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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Hmm it's looking like more and more maps are requiring a third healer now. I guess my next focus will be on Sedis, who I've neglected ever since I bought her. Been using a 30CC Dolka as my third, but she just doesn't cut it anymore. =/
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Hopefully, I have the same luck as Taian, and I get her cost reduced by 5 and her skill up to 9/10. I'm in sore need of a cheap-to-deploy evasion-based unit if I want to do well for some of these awakening orb maps

With that will you CC her or you want her for her 7 cost?


Using FruitSmoothie strat for the 50/3 map I had some minor issues. I lost left side uderleveled archer to a run-by axe thrower, and after that didn't manage to kill huge swell of gargs from left side near the end. Nothing I won't fix on second attempt, but something to keep in mind if you want to 3star it on first attempt.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Using FruitSmoothie strat for the 50/3 map I had some minor issues. I lost left side uderleveled archer to a run-by axe thrower, and after that didn't manage to kill huge swell of gargs from left side near the end. Nothing I won't fix on second attempt, but something to keep in mind if you want to 3star it on first attempt.

Ah sorry, I should have been clear about Spica's role there, really need a powerful archer there or a healer/blocker needs to be added left side (Luckily you should have spare sortie for it). Spica has amazing defense for an archer, so she's pretty tanky and doesn't need a healer there. I didn't even notice how bad the left side was because of her I guess. I was mostly watching the flying units and right side, you can see my Spica took almost no damage. I wonder what level your archer was that died.

Noel is a dwarf bishop, which likely means she's a mage who can switch to a healing role with her skill like the platinum male elf bishop. And Kagura is a shaman, which likely means she's a witch that can switch to a healing role with her skill. Though, the description doesn't explicitly state which of them has this nature to their skill, but at least one of them sounds like she gets extended range when she switches to healing mode.

I'm going to finish working on Ada (I have 16 extra copies, though I fed 1 extra copy to my main, so I got 18 from the last event). Hopefully, I have the same luck as Taian, and I get her cost reduced by 5 and her skill up to 9/10. I'm in sore need of a cheap-to-deploy evasion-based unit if I want to do well for some of these awakening orb maps (Just need two more copies of Valery or a gold mage, so I can awaken either Mehlis or Iris).

I love the name Noel (Because of the Claymore series) so do want, she's pretty cute. A mage that can switch to a healer would be more useful than a certain healer that can become a mage >.> There are always times when you need more healing and can afford to lose some damage, not so much the other way around. RIP Echidna.

Goodluck on Ada! I'm having trouble deciding which between her and Monk to CC, I would like to keep one un cc'd for low cost. Anybody know how much bonus HP Ada gets upon awakening? Sounds like she really will become a beast, but Monk with two block and dodge...hngg so hard to choose.

There's a warning on the wiki about Ada's skill malfunctioning since the recent patch. Might wanna read that Petite. I think it says it might freeze your game if you use Ada's skill, but I can't trust the translation, just making sure it isn't another one of those "Can't skill up" bugs.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

A mage that can switch to a healer would be more useful than a certain healer that can become a mage >.> There are always times when you need more healing and can afford to lose some damage, not so much the other way around. RIP Echidna.

*sweat drops* Fruit, you need to learn to trigger and time your Echidna's skill. When Ecidna does 841 damage, healing suddenly doesn't matter nearly as much.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Got completely annihilated in 60/5 map. Them armor rush + black goblin. The poison is add salt to the wound.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Ok i have some stat comparison for my Awakened Desupia.
Max stats Desupia

My level 49 Awakened Desupia
Don't know if it's true for all Black unit but the Attack and Def stat are the same (HP is another story). So now it's 50 lvl of bonus stats at this point.
When my ressources are back (i am broken) i'll try this on a plat or gold unit.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

千年戦争アイギス 覚醒の宝珠:魔女 神級 ★3 (黒無し&スキル一)

Can I assume everyone here has an Nico Douga account? So I don't have to post it on Youtube anymore. Translation of description is a pain, but good exercise for improving my JP typing skills.

Thanks for the heads up, it looks like I will need to stack up resources before awakening anyone due to the stats reduction.

Also, ninja awakening and -5 cost ... I regret feeding Hina orz and I want a Betty! Gold rush please~
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

This Fairy Rescue drop rate ....
1) Nothing
2) Silver
3) Nothing
4) Silver
5) Nothing
--- Bunch of hard refreshes later ---
6) Silver, Gold, Platinum
7) Rainbow, Silver
8) Silver, Gold, Platinum
9) Platinum
10) Silver, Gold, Platinum
11) Silver, Gold
12 LL) Silver, Platinum
13) Silver, Gold
14) Silver
15) Silver, Gold
16) Silver, Gold
17 LL) Silver
--- Lots of feeding later ---
18 LL) Silver
19 LL) Nothing
20 LL) Silver, Gold, Platinum
21 LL) Silver, Gold, Platinum
22 LL) Silver
23 LL) Silver, Gold
24 LL) Nothing
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Mmm fairy rush just after I completed all the event missions, nice. Goodluck guys.

Oh P.S: I still use Echidna, it's just that that time when you can use her skill is rare, compared to like Shiho. This is why I love Shiho so much...

Darn fairy map is annoying now, my default team used to be able to clear it 3 star, but I have to change it now since I don't normally use my weak soldiers anymore.

