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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

so I decided to try Royal Castle Reclamation to verify the current capability of my party.
Congratulations on clearing that 3 star. (If you haven't done it yet)

Now I'm imagining the map Ashurman mentioned earlier has its 3 liches waltzing abreast with ever-pensive smirks down a runway.
If you have a nico nico account:

In terms of Aegis:
Tutorial -> 謎の魔物 3 star [Early game]
謎の魔物 -> 王城奪還 3 star [Mid game]
王城奪還 -> 不死の魔物 3 star [Late game]
不死の魔物 ... [End game, new game+, etc]
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

1 stared 30/3, I have mixed emotions, lol. My silver mage couldn't survive the axe throwers on the bottom so he died, then my bronze mage replacement died to the dragon mage passing. I planned to put my stronger healer (Alisa) on the bottom but that was my only mistake this time. Looking at the footage, my silver mage just barely couldn't make it. So I think exchanging healers would have helped. I think I thought my silver mage would be okay to survive one more hit and that's the one that just barely killed him, it was like a couple of hp off x.x Fluoride was just casting a heal on him too when an axe from the last thrower smacked him in the head. That's my luck.

I finally put Monica there and she did a lot better with her higher defense. I may not have lost any mages if I had her out at the start. Hard to tell but she did pretty well on them. If I had her stronger, she could 1 shot them (With her skill she could). She's also only level 26. Still, I probably could have made it just by switching Fluoride and Alisa.

The bosses were a joke on this map in comparison to the others. Strategy worked pretty well, goodjob Dragon and thanks. Leaving all these 1 stars in my wake, buh. Glad there's a couple days remaining. I'm sure I can 3 star this by placing my healers better and maybe getting Valerie another couple of levels while I wait for my stamina regen. I think maybe putting the healer above the mage could help too so she doesn't have to heal herself as much? Not sure. Valerie's defense is so pathetic maybe he needs the healer to tank some damage, even if it means splitting the healing. Probably not something I should test next time when I was so close.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I planned to put my stronger healer (Alisa) on the bottom but that was my only mistake this time.
For 30/3, note 2 things, I have 30% damage reduction, this means that my mage lasts longer than she should. You need to reinforce the 2nd healer earlier (Has to be your best healer Alisa) rather than later.
I specifically mentioned that your 2nd healer had to be Alisa, hence you have only yourself to blame on this 1 star run when you coulda had a 3 star run. XD

But congratulation on 1 starring it. 3 Star it next time before you head to 40/3. 40/3 is even more demanding of your healer.

Note 1: You need to have your bandit duel the elder dragon mage or else your party will die off.
Note 2: You might even want to reinforce a unit to hold off the rushing of units until your bandit engage the dragon elder. (Make sure it's 2 space to the right on G) The same goes for axe throwers if you can reinforce/retreat to kill them.
Note 3: The melee unit position for that map (outside of the 2 soldiers) has to be exact. If you place it differently, the splash/out of position will kill you. (The position of the bandit and the valkyrie has to be exact as well)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I said it was a mistake, no need to throw it in my face x.X First run is always awkward for me. I should probably just pretend like I don't make mistakes like other people.

"Did you do this?" - random person 2
"Of course I did!" - random person 1
*random person 1 didn't actually do that part properly but runs off and does it correctly this time*

Somewhere in every thread on these forums, lol. I try my best to notice my mistakes so I can improve in games and other things. I'd rather look like a fool occasionally than be one forever.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I said it was a mistake, no need to throw it in my face x.X First run is always awkward for me.
xD sorry I couldn't resist. The awkwardness is the same for me as well, especially when I am using that 2ndary party. You have to recall the fact it took me 3 tries to record underground decisive battle with that 2ndary party.

Before you do 40/3, you should rewatch that video, keeping in mind of all those points I mentioned in note.
One more thing to note: Do not attempt to quick swap (the first soldier) do it earlier before the lizard arrives. (Or put a rogue in front, deployment cost wise, a rogue is better since gold soldiers can give back more with skill activation) It's somewhat impossible to quick swap before the lizard gets past now I watched that video again.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

xD sorry I couldn't resist. The awkwardness is the same for me as well, especially when I am using that 2ndary party. You have to recall the fact it took me 3 tries to record underground decisive battle with that 2ndary party.

Before you do 40/3, you should rewatch that video, keeping in mind of all those points I mentioned in note.
One more thing to note: Do not attempt to quick swap (the first soldier) do it earlier before the lizard arrives. (Or put a rogue in front, deployment cost wise, a rogue is better since gold soldiers can give back more with skill activation) It's somewhat impossible to quick swap before the lizard gets past now I watched that video again.

