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A War of Blood Soaked Golden Wings (Kala;Blu)

Re: Giotto, The Great Dwarf Queen (Kala;Blu)

"They agreed to the truce because they respected the speed and capability of dwarven craftsmanship when put to the test, which was to construct a likeness of one of their war heroes. There exists an opportunity there to not merely co-exist, but to strengthen the bonds between your two cultures, if that is something that interests you. After all, you are the leader of the dwarves, and you know your people best. I merely offer it as a suggestion, for the lizard folk are formidable and brave warriors. If ever an outside force were to threaten your underground civilization, it might be useful to have a friendship with the, erm... scalies."

Kala shrugged, then decided it was time to move on to other subjects.

"So I observe that Isabell has failed in her efforts to mortally sunder your metabolism with her brews. Happily failed, I might add. We're not here to actually send you to your ancestors through drink, right Isabell?" Kala eyed the scientist with a crooked eyebrow formed of slime and put emphasis on her words to suggest that it was meant to be a cautionary reminder to her companion not to kill the dwarf.

"If you feel that Isabell has fulfilled her part of the bargain, does that mean that we may have the Magi construct a power generator with your craftsmanship?"

For the time being, Kala refrained from mentioning Metal who was still swirling inside of her. If the queen noticed and mentioned something about her, then Kala would bring up that minor issue, but for now she wanted to be certain about achieving her primary reason for coming here. The journey had been long and difficult, and her diamond heart was aching to return to Erik. All the talk about finding Metal some decent food reminded her that she was likewise dealing with a withdrawal symptom, that of the bond of love with her chosen mate.
Re: Giotto, The Great Dwarf Queen (Kala;Blu)

Giotto laughed at Kala's suggestion. "You think that's right? I can't see us coming to their aid, or they to ours! The scalies go on about individual strength, and mock those who cannot fight for themselves. Why, we offered them our services, long ago, to give them perfectly crafted blades in comparison to the shoddy messes they call extensions of themselves. They got all proud and huffy, turning us around and instead choosing to continue making their amateur creations! The scalies wouldn't know true sword craft if it stabbed them in the butt!" said Giotto.

"I always aim for perfection. In general." was all Isabell Queen had to say in response to Kala.

At Kala's reminder, Giotto scratched at her 'beard' for a moment, stroking the hair that ran down along the sides of her cheek and was tied together at her chin. "Hmm... Yes. They may borrow our resources. But I've heard of humanity's greed. They best not take more than they deserve!" Giotto said firmly, as Isabell quietly looked at the dwarf from her side of the Queen's chambers. Both Dwarf Queen and Magi Queen looked at one another as if fully aware of how readily their relationship can go sour.
Re: Giotto, The Great Dwarf Queen (Kala;Blu)

"I think that you are both proud cultures with your own obvious strengths. You may have had disagreements in the past, but I would hope that with a common cause, your peoples might find some way to be neighborly. Perhaps if you did not insist that your craftwork was better than anything they could produce, they would be more open to the idea of trade. Yes, of course, dwarven craftsmanship is without peer, but when dealing with the proud, it's best not to shove such claims in their faces."

Kala shrugged. "It's up to you and your people. I'm merely pointing out that a good thing happened today, something that could be built upon if you were so inclined."

The diamond slime nodded to Isabell's quiet assertion about perfection, but did not further comment on it, as Giotto was musing about humanity's greed.

"As a former human, I can attest that there are both greedy and honest individuals among the race. I advise you to exercise your expert skills of scrutiny before agreeing to any deal, and to be very precise as to the expectations of any deal that you strike. You will meet both kinds of humans, and some will not understand your culture's thoughts on what is owed.

"If you require an intermediary in the future, you can seek me out. I am mamono, but I have the memories of a human commander, and thus I make it my business to bridge the gaps. If I am not available, my patron element, Undine, can also serve as a diplomat. However, you have both shared a common bonding experience here, I think this is a fair enough reason to give the operation a go, yes?"

Kala's slime hands moved foward, taking Isabell's and Giotto's in her grasp and brought them together, so that the human and the dwarf queens could shake upon the deal.

