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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

The problem with waiting until the 2nd week is that you're wasting charisma in the first week. In the end you'll have to spend more crystals altogether because you'll also need to spend them on charisma if you're planning on completing her in time.

Ahhh... thats true......
For thos who just aim for 700 seal doesnt have much problem with chr, but if you aiming 1500, looks like you need to spend crystal for chr recovery as well if you only going for 2nd week onward, so i guess most ppl who aim for 1500-1600 seal already start spending their crystal with natural chr recovery from 1st week on
Still, giving collection event just after gold rush T_T i wish i had my saved crystal pre gold rush so that i can aim 1100, /cry
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

It depends on how you want to approach the event. For a free player with very little sacred crystals, it is more efficient to wait for the second week for better ratios to spend sacred crystals on stamina regeneration. For players that want to get a maxed out Nagi as efficiently as possible, then it is better to consume sacred crystals on stamina regeneration as early as possible.

Here's something I did quickly. As a warning it is not 100% accurate and it's just an estimate.

3,360 charisma per week
168 stamina per week

I will be assuming the next phase will follow the same pattern a Liana's event. 90/12 = 21 sealing talismans.
Natural charisma + natural stamina:
1st week - about 23 runs, ~2100 stamina unused for the event
2nd week - about 12 runs, ~2200 stamina unused for the event
At least 500 sealing talismans. That number is below what is expected because I did not include running other missions.

Natural charisma + natural stamina + regenerated stamina:
1st week - about 65 runs, 18~25 sacred crystals spent
2nd week - about 36 runs, 18~25 sacred crystals spent
At least 1,500 sealing talismans. Same as above, numbers are not very accurate but it should be a close estimate.

To get the remaining amount, 7~8 sacred crystals will be spent. 36 sacred crystals is not accurate because timings will usually be messed up by restoring stamina constantly.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

All the time I've spent on 50/7 was pretty lucrative so far. From the 52 runs I did in 50/7, I've collected 7 Kagerou and 8 plat cans. This puts both of them at about 12~15% drop rate. Not sure if that's the case for others, but it's been good for me.
Just as a comparison, Noel and Kagura's event had the following two maps:

Armoured Band Extreme (60/5):
Cecily (10), Soma (10), Nenya (10), Platinum Armour (15)

Giant Beast's Rampage Extreme (60/5):
Valery (10), Kagerou (10), Platinum Fairy (20x2), Platinum Armour (15)

The High-tier Monday daily is 60/3, and has a 15% Platinum Armour drop (I don't know the rates for the 80/3 Extreme-tier Monday daily).

If they switched Kagerou with Saizou, then the 50/7 map would not be so awful (Saizou being worth 300+XP, and having a skill that's useful for over half a dozen other units). But they decided on Kagerou, who is undoubtedly the most useless silver unit in the game if you aren't a player that uses her (though she lost 1/3 of her uselessness after that they made it so her CC material is a silver ninja instead of a rogue, but that doesn't solve her being worth 100+xp and having a unique skill). A 15% Platinum Armour drop isn't impressive; people deserve better.

If they don't make it so the best sealing talisman map drops black fairies during the second phase, then I'm really going to be vexed with this event. They can include rainbow fairies if they want, but it has to have black fairies, none of this tossing sacred crystals into the void nonsense.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I wasn't around for those two events so I had no experience to compare it to, but this is the most luck I've had for platinum armors since Imelia's event. I'm merely basing my experience on how much I gain per month and I've rarely gotten more than 1 per month from doing the Monday dailies. A few months ago, during the bonus drop rate event, I was only able to get 2 platinum armors after spending a 8 crystals while others were able to get 4~6. I'm just happy about being able to gain a significant amount of resources after a long time.

I do agree that other maps from previous events can be far more lucrative and rewarding, and that these missions are regressing a bit as far as rewards are concerned. I was peeved at the Rainbow Fairy drop for Liana's event because it's very unlikely to get 1 even after spending so many crystals. I did get one as a drop early on, but I never expected any more after that because of how low the chance will be. At that point, players are relying on the progress rewards to make up for the crystals spent and that will not match the expected amount dedicated item farming will bring. I am hoping for black fairies as a drop in the second phase, but it feels unlikely and I won't be holding my breath. It would be too convenient if they allowed both black fairy and plat armors as a drop in one event, albeit in different missions. I do need at least 50 of them. :(

I do like the Kagerou drop because I never farmed for her much, and I needed 5 more copies so I can be prepared to CC/AW both Nagi and Saki whenever I am able to. It can be better for other players if they already have a stock of silvers for every class, but this is the only chance I have at getting Kagerou and Platinum Armors from one mission.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Ayone remember which mob drop the 3 fairy on the last map?
I'm trying to get the rainbow fairy with this strat.

But well don't have enuff cost for starting deployment of HA (the 1 this friend acc has is 1x HA bernice with 23 cost) so im thinking to skip the 1st 5 ninja before deploying (hoping they dont have fairy in them)

Although the last 3 white ninja on top might be problem as well, just gonna use eden + aria + any ranged i can spare and pray she survive.

The only fairy drop i remember is from the top hidden 1 (gold)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

That feeling when you have no units to use rainbow fairies on, my box is getting full.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Get the 2nd barrack for another 250 space.

HOW to AW skill i want to have that pirate girl with that big gun of her. Can anyone help??? Gold unit 1 Aw its 5% rate drop. Not that new girl
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

That feeling when you have no units to use rainbow fairies on, my box is getting full.