I did, it actually doesn't look too bad. I'm excited to try it but I probably will have to wait until tomorrow. I think I can squeeze in one more run on 30/3 tonight so hopefully my fixes are enough.

Your guides have been really helpful, they're some of the only intermediate/no rareish unit guides really. Even that guy Petite Soeur posted used a bunch of silvers I don't have/have replacements for. It's so difficult in this game to share strategies/advice because of how much of the difference rare units/prince level makes. Hopefully some other people have been watching them.


Ugh, followed it perfectly, he still died to the dragon mage passing on the bottom. I had already placed my mage up top too so there was no fix for it. I just tried to keep my Bandit alive to kill most the throwers that got passed. Then I let them pass till my soldier so the aoe wouldn't kill all my healers and managed to 2 star it with Phylis tanking the dragon mage herself, lol. Well that was disappointing. 1 star up anyways. Go go super level 30 Phylis. I'm kind of amazed how long my Bandit lasted too. I think he killed an entire party of throwers before he died to the mage.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Ugh, followed it perfectly, he still died to the dragon mage passing on the bottom. I had already placed my mage up top too so there was no fix for it. I just tried to keep my Bandit alive to kill most the throwers that got passed. Then I let them pass till my soldier so the aoe wouldn't kill all my healers and managed to 2 star it with Phylis tanking the dragon mage herself, lol. Well that was disappointing. 1 star up anyways. Go go super level 30 Phylis. I'm kind of amazed how long my Bandit lasted too. I think he killed an entire party of throwers before he died to the mage.

Sorry to hear that, again with those close encounters like I experienced during dragon king 2. The fire mage has to survive the passing dragon mage, which means more level for your healer/fire mage. (This is a pre-requisite because of the throwers, your bandit cannot tank the dragon mage and the throwers at the same time or can your healer spare time to heal herself while the bandit is dueling the dragon mage)

You might want to consider upgrading the skill level for the silver healer (20% will do wonders) and activate the skill when the dragon mages walks by.

The only other thing that might or might not work is having your fire mage reinforced after the dragon mage has passed. But then throwers are gonna have free reign which is not something you want to deal with. I would suggest against this idea since you sound like you were pretty close.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I don't have any spare healers to feed Alisa to raise her skill level, used em all up CCing Alisa and Fluoride.

I managed to 3 star 30/1 so I'm 19/27 for -2 sortie cost, woot woot. I think I'm going to use a crystal or two to farm some fairies and raise Valerie and Alisa's level. I'm already up one from before I started the new maps, so it's not a big deal, especially if I can 3 star some of the maps because of it. Hopefully it's enough for Valerie to survive next time.

I'm about to be level 61 too, if I could get 64 before this ends I could get the higher skill up that would probably save me there. Might have to use a crystal for charisma for once as well. I really want to just finish this as much as possible now after all this work, aiming for -4 sortie cost.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

61->62 you can do natural regeneration.
62->63 natural regeneration should be ok if you focus on grind. (I recall it was 60% of the way, farming rural gate anyways, probably 70% for king's road.)
63->64 you need 1 crystal to reset charisma.

23 Stars requires you to 3 star complete every single map, minus 2 (1 star). imo, that would be map 5 and map 7. Of course this also alternates to 2 star 4 different maps (avoid unit dying) Hence before you start using up your goddess crystal you should complete dragon elder at 2 star (preferably 3 star). It's doable as long as your bandit's the one dueling both the fire dragon (Do not use the bandit's skill for the dragon mage, there's a trigger that the next wave of enemy won't arrive until you kill it) and dragon elder.

Star arrangement wise, you are looking at something like the below since you don't have a warlock for 竜の巣.

Alternatively, if you end up 3★大長老 then you can keep 竜人の王2 as 1★
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Basically what I was thinking.

So I just noticed something that really sucks. You have the -30% magic damage right? In your video, it appears your mage would have died without it on the 3rd attack by the dragon mage passing on the bottom as mine did. I don't think it matters what level they are (Short of maybe 50CCing the mage and leveling him extremely high for more hp than my healer has).

It went something like on your run:

1st hit: 33% damage to healer (66% hp remains), 40% damage to mage (60% hp remains)
Heal: Fully heals mage
2nd hit: 33% damage to healer (33% hp remains), 40% damage to mage (60% hp remains)
Heal: Almost fully heals healer
3rd hit: 0% damage to healer (90% remains), 40% damage to mage (20% remaining)

On my run it went something like:

3rd hit: Mage is DEAD. Lol

You see no matter what, as long as the healer has to heal herself 2nd, the mage will die. It's not a lack of healing but just the dragon mage's attack speed and low hp of the silver mage, her 3rd heal will always be a fraction of a second behind his 3rd attack that kills the mage. He'd need so much more HP to survive 2 hits naturally than I can get without ccing him. I'm not sure if the silver mage can ever have enough hp to tank 2 hits without the magic damage reduction.

