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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

globalization is a wonderfull thing eh?
the truth is that they get more by making the game acceptable all around the world.
also on the LOV thread we already got a image of a loli chartacter edited so it doesnt breaks any laws.

its possible that we might get Dina just that she will be editted to the point she no longer is a problem. (main reason why the game was being delayed so much)

This is a very good point actually, lots of games go thru cultural censorship when they get more popular or attempt to go into a new market. Even if it isn't 18+ material.

Luckily though, I'm not really into flat chested characters or loli. But I do understand the issue. Either the Japanese and English versions will have different art for the same units or have totally different units. One side is going to complain they aren't getting it. So most likely they'll just edit units for Nutaku, I doubt they'll stop creating certain characters in general to appease the West.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I have to wonder though. If the english version was not an R-18 game (as in, Nutaku said "fuck it" and went with the all-game version instead) would this game still be under the same amount of...censorship worry, I guess?
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

How nice a world it would be if there weren't always people trying to censor and control art x.x

Kind of off topic stuff >.>
I've always thought about/compared enjoying "questionable" art/games as similar to enjoying horror movies. Everybody watches and enjoys horror movies, but we don't all want to see real people being murdered or want to murder people ourselves. Of course one person in thousands of people will watch a horror movie and get bad ideas, but that's because that one person is sick/ill. That even seems worse to me since it's real living actors playing fictional characters rather than you know, pixels.

Any healthy adult should be able to tell the difference between "questionable" art/games and reality just the same. When people compare lolis, graphic violence or whatever else to actual children and violence, that worries me. I think it's usually a scare tactic to use in arguments against it, but it's still odd to me.

I understand their concern even if I think it's misplaced. There surely are sick people in the world, I just don't think censorship is going to stop them. Seems like it could actually make things worse to me. All you need to do is spend a few minutes with a child to understand. What do they do when you tell them not to do something? They immediately go and do it...That nature never changes, it's been tested haha. If censorship/negativity about questionable fictional things didn't exist, I think things might be better.

I think rather than attempting to censor/forbidding those kinds of thing, they should help spread awareness about it instead and teach kids the difference early on. It's like those schools that tell kids never to have sex instead of to have safe sex if they're going to do it. The latter school will probably end up with a lot less babies and stds :p Spreading fear and misinformation doesn't seem to help much from what I've experienced. Maybe we should start by believing that not all people are horrible monsters.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Moar offtopic stuff:
How nice a world it would be if there weren't always people trying to censor and control art x.x

I've always thought about/compared enjoying "questionable" art/games as similar to enjoying horror movies. Everybody watches and enjoys horror movies, but we don't all want to see real people being murdered or want to murder people ourselves. Of course one person in thousands of people will watch a horror movie and get bad ideas, but that's because that one person is sick/ill. That even seems worse to me since it's real living actors playing fictional characters rather than you know, pixels.

Any healthy adult should be able to tell the difference between "questionable" art/games and reality just the same. When people compare lolis, graphic violence or whatever else to actual children and violence, that worries me. It's funny that those people are doing the same thing that they worry about "psychopaths" doing. They're the ones claiming fiction is too realistic. Well, most of us don't have any trouble telling the difference :p

I don't know how well this train of thought will last though with virtual reality improving though. I can't speak for what they'll be doing to fiction in the future, the line between reality and fiction will certainly get blurrier. I hope people's capacity will improve for that, it seems to have done okay so far with advances in technology. Thankfully I think it'll be a while before virtual reality catches up with reality.

I understand their concern even if I think it's misplaced. There surely are sick people in the world, I just don't think censorship is going to stop them. Seems like it could actually make things worse to me. All you need to do is spend a few minutes with a child to understand. What do they do when you tell them not to do something? They immediately go and do it...That nature never changes, it's been tested haha.

I think rather than forbidding things, you should help spread awareness about it instead. It's like those schools that tell kids never to have sex instead of to have safe sex if they're going to do it. The latter school will probably end up with a lot less babies and stds :p Spreading fear and misinformation doesn't seem to help much from what I've experienced.

Don't waste much time trying to make sense of this because it just doesn't have any.

- A naked woman -> age restrictions (16/18+), censorship, controversy, religious groups flaming, etc

- Humans violently killing other humans -> age restrictions (13) if any

- Walk in the street showing you penis -> the police will arrest u

- Walk in the street with a firearm on your hip -> ... nothing, have a good day sir

(This examples only applies to certain regions but u can always find equivalent ones for others)

By simply turning on the tv at 3pm u can find all sorts of violent movies or shows. Even on the news u can easily watch .. idk, bombings, police videos, fully equipped soldiers ready to kill and war machines. Streaming sites are full of that shit too.

