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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

My point is, don't blame the tools if u don't use them the right way XD
First of all, that lucky assassination can get u through a star clear event and that's useful.

Second, expecting a chance skill to work the same way as raw defense or dmg is obviously wrong. The correct way to use and value them is averaging their effect over the entire team during the entire battle.
Say u can tank this one guy but your healers can't keep up with the dmg so your tank will eventually die on the 7th hit. Now throw in a 25% dodge. Your tank have to dodge only one blow for your healers to be able to endure the battle, and that's like 90% likely or more. 10% chance to fail that is no more than the chance of taking 2 synchronized hits between heals (a melee blow and a lich blast, for example)

On the last event I farmed the map where 2 horsed knights rushed at the very beginning. To stop them I deployed monk Rin and healer Alisa (silver). Alisa alone couldn't heal enough so the monk had to dodge at least 2 attacks to survive. This strategy worked 18 out 19 runs which is pretty reliable.

You just described a VERY specific scenario that you should in all likeliness be able to avoid by leveling your team properly :p Yes, dodge chance can allow you to clear a map that you may not be able to otherwise, but if you have the proper team, there's no reason to gamble is the point. I don't know who would say gambling on a 90% chance of success is better than a having a 100% success chance by leveling your healers or ranged attackers to kill the enemies before that 7th strike happens.

Rogues and Monks on average are stronger than similar cost units. Dodge for them is like a penalty for that power. They're designed with lower health and defense than normal so that an unlucky streak can end them quickly. I'm okay with that kind of balance. At 16+ cost though, you should be able to place units that don't need that kind of gambling to do their job (Unless you're new). Especially with 25% physical only dodge chance on a unit with 1 block, that has a shit ton of health lol. Her "AW Ability effective scenarios" are VERY limited.

Again, not saying they don't have their uses if your team isn't up to snuff, but 25% physical dodge isn't what you should be fighting for here, give those shitty jobs to Rogues/Monks who at least are made for it. Or level a better tank/bruiser, your archers, or your healers for that scenario. You don't need to put all the weight of that scenario on the duelist when it's likely that quick changes across your team could do an even better job. With a scenario so specific, I don't know how there wouldn't be more options to combat it for just about anyone.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Where am I blaming the tools? All I said was that when I tried to rely on evasion, it never turned out well until I used something that provided consistency even if I'm still at risk because the tank is left with 200 HP after one hit from the golem while he is also tanking lizards and worms that try to pass through. Evasion is just unreliable if there's a chance to die from a couple hits or multiple attacks happening in quick succession or simultaneously. My belief is that evasion is only good if there's great support backing them up. If I wanted to blame the tools, then I would say something like, "Olivia sucks because she can't evade one hit and she's the reason why I can never complete the mission." Instead of blaming them, I looked towards other options that I can use if I realize that some things can't be used.

You can rely on assassination for 3-star clears and get that sacred crystal, but that doesn't mean you can farm it efficiently if you always need an assassination kill to finish the mission.

Rorone gaining evasion as an ability after being awakened is just weird. Her skill grants her enormous attack power, while throwing away her already low defense stat. What good will that evasion be when she will either do one of the following: kill the enemy fast enough making evasion not matter at all or likely take a hit to her high health pool which will be restored by multiple healers backing her up. If you're not having multiple healers support a unit with a high HP pool against a boss, then something is wrong.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I have discovered one more thing last week. I wanted to verify it before posting, but (fortunately) I was not able to, so lets get on with it:

> Do high tier fairy rescue map.
> App crashes on map load
> Yeah, fuck you too Aegis.
> Restart game
> Stamina restored oO

Now, unfortunately app crash on map load is relatively common on Android. Until now whenever that happened, I lost energies. Now, I am not sure if I just got lucky this one time and the app crashed slightly before syncing with server or they actually modified the algorithm, but if it is the former - well done Aegis.

Since than I didn't have any crashes, therefore can't confirm. Anyone else had crash on map load recently?

My game just crashed but stamina/charisma weren't lost when I logged back.

Nice !