Glad I noticed that anyways before I reattempted it. Best I can come up with is putting a 2nd bronze mage there at the start and taking it out when he passes, then putting my silver back up. Not sure if my bronze mage can survive the axes though, I severely doubt it. I could always try Monica there too and hope she can kill enough axe throwers, she can one shot them using her skill after all. I'd need to level her more though. There's that point where like 5 axe throwers spawn at once and I'm not sure they can survive that without aoe damage, so that's a negative against using Monica there.

If I could just tell my stupid healer not to heal herself x.x
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

If I could just tell my stupid healer not to heal herself x.x

Maybe swapping the location of the healer and fire mage will help. That way your healer does exactly what she's suppose to do, heal herself. Just have to worry a bit about splash, and your prince will need to kill more enemies.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Maybe swapping the location of the healer and fire mage will help. That way your healer does exactly what she's suppose to do, heal herself. Just have to worry a bit about splash, and your prince will need to kill more enemies.

You mean just switch positions of the mage and healer? I'm pretty sure my mage would die to the axe throwers. My healer almost dies in that position even with her higher hp/defense to them.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

You mean just switch positions of the mage and healer? I'm pretty sure my mage would die to the axe throwers. My healer almost dies in that position even with her higher hp/defense to them.

Update: Scratch what I wrote before, didn't how much defense difference there is between fire mage and healer until now.

I cannot think of anything else other than for you to try dragon elder first and secure the -3 cost down, grind like hell for savior title, and then retry that map with bronze mage (Need lv30 with prince out to break 300 and note you now have 30 shorter range with bronze mage hence not sure if it will reach) first, and then reinforce fire mage)
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I cannot think of anything else other than for you to try dragon elder first and secure the -3 cost down.

Probably a good plan to hit up 40/3 first. There doesn't seem to be as many issues with me attempting that with my current team/bonuses. Of course I'll probably fudge up my first run, hopefully I don't.


Buh, 2 stared it. My bandit couldn't survive. I didn't even use his skill either. Been fast forwarding for like 3+ minutes now while my HA Rean solos the dragon king mage, lol. It's still going as I post this... He ate my bandit and my Carry as well while I was trying to slow them down/distract them, but at least they stopped the dragon knights long enough to kill everything. Not sure if I could have gotten 3 stars without sacrificing them, it was close for a while. At least that seems possible to 3 star. Strategy worked pretty well there :) It was pretty chaotic trying to figure out who my healers would heal there and whether or not I needed to retreat fighters, for once Mischa's heal came in really handy.

21/27 now. So just 60/1, 25/2 at 1 star and 30/3, 40/3 at 2 star to get my last two points. -3 sortie cost, woot woot. I'ma laugh if Echidna is useless after all this. Man I just hope the next event I don't have to scrape by like this. One tiny little error wrecks me on all these maps. Been like that since the start of the event since I was new when it started. I want to be like those guys that just throw fighters out anywhere and do okay because they're so overpowered for the level, haha.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Been like that since the start of the event since I was new when it started.
Reminds me of Maribelle event. Now that I think about it, I should have never attempted it in the first place. (Especially when I started Friday and the event was done on Tuesday)

Echidna is a female dragon. Instant favorite and 50CC & 100% affection regardless of unit.
In Aegis however, the event unit is one thing you NEVER have to worry about. They are either good solid units or power overwelming regardless of rarity.
白き魔女クロリス (High attack witch)
副官アリア (Best soldier in general unless the platinum soldier has cost reduction) [OP]
封印されしドラニア (No comment necessary)
モルディベート (Highest attack mage) [OP]
白き魔女ベリンダ (Highest range witch, the answer to 3 starring great magical battle)
剣士アカネ (Unique skill, the eye of the heart, rogue dodge ability)
忍者サキ (Unique skill, Ninjutsu 3, rouge dodge ability & install kill)
聖戦士マリーベル (Unique skill, double status, requires high skill level to be good) [OP]
Hence, some anticipation is warranted without worry.
I still want that attack boosting, melee position, healing unit with block # of zero!

I tested out a bronze mage, range too short, cannot reach, period.

Hence, do not attempt to put your bronze mage there. On the other hand, using Monica will work just fine, just need bandit out earlier rather than later. I was using Nanaly with 365 atk replacing the bronze mage, and she took down the axe throwers in 2 hits. Put Monica on L (Note, I am not 100% sure if 280 range will reach, it should though. If it doesn't put her on N as usual, and retreat/reinforce fire mage when the dragon mage has passed) where she won't be hit at all, and then put healer on M as usual and bandit on G. (F is a trap that will likely splash onto N & M, hence bandit stay on G, and not F)
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Hence, some anticipation is warranted without worry.
I still want that attack boosting, melee position, healing unit with block # of zero!