1: Silver, Plat (2 star, herp derped and forgot I altered my team for the 60/5 map.)
2: Silver, Gold
3: Nothing
4: Silver, Gold, Plat
5: Silver
6: Silver, Plat
7: Nothing
8: Silver, Plat
9: Silver, Black (Whooo)
10: Silver, Gold
11: Silver, Plat

12: Silver, Gold
13: Silver
14: Nothing
15: Nothing
16: Silver

Nothing: 4/16
Silver: 12/16
Gold: 4/16
Plat: 5/16
Black: 1/16
Rainbow: 0/16

I guess the plat/gold aren't too bad. Going to save those for the 2nd part of the event to see who needs leveling the most (With my delicious 5 plat armors from last event~). I'll take black fairies as well :p My poor Karma and Desupia haven't seen any food in months. One day I'll finally CC my three dragon knights for Desupia's skill ups...one day >.>

As soon as I say my drops are bad, they always improve, so you know why I do it, haha. Just got a black fairy.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

This Fairy Rescue drop rate ....
1) Nothing
2) Silver
3) Nothing
4) Silver
5) Nothing
--- Bunch of hard refreshes later ---
6) Silver, Gold, Platinum
7) Rainbow, Silver
8) Silver, Gold, Platinum
9) Platinum
10) Silver, Gold, Platinum
11) Silver, Gold
12 LL) Silver, Platinum
13) Silver, Gold
14) Silver
15) Silver, Gold
16) Silver, Gold
17 LL) Silver
--- Lots of feeding later ---
18 LL) Silver
19 LL) Nothing
20 LL) Silver, Gold, Platinum
21 LL) Silver, Gold, Platinum
22 LL) Silver
23 LL) Silver, Gold
24 LL) Nothing

Well at least you got a rainbow and a bunch of platinum, i did as much run than you, i only got 4 platinum, 6 gold and 3 useless black, for 6 crystal used...
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I want your 3 useless black :/

2 Rainbow fairy were needlessly sacrificed in order to try level 5 skill for Shizuka.
Needless to say, it failed miserably. Note to self, never try to max a skill to 5. 4/5 is the only acceptable result.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I want your 3 useless black :/

2 Rainbow fairy were needlessly sacrificed in order to try level 5 skill for Shizuka.
Needless to say, it failed miserably. Note to self, never try to max a skill to 5. 4/5 is the only acceptable result.

Same, I think I've given up on 5/5 from feeding. I'll consider 4/5 to be complete from now on, 5/5 is just stupid luck. Now that I look, I've never maxed a skill from feeding, lots of silvers with max cost reduction and 4/5 skill, lol.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

About the fairy mission, did you guy do the 15/2 map or 30/3 map ?

i never got anything better than gold fairy on 30/3 map so i just want to ask.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

About the fairy mission, did you guy do the 15/2 map or 30/3 map ?

i never got anything better than gold fairy on 30/3 map so i just want to ask.

30/3. Really the drop rate seems to be similar or only slightly better for silver/gold/plat fairies versus the normal fairy missions for the cost. Seems to me like you're just paying charisma for the chance at black/rainbow fairies, which isn't bad given that rainbow fairies can't be obtained from missions and black fairy missions are extremely difficult/costly. You do miss out on gifts as well, but that's minor.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Ok i have some stat comparison for my Awakened Desupia.
Max stats Desupia

My level 49 Awakened Desupia
Don't know if it's true for all Black unit but the Attack and Def stat are the same (HP is another story). So now it's 50 lvl of bonus stats at this point.
When my ressources are back (i am broken) i'll try this on a plat or gold unit.

Do you have any 50cc40 black units to compare with level 1 awakened stats? For both gold and plat I have seen 50cc40 ~ level 1 awakened. If you need level 50 to get the same stats as 80/80 it would mean that awakened units growth rate is even slower than non-awakened.

Also - grats, but that is another unit I liked old CG more...

@Dragonpaladin - Other then the annoying fact that you need to login on Nico, very big advantage of Youtube is that you can always jump forward/backward. Maybe, due to time difference between US and JP it is less of an issue on the other side of Atlantic, but here in Europe it is almost always 'Nico video is now in heavy traffic' = slow load times and can't jump ahead.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Well the Awakened stats are sometimes random look at this.

The healing power is nearly the same at level 1 awakened. (yeah nearly 80 lvl of heal bonus o_O)

Edit: Oh and i like the 2 Desupia artworks :) (and her events CG even moaar)
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Noted in terms of Nico traffic.

50/5 is officially a trap. I have run it 4 times in a row without a single drop.
In fact, I have run it around 20+ times now and got 0 rogues, which is what I needed to CC samurai. Life sucks at times. (Note, the cat witch only dropped once during those 20+ runs)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

50/5 is officially a trap. I have run it 4 times in a row without a single drop.
In fact, I have run it around 20+ times now and got 0 rogues, which is what I needed to CC samurai. Life sucks at times. (Note, the cat witch only dropped once during those 20+ runs)

According to leaked drop rates (Petite Soeur ninja added them to his post) the drop rate for silver units is the same here, as during couple of last events - 10%. One drop in 20 runs is slightly unlucky, but nothing out of the ordinary.

During those last couple of events it is only worth to farm entry maps for silver units. So, current event is great to farm silver healer (10% on 20/1 map is aweseome) and Bandidt (10% on 50/1 map). Maybe HA and Samurai on 50/3. 60/5 has appealing drops, but 10% on each of them and on 5 stamina map you are very likely to get nothing for your entire load of stamina.