This whole bullshit is no more than human stupidity itself.

Sorry, it gets me a little fed up :S
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I have to wonder though. If the english version was not an R-18 game (as in, Nutaku said "fuck it" and went with the all-game version instead) would this game still be under the same amount of...censorship worry, I guess?

If it wasn't at 18+ game, there would be no issue. The issue comes from sexualization of loli characters. If it was just a loli character who beats up the bad guys, there would be no issue.

My off-topic stuff

I do agree there are some issues within our society, and like you said there is no proof that censoring such things actually helps or stops anything. However look how taboo the subject is, no one has even used the term pedophilia. Instead we off shoot it saying loli, basically agreeing on what the topic is about without mentioning it. Most of the censors for loli is just to keep from backlash. Don't think anyone has ever been charge with just having drawn images of lolis. They usually get busted on having actual child pornography along with drawn images.

Bit more off-topic
Some studies basically have linked pedophilia as a mental disorder. Some synapses in peoples' brains have wired incorrectly and they have sexual urges when they see a child. Even if they don't want to have those urges it happens anyways, the same way we find certain women or men attractive. You can't tell yourself "this really hot lady ISN'T hot". People with pedophilia have that same issue.

The big problem is, even if its a disorder, no one can defend a pedophile without being called a pedophile themselves. Note I'm talking about people with pedophilia and not actual child molesters. So people attracted to children but haven't acted on it. It's such a taboo subject no one can bring it up. So even if it is a disorder no one knows how to create therapy for it, because no one is willing to fund such studies.

You know those anti-homosexual arguments about slippery slope? It's kinda true. Argument for homosexuality is that some people are just born like that. So what if we find out some people are born with sexual interest with pedophilia or bestiality? If we create therapy for pedophilia and bestiality, should we create therapy for homosexuality? What if they aren't curable, is it a disorder still? What if they ARE curable, what impact would that have? It starts to bring up tons of questions, but we can't even touch it because its so taboo in society.

Its going to be a very tough issue to tackle, children are very precious in our society. And we have a very firm stance that children should not have sex. So even such an idea of having pedophilia acknowledged is pretty taboo.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Well I was trying to keep my somewhat off topic stuff somewhat on topic. The main point I was trying to make is that I find the censorship in this game and the English version silly :p But I'm pretty sure most of us would agree.

Though for the record, I agree that nudity carrying as much weight as violence is silly.

I also don't think pedophilia is a choice, which is what I meant by "sick/ill". I think as you said it could be a problem with the "wiring" in their brain or maybe some cases caused by trauma. Pretty sure no healthy person just wakes up one day and thinks: "I'm going to be a pedophile" after all. I do hope we figure out more about it.

Anyways I'll try to stop talking about it here as I don't want to go further down the off topic hole. I am happy that this is one of the few places you can talk about these things though. Not exactly the kind of topics you can bring up with your friends or family. I think it's nice to hear other people's perspectives about stuff like this.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Thank you for all the information on the exact devices you use, that'll be helpful. I'm curious if the people mentioning they had trouble with the 5.0 version Petite mentioned actually got it to work better? I read someone say if you spam the button to play, it eventually lets you, how's that going? Lol

I mostly play on the computer, mainly for the fast forward without having to hold the button down. But anyways, i tried the android version (on my nexus 5 phone (andriod 5.0.1 lollipop) just now, took 5 tries (4 force close on open) and works perfectly fine.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

This is a very good point actually, lots of games go thru cultural censorship when they get more popular or attempt to go into a new market. Even if it isn't 18+ material.

Luckily though, I'm not really into flat chested characters or loli. But I do understand the issue. Either the Japanese and English versions will have different art for the same units or have totally different units. One side is going to complain they aren't getting it. So most likely they'll just edit units for Nutaku, I doubt they'll stop creating certain characters in general to appease the West.

i dont knwo what youre talking about *rumble grumble* im obviously a jerk for pointing out such a natural thing *mumble bad rep for this mumble*

truth is that the western market can bring more money to the company than the japanesse market (this is what happened to the JRPG) for now all what we can do is wait and watch what happens.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I really can't see the western market making an impact and bringing more money without some censorship. Particularly Douka and Daniela. Those two are introduced to beginners after some missions and I was disgusted by their artwork. If it weren't for the gameplay, then I would've quit long ago because of those two units lol. Thankfully, it's not necessary to use those two units.

