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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

The new maps <3
The difficulty level <3
Even the trolling <3

Strong Oni Ultimate: The last time I got trolled over so badly on a new map was Small and Giant Enemy challenge. xD

These maps are something in terms of difficulty level when doing it blind.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

As much as I like the challenge, sounds like I can't afford to screw around and waste crystals with the upcoming stuff (Revivival + Mariebelle). Gunna watch videos first lol. Oh man I've wanted Maribelle for so long, she's the girl I missed from starting late and my love my HA's....I gotta wreck that event D:
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I am too ashamed to put up videos this time around.

<-- requires Karma + Nanaly just to 3 star them
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Huh, they added exp fodder units? Armors that give 1000 exp and are just labeled Exp :p Crossroads of Fate, I guess (50/3 with a ton of armors)...
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

千年戦争アイギス 大地に眠る召喚獣:強鬼 極級 ★3 (制限なし)

The above is NOT a strategy video and will be replaced if I ever figure how to clear it without Karma.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Well clear all maps and got the 32 stars but the two last 60/5 i can't 3 stars them atm; they are really hard (the last oni speed battle is really easy for comparison)

Edit: Woohoo 3 stars the crossroad extreme only the magma beast extreme left.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

OK, I updated the post in my signature with most of the tentative drops, and rough story translations. I decided to go with the nickname Metal Bucket for the platinum EXP heavy armours in reference to the infamous metal slimes. If there's any errors, please let me know; I'm kind of tired right now.

Kind of disappointed that none of these maps drop Valery. I need at least 3 copies of him: one for Mehlis #2 to feed to Mehlis #1, one for class-changing Shiho, and one for class-changing Pales in the future (getting Pales meant I can safely retire Mehlis #2).
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I don't think anyone is meant to 3 star Magma Beast Extreme.
*gives up before starting*

1 star on the other hand ... Draa will work hard.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

phew, no male unit only missions :p
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Good to know what missions will be a headache later. It took me most my stamina to clear the first new mission so I haven't tried many of the new ones yet. Kept getting 2 star by letting a unit die on accident x.x

phew, no male unit only missions :p

Yep :p Well good news is that I'll have 50 CC'd Christopher to replace Polka soon since I was leveling males just in case. Now I can finally rid my team of my only non 50 CC'd unit. That should be nice. Polka always drags my team strength down. I feel bad for people who CC'd a lot of units early, just having Polka be 40CC'd is so noticeable. Sad that I have a bunch of other healers but nobody that would be as useful since I lack copies. Need more Iris/Fairy Queen please x.X
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

千年戦争アイギス 大地に眠る召喚獣:炎獣 ★3

Fortunately, this is a strategy video. Note, instead of a sniper, might be a better idea to put a lord witch at the bottom middle and a priest in that sniper's position instead.
The map is very demanding on the battle master though.


And finally,
千年戦争アイギス 大地に眠る召喚獣:岐路 極級 ★3 (制限なし)

Again, this is a no limit video just to 3 star it. It's that difficult. Though you can get away without Karma by setting a high magic defense tank with 1 block at the upper route with 2 priest totaling 1k heal. But it makes the rest of the map that much harder due to lack of healing.

Update 2:
I ... 1 starred the last map Magma Beast Extreme ._.

Update 3:
And using modified , there's my 3 stars.
千年戦争アイギス 大地に眠る召喚獣:炎獣 極級 ★3 (制限なし)
Note, again no limit on units used. This map is brutal, much much more so than even 岐路 極級
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Sad time to make it a cash only event near the top rewards x.x Unless you're stocked full of high level CC'd black units and OP CC'd event units, you have no chance. Going to have to settle for half the summoner benefits it seems. I was really excited for the summoner, I hope she'll still be really useful with what I can get for her x.x

20/1: 3,
50/1: 3,
50/3: 3,
60/5: 3,
50/3: 3,
60/5: 3,
50/3: 3,
60/5: 1,
50/5: 3,
60/5: 0,
50/3: 0,
60/5: 0

25/36 atm. Failed the first 60/5 with 0 stars hard, probably not completing that or the final map (Haven't checked video yet) even 1 star. I just have to hope I can get 3 stars on the last 50/3 map. Even then I can't get to the 30 stars that I wanted. I have units I could power level (Spica, Plat Healer, Monk), but I don't have the materials to CC them so I'm fucked for getting much stronger in time, blub. No point in getting them to 50 if I can't cc em in time.
Least I have the Maribelle event to look forward to completing and maxing or near maxing her benefits, lol.