"Cooperation between humanity and mamono-kind is the future, let's take a step in that direction right here."
Re: Giotto, The Great Dwarf Queen (Kala;Blu)

"Yer an idealistic one, ain't ya, slime?" Giotto laughed heartily. "You must have a lot of friends to be sure, but don't let that kind attitude allow others to use yah!" she advised Kala, before her hand was put with Isabell's. Giotto looked at her hand strangely, as if a bit hesitant to do what comes next as her expression turned serious. After a moment, Giotto did shake hands with Isabell.

"Aye, we be allies for now." Giotto agreed.

"For now, you say?" Isabell inquired.

"I wouldn't put it past a human to turn traitor. We'll see. If yer a good girl, there ain't nothing to fuss about." Giotto promised.

"Same to you." Isabell replied, their deal seemingly complete.

Then, Cleska spoke up inside of Kala. "These alliances you're trying to form won't last. The moment one sees benefit in breaking the alliance, they'll betray one another. Mamono are monsters, not people. It's in a mamono's blood to fight. You can't accomplish your goals."

"It's a good thing we can give them something to fight then, isn't it?" suddenly replied Isabell. "Why, the angels and demons that try to assert themselves on our lands sound like good targets, don't you agree?" Isabell chuckled, though Cleska went silent again.

Giotto hummed at the conversation that went on. "Long ago, before either of you were born, there was someone like you, ya know." Giotto said to Kala. "Wasn't a slime though. Twas a young girl with black hair. I forget her name, unfortunately. She had a lot of friends, like you. It helped to carry her far, I think. She united various kingdoms and tribes of mamono into alliances and to cease their fighting. At the time, we had a greater enemy from the west. They bonded together to fight that threat. The girl even got the gods of Zippangu to ally with one another! And that wasn't easy, oh no!" Giotto chuckled. "Thing is, once the east won the war, the alliances slowly began to break apart. The fighting began again. I don't recall what the girl did after that. Maybe she tried to stop the fighting again, but failed? Who knows." she shrugged.

"Some mamono will always be bad. Many humans won't bother to associate between a good mamono and a bad one," said Giotto. "Just brought that up because you reminded me of that girl. That peace seeker. Good luck to ya, on yer quest for peace. You certainly chose a difficult job."
Re: Giotto, The Great Dwarf Queen (Kala;Blu)

"Idealistic? Yeah, maybe..." Kala answered the dwarf queen. "But if you're going to convince people of your vision, they have to trust you. And trust is hard to earn. Maybe I'll get used, but that's all right. I'm a slime, like you say. I've got time."

The diamond slime was pleased that after only a moment's hesitation and a few clarifying words, the two queens were able to shake on the deal. That was the start that Kala had hoped for.

When Cleska spoke up from within her, Kala was surprised, suddenly reminded of the devilish creature that she still kept on her person. She let Isabell be the one to remand Cleska. For her own part, Kala had no reason to argue with a madwoman. They were so diametrically opposed to one another that it would be a waste of time and breath to bring up points of harmony and common good to a sadistic machine spirit.

Giotto interrupted with her own story - a piece of history that she thought relevant to Kala, and perhaps it was. The slime gave it her attention, and nodded when it was finished.

"History has a way of repeating itself. Strife is sure to come again, even if all I wish to set right comes to pass. But if hardship and war are cyclical forces, then so too are peace and tranquility. It is time to tip the scales once more in our favor, and keep it there for as long as we are able. It's the best we can do with the time we are given. And after all: it was the reason I was brought back. I've made a promise. This is my purpose. Even if the road I must travel to see it done is difficult, the promise of that coming dawn is enough to carry me."

Maneuvering her slime around, she brought the Cleska doll forward in view of Giotto.

