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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Just get what you can guys and don't get discouraged! Many more event characters will come, and some will be more powerful/cute than any of those we have, so just keep playing and it'll be fine ^^
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I guess we'll have to live with that consolation.

That said, I love dragongirls a lot...

Anyways, enough despairing! There's grinding to be made!
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Rather than discouraged a little mad since I rushed thing and spend a few only to know you won't get what you expected to get.

9 hours and 50 mins to go.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Oh and Ashurmen also don't have Dorania?

Mmmmm miss 5 star for doriana ... (my team was weak in this time) *flows through the window*
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

And a luckiest guy pops out with his collection
Nah, he didn't include his black healer yet, now that's a balance breaker of a different scale.

In Ashurmen's case, he's the oldest player (with most of us started 2 weeks ago) and that kind of lmao broken party is kinda to be expected. Though he still haven't 3 starred Undead Monster 60/0 map. How fricken bs is that map orz

*flows through the window*
That's weak!
*smashes through the wall*

That said, I love dragongirls a lot...
+1, I rather have Anya than future event girls. *looks like username* yup that explains everything.

At the moment though, I just want a plat/black witch so I can clear the great magical battle and have access to black fairy.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I see I'm guessing you were in new and tried to rush the event just like some of us in the current event?

great magical battle at quest? still cant clear the one after the low cost battle 2
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I see I'm guessing you were in new and tried to rush the event just like some of us in the current event?

I started the Friday of Maribelle's event. I had 4 days to get her, and spent a lot of money to do it.

In the end, I failed epically, since I couldn't do Heavy Armor Line 2, I couldn't get her to drop. After all my runs (and a lot of goddess crystal for charisma/stamina) I had to give up, since I didn't get a single silver/or Maribelle to drop.

Hence, outside of the guarantee drop, I had nothing, period. (Let's just say that 13 + 5 goddess crystal down the drain for nothing. A ton more than that for premium gacha) and Maribelle is one of those units that you need multiple copy of for her to be of any use.

After that, it's a hell of a lot of rural gate. Only to find I cannot get Anya ...
Aegis, why you screw me over so many times? D:

still cant clear the one after the low cost battle 2
孤独な戦い3 requires a valkyrie with 350 atk, and then a heavy armor preferably CCed with 350+ def. It's one of the maps I didn't bother 3 starring at first and did it later. You need to Quick Swap after the valkyrie kills the goblins and before the wolfs run past the valk.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Same here I started playing BECAUSE I'm hoping for Anya spend a few take a few day off to rushed the game probably I won't be playing this game if I know that I won't be able to get her but oh well already started playing so I'll continue to play for a while already spend on it and will hope to get Anya someday maybe someday.

Misha only got 328 atk and Bernis only got 329 def
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I'm certain you'll find someone better than Anya in the future. maybe after this event or the next, there will be another event with dragons, since they seem to play a big part on the game. And maybe the new black character won't need Anya to evolve(xD). I say if you do like the gameplay, just wait and check every event. I do that with a lot of DMM games and get a lot of the cards I want(well not all, but that's life).

Btw I too started this game for the red-haired soldier from an old event but never got her T_T
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

If I'm not mistaken its Aria right? but if you like her cuz of her skill you can aim for a Julian tho he's a male...
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Btw I too started this game for the red-haired soldier from an old event but never got her T_T
You are too weak. Looks at FruitSmoothie, he not only got Echidna and at minimal deployment cost!

If I'm not mistaken its Aria right? but if you like her cuz of her skill you can aim for a Julian tho he's a male...
Julian =/= Aria
Aria is hawt, has 108 more attack, and if done through the event has a deployment cost of 7 pre-CC and 10 post-CC. Best soldier for both deployment cost/ratio (7/10 versus 10/15) and rush control. In other words, Aria is OP just like at least half of the event characters. (One of the thing I really like about Aegis and hate about at the same time)

Misha only got 328 atk and Bernis only got 329 def
328 is too low, you need 340 min. (Since goblin can have between 600~680 hp and 0 defense)

Bernis is not a big problem, if your hand is fast enough, you can quick swap another heavy armor. But you will end up with 2 star either way, since one of the wolf or goblin will get past and you won't be able to do anything about it until your unit can 2 hit grey wolfs and 1 hit goblins. 2 star is enough, the next map solo battle 4 is easier.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I see 340 minimum but it means I'll be needing another HA since I only have Bernis for HA how much atk for 2 hitting wolves?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

You are too weak. Looks at FruitSmoothie, he not only got Echidna and at minimal deployment cost!

No, the event had ended when I started. I imagine not even the almighty FruitSmoothie could get Maribelle right now if he wants her xD
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

No, the event had ended when I started. I imagine not even the almighty FruitSmoothie could get Maribelle right now if he wants her xD
The above statement is impossible to argue with and I apologize, didn't realize you started after the event.