There's more freedom in artwork in Aigis compared to Kancolle, but there won't be mainstream attention because of some of the art in this game. I haven't played Kancolle, but I know there's discussion about it on other boards because it's not R-18.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Breast demons (Dolka, Danielia) aren't nearly as offensive to people as lil lolis and lil girls are in this type of setting. Breasts, hips, and other parts of the woman are an awkward symbol of age. You see horrid, grotesque lumps of fatty doom on a female character? Syour mind's first thought, regarding her age, is that she's probably older. You see a salt plain as far as the eye can see where a girl's breasts should be? The assume you're probably looking at a child before you think "Ahh, she's just SUPER FLAT".

The whole thing here is that things are being censored/edited/removed/reconsidered based on what the makers think the community will think is inappropriate from a legal standpoint. I dont know of any country where banging of huge titted babe is illegal. On the other hand, getting it on with a child will get you locked up, shot, and seriously f***ed up in pretty much all the ones that come to your mind.

Would I like for there to be no Breast Monsters at all? Oh heck yes I would. But honestly I dislike characters like B.Iris and Dina (Esspecially, Dina. Seriously. WTF kind of tank are you if you're not wearing any f***ing armor!? The sh** is dumb as f***! THEN SHE AW's AND HAS LESS ARMO-*Is carried away by the rant police) more than I dislike the breast demons because the lil girls threaten my sensibility more than the horrid monsters do.

Also, another reason to not like Dani. Seriously where the hell is that girl!??! Im trying reallllly hard to grind the 2 Stamina map and she's Just. Not. Dropiing!! More reason to hate her *Nod nod*
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I wasn't trying to argue against or for the censorship of the loli characters. Those don't appeal to me at all, but most don't offend me. The only ones that do are Dina and Aisha. I would feed those two to another unit if I got them.

I'm just trying to make a point about the western market. Increasing the market size will require sweeping changes if they want to appeal to a broader market. It won't just affect the flat-chested. It will affect other things such as super-slim thongs and breast demons if they want to appeal to the masses.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Addendum to Danielia Hate Above: Appearntly if you complain enough like a lil girl, you get things from Aegis-Sama. She has now dropped 3 of 4 times since that post I made....... -.-
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I wasn't trying to argue against or for the censorship of the loli characters. Those don't appeal to me at all, but most don't offend me. The only ones that do are Dina and Aisha. I would feed those two to another unit if I got them.

I'm just trying to make a point about the western market. Increasing the market size will require sweeping changes if they want to appeal to a broader market. It won't just affect the flat-chested. It will affect other things such as super-slim thongs and breast demons if they want to appeal to the masses.

they dont want to appael to the masses they want to appael to the otakus outside of japan. wich will increase the number of otakus...
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

they dont want to appael to the masses they want to appael to the otakus outside of japan. wich will increase the number of otakus...


Well, considering the % of nippon games that are translated to english or other languages (including all age titles and console ones), I think they don't profit very much from the foreign market.
Just my prejudge talking here but I think most "western gamers" just want to shoot things (FPSs) on their xboxes or play brain dead "movie like" games (Metro, HeavyRain, RE5/6 (well, RE is (or was) a nippon game :p)) involving... more shooting :p

Isn't it time for the usual Petite's news show? :p
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Was there any backlash against Illusion in Japan itself? I thought they just needed to pull Rapelay from foreign markets.
Yes, what happened according to my memory was that someone was selling their copy on amazon.co.uk, and certain feminists from the United Kingdom saw this and started a campaign that reached all the way to organisations in Japan like UNICEF.

I can't give a precise history about every single thing that happened, but among the number of things that happened included Illusion ceasing all sales for Rapelay ( ). The other things that I don't know if they're persisting since then is that Illusion stopped doing titles with male on female rape (I think they did a reverse-rape title).

One or both of the bodies that self-regulate adult games (CSA or EOCS) added some new guidelines with one of them being that all future games cannot have the word rape "レイプ" in the title. The softhouse that Wazakita works for—he's the person who did the illustration for the Dragon Princess Anya—switched the kana for rape around to name one of their titles Playplayplay (プレイプレイプレイ) so you could still see the word rape hidden within it.

