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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Anybody else feel like the daily maps for gifts are a bit expensive in comparison to the other dailies? I never want to do them because of it, usually just farm the normal missions so I have a shot at fairies too.

Yeah... I never do them too and just farm Phalanx2. The affection drop is half but u save 60 charisma and get fairies. The dailies should have 100% on 2 pearls in addition to the flower, that would make it at least, par with the quests.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Since I still receive PMs about Youko Tamamo, they're restocking backnumbered issues of the November issue of Tech Gian here:

They made it so it's only one issue per person, so it shouldn't go out of stock too quickly. I only did a quick check of their help section, but it seems like they won't ship overseas, so a forwarding service will be necessary.

Either this is Kaguya's Stand-up Illustration, or her Awakened Illustration (I'm leaning toward the latter due to her leggings being different):


Also, the light novel is currently out of stock on Amazon.co.jp. Wow, hopefully there won't be any problems since I pre-ordered it so early.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Whats is the 1 price in the 1st mission from the Dancer quest?
Is it worth doing it over and over? Or same Dancer like in 2nd Mission?

Also i seem to have a Silver Guard (also in 2nd mission) which i cant use for upgrading my other units, he is just not useable :( for some reason.

He is not used in any roster or has any upgrades affection/skill (Lvl 10)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Whats is the 1 price in the 1st mission from the Dancer quest?
Is it worth doing it over and over? Or same Dancer like in 2nd Mission?

Also i seem to have a Silver Guard (also in 2nd mission) which i cant use for upgrading my other units, he is just not useable :( for some reason.

He is not used in any roster or has any upgrades affection/skill (Lvl 10)
I'm having a difficult time understanding your questions.

If you're asking if it's a good idea to farm the platinum dancer Waltz from the first map, then the answer is no. That map is worthless to farm. The only reason to farm the 2nd map is if you want the silver heavy armour Bernard, and magic crystals (it's slightly better per stamina than the 3rd map).

You can see all of the unit drops in the post in my signature for this event. All of the units with 10-13% chances to drop are silver units.

I'm guessing that the Silver Guard is the bronze heavy armour Russel. As far as bronze units go, Russel is useful until you have a few soldier chiefs (a gold soldier chief Katie practically replaces Russel). You may want to keep Russel and cost reduce him; he's good for distracting enemies, holding back enemy units for a short period of time, or longer to exploit enemies who have a death trigger (this strategy allows you to deploy all of your units on the map for the later rushes).
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I am far to weak for the 3rd map thats my problem ^^"

So the Platinium Dancer is 1st price on 1st map, thats ok than i will farm 2nd map ^^

<<< Lvl 40, in heavy need for silver Fairies :(
today again not even 1 fairy dropped until now
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I am far to weak for the 3rd map thats my problem ^^"
If you're too weak, then you may want to skip this event and work on your units; there's a good chance they'll revive this event in the future, and you're better off preparing yourself for a future event. In any case, here's some low level strategies that may be possible for you.

Mad Dancer (30/3) Bronze Unit Only by Tanuki:

Mad Dancer (30/3) Bronze Unit Only by Karato:

Scorching Stage (40/5) Non-CC Silver Witch Army + Saviour Prince by Ginsou:

Scorching Stage (40/5) Non-CC Silver + Saviour Prince by Tanuki:
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

You can see all of the unit drops in the post in my signature for this event.

your signature is still showing drops for the past event but do you guys think I can beat the 55/7 map it looks easier than the 40/5 map since their is only melee units and not all those random sandworms and flying units. I have Bernice and Imelia 50CCed once and I was thinking Bernice could tank mobs of the red armors if I got her around 50 or 60 again and Imelia should have enough dmg to kill them in 3-4 strokes. I don't have many mages lvled too far but the Silver male mage CCed but hes not maxed yet and the gold witch has 50% likeability at lvl 23 bernice has 50% also but not imelia. I only have 1 CCed healer the gold one the rest are lvl 20 ish with some likability filled.

I think my problem will be the mages which will result in the meleers getting overwhelmed. but Im thinking of putting my CCed silver archer near them and the archer with assassinate and then the ninja with assassinate behind bernice to try to keep the mobs down if too many rush in. I'm assuming the red armors have 600 dmg and arent the 780 version I dont think Bernices armor will hold up to the 780 version being cced only once.

