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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

The Belinda event maps are too easy. I can even AFK farming the last map.

I got 3 Belinda out of 6 runs so i think the drop rate is around 50%
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

The Belinda event maps are too easy. I can even AFK farming the last map.

I got 3 Belinda out of 6 runs so i think the drop rate is around 50%

No no. 1 drop is guaranteed I think. My experience from the previous revival and this one is a drop of... 20% or so.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

No no. 1 drop is guaranteed I think. My experience from the previous revival and this one is a drop of... 20% or so.

I'm around that mark.. 15(not counting my first run) runs 3(not counting the first drop) copies.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

3 runs and no Belinda, but I got 2 black fairies but I don't have a black unit...
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

6 runs no drop... not even the bronze archer...
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Same as TieSkey but I have one bronze archer.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Well I got all the major drops that I wanted from the Anna event, might as well hit up the revival event. I forgot Belinda is cool because she has the same skill after CC, so you can feed them without having to CC all the copies of her.

That sure was a nice buff to mages, was kind of sad that my witches and archers were outperforming them on most maps before. Their damage has increased a lot.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

7 games in a row with no single Belinda. What crazy drop she has? Or maybe I am doing wrong map (40/3)?

EDIT: I just saw that Petite updated post from his signature. You're the best. Though... 8% for her? Srsly? I think I will pass getting more than this one copy .____.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Well I got all the major drops that I wanted from the Anna event, might as well hit up the revival event. I forgot Belinda is cool because she has the same skill after CC, so you can feed them without having to CC all the copies of her.

That sure was a nice buff to mages, was kind of sad that my witches and archers were outperforming them on most maps before. Their damage has increased a lot.

Remember to save up the time fairy, if they give it out that easily, it will be required for something special (Anna transformation, Sonya, etc). (Save a bronce and silver dragons too, just in case XD)

Update on Belinda drops.... 8 runs... 1 black fairy... end.

Edit: just decided to spent a crystal to use the lvl up charisma... 1 Belinda... drop so far 1/12....
Lol on the arrows bouncing from the black armors :p
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

So i guess it safe to say that getting 3 copies of her is enough.

Seriously though, are all the event in the past has such insant drop rate for event unit ?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game


Internet connection is way too slow here to support VPN, take my word for it because I tried softether. It died on me before even reaching the dmm page.

In fact, outside of specific chinese site like baidu, everything is slow as hell. Takes about 3 minutes to login into KanColle for example. (Which works due to api link)

And remote desktop into pc? You need to get to load within 2 minutes first.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Dont even remember how many runs now on the last map for Bell's event. but dang she is shy. gotta be at 10+ and still not one drop aside from the garunteed one
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

man I bet having katie and Soldier length Julian cost reduced down and completely maxed out would rock. soon as their able to cast you could immediately summon w/e cost heavy end game units you wanted or flood in a bunch of weaker units.

I just finished the 4th witch map my ninjas actually starting to feel useful was really good for killing those slimes.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Damn, totally forgot about the revival event. Gotta start running it.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Even without max cost down for Katie, She's my primary unit for blocking and overall just being there. Its rare that I want to drop an archer instead of her first for damage or mid-to-late map dominence she provides. TWO soldiers might be pushing it, though, since you need to get out your damaging units and healers quickly. As tanky as Katie is, she cant stand in for a real tank when a tanking job needs to be done.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

yeh I suppose 2 soldiers might not work so well in maps where you need range attackers near immediately should I not bother trying to get Soldier length Julian cost reduced down?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Even without max cost down for Katie, She's my primary unit for blocking and overall just being there. Its rare that I want to drop an archer instead of her first for damage or mid-to-late map dominence she provides. TWO soldiers might be pushing it, though, since you need to get out your damaging units and healers quickly. As tanky as Katie is, she cant stand in for a real tank when a tanking job needs to be done.

Yeah really good timing on finally having a way to cost reduce her, I'm only 17 red gems off from AWing her. Just gotta wait for the dang daily now.

I have a Julian as well that's already cost reduced by one + the copy I got from this. So he could become even cheaper than Katie but eh, I like her more. She has more defense and a more stable AW ability. Maybe I'll get around to AWing both so I have two strong soldiers finally. Guess I should finally CC him now.

He was meant to be uncc'd originally and stay a low cost soldier because I thought I'd never get copies of him when I obtained him, now at a possible -2 cost, I may have to consider using him as my main soldier, unf. When you kind of hope your cost reduction attempt on a unit fails, haha. I wouldn't want him to be cheaper to deploy than Katie. Waiting for a bonus synthesis event anyways before I worry about that, so I'll be AWing Katie first anywho. Have copies of Julian, Claire, Iris, Katie, maybe Chloris to feed.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

is there a simple way to connect without a vpn to the all age version? I think Softether might randomly disconnect me mid mission and I've been meaning to ask if I need to get gold /platinum units to max lvl 60 or 70 before class changing them again or will they still have max stats if I cc them at 50 again?
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Yay, the host of Otsu Appli was able to get 3-stars, so we're going to get a 3 sacred crystal present during the next update.

If anyone enjoys watching an inexperienced person play this game, here:

(Skip to around 47:30)

is there a simple way to connect without a vpn to the all age version? I think Softether might randomly disconnect me mid mission and I've been meaning to ask if I need to get gold /platinum units to max lvl 60 or 70 before class changing them again or will they still have max stats if I cc them at 50 again?
You can go . I recommend editing your cookies.

If you mean awakening, then you need to max out your unit's level and affection. For example, you can't awaken a 50CC45 Gold Healer Iris, nor can you awaken a 50CC60 Gold Healer Fedora with 95% affection. You can awaken a 30CC60 Gold Valkyrie Carrie with 100% affection, though. Awakening requires a lot of money and resources. For most gold units, you need one class-specific awakening orb, 200,000 gold, and an awakening fairy to awaken that unit.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I see so that's why most of the videos I've seen 80% of the units aren't awakened. Now that I understand what awakening really is I think I would save a time fairy for something with a particularly good skill or a princess if I ever manage to get one. I'm considering trying to awaken stella I didnt understand what her skill did at first until I used her a few mins ago it seems like it could be good but the range is too small to be worth it to me.

I can't find the api_token or maind2 thing that guide is talking about in the inspector should I just keep using vpns or is that likely to get me banned eventually?
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