"This is one of those beings who would be an agent of strife. Her name is Cleska. If you have not heard the name before, I can only say that she is an enemy to all mamono, and by extension, she is an enemy to humanity as well, for any fomentation of war will cost lives on both sides. By her nature, she is indestructible, but her spirit is trapped in this weak form. I need to find a suitable prison, where she would be kept safely trapped and unable to harm herself so that her spirit could find refuge in a larger machine. Do you have such a place here, Queen Giotto?"
Re: Giotto, The Great Dwarf Queen (Kala;Blu)

Giotto shrugged at Kala's speech. It wasn't in a disregarding manner, rather Giotto seemed to respect determination. What Giotto seemed to be shrugging at was the unlikelihood of her success. "I've come to find that there's no help in talkin' reason to yer type. Best give ya a pat on the back and a little support out of good nature before seeing you on yer way." Giotto nodded. "Though, unlike that girl, ya aren't entirely alone. News abound I've heard of other people seeking the same peace, all a result of Fate seeming to throw all of her good will in the right places. But she strangely enough gave some of her power to lesser liked folks. One among them, I believe is that Cleska right there in yer goo." Giotto pointed out that Cleska was one chosen by fate much like Kala herself. "So fated ye must be, to do battle with others chosen by fate, as well as everyone in between. That's the ideal anyway, but all it is I've seen is a power boost. Those chosen by fate are just stronger, and seem to attract people to them a lot more easily, likely for the same reason. So some who found out they were chosen got this idea of immortality into their heads. They vanished right quick! Toh-ho-ho!" Giotto laughed at the tragedy of the foolish.

"Seems yer not so stupid, and made of tougher stuff to boot." Giotto nodded. "Still, you need a fine head on yer shoulders. Chosen ye may be, but powerful, ye are not. Greater forces will be lookin' to hunt you down, so the social issues of mamono aren't the only things you have to bother yerself with!" Giotto laughed. "Still, ya seem like a fine sort. If you've got the patience, you might even be able to hold a conversation with the gods of the mystical forest! Or so they call themselves gods. I heard they still bleed just like us! Toh-ho-ho!" Giotto laughed.

And then, Kala suggested something interesting. Giotto got a rather evil grin at Kala's idea. "Tell ya what, lend me that little doll and I'll give ya a parting treat ya might enjoy!" Giotto announced, waiting for Kala's decision whether or not to trust the dwarf.
Re: Giotto, The Great Dwarf Queen (Kala;Blu)

Kala didn't entirely understand the workings of fate, or the concept of it being personified as a sentient being. The idea that she might be chosen by fate along with others and destined to do battle wasn't something that particularly thrilled her. She would rather think of things as simply doing what needed to be done to make the world a slightly better place.

"I'm busy trying to better understand the capabilities of my form too," she mentioned. "I've found a metal slime among your tunnels who might be able to teach me a few things about protecting myself from physical attacks. So I'm not slacking on that end, I can assure you."

When it came to discussing what it was they might do with Kleska, the diamond slime thought it best to not offend the dwarf queen by refusing her help, and she felt it was fair enough to trust that the queen would not risk her own kingdom by letting a force as evil as Kleska free.

Nodding, Kala drew the diminutive creature forward and held her with a slimy tendril before Giotto.

"Take care with it."
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Re: Giotto, The Great Dwarf Queen (Kala;Blu)

Cleska's voice went screaming through the air as she was thrown, before Giotto caught the Cleska doll in midair. "Won't take long. Ya might even thank me, or be quite amused!" she announced, before turning and seeming to head to some little workshop she had near her throne and leaving behind a promise that Kala wouldn't have to wait long. Kala would be perhaps intrigued by the sounds she'd mostly hear from Cleska in the meanwhile.

"Unhand me, midget!" Cleska spouted offensively, before a loud metal clink was heard from within Giotto's workshop. With the doors shut, only sound escaped. "Wait... What is that?" Cleska inquired. "What is this!?" she exclaimed, sounding nervous while Giotto only chuckled at her. The magic within the room seemed to thicken as Giotto powered something up. Cleska went silent despite all that was happening, but a sudden boom of power threw the doors open from the force coming from within, allowing Kala to see within. Cleska was strapped to a vertical table with the eyes of her doll rolling back. A device was connected to her head, linked to a larger machine that looked much like an iron maiden. Kala would feel Cleska's powerful life force switch between her tiny body to the large iron maiden, the Cleska doll going lifeless the moment it happened. After the transfer, a moment passed, before the doors to the large metal container slowly opened.

Out walked Cleska. Long white hair flowing, both eyes yellow, face entirely human, and nude as the day she was born. Looking at herself, she grinned. "Ha-ha-ha...!" She laughed slightly, before looking to Giotto. "You fool!" she declared, before turning on the dwarf as if to attack.