The real question I have is the dancer worth all of this trouble along with the crystals Id probably have to use at this point. Ive gotten one copy from the lower maps when I was looking for the gold armor dude to CC bernice. She doesn't seem terribly useful after some thought she does almost nothing outside of her skill a 10% boost and the skill kind of sucks at lvl 1 lasting only 10 seconds it seems useful at lvl 7 but that is near impossible to get isn't it? should I just use my crystals and go as far as I can and idk use rainbow fairies later if the skill lvl ends up too low or should I ignore the rest of this event and save my crystals for something that isn't useless outside of its skill.

Edit: I'd probably have to use crystals to try and get fairies for bernice/Imelia and the fire mage, maybe even a healer to get their heal up to 200 if the gold one alone isn't enough I do have 1 platnium armor left from the last event ending reward though.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Aaaand yet another day breaking the rules of probability....
4 runs in a row of 55/7 without a single drop.

Chance of that happening: 0,49%
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

whats the drop rate for 55/7 anyway
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

50% drop rate for the platinum dancer on the 55/7 map.

I finally got my dancer at max cost reduction and it's my first max cost reduction unit for this type of event. If only the healer unit can drop :( I still need to farm 3 of them.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Aaaand yet another day breaking the rules of probability....
4 runs in a row of 55/7 without a single drop.

Chance of that happening: 0,49%

If it makes you feel any better your lack of a drop probably gave someone else full drops. '~'
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Aaaand yet another day breaking the rules of probability....
4 runs in a row of 55/7 without a single drop.

Chance of that happening: 0,49%

You are not alone 3 runs in a row with nothing then a dancer then only a fairy :(
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I've been consistently getting around 33% drop rate on the dancer Waltz this event, and it's making me quite sad x.x So I know that feel. 18 runs in and I'm 33.3% drop on her now. When you start wondering if there is a secret nerf to drop rates...lol. How it's managing to keep right at 33% is quite astounding.

Of course it's easily within the realm of possibility still, but it hurts anyways. I have had events where I was around 66% drop rate (Ricca was 63%, think that's my best since I've been recording them), just wish it was for this event :p The last few farm events I haven't been doing so great, so it's starting to wear on me.

I thought Maribelle was one of my most farmed events but I found my post back in this thread and she was one of my least farmed. Maybe I farmed her after I stopped recording (Yep, my later posts I'm still talking about farming her and failing a lot of skill ups lol). Welp Ada, Azami and Fran were all 35-36 total runs, but I thought I had someone that I farmed close to 50 times. That would have made for a good comparison.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

is the drop rate of fairies from phalanx 2 really low or am I just not getting any because Im only able to 2 star it? I thought this might be a good way to get platinum fairies but I only have gotten 1 gold fairy about 30% of the time rubies are like 100% but maybe I could max out affection instead of trying to get Bernice and Imelia lvl 50 again they're both almost 30 probably would give more defense
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Make it 6 runs in a row without a drop (not only the event dancer, no drop at all).....

Chance of that: 0,0345%
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

is the drop rate of fairies from phalanx 2 really low or am I just not getting any because Im only able to 2 star it? I thought this might be a good way to get platinum fairies but I only have gotten 1 gold fairy about 30% of the time rubies are like 100% but maybe I could max out affection instead of trying to get Bernice and Imelia lvl 50 again they're both almost 30 probably would give more defense

i feel they got lower too, its annoying, though you seem to be having more luck on rubies since for me for some reason just getting one is as rare as the gold fairy
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I tried the 55/7 map once just to get a feel for it I survived till about the dancers though I had to let a few units past because my knight is only lvl 60 using Imelia in place of the knight seemed to work decently except it takes me longer to get her out. Bernice has 400 defense currently but for some reason about when the dancer came I'm pretty sure the darkknight just almost one shotted her. I think I'm going to have to step down to the 27% drop rate map. I lack the CCed Ice mages this seems to require since apparently you can't tank these things.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Drop rate on final map:

Dancer: 7/22 (31.8%)
Nothing: 7/22 (31.8%)

Blah I just hate when the nothing drops are as high as the event girl drops. Only silvers I need are healers and maybe HA's or archers, everything else is rather pointless now. The plat fairies make the nothing drops less frequent than in the past but it still isn't saving my drop rates. I wonder if they'll bring back plat armors in event drops anyways, I liked those. I thought they were going to alternate them but they've been sticking with fairies since they switched.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Wow I forgot completely about Sorano, she pretty much owns the place on the last map :p
At full lvl I bet she can clear the map almost alone :p
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Sneak peak for upcoming princess awakening.

The requirement orb will be Valkyrie orb and Rune Fencer orb.


First two princess is going to be Themis ( yay) and Sherry