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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

What's the matter with the blonde elf i can see on the event image ?
She's the Platinum unit reward for getting all seven 3-stars and gold unit completion rewards. Her skill "Excellent Arrow" raises both her attack and range.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Pffff you need the complete gold reward too ?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Pffff you need the complete gold reward too ?
Yes, how else are they going to get old-timers to spend sacred crystals for this event?

Though, I'm kind of curious if the platinum archer is a new class of "Elven Archer" that functions like the Princess and Dragon Shaman classes, or if she's just another plain platinum archer that has to compete with the other three.

I'm not too impressed with her character-design. She looks like a tsundere character, which I don't particularly like (though Mischa is fine since she's a tsundere midget compensating with a high horse like those short people who own those needlessly big trucks). It's like the illustrator took the general stereotype of a blonde-haired, green-garbed elven archer and didn't try to one-up any of the preexisting examples like Shannon from Shining Ark:

Speaking of Shining Ark, they should've scrapped Fried Chicken and his cookie-mouth, and just had Kilmaria be the protagonist.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

She looks cute, but there is no way in hell to get all rewards in time...

They could say something like "either get 3 stars on all maps, or get all gold rewards", if you do both you can get -2 cost as well, but no.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Severe disappointment. Usually you at least get the base plat characters in these events, even if you miss cost reduction and skill ups, but this one is just like "Nope, you get nothing but crappy food for your other units". I expected a bit better for an event that should be celebrating its players. I mean it's just kinda weird they'd use this one to have such a crap chance at the unique unit/units.

Elf looks okay.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I have 4/7 of the gold units, so I might be able to perfect this event. Based on the information leak, the next two maps' drops are supposedly 9% (gold fairy), 20% (silver fairy/ruby), and 70% (magical crystal/bouquet). The only issue is if the 7th map lowers the gold fairy drop instead of raising it to something like 10%.

Anyway, since I'm so close, I need to mentally prepare myself for a horrible outcome. For example, let's say I need to do the upcoming map 42 times (84 Stamina), I would have 12 Stamina plus the 24 I'll receive throughout the day, so I would have to spend 11-14 sacred crystals to complete it. If this happens, and the 6th map also requires 42 runs, then I would have to spend an additional 14-18 sacred crystals to do it.

So in a case of all three maps giving me a terrible scenario, I'm looking at spending 39-50 sacred crystals to perfect this event. Since I already spent 1 sacred crystal from the 7 I received for 3-stars, that's a loss of 33-44 sacred crystals. Since I consider each gold and platinum unit to be worth approximately 5 sacred crystals, and each silver unit is worth 3, I'll come out of this with a profit of 5-16 sacred crystals worth of units if the worst comes to the worst...
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

How do you guys have all those crystals :<
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Finally after 13 runs gold fairy for map 4 drop rate getting lower in newer maps.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Wait, so you need to get all the gold drops too? Wow, talk about relying on total luck. That's such bullshit. I've only gotten one of the golden drops so far, but I can 3 star every map without any problem. That totally pisses me off that the reward is based totally on luck.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

It should the opposite..
Require to 3star all maps for the platinum. So adding a super buffed unit would make them hard to 3star but easy to get 1 or 2. Raise the drop chance and u have a nice event where noobs can get some useless golds while veterans will struggle to 3 star all the maps.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

5th map completed with 5 runs hoping the remaining maps to be easier.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

5th map completed with 5 runs hoping the remaining maps to be easier.
And you are still hoping the remaining maps to be easier?
Map 4: 15 runs missing gold fairy
Map 5: 5 runs, nothing but banquet

We must be playing a different game.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Spent a couple runs on the new 5th map even though I 3 stared it first run, 2nd run back on the 3rd map and I finally got the gold fairy. Whooohooooo my first real princess. A little bittersweet because I'm only 2/5 for completion bonus, so getting the plat unit seems like a stretch, but at least I got her. Time to farm the ninja map now~

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

i know this sounds noob.
can i ask 1 of my character just got a -1 on summon with lots of stats up.
can any 1 tell me wtf is happening i lost :confused:
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

i know this sounds noob.
can i ask 1 of my character just got a -1 on summon with lots of stats up.
can any 1 tell me wtf is happening i lost :confused:

Well, when you use a unit that is the same as the one you are leveling, its summon cost goes down by 1 and its skill (if they are the same, advanced class might have a better skill) increases by 1. This applies on the first time you do this. Following attemps might not always be successful, and might only affect either the skill or the deploy cost (or nothing at all).