I see 340 minimum but it means I'll be needing another HA since I only have Bernis for HA how much atk for 2 hitting wolves?
Grey wolf requires 540+ (if I recall right, it has 1k hp, not sure about defense) red wolf requires 650+.

I used rogue -> Valkyrie (600 atk, 400 def)-> Heavy Armor (280 atk, 440 def)
Valkyrie 1 hit goblins, 2 hit grey wolfs, and 3 hits red wolf (2 hit is enough for 80~90% of the hp)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

This is going to take awhile I guess for now I'll refrain trying it and try to meet the minimal requirements for the run as always thanks for the advice.

Less than 8 hours more for those still trying to clear the event good luck.

And goes for the bed pass 2am still need to wake 6am for work.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I got all of the completion rewards I really want from this event:
Silver Heavy Armour Bernard
Silver Healer Dolka
Silver Mage Valerie
Gold Soldier Julian
Rainbow Fairy Christia

So, I'm going to make a profit of what is nearly equivalent to 41 sacred crystals worth of loot from this event (not including the 3 silver dragonkin unit drops). I did much better than the last event (I was only able to 3-star 2 of its 5 maps).

I don't think I'll be able to get the platinum fairy completion reward within the next 5 hours, but I still have Phalanx 3 for those things.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

And goes for the bed pass 2am still need to wake 6am for work.
Have fun at work.

In terms of my completion and rewards for this event:
Silver Heavy Armour Bernard, Silver Healer Doruka, Silver Valkyrie Elen, Silver Mage Valerie, Gold Soldier Julian, Rainbow Fairy Christia, 9x Silver dragon

Only thing I want in terms of completion at the moment is Map 8's (30/3) black fairy. Which I still cannot get after 26 tries.

Reward +48 Goddess Crystal (Silver=3, Gold = 4, Rainbow = 5)
Goddess Blessing -23 Goddess Crystal
Charisma/Stamina Recharge -8 Goddess Crystal (Possibly one more)

Last event wise:
Reward +5 Goddess Crystal (Only the guaranteed drop)
Goddess Blessing -13 Goddess Crystal
Charisma/Stamina Recharge -6 Goddess Crystal or so

As you can see, Maribelle event scarred me quite noticeably in terms of drop rate.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I try not to think about the girls I've missed, Maribelle is like my dream girl (Love girls in armor), Rean is a bit large for me even though I like athletic girls and Phylis' art is a bit strange in my opinion. Maybe in the future they'll have an event where you can acquire old event girls. There are more fish in the sea though~ Now we won't be missing any new event girls with our strength.

Ah damn, used up all my stamina and still didn't get Julian yet. -1 sortie cost worth a crystal, hmm. I guess I could say it's like saving 2/4 crystals from gacha, but gacha is random. I just want to spin 5 gacha already x.x Probably won't crystal since I won't gain any new ones from it. I still can have one more run on 20/2 with natural regen before event ends.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I try not to think about the girls I've missed, Maribelle is like my dream girl (Love girls in armor), Rean is a bit large for me even though I like athletic girls and Phylis' art is a bit strange in my opinion. Maybe in the future they'll have an event where you can acquire old event girls. There are more fish in the sea though~ Now we won't be missing any new event girls with our strength.
I like armor, but only of a specific type when it comes to girls. It's usually a hit or miss to me.
Screw fishes in the sea though, I want Anya already.

Ah damn, used up all my stamina and still didn't get Julian yet. -1 sortie cost worth a crystal, hmm.
The -1 sortie cost is worth up to 3 crystals. Hence do it until you drop. I mean it when it comes to your soldier, especially since the first deployment cost reduction is 100%.
Depending on how good your soldier is in terms of cost ratio, a battle might be either "tight" or "quite easy" due to freedom in deployment points.
Add in a 100% skill increase, first skill activation 23->22 seconds. cool down 34->33 seconds. It's almost a must.

I just want to spin 5 gacha
Update: 50% chance to get a silver, and 37% chance not to get a platinum/black unit. You sure you want to take your chances? A guarantee cost reduction/skill up is much more efficient.
The only problem is when you cannot get enough runs in to have 20/2 complete.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Screw fishes in the sea though, I want Anya already.

The only problem is when you cannot get enough runs in to have 20/2 complete.

You mean, literally? :3 Fish girls~

Well I have 3 crystals, 6 runs a crystal...hmm. Well now I'll run out of Charisma after I try it once, might as well. That brings me back to the 2 crystals I had before I started the 2nd part of the event.

Edit: Got Julian :D Thanks for the nudge Dragon, took 3 runs passed the crystal stamina restore. I'll probably just hold onto the copy for a bit to see what the next event brings, if I could get him to his cheapest cost, I may CC him, otherwise I like him the way he is. That woulda sucked if I didn't get him though, great success/luck. I doubt I can get any of the fairies with 6 stamina or anything, probably 100% done with the event now with 45 minutes remaining.

Wow these events were cheap on the crystal drops..3/70 needed for the mage I wanted x.X
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