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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Take a guess at what stats this unit is?

Note that he was damaged in terms of hp.
^ All the hint you will ever need.

Boss Rush cleared: Blind 3 stars (No music though, I didn't expect it)

3 things)
1) AW Karma is lmao awesome imba
2) Prince + Anna early game is a great combination
3) Nanaly~ (go away Minerva and Aisha >> )
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Haha! I am back....
and even through i got the game to work again, it fucks with me -.-
Finally managed to get the last missing Witch at 1st Event Stage...
the game doesn´t recognize it and i wont get the complete Witch >.>"

Edit: Haha...welll not the Silver Witch dropped but a Platinium... (Belinda)
i guess i got lucky?
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Yeah easy map is easy, 3 star blind run first try as well. At least this one is kind of relaxing. Hope I can complete it before the maintenance so I can farm the Monday daily. Silver Fairy drops are more annoying than bronzes. I feel like I should use them but never really need to, not as easy to just sell off. I just obtained my first "Nothing" drop in this new map for this event.

Hope you guys who don't have Rikka leveled well get some copies of her from this. Among the stupidly specialized units she's probably the best behind Karma. You can place her out of harms way so she's just free dps and tanking without adding any strain on your healers, really great unit. Maybe it's just me but I love using her when I can, even more than Fran, Roana, etc. Now if she'd just get an awakening already~

Man I'm really wanting to AW Claire. Been having a lot of fun with her and Spica tag teaming, so far her cost over Daniela hasn't been a problem. Should probably do a HA first though. Please give me an event map that drops tons of HA's, healers and archers.

Don't forget maintenance in less than 2 hours! I got on just in time.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

After 24 runs on each 2nd and 3rd map i can say even with Matsuri the platinum units drops rate is still kinda low (yet better than black fairy lol), still my goal for this event will be cost down Odette (-2 right now), the plat ninja (thou she hates me :(), and maybe Ricca unless they add other platinum unit i want/need
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

So I just got Rikka, Do you think is ok to farm her for and additional cost reduction or just wait and pray for her revival event? Also I got 3 black fairy and still no gold fairy...
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

So I just got Rikka, Do you think is ok to farm her for and additional cost reduction or just wait and pray for her revival event? Also I got 3 black fairy and still no gold fairy...

I'd farm her only IF:

-You got Matsuri. (optional/debatable)
-You can afford not to farm dailies.
-Have crystals to spare for refills.
-None of the other units on the event appeals to you.

It may be other reasons to farm/not farm but those the main ones to me.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

In general 10% for 2 sta is a good rate for platinum units, no? Especially if map also drops something useful, such as fairies or red gems. In general most event plat units will be more useful, than ninja Hien or the gold samurai bro...
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

This is such fucking nonsense I've done the mission trying to get Azami 30 times now and 3 starred every time but none of her, while the other ones I do 10 or less times and only then complete and get at least 1 of the plat's. I know its RNG but sometimes it feels too low and rushed with two events going on at once.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Maintenance Update on December 29th:
-Omake Bonus When Purchasing Sacred Crystals (Until January 2nd).
-Subjugation Mission "Rural Great Decisive Battle" Begins (ends February 2nd).
+There's no aggregate rewards from all users totals.
+Divine Intervention of the Goddess buffs inapplicable.
-Spica and Cyrus Going to be Removed From Trading Post On January 8th.

I'll update the post in my signature with any relevant map details.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Ah to farm dailies or the event now, that is the question~ Oh nevermind, forgot that's on 1/2/2015. More Dorthy map spam it is. Damn I got a gold fairy on the map and thought it was the black. Well the first exploding enemy drops the gold fairy.

Maintenance didn't do much for me, I don't mind the subjugation missions but with all these events, I'm not going to have the charisma to run them. Even the crystals from it are gambling. I'll probably clear the 500 one once for the magic crystals and be done with it this time.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

This Great Battle wants a ton of aoe, so bring at least 3-4 mages to deal with the armors ,and something to deal with evil eyes from the right(either cannons or tanky ranged units, mages also work, if u have a damage soak+ healer)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

ugh can someone tell me what are the rewards?

i already got the first gold armor but dont know if its worth it to farm the event
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Fruit: HA were droping from Elsa map (I got a few) and healers from Karm map. If ypu dont want karma you can always farm for future revivals (if you need any, huh?)

I also agree with Fruit about Ricca. She is awesome unit, my first event I really participated (on Chloe I was a bit too low). I love her and use as often as possible, unfortunately it is not much lately :( but she was in my main roster for long long time, owning everything my other girls couldn't. I would even reccomend farming her other than some gold units. She is really great. I was lucky having her min cost but I will farm more to get skill better than 4/10 I now have.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

In general 10% for 2 sta is a good rate for platinum units, no? Especially if map also drops something useful, such as fairies or red gems. In general most event plat units will be more useful, than ninja Hien or the gold samurai bro...

