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A Vision of Amber (Mind Flayer)



Demon Girl
Feb 4, 2015
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Re: A Vision of Amber (Mind Flayer)

Let's see... cabin, character creation, navigation, eldritch forest of bad geometry... <consults map> the Lake, combat, then world selection.
The water helps quite a bit... or maybe it's getting out of those woods. Either way, your headache begins to subside as you look around. The river cuts through this forest for quite a ways, the trees growing on either side of its banks. To your right, downriver you can see it begin to open up, though a mist obscures any details. Back the way you came, you can see no sign of the falls where the cabin once was, for the river takes a sharp bend in the distance and disappears from sight into the forest.

Beyond the river, you can hear nothing. Still, the path is at least fairly obvious now.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Vision of Amber (Mind Flayer)

"Hah... that's good," Amber mutters to herself as she finished drinking the water and looked around.

With her headache subsiding finally, Amber noticed the river opened up further downstream, though the fog was preventing her from seeing too far. Seeing no signs of the waterfall upstream to explore any, Amber decided to head downstream towards the foggy area. "You know what... let's take a risk. It's just the tutorial and stuff, so... surely nothing that bad can happen. Right?" Amber mumbled to herself as she set off downstream from her current position.


Demon Girl
Feb 4, 2015
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Re: A Vision of Amber (Mind Flayer)

There is no-one in the area to answer your question, and nothing immediately happens in response. Just the river flowing serenely.

With the river to follow, even if you need to step around the occasional tree. Only fifteen minutes sees you at pressing through the edges of the extremely low-hanging cloud.

Within, the distance you can see drops swiftly. At the worst, you think you could get a mere three meters of vague detail, and you can only see your hand clearly if you hold it close. The river can still be heard, though a very short ways into the fog it sounds like it's falling a short distance onto water, and you can hear nothing of it from beyond that point.

There might be something else, in the mist, but you can't be sure with the noise of the river beside you.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Vision of Amber (Mind Flayer)

Amber rather quickly made her way downstream where the fog began to thicken and obscure her vision. It began to get so thick in fact that she could barely even see her hand if she stretched her arm out as far in front of her as she could. The thick fog actually gave her the creeps and a shiver ran up her spine when she took a moment to think about it, remembering the various horror movies that had thick fog similar to this in them.

"Jeez, I wish this fog would clear up at least a little bit so I could find my way around easier," Amber muttered aloud to herself.

She didn't want to leave the river's edge, for fear of getting completely lost, but she didn't know if she'd have much a choice in the matter. Along the forest floor, Amber looked around for anything that resembled a path that she could follow, but if there was none, she would follow the river a bit further until she either couldn't follow it any further, or she walked for another five to ten minutes without anything happening. At that point, she would turn exactly away from the river's edge she was at and walk directly that way in hopes of finding someone, or something.


Demon Girl
Feb 4, 2015
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Re: A Vision of Amber (Mind Flayer)

The fog does not let up as you press into it, remaining resolutely impenetrable to any attempts to see through it in defiance to any and all wishes to the contrary.
Dexterity: Amber (2d6=6) vs. 4
Perhaps a minute in of walking along the river's edge, your left foot meets air. You are able to react quickly, though, and through your weight back. You land heavily on the rocky ground, your leg halfway over. Against the bottom of your foot, you can feel water coming in small waves.
Perception: Amber (2d6=7) vs. 10
Immediately to your left, you can hear the river rushing over the small drop and into the water below, but over the noise of that you can hear very little else.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Vision of Amber (Mind Flayer)

As she moved through the fog, Amber kept waving her hand to try and brush it aside futilely. When she stepped down towards the open air however, Amber gasped and barely caught herself before she fell over the edge, falling back flat on her ass. "Whew shit. That was fucking close," Amber panted aloud as she sat there.

She heard the waterfall nearby but couldn't really hear anything else, so she figured she'd try to find her way down to the bottom, thinking that it might be best to follow this river for now.

(Is she just getting lucky on not running into anything? XD)


Demon Girl
Feb 4, 2015
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Re: A Vision of Amber (Mind Flayer)

(I am rolling perception. Amber just isn't having much luck hearing over the river.) Perception: Amber (2d6=4) vs 9
The bottom of the ledge turns out to be about two feet down, and rather water covered. Following it to the right sees a sharp incline leading you down to the water's edge.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Vision of Amber (Mind Flayer)

(Oh? Then shouldn't whatever might be there get the drop on her then? Like a sneak attack on her somehow perhaps. Or is it taking its time about it?)

