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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Where'd you get the 12 damage from? Upon awakening, she does much more damage than her and has extra def and hp to back her up. Ninjas really only shine upon awakening because of their massive cost reduction, so comparing a silver to the plat is kind of silly in my opinion. I just try to remember that because of their incredible attack speed, Ninjas are much better than they appear on paper. Attack speed is king in this game (Especially when you can insta death things :p)

Azami can get down to 15 cost compared to the silver's 17 cost. Pretty funny Ninjas are the only class that can get lower than the silver cost at higher rarities. I personally think Azami is one of the best event units because she's essentially a gacha girl (No bad skill or weird gimmick), that's pretty rare. I haven't been this excited for an event girl in a while.

I was comparing 50CC50 Kagerou (300atk) to 50CC70 Azami (312atk). I usually use ninjas in safe spots and have them snipe at things from behind, rather than have them directly tank anything. Sure, 50% evasion is better than 30%, and it activates earlier too, but I think it's better to just have other units tank for them. I'm under the impression that Ninjutsu I has the same instant death chance as Ninjutsu III, not to mention both skills only last 15s.

The 1% instant death from her awakening sounds nice and all, but who relies on that to clear maps? It's just useful for farming maps you know you can clear, since it'll kill stuff faster, sometimes. Yeah, Azami will only cost 15 if you're lucky with cost downs. My personal experience has only gotten me 2 fully cost downed farm event units so far. =/
Funny point is that for both of those, I only farmed 10 copies, while the ones I farmed 16-18 of got 3/5 or 4/5 cost down. :confused:

Thinking about how much exp you'll need to get Azami to 70, then 3 silver units to 30, and bring Azami back to 60, all for her to be slightly better than a silver unit, I wonder if it's really worth it.

Despite all my rambling, I really want someone to convince me to farm her for collection purposes. :p

Super Shinobi Azami: 338* (Max AT); 402* (Prince Buff)
Super Shinobi Saki: 399 (Max AT); 471 (Prince Buff)
*This is subject to change based on her actual growth rate, which is more than likely to be worse than this (336 or less means that Azami can't reach the 400 damage threshold).

AW Aria to the rescue!
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

AW Aria + AW uzume to the rescue !
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

1: Ninja Azami
2: Nothing
3: Silver Bandit, Ninja Azami
4: Nothing
5: Nothing
6: Nothing
7: Silver Bandit, Plat Armor, Ninja Azami
8: Ninja Azami
9: Ninja Azami
10: Nothing

Azami: 5/10
Silver Bandit: 2/10
Plat Armor: 1/10
Nothing: 5/10

Pretty normal/average here so far. I needed bandits, was wondering when they'd finally show up on the last map of a farm event. With them I have all the units needed for Betty AW. Lots of red gems to go though, only at 42 atm and I kind of wanted to get a copy of Spica first.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Does anyone have a strategy for the 60/6 Oni map for team with gold and below ?

I am curretly using the above video as reference but cannot understand why my team is much stronger than the one in the video and keep getting killed by the red goblin archer and mage.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Does anyone have a strategy for the 60/6 Oni map for team with gold and below ?

I am curretly using the above video as reference but cannot understand why my team is much stronger than the one in the video and keep getting killed by the red goblin archer and mage.

Try this one:

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Oh hey thanks, made me notice I never 3 stared the final Shiho mission. Somewhat free crystal, whoo.

Got another Shiho from it and just rolled a silver pirate from free gacha spin, good day lol.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Oh hey thanks, made me notice I never 3 stared the final Shiho mission. Somewhat free crystal, whoo.

Got another Shiho from it and just rolled a silver pirate from free gacha spin, good day lol.

Dang, I need a silver pirate to promote the Sailor Girl! Lucky Fruit!
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game


I've been having terrible luck getting Shiho to drop at Oni's Wrath (Did around 7 trips, and only got her to drop once). Mine is currently 50CC2; -1 Cost; 3/5 Skill. My goal is to at least get her down to -4 cost, so she's the same as Adelle. Oddly enough, I got Azumi to drop 3 times on my first trips when I did all of her maps for the 3-star crystals...
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

What's good about Shiyo? Like compared to Kagura?

So, maxed out Kagura vs maxed out Shiho.

Kagura has 112 more HP.
Shiho has 25 more attack.
Kagura has 1 more def.
Shiho has 0.51 attacks per second, while Kagura has 0.45. Same aspd pre-awakening.

-- I don't think most of us will realistically get to level 90. On 50cc70 difference is 87 and 20. In either case that is virtually nonexistent so differences boil down to skills --

Shiho duration is flat 15, Kagura duration is 12 (at max skill level).
Time to initial activation is 12-10 for Shiho, 9 for Kagura (at max skill level)
Cooldown is 24-20 seconds for Shiho, 17 for Kagura (at max skill level)
Shiho skill increases her attack power by 1.3-1.8. Kagura skill increases her attack speed 1.83 times.

-- Kagura is a clear winner here for me. Longer duration is the only thing that works in Shiho favor. For the way I use this unit shorter CD is much better. Most of all however, while they do roughly same HPS the greater granularity of Kagura skill is super useful, landing heals between swings of monsters with higher aspd than healers and quickly topping up moderately damaged party. --

With all of the above I find Kagura much better pre-awakening (and I don't think either girl is high on AW priority list).

Post awakening Shiho gets higher base aspd, while Kagura gets 5% to soldier attack power by being in the deck. This is where comparison gets harder.