I tested out a bronze mage, range too short, cannot reach, period.

Hence, do not attempt to put your bronze mage there. On the other hand, using Monica will work just fine, just need bandit out earlier rather than later. I was using Nanaly with 365 atk replacing the bronze mage, and she took down the axe throwers in 2 hits. Put Monica on L (Note, I am not 100% sure if 280 range will reach, it should though. If it doesn't put her on N as usual, and retreat/reinforce fire mage when the dragon mage has passed) where she won't be hit at all, and then put healer on M as usual and bandit on G. (F is a trap that will likely splash onto N & M, hence bandit stay on G, and not F)

Well she has wings, so there's an excuse for her to fly in a melee spot with 0 block...

Thanks, I attempted 60/1 again to see how I'd do, there's no way I can 2/3 star that in time. At least I managed to kill the dragon knights and injure some of the major bosses for once. My berserker ripped them up with his skill. I was hoping maybe there was a chance to get the extra Valerie from it, but I guess not. So 25/2 (1 star), 30/3 (2 star) and 40/3 (2 star) are my only shots at the +2 stars I need for 23/27. Not sure I can do it now.

I'm also stuck in story mode until I CC some characters, Ojo recapture where Rean drops is insane. I won't even attempt it after seeing the video for it. I'm so tired of all these maps that need CC'd mages/witches x.x THEY KNOW we don't have them, that's why we're trying to pass them to get the free Valerie's lol. Oh and for any newer players avoiding Berserker Fu because he's a man, stop it, he's amazing, lol. There's no replacement on my team for his crazy attack when he uses his skill. He's the best early/intermediate play boss killer you'll find unless you're stupid lucky in gacha.

I'll just put Monica in the mage spot, I already know it worked okay last time, don't wanna risk her range not being enough. 1:15 wait time for stamina...
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I'll just put Monica in the mage spot, I already know it worked okay last time, don't wanna risk her range not being enough. 1:15 wait time for stamina...

Longest range unit in game = pirate (280 versus sniper and priest's 260) (CC captiain is 300) Pistol too op yo. She should reach without problem. But I rather you take it safe rather than sorry.

Remember 3 star gives you a goddess crystal, hence it's much appreciated to have 3 star maps rather than 2 star maps. Therefore, go Fruit, 3 star 30/3 and 40/3! Let's the Alisa with heal boost be with you! (No seriously, she's the key to succeeding those maps)

Attached: Kurisa at Lv30. All I can say is please stop breaking the game. 711 ATK and 469 DEF is not the kind of status that a duelist should have.


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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Managed to finish all the event levels with 3 star all I have to say is the black witch I got basically carries the rest of the party, I managed to 50 and cc her (by god it takes alot of work since black fiary's are hard to get had to use plat/silver/gold ones and alot of fodder). Her attack goes up to 640 or so with ability + prince buff with a good healer on her coupled with 1.2k hp she's a monster lol .

Hoping the event girl is good after all the effort I put into finishing those levels.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Oh I got the silver dragon warrior when I was messing around in older levels, trying to get a higher score earlier. I hope I can get another one of him or he'll be somewhat useless. I mean the skill is nice and all, but his cost is absurd for his base stats. I'm holding on to the bronze dragonkin with 5 cost for those rush maps. Kind of sad that the bronze unit is probably more useful than the silver one. Seems like maybe the silver one is just there for skill level food for gold+ units.

Silver Bandits/Valks/Soldiers generally outclass him it seems. He's the same speed as Princesses as well so slow as heck. So does he have some special trait? I can't understand his cost looking at his base stats. I mean his heightened skills for a silver unit is cute and all, but he'll likely be dead before it would even matter with his crap defense for his cost.

Attached: Kurisa at Lv30. All I can say is please stop breaking the game. 711 ATK and 469 DEF is not the kind of status that a duelist should have.

Well they gotta give people incentive to gacha eh. I wouldn't even know what to do if I got some good plat/black units like that.

Managed to finish all the event levels with 3 star all I have to say is the black witch I got basically carries the rest of the party, I managed to 50 and cc her (by god it takes alot of work since black fiary's are hard to get had to use plat/silver/gold ones and alot of fodder). Her attack goes up to 640 or so with ability + prince buff with a good healer on her coupled with 1.2k hp she's a monster lol .

Hoping the event girl is good after all the effort I put into finishing those levels.

Congrats :D