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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

use kancolle command center. It gives you cookies that makes it think you are in japan.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

This game must hate me. I got 4 Black Fairies from Bell's map...but No bell...

At least I have Black units to use the fairies on -.-

Edit: Last map of the night before bed; got Bell finally. Lets see if I Can get more and cost this cutie-pie down!
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Well I managed to get my first copy this witch revival, 3rd total and got her to -2 cost. Think that's about as far as I'm willing to farm this with the drop rate, I probably won't use her but if I do, at least she'll be at a decent cost in comparison to my other options. Time to go farm fairies/gifts. Goodluck anybody who's still trying to farm Belinda.

Apparently Belinda's CG scenes are with her mom? I haven't seen it yet though since I haven't CC'd her and don't have any spare affection items. Gotta love three way scenes, not many of them. Puppet girl Rikka's scenes were pretty awesome.

Awesome, Fran just became my first girl to reach 9/10 skill. It's only in the last month that I even made 8/10 (Fran and the bandit girl, if you count her. She wasn't for a normal farm event though). Had a few copies left over for her after the event and managed to skill up her with every one of them. Couldn't have really asked for a better girl for it either, I really like her. Hope I have a lot of opportunities to use her.

Might have to try to rainbow fairy her to max now... One day I'll have a 10/10 farm event girl...one day. I should probably hit up Monk Rinn (7/10 currently) first though since she's a staple on my team, pretty much forever. Monks too good.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Still no Gadoras drop from the 40/2. Just where is that dragon steak when my Claire need.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

does Stellas skill range get much bigger upon class changing or ranking it up?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

15 runs, one Belinda (I am not counting run with 100% drop), two Soma's. 2 crystals eaten (but I've got like 6 free crystals just for 3star on all Belinda maps, so thats okay). On the previous maps I've obtained one silver bandit (forgot his name) and one Harissa.

Can someone tell me how good is she? I have already high 50CC42 with 3 and4/5 skill Nenya and Calliope. Of course I can't AW them for everyone knows what reasons. I've got only one copy of Chloris (like I could get any more, lol...), and according to how many times they Revived her event I hardly believe they will do it one more time...

But 8% drop is pain in ass... I wonder what cost/skill you guys have her?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

15 runs, one Belinda (I am not counting run with 100% drop), two Soma's. 2 crystals eaten (but I've got like 6 free crystals just for 3star on all Belinda maps, so thats okay). On the previous maps I've obtained one silver bandit (forgot his name) and one Harissa.

Can someone tell me how good is she? I have already high 50CC42 with 3 and4/5 skill Nenya and Calliope. Of course I can't AW them for everyone knows what reasons. I've got only one copy of Chloris (like I could get any more, lol...), and according to how many times they Revived her event I hardly believe they will do it one more time...

But 8% drop is pain in ass... I wonder what cost/skill you guys have her?

The silver witches are good for like 80% of the strategies out there but having a higher rarity one makes things a lot easier. I have a full cost reduced Chloris and she is awesome but since the slow is sometimes more important than the dmg, Belinda's skill is good to.
I'd say that -2/3 cost 3/5 skill is a good enough goal.

Edit: corrected the max cost down. Her AW ability is good to, 7% is not a lot but surely helps for maps like the 55/7 during the dancer event a week ago.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I once saw a video of Belinda in one of the AW maps months ago and she was sniping mobs from across the map with her skill up. That alone convinced me that it would be a very good unit to have.

I only got 2 copies of her and that got my main one to -2/3 and 2/5. Those two copies were from the 2 runs after the first guaranteed drop. After that, I have not gotten another except for the 3 Soma drops.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

5 Premium draws, and only a Iris to show for it. Sadness.

Guess I'll CC her for the skill up and cost reduction.

Just to make sure, but there are extra Sacred Crystal Events right, where you get bonus Crystals depending on how many you purchase?

EDIT: Decided to throw another 30 Sacred Crystals because I'm dumb and drew a . Considering I already have Claire, Xiao, and Rita, is there any point in using her?
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

didn't really think about Belindas range maybe I should of used magic crystals to spam more of the map but I used them on premium summon and got some old fart fire mage I dont really want to look at male characters so hes getting fed to something that needs to class change as soon as possible eventhough hes gold. I was just going to do the map that gives a heavy armor unit and healers so I could try to awaken bernice or class change the dancer but maybe I could just do it later and try for another Belinda. I'll have enough healers to CC the dancer if I can 3 star the other event map.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Srsly the drop rates on the last belinda map..
Witch's Banquet II (40/3):
Belinda (8, 100 first drop), Soma (8), Wilfred (15), Black Fairy (5)
Used 5 crystals on stam resets + most of my natural regen stam on this map..

Yeah it's just weird..
..no I'm not complaining, I'm happy that I didn't even see the bronze archer, it' just weird..
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

FFS! Finally I've got my second Belinda (3rd counting 100% drop, after 18 runs) and I fed them both to first copy. How hard it can be to fail 50% chance -____________---

~-1 cost 2/5 skill. I will farm her forever ;<

Edit: yes, I know probability chance. I am angry cos failing 50% hapens too often lately. At least for my girls :/
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

would it not be more efficient to hunt skill up fairies since she drops at such a low rate? I think I will stop if I get a 3rd belinda even if it fails. Ice witches seem pretty valuable strategically but this event kind of seems like a waste of stamina with no 50% drop rate map
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

would it not be more efficient to hunt skill up fairies since she drops at such a low rate? I think I will stop if I get a 3rd belinda even if it fails. Ice witches seem pretty valuable strategically but this event kind of seems like a waste of stamina with no 50% drop rate map

Its not that bad when u take into account Belinda has only 3 cost reductions, 5 skill lvls and the strongest attack among plat witches (pre AW at leas). So u are basically farming a premium gatcha unit for way less than the 25 crystals average u need to draw a plat...
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Question Time:

How can i cost reduce units more than 3/5?
If i add another unit from the same nothing happens.

I heard you talking alot about fairies, so my guess is i need another fairy to further skill/cost reduce the units?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

How can i cost reduce units more than 3/5?
If i add another unit from the same nothing happens.

Actually something DOES happen.. cost down and skill up are not 100% after the first one. I think you can figure out what happened with this much info on your own. ^^
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I reccomend checking these two usefull posts (linked in 1st post...)
About skill up chance percentage

About cost reduction chance

I don't mind Belinda skill up (I always can feed her some fairies), I am farming to cost reduce her properly.

Moonchaos, not every girl has -5 cost, few of them have -3 or even -2 (Spica). If you will max cost reduce your girl (or guy) there appears apan letters just right to cost (no idea what they means )

OH SRSLY ANOTHER SOMA? I have plenty! Give me Belinda you stupid game!
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

For the most part a witch's job is just her slow, so her having range extension is one of the few times where it's at least as valuable, or better than a straight damage boost skill. Their attack speed is slow and they already pierce through defense, so adding extra damage on a witch only helps so much. They'll already take out black knights and such just fine, a bit more attack won't change much of anything.

So yeah, Belinda is pretty awesome and could allow for some special strategies. Her AW ability isn't as great as the other units that buff their own classes' attack though (Cept maybe on Desupia who can reach 1300+ attack).
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

15 runs and still no Gadoras. Honestly, why the reward i most wanted is always the hardest one to get ?