Also, question: Does Sierra (the fairy friend) just need to be deployed or does she need to get the kill to increase the odds of a gold fairy drop?

Cleared the most recent map 22 times with Sierra out and still gold drop. I've gotten one this entire event. Such bullshit luck.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

And you are still hoping the remaining maps to be easier?
Map 4: 15 runs missing gold fairy
Map 5: 5 runs, nothing but banquet

We must be playing a different game.

Yeah... he is...

Any tip to beat the last ninjas without any death? I was thinking in withdrawing my archers and healer and place a duelist for each.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Any tip to beat the last ninjas without any death? I was thinking in withdrawing my archers and healer and place a duelist for each.
Do you just have archers, or do you have a sniper? Also, do you have at least two priestess units?

One thing to keep in mind is that the charged ninjas won't appear until you trigger them by killing the regular ninjas. So I think it's a good idea to take your time by placing your high defence melee units and healers before placing any ranged attack units. That way, you'll build up enough cost to deal with the charged ninjas when they show up. For example, I used both the upper-right and upper-left corners of the church to place my priestess units out of harms way, and just place a lvl 47 Soldier Phillis on the upper-right crossroad and my Prince to the left of the upper left crossroad with a sniper in the upper-right corner of the spot to the bottom-left of the upper-left crossroad.

Phillis is strong enough to endure 3 ninjas attacking her with a single priestess backing her up. With the Prince ahead of the sniper, your sniper only has to worry about the charged ninja that comes from the bottom left road (use a duelist to catch it). You can do the same with the charged ninja that comes from the bottom right road.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

A good idea if you don't have a strong archer is to put one and then put a melee unit to tank on the edges. Preferably a rogue so that it can dodge some shurikens. Then your archer will stay alive and kill any ninjas on range.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

place a lvl 47 Soldier Phillis on the upper-right crossroad and my Prince to the left of the upper left crossroad with a sniper in the upper-right corner of the spot to the bottom-left of the upper-left crossroad. .

Let me find my enigma machine to decode that....

I use 2 snipers and 2 healers (1 cc the other waiting for a damn gold fairy). With that I can clear all the ninjas and the first 2 charged ones but then the bot ninjas will kill my healers.
I'll try what u suggest.

ps: still cant finish the 2nd map... only 1/5 golds. I refuse to spend cristals just to get a so so gold as I'm sure I wont be able to get the platinum -.-
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

If you have two snipers, the ninja map should be cake:

1. Sniper on Y (CC'd Daniela level 30 used)
2. Sniper on X (Preferably range enhancement skill, doesn't matter which archer its on really) (CC'd Soma level 30 used)
3. Solider on O (Level 40 non CC'd Phylis used)
4. Prince on B (Level 100 Prince used)
5. CC'd healer on W (CC'd Alisa level 40 used)

You can win with just those. The super ninjas will be out of range of your archers for a bit, if you have Soma or a range enhancement, activate it. Even if you don't, the ninjas inch forward until they are in range, this'll happen on your archer on Y but you can heal through it if your solider isn't shit, you can also replace it with a HA before they come, you'll have enough sortie for it. You'll probably need to do that if you don't have a sniper with range enhancement to be able to survive their damage with just the one healer.

The bottom entrance ninjas don't go straight for your exit, they circle around, so this placement works perfectly. Placing any extra units will just cause problems and they'll probably need to be retreated. Anyways you'll have spare sortie and 3 units free to place if needed temporarily.

If your units are extremely weak, you can probably put a healer on Y and X and use T, U, AA, CC for ranged units, placing your Prince on L for the passive buff he gives, then just throw out another healer or duelist as needed. I haven't tested that though.
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