Update: Got 2 star on the last 50/3, so that makes me 27/36. I could probably 3 star it but there's no point yet. 3/5, 3/5 skill up and cost down, coulda been worse if I couldn't 2 star this lol. If I can figure out how to 2 star that first 1 stared 60/5, then I'll come back and 3 star this for 29 and the 4th skill up, lol.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Mariabelle event should drop nice range of silver unit, the much needed Vallery included. Dunno what the drop rates were though...

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Ok 3 stars every maps.
my team composition for the last map the "magma rape party"

at the start i deploy nanaly first and black HA second in the south est corner of the map, activate both skill and it's a sure method to destroy all the black goblin.
i use my black princess with her 20 magic resist in the north spot with the black healer in max heal range the black princess can slay all the magma monster alone and some heavy armor.
at the south west corner i deploy the prince gold healer on the south ranged spot and Desupia on the north ranged spot she can bring havoc on the HA spawning from magma.
the last ranged spot are filled with my pirate and the plat healer in the south.
the black princess elf can kill some HA in the spot south of my black princess (but not in the way of the oni)
karma tank the burning cosmos black oni.
and i replace the gold healer with bashira once the south west corner is out of range from the magma beast.
Well hope you understand what i try to say :p and hope this can help you to set up some custom strat for this map.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Mariabelle event should drop nice range of silver unit, the much needed Vallery included. Dunno what the drop rates were though...
As someone who tried—and failed—to 3-star the 3rd map throughout the Mariebelle event, I will say that the chances of getting Valery were low enough that I didn't get a single silver unit drop from that specific map.

Not many people contributed their drop data back then, but it was estimated that Mariebelle had a 10% drop on the 2nd map, a 16% drop on the 4th map, and a 45% drop on the 5th map.

Ever since the 2nd gold rush event, someone has been leaking the drop percentages, and has been doing so since then. Still waiting for a leak for this event, though some time ago someone did make the aggregate data gathering process for event drop data much easier (this thing is still useful for verifying if the leaked data is accurate, and not fake):

Mm, there's a chance they'll lower the cost of the event buffs during the last few days of this event. The shield at 10 crystals lowers the physical attack of all enemies by 40% now, so that should let you deal with the nastiest things from this event (the black oni and black goblin archers). If push comes to shove, I think the best strategy is to treat these maps like the Wolve's Den Extreme map, and switch to gorilla tactics. For example, the Fire Beast Extreme map has 28 enemy units with 12 of them being extremely easy ones to kill, so all that's left is to kill 7 of the trickier monsters (the reason these guys will be tricky is that you will have to figure out a way of getting rid of them without getting scorched by the two Efreets).
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Mariabelle event should drop nice range of silver unit, the much needed Vallery included. Dunno what the drop rates were though...

Probably pretty terrible if the charisma/stamina costs are that low. I'd guess like 10% or less on any silvers before the final map, i.e: Not worth farming.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Maribelle event was my second one when I started, and because I was farming the 2nd stage I can confirm the drop rate was worse than anything you've seen after it. I farmed around the same time I did for other event units that are droppable, and while I've got 5-10 versions of each one, I had only got Maribelle twice >.<

I don't think it was 10%, probably 5% or lower.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Well 27 star for me too, i don't want to try the last 2 map because i know it's impossible anyway, and for the last 50/3 map i only got 1 star, getting 2 star should be easy but not give anything, as for 3 star, i tryed using Dragonpaladin video, it's good but the black goblin swarm get me anyways because i get my mage too late, i guess my unit cost too much to deploy so that won't work, and my soldier skill only give 10 summon point.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

My party is a little weak, but I want this summoner girl, so what would be easiest to hit 18 stars? I'm currently at 3 stars for the first 3 maps and 1 star for the 50/3.

So should I try to 3 star all the early maps? I find it to be tough with the heavy hitting orges.

Or should I try just finishing as many maps as I possibly can?

And then there's the option I give up entirely :/
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

You need to post a screenshot of your team team setup if you want to determine how far you can complete. Though in this case, you can aim for 2 stars (no unit dying) on all the 50/3 maps except the last one. Note that I said aim for, I have no idea how strong your team is

You do need a solid reinforce III soldier sooner or later. Katie (the girl that drops from tutorial) is probably your best bet. One of the 60/5 map drops gold fairy like crazy, so leveling her and ccing her should be easy.
Alternatively, you can put 2 priests on that BM to out heal the damage and put a ninja behind that BM. But then you would need 3 priests of decent level and you still need to out tank that hilarious amount of chip damage.