit me sometime? It gets very lonely out here."
Re: A Place to Rest (lurker)

"I can try, sure," Mithral replied, giving a small smile to the Satyr. "Perhaps I can bring something back from town to you?" she asked, once again returning to standing, not quite as bothered with her nakedness as much now it seems Shrakur was acting less agitated.
Re: Mithral (lurker)

Mithral: HP = 47, PP = 49, EP = 52, Status = Fine

Shrakur nods his thanks at her assurance that she'll be back, and ponders for a moment on her offer to bring him something from town. "A bottle of brandy or wine wouldn't be too bad one of these nights, to be sure. Perhaps you could share it with me on your visit, eh?" He finally replied after a moment, and staring hopefully at her.
Re: A Place to Rest (lurker)

Mithral smiled a little. "It wouldn't hurt I'm sure," she remarks, her tail wagging a bit behind her. She found it funny that the satyr kept hitting on her, but didn't want to make a promise she couldn't keep. "But I guess first I have to get there, hmm?" she replied. "Either way, thank you..."
Re: Mithral (lurker)

Mithral: HP = 47, PP = 49, EP = 52, Status = Fine

Smiling and nodding his thanks even though she hadn't outright agreed to anything, Shrakur said; "Oh, it was my pleasure Mithral. Travel safely, alright? It's not too far to the hidden village, but that doesn't mean you're out of danger yet." With that, the satyr pointed in the direction that he seemed to think that the hidden village was in, and then to the sun. "Keep going that way, and if you get turned around, just check your position against the sun. You should be heading West, and the sun's going to be starting to set, so you'll just need to follow it. Good luck!"
Re: A Place to Rest (lurker)

Mithral nodded and waved. "Thank you, and I hope you stay safe!" she replied, before starting onto her journey- following his directions, and not wavering, but keeping a proper eye out the entire time, now much more wary after seeing what this place had in store if she failed.
Re: A Place to Rest (lurker)

Mithral: HP = 47, PP = 49, EP = 52, Status = Fine

After departing from Shrakur's company, Mithral headed across the stream and through the woods with all due caution. She followed the sun as it slowly edged toward setting, and thankfully encountered nothing more threatening than an agitated squirrel. That wasn't to say that it was a comfortable journey by any means, as she received a healthy supply of scrapes and bruises from an assortment of natural obstacles. Nothing dangerous or even extremely painful, but that didn't make it pleasant by any means.

Finally, however, Mithral broke through the line of trees just as the sun was beginning to set, the faintest hints of orange claiming the corners of the blue sky. A collection of structures lay ahead, clustered against the edge of a large, crystal clear lake. No roads went in or out, and the grounds around it had been cleared for farmland that hadn't quite started to grow to full size just yet. Some of the buildings looked like they had burn damage or holes in them, but from this far that could easily just be a trick of the light or something. She couldn't see anyone moving amongst the buildings, but this was surely the place she had been told about.
Re: A Place to Rest (lurker)

Mithral finally reached the edge of the forest, and gave a sigh of relief, her ears perking up as a result of seeing the town. Even still, if she looked close she could almost see... nah, it must be her imagination, it just can't be...

Either way, she gripped her staff, using it as a walking stick, and with higher spirits began to move herself with purpose towards the village, ready to see her promised respite in full, and perhaps make living arrangements...
Re: A Place to Rest (lurker)

Mithral: HP = 47, PP = 49, EP = 52, Status = Fine

As she drew closer to the village, Mithral began to notice more and more things off about what she was seeing. The damage to some of the buildings, as she got closer, was clearly due to fire. And it was recent. The lack of movement became more pronounced the more she approached the seemingly desolate.

But, just as she reached the edge of the village, Mithral spotted movement coming out of one of the buildings, and very nearly walked into a reptilian creature. It was a little taller than she was, but it was also hunched over, so she suspected that it if stood up straight she would be dwarfed by the thing. It was at least twice her width as well, and its long, thick arms ended in hands ended in five fingers tipped in inch long, razor sharp claws. It stared numbly at her, its flat, lizardlike face unreadable for a moment, not quite sure what to do. It hadn't said anything or moved since she had nearly walked into it, and for the moment it was paralyzed in place.
Re: A Place to Rest (lurker)

The feeling of trepidation grew as Mithral neared, her thoughts of her seeing wrong being dashed as it grew evident that the place was further destroyed. Even still, she moved on, if anything her pace quickened. Perhaps there was someone she could help...

As Mithral reached the village, and the huge lizardlike creature appeared, Mithral froze as well, staring warily at the humanoid lizard even as she fought mentally between saying hello and running back the way she had come. Her hand gripped her staff with a stiffened grip, as her ears drooped a tiny bit, before finally say, a bit of fear in her voice, "H-hello?"