Amber starts making her way down very carefully after seeing that it's only a two foot drop or so at first. She made sure her legs didn't step too far down in one go to keep from slipping, and she always kept her hands holding the side of the rock face so she didn't hurt herself any. She followed the path down to the water's edge after that, maintaining her handhold on the rocks as she went to keep from falling down.

"That's the last thing you want right now Amber, to slip and break something. Even if this is a game, it'd probably still hurt like you really broke it," Amber muttered to herself softly/


Demon Girl
Feb 4, 2015
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Re: A Vision of Amber (Mind Flayer)

(I want to answer that, but I think I'll hold off and let Amber discover her herself.)
It proves very easy to make your way down, even without much of anything to hold onto. The ground beneath your feet gives way to gravel from the rocky dirt you had seen before, and the sound of the river begins to taper off as you get some distance from it. The gravel seems to run out from the water further than you can currently see, forming relatively flat ground. A welcome change from the mountainous terrain you've been seeing.
Perception: Amber(2d6=8) vs 6
With the river no longer being quite so loud, you can hear something in the fog, coming from over the water. A violin and piano, echoing off of shapes unseen, carrying a .

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Vision of Amber (Mind Flayer)

(lol alright then, I guess Amber will be... pleasantly surprised by something. XD)

As she made her way down carefully, Amber found it rather easy to manage without too much trouble even without holding onto the rocks. She'd figured it would be slippery on the way down, but thankfully it wasn't. When her feet touched the gravel that was along the ground instead of dirt, she thought it was very strange indeed, but at least it was flat now relatively speaking.

"Why's there gravel here I wonder?" she asked nobody in particular as she walked along.

When she heard the music through the fog, Amber felt a bit relieved that she might have finally found someone, or something. "Hello? Is anyone there?" Amber called out through the fog, not really caring who or what it was because she'd been so alone since coming here really.


Demon Girl
Feb 4, 2015
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Re: A Vision of Amber (Mind Flayer)

(That's for once you get to the center, I believe. This one... wasn't intended to be such an encounter. Sorry. On the bright side, you have less than a kilometer to go.)
The gravel holds no answers for you, and neither does the fog. A little could be gleaned from the unusual uniformity of the gravel, but not much. Then, you call out into the fog.
Perception: ██████████ Remnants (2d6=8) vs 10, they fail to hear you.
There is no response, no change in the rather depressing music.
Defense: Amber (2d6+2=13) vs ██████████ Remnants (2d6-2=7), 0 FP lost

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Vision of Amber (Mind Flayer)

(Cool cool)

Hearing no change to the music, nor any response to her question when she called out, Amber continued towards where the music was coming from to find out who was playing it. "Hello? Can you hear me? I'm Amber," Amber called out to the ones playing the music, hoping they would answer her this time as she moved through the fog towards where she thought the music was coming from.


Demon Girl
Feb 4, 2015
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Re: A Vision of Amber (Mind Flayer)

(Oookay, holidays over, no longer have a niece and nephew running in and out, sleep schedule... still massively off balance but stabilizing, time to get back to this. Sorry for the delay.)

On your third step forward, your foot hits water, the ground's slight slope seeming to continue beneath the surface. In the mist, you can't really tell how far away the noise is from here, but if it's too much further you rather suspect that you shall have to swim.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Vision of Amber (Mind Flayer)

(No worries dude. People got irl stuffs they need to do too. Young niece and nephew? Just curious.)

As she began stepping forward, she felt her foot fall into the water, Amber bit her bottom lip and felt to see if there was a current in the water and if there was if it was a strong one. If it wasn't a very strong current, then Amber made the decision to head out into the water to see if she could find whoever was playing the music.

"Hello, please answer me. I'm kind of lost, and a little scared," Amber called through the mists as she started out into the water, wary of her surroundings and swimming out if necessary with her dagger in her mouth just in case so she could whip it out at something that might come at her.


Demon Girl
Feb 4, 2015
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Re: A Vision of Amber (Mind Flayer)

(Yeah, and probably shouldn't say anything more.)

You receive no response to your words, sadly, but the current isn't particularly strong. You could swim it.

It seems that that will be needed, too, as you soon reach the point where you can no longer feel the bottom. You even have a target to swim to, and so you set out. Time proves easy to lose track of, in the mist.

You take perhaps three-hundred strokes, feeling somewhat tired from it, before you see something besides water and mist. Two someones, actually, and the source of what you've been hearing.

The girls float slightly above the water, both clad in black. One has her hands upon a keyboard, the other a violin. Tears fall openly as they play, and you think you can see through them.

They have still not taken notice of you, simply facing off to your right and performing.

(I want to spoil the story so badly... but I also want to work on letting descriptions write the story on their own without me needing to explain.)