Ps. I am too lazy to think about nice arguments but I totally agree with Fruit and Exkale. Evasion and other chance skills are cool when there is no other chance you will be able to do map. I did out once too, after 10 tries I managed to complete. I think it was gold rush and map with crazy amount of Pegasus knight . Someone did complete the map with using 4x Cecily. I hope I will never need to repeat out.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

yeah it happpened to me too....its awesome :D

now everytime it crashes you keep your stamina and everything
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Sorry, my example was extreme to make the point clear but ended up confusing u more.

Again, the point is, you should not rely on specific activations of chance skills. Just count their average effect on the battle. The same way u can't do much to avoid a synchronized hit (no matter how well u deploy your healers, there is always a chance of happening).
Bosses don't come alone and we often have several front lines in this game, luckily for us, most Aegis maps are not about beating 1 big boss with a broken black unit or die trying. Most bosses could be beaten if they came alone.

Looking at the big picture, if u can save healing by using a couple of units with dodge, get some extra dmg with units using crits/multi shots, insta killing at least 1 shitty unit, when u average all that, it makes a huge difference weather you can (99% reliably) or cannot clear and farm maps.
Some skills are indeed meant to be used and valued in single duels, like Emiria's, others, like chance ones, must be seen from a wider perspective or just bet on them if u only need a clear.

Leveling your units more or getting another unit? yeah...well...
In the above example, my Alisa was already at max lvl. The options for me at that point where to either correctly exploit a unit with dodge or give up and let them pass until I could get a plat armor to feed to Rin with no guarantee that would be enough. Or well, roll gatcha and get a cheat button XD
The point here is I wasn't relying in a specific dodge, all I needed was 2 out of, idk, 20 attacks. This happens a lot, all the time, but we just don't realize that close 3-star was thanks to an average effect of dodge or crit.

In this particular case, because she has no defense, a dodge-like skill can save her loads of HP. I'd take that over a 10 Magic Resist any time.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I don't know what to do with Rorone. I already fed her 1 copy for the cost down pre CC and I keep getting more. I really don't want her taking up inventory spaces with copies I won't be able to feed properly forever. Why the hell did they do this with an event unit again? x.X It's really obnoxious if you don't have other Valks to feed her to. Guess I could feed her to others. I hope they don't do this again...

Let's just think of this as free food for my units since I'm lacking plat armors atm and have spare fairies :p I do wish I knew what her CGs were like though but I don't have the affection items to spare. Maybe it's for the best, I shouldn't try to like her when I haven't even had time to work on units I like AND need in a long time.

So, how is everybody treating Rorone?
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I already planned on using her as food when I get her cost to -2. An easily farmed half-platinum armor is too good to pass. After seeing Elva's capabilities, I will probably feed some copies to her. I also plan on feeding them to Fran and try to awaken her so I can progress through the story.

I think this is the first event where I actually don't care completely about the event unit. I was going to say the same for Elva, but that attack speed boost is amazing. Her attack speed is slightly slower than monks if you compare them while they both have attack speed buffs on.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I already planned on using her as food when I get her cost to -2. An easily farmed half-platinum armor is too good to pass. After seeing Elva's capabilities, I will probably feed some copies to her. I also plan on feeding them to Fran and try to awaken her so I can progress through the story.

Yeah I have a feeling I know where you're talking about. The 47 map is rough judging by the videos. Everybody I'm seeing just barely clear it either have an awakened Fran or an awakened Claire, both of which I lack. Spica's skill activation takes too long compared to Claire sadly. With the way the map starts, doesn't leave much to work with creativity wise. I'm sure somebody with more patience/time/spare charisma than me will find better methods soon though, lol.

An excuse to awaken two units I've always wanted to awaken? Sure, why not~ Probably have to go with Claire since I have Spica. Now if only they didn't require 4 archers each.

I feel like half my posts about this game now are just talking about awakenings I don't have yet. Since I can't do much without them, hard not to talk about it. Curse you awakenings. Hopefully I have something better to talk about soon, my own messages are starting to annoy me lol. Would be nice to have something new to think about in Aegis soon. Gotta be one of those cool kids with the full team of awakened units someday.