"Kneel." Giotto voiced, before Cleska suddenly halted all action and took a knee before Giotto.

"What the hell?" Cleska voiced with frustration.

"I am your master. You will respond to my statements with 'yes mistress' from this point on!" Giotto declared.

"... Yes... M... Mistress...!" Cleska growled, as if struggling but unable to fight whatever was done to her.

"My experiment was a success!" Giotto cheered.

Isabell looked slightly intrigued. "Appears similar to what I had you do to Cleska during your battle." Isabell said to Kala. "Though, how is she being controlled?" she asked Giotto.

"Aye, an artificial soul I created commands the body. The real soul of dis little witch is sealed in the core of this body. Ya don't have to worry about this little bitch bein' threatenin'. She's as weak as a kitten!" Giotto laughed, before putting her hand to Cleska's shoulder and shoving her over, causing Cleska to growl in helpless frustration. "Seems the seal works even on those super strong types. Glad ya provided me such a sample!" Giotto said to Kala thankfully. "I've little use for the white haired demon beyond this. But if you have no use for it, then I'll put her to use as a slave." Giotto offered Kala the choice of taking Cleska or leaving her.
Re: Giotto, The Great Dwarf Queen (Kala;Blu)

Kala narrowed her eyes after watching the bizarre demonstration of soul transferal. Who knew that dwarves had such power of containment? Seeing Cleska being helpless was certainly a good thing, but humiliation for its own sake was not something that brought the diamond slime any pleasure. It was enough that Cleska knew she was powerless still, and was forced to eat her words.

"Can control over the body be transferred from you to me?" the slime asked. "She may have some value to us, given what she knows. But even in a weak form, I would want to be able to prevent her from getting away or doing something that indirectly could bring us harm. If you could transfer power, I will take her with us. If not, it would be best to leave her with you where she will get up to no trouble."

After a pause, Kala formulated another question. "You created an artificial soul? That seems like it's no small feat. But... what exactly is that soul? How do you exert control over it?"

She lowered her voice. "It may be best if you didn't explain such in front of our prisoner however. No need for her to know."
Re: Giotto, The Great Dwarf Queen (Kala;Blu)

"Yah, easily enough." The dwarf replied, looking down at the shamed Cleska. "You, obey her." Giotto instructed. Cleska gave no response, but it didn't seem Giotto's command had failed. Rather, Kala had given to order to truly test it. Though should Kala inevitably command Cleska to come to her, the naked white haired prisoner would obey, with a face strained in a constant frown of anger.

"Artificial souls are just creations that behave like a real soul, but aren't one. Fancy enough artificial souls can make you believe that it's a real person yer talkin' to, but I ain't ever seen one that sophisticated... Or have I? Haw!" Giotto laughed. "This soul just obeys whatever it's told, overriding any commands the prisoner soul may give to the contrary."

With that, Isabell Queen suddenly grinned. "Cleska, sing about how you're a teapot, short and stout." She said.

With a deep frown, Cleska put one hand against her waist. "I'm a little teapot, short and stout. This is my handle-" then she put her other hand up, "-and this is my spout-I'm going to make you burn, Isabell!" Cleska swore, but only after finishing her command.
Re: Giotto, The Great Dwarf Queen (Kala;Blu)

Kala pursed her lips to the side of her humanoid mouth as she observed the artificial soul display. It certainly was effective magic, but would it hold? Would Cleska be able to find her way out of it? Or would some other power, possibly angelic, seek to release the psychotic witch from her physical prison.

"Impressive." Kala commented, then turned an eye towards Isabell. She didn't know if she liked the cruel streak, even if it was to toy with a terrible war criminal who deserved this and worse.

"In light of this, I think that we shall keep her with us. Better to keep our enemies close. Queen Giotto, I thank you for your hospitality. It is my sincere hope that this cooperation will always be mutually beneficial. I have only one more thing to discuss with you, and that is the slimegirl I have found in your tunnels. Given her elemental peculiarities, we have been referring to her as Metal. She is with me now."