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Vision of Amber (Mind Flayer)

(Sounds like that one fey from Pathfinder that's always crying or something like that, the Rusalka or whatever its name is. And no worries about the niece and nephew, wasn't gonna ask anything else about them, was just curious is all.)

Deciding to swim the river, stream, or whatever it was, Amber kept going even after she was forced to keep swimming as the ground dropped away. When she managed to make her way out far enough, she looked up to see two ghostly looking women, both crying as they played their music. Amber gasped at the sight of them and felt a twinge of fear go up her spine, thinking to herself that maybe she should go back. The adventurous part of her though overpowered the rest of her and she looked up at them again.

"Hello? Are you alright ladies?" Amber asked them again, reaching up to touch the nearer one's leg to try and get her attention.

If she still couldn't get their attention, then she would swim some more towards the direction they were facing, hoping to find out just what was going on around here.

(I don't mind if you spoil a little bit. Just so long as something sexy happens to her. :p)
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Demon Girl
Feb 4, 2015
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Re: A Vision of Amber (Mind Flayer)

At once not too far off and rather far afield, but then this isn't a particularly easy thing to guess.

So... spoilers.
First off, the hints:
The music. It isn't the traditional song for such a thing, but the tone is a hint.
The poltergeists are both facing towards the west.
Both are wearing black.
Alright, so there weren't as many hints as I thought there were.

The short of it, the poltergeists are sisters. Until recently, there was a third. They are currently having something of a small funeral, though they're fading as well.
Ah, yes, should probably keep records of rolls or something.
2d6+2 (5) vs DC 10: Oblivious to the world
2d6+2 (11) vs DC 10: Noticed.
2d6+2 (10) vs 2d6+4 (13): -1 FP

Sexy times (2d6=11): Eager.
No response comes from speaking, but as your hand passes through her leg the keyboardist notices you. Surprise passes over her face, then curiosity. "A human? What are you - no, no time.

"You need to get out of here. The portal is that way." The other doesn't open her eyes, though as the violin is left to stand alone the melody seems to grow from mournful to outright depressing. Literally; you start to feel tired from hearing it.

The one who spoke seems to want to go with you, but a significant glance towards her counterpart suggests that she won't be leaving. Her pointed finger is pretty clear about where to go, however.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Vision of Amber (Mind Flayer)

(Oooh, the Mist Sisters from Fairy Fighting then? XD)

"No time for what? Please, if I can help you I would like to," Amber asked curiously, rubbing her eyes gently as she began to feel a bit tired from the music the violinist was playing. "And why do I need to leave? I don't understand," Amber went on to say, yawning now, but looking to where they were pointing.

If they wouldn't answer her on any of those matters, Amber would reach out to them one last time with a sad look, obviously wanting to help them if she could, but she would continue on to where they were trying to get her to go. She hoped that at least she could figure out what was going on here.


Demon Girl
Feb 4, 2015
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Re: A Vision of Amber (Mind Flayer)

(Never played it, actually, so I wouldn't know.)

"I'm sorry, but you can't. This world is dieing, the magic draining away. Our sister already passed. You, however, are human. You can live outside of this paradise, if you get out before it collapses."
Amber vs Unsuppressed Violin of Depression (2d6+2 vs 2d6+4) (6 vs 15) (-2 FP, 2 remain)
With that urging, the girl turns back, already a bit more translucent than she was before. Behind her, her sister continues to play her life-sapping dirge. Though it becomes more bearable when the keyboard rejoins, your limbs are starting to feel rather heavy.

On the mechanics, since this is just about over.

The violinist has a heavy depression-inducing effect to her music. Solo play by her would result in a radius of dying vegetation around her as far as the sound carries, in extreme circumstances such as this. She rolls with a +4 bonus to inflict FP damage.

The keyboardist is, while mourning herself, trying to moderate this behavior and make up for the absence of the middle sister, who would usually cancel out the depression with her mania-inducing music. When she plays, she induces a six point penalty on the violinist's rolls, which keeps things bearable.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Vision of Amber (Mind Flayer)

(Never played Fairy Fighting? Oh goodness. If you can you should, because it's given me plenty of ideas for my RP's, and it's a good H-game to boot. Also I'm confused as to whether or not they're good or bad, though it makes no difference really in the end. :p)

"But, I can't just leave you here. Surely there's something I can do," Amber said to them, looking up as she felt her body starting to feel rather heavy in the water.

If they still didn't wish for her help, Amber would start to head in the direction they urged her to go. She knew at that point the only thing left for her to do was get out of there. Hopefully, she would find some answers as to what was really happening, because she doubted that the world she was in was dying. It made no sense that it was dying, because she'd just gotten there.