Shiho goes from 0.45 attacks per second to 0.51, a 13% increase. This increases both her healing and offensive potential. Over few seconds of time we can expect Shiho to deal 150 more damage (def bypassing).

Usually your party is not full of soldiers, but a lot of times Aria is the first unit you deploy. Some maps you use second reinforcement soldier, or Rosary to intercept some goblins. The problem is, soldiers usually can handle whatever they block just fine. Aria however already has quite a decent basic attack power and I read that AW Aria can 1-shot goblins with this. While not super broken, Kagura skill can be quite useful on rush maps.

-- All in all AW skill is hard to compare and scenarios can be presented (and found in recent event history) that favors either. Shiho has better base stats, is slightly superior as damage dealer and has very minor HPS advantage in healer mode. Kagura buffs your soldiers by being in your deck and each soldier gets roughly the same increase in DPS as Shiho has advantage over Kagura (not def-bypassing though). --

Finally comes the CG/sprite comparison and I love Shiho here. However, that is strictly subjective.

TL;DR; Shiho scores points here and there, but unless you miss few points of damage from your semi-witch I find Kagura superior. Her major triumph card is great granularity of her healing mode.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Max skill up Azami but got no luck on Cost reduce.

Azami 5/5 -2 cost.

Shiho is alot better.

Shihp 4/5 -4 cost.

Only 10 crystals left. Hope it is enough.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Maxing the skill up is extremely difficult, you were pretty lucky. Too bad her skill ups aren't very important. You only save a few seconds on the cooldown between rank 1 and 5 and a second or two off the initial use.

Azami: 8/14
Silver Bandit: 2/14
Plat Armor: 1/14
Nothing: 6/14

1: +1 Skill, -1 Cost
2: -1 Cost
3: +1 Skill
4: -1 Cost
5: Nothing
6: Nothing
7: +1 Skill

4/5 skill, -3/-5 cost atm.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

So during the last Shiho event I got her to 5/5 skill, 2 cost reduction... Trying more for now. Azami at 2 skill up/2 cr after 5 copies.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Azumi 5/5 skill -2 cost.
Shiho 5/5 skill -4 cost.

Too bad i cannot max cost down shiho but that should be enough for shiho event.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

4x Azami fail at cost down/skill up.
I hope it's not one of those days where I need a legion of Azami to min cost. (Not going for max skill, but been 4/5 skill since my 6th Azami)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Finally 140... having more stamina is the best!

7 runs of the last map plus one run of all the other and only 2 ninjas and 2 silvers.... I want a plat armor at least..

Well, Shiho is being nicer to me although she fails to go under 2 cost reduction....
I have a -5/5 Kagura anyway but I like both :p
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Thanks to Roy being a 100% drop, I know how many trips I did; normally I don't keep track of these things. Hahaha.

Trips: 27
Shiho: 9
Bernard: 5
Magic Crystals: 21 (this boggles my mind~!)

My goal was to get Shiho to 50CC56, and then stop. Luckily I reached this level with her at 4/5 Skill and -4 Cost, so I got better results than I did during the Maribelle revival event. Hopefully I do better for the Ling Revival Event (though, I would prefer if they do a third Dragonewt Invasion Trial Event with a ).

Shiho, Kagura, Carmilla Comparison:
CC Shiho attack animation is 66 frames and 59 frames awakened. Kagura's animation is 36 frames during her skill, and Carmilla's animation is 82 frames.

Recovery Strength Per Second:
CC Shiho: 402x1.8x30/66=329
CC Kagura: 383x30/36=319
CC Carmilla: 505x1.8x30/82=333

AW Shiho: 481x1.8x30/59=440
AW Kagura 456x30/36=380
AW Carmilla 572x1.8x30/82=377

Awakened Shiho is the strongest healer in the game by a large margin, so I hope my investment in her pays off in the future. I have Dahlia, who has Desperation/Berserk, and I really want to create more opportunities to use this skill more often (kind of disappointed that GR3 didn't have Conrad as a completion reward).
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

No matter how many times i tried, still cannot get Azumi to -3 cost.

What wrong with me :(
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Hi guys, I have recently AW my betty, and make some Rural run. With Prince, she miss 5-6 golbin and I can get about 2000G/run. Is that rate good? I used to think it must be 4-5000G/run :rolleyes:. Should I use 3 crystal to active 1.5x gold boost?

...burned 100.000G in basic summon and get a bunch of bronze. Poor me...
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Hi guys, I have recently AW my betty, and make some Rural run. With Prince, she miss 5-6 golbin and I can get about 2000G/run. Is that rate good? I used to think it must be 4-5000G/run :rolleyes:. Should I use 3 crystal to active 1.5x gold boost?

P/s: burn 100.000G in basic summon and get a bunch of bronze. Poor me...
Betty and Lyra have a 20% chance of getting any of the enemies they slay to drop gold. Rural Gate has between 40-45 monsters with a minimum of 3 that Betty is incapable of killing if she can one-hit the goblins with her skill or regular attack. So that's 37-42 monsters per trip, which is 7.4-8.4 gold drops, and an average of 2460-2610 gold per trip (3690-3915 gold with the 1.5 buff from the shop).

Since I'm relatively conservative, I would only recommend buying the gold boost if you plan to farm Rural Gate for the next two weeks, or if you're planning to spend a lot of sacred crystals to farm some map that you're bringing Betty along for (i.e. the Dragonewt Revival event maps). If you're disinterested in farming for Azumi, you could buy the gold buff now, and then hope the event next week is one that you're also disinterested in, or wait until there's a 2-week event.