Here, Kala showed the differing colored metal slime within her mass to the queen. "I don't know what your kingdom's view is on her, but I'm curious to know if she would like to see the world outside of your mountain home, and if you have no issues with that."
Re: Giotto, The Great Dwarf Queen (Kala;Blu)

Giotto only gave one look at the slime before shrugging. "She looks like some residue that dripped from me forge and took life to itself. I'd just recycle her for materials, but seems like you've a use for her! Make her into some fancy slime-armor for yerself, and tell everyone you got it from Giotto's forge! I can never make enough money!" the dwarf announced, while Kala would indirectly recall why Dragon's make their nests often in mountains. Their reasoning is that dwarves harvest gold in the mountains, so whenever a dragon desires more material wealth, they need only attack the dwarves. Though dwarves also have begun to produce anti-dragon weaponry as a result of these attacks.

Then, Cleska turned her yellow eyes to Kala. "Don't make me walk around naked, mutant! Give me something to wear!" Cleska demanded.
Re: Giotto, The Great Dwarf Queen (Kala;Blu)

Kala offered Cleska a quizzical look.

"Ashamed of your new body? It's not like those tits are even yours. But oh, very well. I suppose we can find some rags for you." The diamond slime looked inquiringly of Giotto to see if the dwarf queen knew of any spare garments that could be given to the prisoner. Truth be told, the slime didn't really want a naked woman following them either. It would raise too many questions.

She was also thankful that Metal would be allowed to come with her, and she asked once again to confirm with the new slime that she would be comfortable going on a journey.

"You can stay merged with me, that way we can move at a good pace. The world outside's too big to traverse at slower speeds."
Re: Giotto, The Great Dwarf Queen (Kala;Blu)

"Talk down to me now, but your victory was a fluke. I was about to destroy your heart before you-" Cleska was silenced by Giotto tossing a load of clothes at Cleska's face. They weren't rags, and upon closer inspection by Cleska they were found to be quite lewd maid garments, with alterations along the lines of a pointless skirt, exposed midriff and exposed cleavage. On top of it all, it looked far too small for her, meaning everything clung tight once she finally put it on. "What the hell is this!? These feel like they were designed for a midget!"

"Designed for a Dwarf!" Giotto announced, slapping Cleska's ass sharply and drawing a suppressed yelp as she bit her lower lip and snarled at the dwarf queen. Meanwhile, Metal agreed to Kala's plan, her slime reshaping to appear more like bikini armor than anything else, while the rest of her substance reshaped around Kala's heart, giving her a feeling of even greater security against outside threats. Still though, Metal was heavy. Kala could still move at a decent pace, but Metal's weight was slowing her down a bit.
Re: Giotto, The Great Dwarf Queen (Kala;Blu)

"Victory doesn't care about flukes. It cares about results. You should be thankful I'm not having my new friend here dig a nice deep hole beneath the mountain and leave you there to rot for all time," Kala growled back at her enemy.

The diamond slime was appreciative of Metal's efforts to safeguard her body, particularly the heart which was the core of her existence, and as Cleska had pointed out, was something that could be destroyed by someone with enough magic and power to punch through her innate defenses. Having the metal slime forming its various stylish protections reminded the ex-Magi of wearing ceremonial plate. Heavy, but manageable. The protection was worth the lack of speed, she figured.

"Right. I think it's high time that I got back to Undine's Temple. Isabell, would you and the soldiers mind giving us a lift?"
Re: Giotto, The Great Dwarf Queen (Kala;Blu)

Cleska looked ready to fight with words against Kala for days on end, but seemed to think wiser of it as she bit her tongue. Meanwhile, Isabell nodded at Kala's request. "You'll take ages to get there with that slimy body, but I myself cannot grant your request. It'll be cramped, but ride with Biggs and Wedge. They'll be able to make that little detour." Isabell stated. "I must be off back to the Magi fortress to establish myself as the new leader. An event that took far too long as it were~" Isabell said with mirth, glad to be in control.
Re: Giotto, The Great Dwarf Queen (Kala;Blu)

"Oh, I'm okay with tight spaces," Kala said with a grin, and didn't say anything more about her own feelings towards Isabell's ascension to leadership over the Magi. It would work out better than Cleska being in charge, that much was true at least.

She led Cleska back out to the area where Wedge and Biggs could be found and let them know what the next step in the journey was to be. She also explained Cleska's presence in a new body, and made apologies for the awkward uniform, but it had been all that the dwarf queen had readily at hand.