I'm not a fan of 3D or insult/rape-themed titles, so you would have to do a search of Getchu's or DLSite's Professional catalog to see if the above stuff is still true, or do your own research on the stuff that happened back then. But suffice to say, the whole incident led to an increase in self-censorship and a decline in artistic expression.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

they dont want to appael to the masses they want to appael to the otakus outside of japan. wich will increase the number of otakus...

The problem I see with that is that is probably associated with social stigma. If I were to talk about this game, then someone will think I'm really weird if they see that it's R-18 and the art is questionable in some places. I wouldn't even talk about this game to other people. Compared to Kancolle, which people might have heard about if they have otaku (hardcore or not) friends or people who watch some anime, then they'll just think it's just an anime thing. To keep it simple, it's acceptable. People aren't associating Kancolle with tentacles, rape, sexualized lolis, or whatever they believe is bad with anime. I've seen Kancolle discussed on another forum (that makes fun of people who watch anime and anime related things or posts things about anime) because it's a tiny portion of the community likes it. I even took a look at the thread once and there was a picture of an Asian woman cosplaying as a character in Kancolle. There are even merchandise for it. Most of the popular otaku oriented things I've seen doesn't have questionable content.

The other thing about the market is reaching as many players as possible that will pay money. If you have a market where 10% of the playerbase pays money occasionally ($10 a month or bi-monthly) and the rest are freeloaders, then they'll need to rely on 1~2% (hundreds or thousands a month) of that 10% to sustain their business or make a profit. You're talking about western players here. They pirate shit. How many of do you expect will pay money constantly? 1%? 2%?

I will stop posting about this. I just want to discuss about things that matter to me about Aigis. I will go on-topic from now on.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Hello there everyone.
I've been playing aegis for about two months now and I have to thank you (especially Petite) for all the guides and information you provided for the game.
My account just got activated so I'm glad I can post here now.

A question that I had is about the archers chance-up that we had for two weeks now, could it be that the upcoming event would be one that requires archers by using a lot of flying monsters or did something like this happened before?
Also between Victoria and -1 min cost 2/5 skill Claire who should I focus on leveling?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

assuming if you don't have super-powerful archers...rolling for additional archers won't help much, since you have to raise them up to make them useful and all that...

If there is an event with a ton of fliers, just use mages instead. Unless it's those flying eyes in which case...I dunno. I never liked 'em. :\ Probably more mages.

As a general rule of thumb you should work on units you like...but really, why not both? :3 Never hurts to have a lot of pew pew.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Upcoming Maintenance on February 19th between 10:00~15:00:
-Emergency Mission "Great Treasure of Healing" Ends.
-Emergency Mission "Dragoon's Oath" Begins.
-Same Class Synthesis Bonus Added.
+Base EXP Increased.
+No Difference Between Male/Female, Class-changed, or Awakened Units.
+Lower Ranked Members Linked to Higher Ranked Class Members.
-Premium Summoning Chance-up Units Changed.
+Archer Class Chance-up Summoning Ends.
-Ability to Check Experience Until Next Rank and Mission Rewards.
-One Apology Crystal for Bug Involving Enemies Not Cancelling Their Attacks When Units Become 0-Block With Skill.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Yes, what happened according to my memory was that someone was selling their copy on amazon.co.uk, and certain feminists from the United Kingdom saw this and started a campaign that reached all the way to organisations in Japan like UNICEF.

I can't give a precise history about every single thing that happened, but among the number of things that happened included Illusion ceasing all sales for Rapelay ( ). The other things that I don't know if they're persisting since then is that Illusion stopped doing titles with male on female rape (I think they did a reverse-rape title).

One or both of the bodies that self-regulate adult games (CSA or EOCS) added some new guidelines with one of them being that all future games cannot have the word rape "レイプ" in the title. The softhouse that Wazakita works for—he's the person who did the illustration for the Dragon Princess Anya—switched the kana for rape around to name one of their titles Playplayplay (プレイプレイプレイ) so you could still see the word rape hidden within it.

I'm not a fan of 3D or insult/rape-themed titles, so you would have to do a search of Getchu's or DLSite's Professional catalog to see if the above stuff is still true, or do your own research on the stuff that happened back then. But suffice to say, the whole incident led to an increase in self-censorship and a decline in artistic expression.

Idk if u are replying to me or just to all but to clarify, I was talking about your usual maintenance news post :p

Thx for the details, with this I think we can start moving on topic again as others already suggested. Lol that name... (actually searched for it, not my type of game but some girls looked nice)

Edit: and there it is :)