10% for 2 stamina is actually kind of inefficient especially compared to any of the 50% drop rate platinum maps you'd have to spend 10 stamina to have the same chance as the that 50% map and it looks like all the events 50% maps are 7 stamina. I seem to actually get alot of drops from the 25~50% maps these 10% maps are crud I just used a good 24~28 stamina for no ricca to drop. I think the rate might not be quite 10% which makes it even less appealing I remember seeing somewhere that Azami was 8% at 8% you'd be spending probably almost double the stamina to get that platinum in comparison to a 50% drop rate map. But if you can't beat those 50% drop rate maps since their probably extreme tier then this event is gold and also if your just impatient and want something besides shitty silver units now In stead of waiting god knows how many months for reprint events.

It would probably be intelligent to stop at getting 1 of each unit you want especially if the rate is lower than 10 because your using pretty much double the stamina to get the platinums. Im starting to think this entire event is just a trap.

Is there some way to confirm if the drop rates are all a stable 10% and how many of them dwindle down to like 8% and are any of them actually so low to be 5% This puppet ricca person is starting to feel that low to me

Oh and clavat if your talking about that great battle thing you get prizes if you reach these amount of kills in a single mission its in petite's sig

100: Gold Armour
300: Silver Soldier Asar
400: Platinum Armour
500: 50 Magic Crystals

you also get 1 sp crystals for every 100 kills total you can get a rainbow fairy for 10,000 total kills idk if the SP crystals are worth the effort doesn't it give the same chances as gold summons?
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I want to confirm something: x2 Daily quest drop rate starts after next maintenance on Thursday right ?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

you also get 1 sp crystals for every 100 kills total you can get a rainbow fairy for 10,000 total kills idk if the SP crystals are worth the effort doesn't it give the same chances as gold summons?

Its MUCH better chances actually (not sure how much better, but its noticeable)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Woah new vamp looking character on the new event map. She's a cutie, do want. Is she a surprise drop here I wonder? She isn't in the event image.

Whooo 3 star first attempt, that was close as fuck though, I just barely placed my Prince in time, thank you all my sortie reduction.

New map isn't very difficult but it is pretty rush, you're going to want to bring along some soldiers/monks. Monk Rinn was really helpful here, dodging a lot of damage before you get your healing up and her dps is great with skill. It's just werewolf spam, they seem weak to magic so getting a mage or some witches up early is good. AW'd Carry with skill also 2 shots the black ones. Later grey ones spawn but you should have your tank + mage up by then.

The vamp character that spin dances into the screen isn't that dangerous, except for her stun ability after like 3 hits. The enemies don't do much damage here, mostly you'd lose 3 star to enemies bypassing you on this map. Be careful and make sure you have enough blocking in every lane.

Fucking bronze fairies.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I am using this video as reference. Tweaked around to suit my rooster.

This map drop ruby so bring the Gold Rogue with you.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Woah new vamp looking character on the new event map. She's a cutie, do want. Is she a surprise drop here I wonder? She isn't in the event image.
She's Vincent's daughter that he thought he killed along with his wife after they turned (an interesting point of flavour is that she will bite any ranged units standing near Vincent, but not Vincent himself). She's not a drop for this event, though it's likely she's going to be an antagonist for a future event (the only unit I have that is immune to vampire bites is Roana if I awaken her; it sucks that paralysis deactivates and prevent you from activating your skills now).

Speaking of which, I awakened both Sedis and Flan. If I get Vincent from this map, and the bishop orb tomorrow, then I'm going to awaken Karma (unless they provide a gold rush map with rogue drops, so I can instead use Khuri to awaken Karma).

Rampaging Ancient Weapon Tentative Drops (100 trips):
Silver Fairy: 55%; Gold Fairy: 11%; Black Fairy: 8%; Ricca: 9%
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Rampaging Ancient Weapon Tentative Drops (100 trips):
Silver Fairy: 55%; Gold Fairy: 11%; Black Fairy: 8%; Ricca: 9%

god damn 9% I wish it would work that way for me I'm on 25 runs and I just finally got the black fairy and completion about 5 runs ago. That puppet must hate me or something I've seen at least 3 gold box drops but never ricca. Maybe I need to erase my cookies too and not just cached files and hosted app data.

Maybe I should consider trying to get a Unit that isn't screwed over by paralysis I dont think I have any at all I'm guessing its all vampire hunters. so far its seemed like it doesnt matter that things paralyze me they still sit there attacking the meleers and the mages will just blow them up albeit rather slowly since those zombies are magic resistant. The only times its really been a problem is with the ropers because they walk past anything they paralyze I could see this being a problem later in some middle/extreme tier mission though.
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