Well, maybe I'd just be bored. I wonder what'll happen to Aegis when everybody has a ton of awakened units.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

@Tieskey, I bet everyone understood your arguments 1st time .

About Rorone: I have only one copy of her right now. I didn't have time so I was doing this fairy map for free fairies and rural for Hana ( unfortunately - no Hana either ) . I still don't know to do with her . Imelia is much more fun and I don't use her, I don't think it will be better with this one. I also very dislike her sprite - she looks like true derp for me and according to story translated by Petite she might just be a derp girl....

@Fruit, mind showing us your group? You've been playing this game much line than me and Exkale but we are buying some crystals and lvl much faster thanks to it. I AW Claire just yesterday. I have lot of gold fairies so I feed her one of my Gadoras (I have 2 left) and happily raised her skill to 4/5.

But this means I have 6 AW already ( and there won't be many soon since I am 1. Broke 2. No more soldiers nor HA's :/ )

EDIT: yay , I decided to run rural while riding to university - one copy dropped and I was able to max out Hana ! I used around 20 copies (she was resisting to get max cost reduced) -> lvl 33 5/5
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Sweet, I just cleared the 47cha story mission using this vid as reference and with this team:


Units not deployed are Aria, Noel, Conrad and Dina.
I had to place Carrie at the exit before my second healer so she could help kill the first 3 fat mummies. Activated all my range dps skills for this wave as well. Switched her out for Berenice afterwards.

The key moment to this strategy is placing your duelist at the right time for pharaoh. Gotta watch for those heal timings.

Edit: Well... the 51cha mission gives 745 prince exp per clear (exp per cha = 14.6), which puts it as the most efficient one for leveling prince. However, none of the new missions are that great for food exp. Unless the drop rates turn out to be higher than Base Struggle After, the latter is still the best.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Finished the rough translations for all of the event maps (my ability to proofread my own writing has been exceptionally dodgy lately). There's some bugs involving the BGM with the new story mission maps, and a freezing bug with the "Deadly Poison Mist" challenge map, so anyone that registered before the 29th is going to get another apology crystal after the February 5th maintenance.

It's also been confirmed that the upcoming second part to the Aegis light novel is going to have a serial code for a new original character.

I wish l'Olonais was a gold unit like Chloris. Abandon isn't a bad skill compared to most of these event-type skills that have awful WT and CT times, but it's not as good as Strengthen Attack IV simply due to the latter skill being so much easier to raise with those silver dragon steaks if you also have extra silver heavy armours on hand. I had to wait until that one gold rush with Conrad so I could do a 30CC20, and then feed him to Dahlia to raise her skill up to 2/5. Giving l'Olonais Abandon III pre-CC would've been an indirect buff to Lyra and Dahlia, so they could more easily compete against the likes of Thetis by having access to something better than dragon steaks. Right now, raising l'Olonais means going through the same thing I did with Dahlia. Fortunately, since the skill doesn't suck at 1/5—unlike most other farm-event character skills that aren't Strengthen Range II (e.g. Belinda)—it's not that big of a deal if the event is mainly just to get her to max cost reduction, and then save one more copy for an eventual 2/5 skill-up before rainbow fairies (or just wait for another Conrad).

It's been a trend with the illustrator Shinya that a lot of his characters are fools (アホの子). The biggest ones being Rune Fencer Charlotte and Monk Gina according to the Japanese community.

Speaking of which, I forgot to post the rough sketches Shinya did for both l'Olonais and the Platinum Healer Saria during the spoiler post before this event:
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Well since everyone is saying shes a sub-par unit, I think I'll farm her and feed her to my units to get them ready for the next event. Speaking of which, which map would be best to farm?

Note that sub-par comment is mostly from players that have already accumulated a huge unit bank. For instance if I want a plug-in with good hp bank, I would rather use Ricca than her. Current girl has her uses, she just doesn't introduce anything new to your team if it is already well established.

As for farming - this is a first event where we get a 12 sta map with 100% drop. Back when we got spoilers for map drops 7 sta maps had 50% drop rate. If that has not changed, 12 sta map is best in terms of expected drop.