"I just need the two of you to drop us off at Undine's Temple, then you're free to go back to the Magi, or stay a while and get an understanding of who the aquatic mamono really are before heading home. There's a lot of good I think the two of you might get from seeing another side of mamono life."
Re: Giotto, The Great Dwarf Queen (Kala;Blu)

When Biggs and Wedge saw Kala walking out with Cleska in tow, they didn't seem to understand who that was at first. They actually took the initiative to introduce themselves to her, assuming her a friend of Kala's, but then Cleska raised her raise at them, and the two seemed to recognize those evil yellow eyes as they took a literal leap backwards. Then they began to panic, thinking that Cleska was actually loose upon the world again until Kala would no doubt calm them and ensure of how Cleska is still a neutralized threat.

"This is Cleska!?" Wedge inquired with amazement. "She doesn't have all her robotic parts..." Wedge noted, indicating that the tits she had still weren't even her own when they last fought, an almost completely remade being, now remade once more to be harmless in a body that obeys commands.

"I never knew Cleska had such a nice ass..." Biggs said, nodding with appreciation from the rear view, before Wedge came over and delivered her palm to the back of his head in punishment. All the while, Cleska was staring straight forward, blank as she seemed to tolerate the humiliation. "I think the outfit's perfect!" Biggs added further, rather happy with the eye candy that Cleska had become.

"Oh, shut up! Horn dog...!" Wedge complained about Biggs, before looking to Kala. "I don't know, Kala... I worry about this man in a place full of women, mamono they may be." She said with a tired sigh.

"I'd love to see Undine's temple!" Biggs declared, his intentions clear, causing Wedge to grind her fingers into his skull, making him laugh despite the pain.

"Biggs will have to fly though, I'm still recovering from those drinks I had." claimed Wedge.
Re: Giotto, The Great Dwarf Queen (Kala;Blu)

Kala shook her head.

"I worried that the outfit was going to cause trouble. Just remember Biggs, this is Cleska. She's trouble, and I don't trust her even if she is in a form I can control. Try not to lust after her constantly. There are far better people to do so with."

The slime nodded to Wedge and agreed that Biggs would do best if he kept his eyes fixed on flying them to their destination. She could also sympathize with the female soldier's worries over letting her brother loose in a mamono temple however. What was it about the magi and their darned sibling complexes?

"If he gets overly curious, he'll be married to an aquatic mamono before he realizes. Best you keep an eye on him."
Re: Giotto, The Great Dwarf Queen (Kala;Blu)

Biggs shrugged. "Yeah, but... We got you, right? You beat Cleska. We should be alright if you're around." he reasoned. "Besides, being eye candy has been Cleska's greatest good that she's ever done yet."

Wedge merely rolled her eyes, leading the way to their transport. "Lets not praise her until she's actually done some good for everyone, not just you." she advised.

Meanwhile, Giotto and various other dwarves came and waved at Kala upon finding that they were leaving. "Oi! Catch!" Giotto declared, before throwing a black device that looked like a fat pistol at Kala, either to land in her slime or actually caught. "Ya want the dwarves help? Then ask for it! Fire that into the sky, east of the mountains! If I see it, I'll come!" she declared, before cheering for Kala the same as the others, merrily wishing to meet again.

Isabell, riding her own machine hovering into the sky, saluted Kala in the customary way of the Magi, with her hand flat over the middle of her chest. "Bloody angel feathers descend upon us, Kala! I'll aid you with your troubles, and you best do the same for me! Ta-ta!" The mad scientist chuckled, cackling like a mad woman as she made a bee-line straight for the Magi HQ.

"It's an improvement from Cleska." Wedge announced, looking on the bright side of things while Biggs got inside the pod, before smiling at them.

"Come on in, ladies~" he cooed at the two who would be joining him. Though he seemed to have eyes on Kala, who he looked most excited about being all pushed up against. So much so that it seemed he couldn't stop grinning; though Wedge was quick to take the back of Biggs' head and bounce it off of the panel, exactly where the button was to start the engine.

"Shut up and drive, and quit worrying about Kala." Wedge scolded him.