Gimmeh! :< I want rainbow fairies :(


Btw. Did 3star 100/2 using this tactics: it is quite easy cost wise. No need to worry much about having too expensive characters (although you should check before if you an manage until first healer.)
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I have a question guys. Is it worth to buy any of TP silvers for 100K? I have something like this right now s main team - farming 2nd map of event for seals =-=

I don't think that buying silver units from shop is a terrible idea... but only at later stages of the game, when you can afford it without much trouble. VH are nice, sure, but on your level you need that 100k gold more to level your units.

HOW to AW skill i want to have that pirate girl with that big gun of her. Can anyone help??? Gold unit 1 Aw its 5% rate drop. Not that new girl

Need AW unit, with max skill level. It is than available as first option in AW menu (button looks similar to that for special AW). Costs an AW fairy, AW orbs and gold.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Need AW unit, with max skill level. It is than available as first option in AW menu (button looks similar to that for special AW). Costs an AW fairy, AW orbs and gold.

Noooooo........ don't remind this...
CC + AW nagi will be a huge pain + i need to feed her rainbow fairy as well.
If you have rainbow fairy left you might want to save plenty for nagi thats if you didnt go for max stat her
btw anyone already prepare 6 ninja master orb ?

And my guess is there still no news on her skill, guess they gonna keep it secret until 2nd week OR until you actualy got her :(
(Saki - increase range / 3 shuriken / instant death) wonder what nagi will be i wish something along the line of range / aoe / atkup
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I did translations of some music videos for Aegis-related song parodies that Ipa made on Nicovideo. You can watch/read them .

There you'll find translations for the following music videos:
1) ナナリーのテーマ (Nanaly's Theme) *Ashley's Theme*
2) 射抜け!ストレイくん (Shoot! Strey-kun) *Swim! Taiyaki-kun*
3) ヒューマンブルー (Human Blue) *Rainy Blue*
4) アイギスの神様 (Aegis no Kami-sama) *Romance no Kami-sama*
5) 女神さまの唄 (Song of the Goddess) *Original*

A wild lolicon used Nanaly's Theme for (he made up to 20 videos of a similar nature), but seeing a bunch of Nanalys strutting around amuses me enough that it's worth seeing after watching the original. EDIT: The alternate line was from an advertisement that had Nanaly talking out-of-character "私とエッチできちゃうエロゲーらしいよ。笑" (Like an eroge where you get to do lewd things with me. *giggle*). A lot of this game's old advertisements were bizarre, and I'm glad I never saw them because I wouldn't have tried this game (i.e. there's one with the following line: 'this game is 99% for masturbation', and the joke is that the all-age version is the other 1%). So fortunate I saw a normal banner with a screen of the gameplay and Bashira on it.

Out of the songs, Strey-kun's is the funniest, though I like Human Blue the most, but that's because I was partially familiar with Rainy Blue beforehand.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Okay why is Ryuryu called Ryuryu...? If I'm not mistake that would be Dragon Dragon wouldn't it? That doesn't seem to match her design or Christmas in general.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Okay why is Ryuryu called Ryuryu...? If I'm not mistake that would be Dragon Dragon wouldn't it? That doesn't seem to match her design or Christmas in general.

Ryu could be a kanji for a different word too, But my kanji knowledge is very limited so I don't hold the answer.
Petite should know it.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

because that's just how her name is written. 聖夜の魔女
リュリュ. Unless you have a creative mind and and decipher what the heck ryu ryu is(can't be lulu because thats ルル), you just sound it out and stick with that. Her name has nothing to do with dragons because its written in Katakana, not in kanji or hiragana. You have to just take it for what it is.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Ryuryu's name is written in katakana (リュリュ). Dragon is ryuu (竜; りゅう), not 'ryu' (りゅ). One thing you're going to find out if you ever learn Japanese is that the way some words are ingrained into your head are highly likely to act as a stumbling block. Case in point, Tokyo is really Toukyou (東京; とうきょう), which means you can't write it as 'ときょ'.

I have no idea what Ryuryu's name is based upon. It's an unconventional way of writing Lulu in Japanese; the more common ways of writing Lulu are ルル or ルールー (the latter is the one used for the FFX character). More often, it's just romanised as Ryuryu, and since there's another witch called Yuyu, I think it's safe to assume that she's just another example of WankoP's lack of imagination in coming up with names for these characters (i.e. Imelia and Emilia). There's a joke that a gimmick map is going to have a condition where you can't deploy any units with 'リ' in their name (most of the characters have this character, so good luck figuring out a good team if such a gimmick ever comes to pass).
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Well Lulu makes far more sense as a name then what I was thinking. Never learned to read or write Kanji, Harigana, or Katakana... really need to stop procrastinating there. Once again thanks petite.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Im gonna use just a few crystals just incase I cant beat 90/12 so I can still make 1100 with 70/8
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

A wild lolicon used Nanaly's Theme for

Haha I watched that one first before the translated one, and suddenly the song makes complete sense.

Also Poor Strey-kun, I have sacrificed him so many times for the greater good.

I guess they haven't released any information on the new ninja Nagi yet?
I have high hopes after all Liana was good and has earned her place in my roster quite easily so I am hoping she can do the same (She better god damn it I hate collection events)

Finally got my Dragon Princess Anya to level 70, I have stockpiled quite a few plat armours but no fairies.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I'm close to awakening my Nanaly, and she's 5/5. Is it best to Skill Awaken her?