Also I have like 130 magic crystals. As a lower level player, should I spend some Sacred Crystals to farm magic crystals and get Janna before she leaves, or should I just wait patiently for Spica to be back in the shop? I don't have a Spica yet and it sounds like shes useful from your guy's posts.

Out of units that have appeared in crystal shop so far (in regular rotation, not counting the ones that appeared in 1mil user celebration) Janna is a lowest priority unit. She is good to have and very strong, but if you don't intend to farm more red crystals quickly, I would rather wait to see what appears next week. At this point I think we can assume Janna sooner or later will be back in shop, and you should be better positioned to farm for her at that point.

Thanks to videos on the wiki just got 3* on the last new story mission a lot easier than it seems at first.

Would the new 51 cost map be worth farming for food, or should I just stick with oasis?

We need to wait for Japanese community to calculate drop rates before we answer this question (unless ofc. we do it on our own). Having said that Scorpion of the desert drops same units as base struggle, and on Crisis map they are only 1 level higher. Unless they have big differences in drop rates, they should be inferior to base struggle. However the final map drops 5 bronzes (including 2 Hassashims) and only one iron so if drop rates are on par it should be best map to farm.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

We need to wait for Japanese community to calculate drop rates before we answer this question (unless ofc. we do it on our own). Having said that Scorpion of the desert drops same units as base struggle, and on Crisis map they are only 1 level higher. Unless they have big differences in drop rates, they should be inferior to base struggle. However the final map drops 5 bronzes (including 2 Hassashims) and only one iron so if drop rates are on par it should be best map to farm.

Just did some quick calculations with base struggle rates, this is under the assumption they are similar.


And this is how two pyramids would have to look like to get close.


The problem with the last map is that it costs 51 charisma, a whopping 27.5% increase compared to 40. In contrast, units are only 2 levels higher, for 10 more exp per feed (or 40, only in the case of the switch from iron -> bronze). Just for reference, these are the drops from the previous set of desert maps.

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Just did some quick calculations with base struggle rates, this is under the assumption they are similar.


And this is how two pyramids would have to look like to get close.


The problem with the last map is that it costs 51 charisma, a whopping 27.5% increase compared to 40. In contrast, units are only 2 levels higher, for 10 more exp per feed (or 40, only in the case of the switch from iron -> bronze). Just for reference, these are the drops from the previous set of desert maps.

Thanks for that write up.
I have been farming the 30 Cost Oasis map all this time thinking it was the best for unit exp but I guess not.

Will probably stick with it though drop 3-4 units and AFK through it makes it ezy mode farm.

Also the bugged out Desert music that plays even though I have it turned off is starting to grow on me it's pretty good.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I was able to get 1-star for the 47 charisma mission after using up all the charisma I got after it was restored by level up. On my latest attempt, the fat mummies died earlier than expected because I slotted in Waltz and placed her near my archers. I wanted to place Olivia during a pre-heal animation but no one was damaged when I was about to place her so she got killed immediately after I placed her. I probably should've placed her earlier, but whenever I did do that she would block the skinny mummies instead of the pharoah. I'll probably attempt the 51 charisma mission before I work on the 47 mission again.

Another thing I could've done is take advantage of Eliza and let her take the hit while I try to place Olivia. There's always next time.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I keep getting this message:

What does it means?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I keep getting this message:

What does it means?

Seems your saved data is corrupted. Unfortunately you will need to write to the devs in order to fix that T_T

Guys, anyone farming the event's fairy map? Any idea of the drop rates?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Seems your saved data is corrupted. Unfortunately you will need to write to the devs in order to fix that T_T
Do you have any idea how to do that?
I don't know japanese.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I saw others posting about getting the black battlemage and decided to try roll for it, and it ended up coming on the 1st gacha.:eek: This has made my week. :cool:
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I saw others posting about getting the black battlemage and decided to try roll for it, and it ended up coming on the 1st gacha.:eek: This has made my week. :cool:

and meanwhile i get silveers and 2 male gold units xD dang my luck suks this time around