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A study in the eldritch (Lunaraia;Pervy;MortalitasBorealis)


(( New image time!))

"Uuuh Pizza time." The Phoenix Enthused "You have re-earned my respect, demonic one."
She said, munching her overhot pizza. Her graces as fickle as the flame. "I mean if you can conjure me somethin' fizzy.. not too sugary though, we dun want the Korrister getting too high."
The Phoenix grinned with enthusiasm, starting to relax with the out-time, exhaling thoughtfully. "Oi, wait a moment."
She invited, lifting her mug to toast Aya. "Sorry if I be hard on you or your super-witch grandma. 's just.. I'm angry as fuck, always smouldering under the surface. I try not to blame the eldritch grafitti twins, cause I know they were used, in my head I know it, but.. shit.. it's hard for me, ok."
She rubbed a hand through her eyes, shaking off a moment of almost tears. "Me passions and worries burn hot. You better have plans for holding me back once mission heal Christine's done and it gets to burning whoever was behind that bullshit. Thanks for the sips. Now go do boring stuff again so I dun have to."

She waved over, refocusing on Korrie, response nonwithstanding of course.
"Ya know, a part of me is worried about testing out scribblegirls limits. I mean, shieet, imagine she writes omniscient on your forehead? .. Better not to bring that up next to her, eh?"
The Phoenix-pet showed off her erratic, but sharp mind. "The cold sucks for me. It is my primary counter, worse than water, water I can boil. It might be a psychological blockabloo thing but.. fuck us, we're in the middle of dreamland, no real way out of psychologics, eh?"

"Oh it could totally be lewder.. but with Mistress.. but yeah, honestly, we can horny it up a little.. once we kick library butt."
The loving phoenix insisted.
"OI! Earth to Korrie. dream earth I guess. ya were staring off into the distance all inner-monologuey."

She shook, her head briefly, before nodding. "Alright, Korrie, lets do it like that, we munch, we train some combos, we wait for the witch-brigade to return, and ready ourselfs for the trips into the ice-zones. I .. kinda wanna test me ice-flame too, I do wonder if that stuff works better when its super cold but.. perhaps not with stuff on the line, and our energy needing saving up for the library.. heeh.. not like I couldn't out-battery the whole lot of ya, even the old hag."
She grinned, and flexed with fiery energy, before inviting Korrie to do some more flamboyant than martially effective moves with her..
Aya paused for a moment at Fey’s request, Fizzy but non-fattening eh? alright. She closed her eyes for a moment and then a moment later, handed Fey a pint glass full of carbonated mineral water. “That should do it for your request, I would give you some soft drinks, but the best I could do in that regard would be carbonated juice like I made for myself.” She then nodded as Korrie asked for lemonade and soon she was given a glass of that as well.

“A bit of simple homework for you. If you want refills, use your dreamer powers to do so. It’s not that hard. I’ll be back in about an hour with dessert. Enjoy yourselves now.” with that Aya sauntered out of the room, and wouldn’t be back for the next hour. When she did, she would return with 2 banana splits and a tray of condiments that the girls could choose from themselves.


As the twins were burying themselves in the menus, Aila looked up from her own. “If I were to venture a guess, the menu only shows things you would find tasty. However, just because it’s tasty does not mean it’s safe to eat.” She then went silent for a few moments. “That aside… Mind if I order for all three of us, I promise it’ll be nice!” Aila looked at the twins with a hopeful expression.

If the twins let her do that, they would be in for a treat. As Aila called a server order and pointed at a few things on the menu. The server nodded and gave a warm smile. “Of course, little miss, just a moment” About half a minute later, the server would return with a rather large bottle and pour drinks for all three.

A few minutes after that, the twins and Aila would be given a small bowl of berries whose colors changed like the rainbow. “Appetisers, as per the request of the little lady. Do enjoy yourselves.” Eating the berries would cause their eye color to shift through all seven colors of the rainbow in a slow, lazy manner. Nothing hypnotic, unless you were ultra susceptible, but still eye-catching.

As they were enjoying the berries, the main dish would arrive. A large steak with a strawberry like scent. It would have a succulent and well-rounded flavor and only ever so slightly chewy texture. The sauce it was served in was some kind of pepper sauce with potatoes, carrots and a bit of lettuce on the side. If any of the twins checked the menu, they would notice that this steak seemed to invoke sensations of relaxation and happiness when eaten.

If the twins decided they would order separately, Aila would still order these things for herself, and while clearly slightly disappointed, wouldn’t seem too distraught over it at all.